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austin granger
24-Apr-2013, 18:42
We might have crossed paths-I was at Burning Man in 2000 as well. I understand about desert fatigue, believe me.

Tin Can
24-Apr-2013, 19:08
I was part of the 50 person 'Solo's'. We all met on the Internet and only first met, in person, at Burning Man. It was a good year and my only one. I had a green Honda Civic with NOT ART stickers like a Rally Car. It was out on the Playa. I also had 3 'Human Weather Vanes' way out on the Playa. Here is a very short video of the Vanes being used as wind surf boards. This may not work.


Try here. http://www.flickr.com/photos/36341684@N07/8679935364/in/photostream

We might have crossed paths-I was at Burning Man in 2000 as well. I understand about desert fatigue, believe me.

24-Apr-2013, 20:08
An old one recently developed. Fujica 6x9, Acros

John Rodriguez
24-Apr-2013, 20:52
Cool fence Austin.

Grass in Tree in Morning Light - Briones


Rain Dance
24-Apr-2013, 20:55

Rain Dance
24-Apr-2013, 20:57

24-Apr-2013, 21:45
Lotta great pics on this page!

25-Apr-2013, 00:34

austin granger
26-Apr-2013, 08:40
Outside Winnemucca


andrew gardiner
26-Apr-2013, 11:02
Nice pictures Austin, I see you get on with that square format very well.

Tin Can
26-Apr-2013, 11:16
My lasting mental photograph of Winnemucca, is one of a cowboy, his old pickup truck and very aging small Airstream. It sure looked like he lived and traveled in that Airstream. I can see him perfectly...

26-Apr-2013, 13:58
Handheld, windy day, Fujifilm X-E1 - Minolta MD 28mm f2.0, wide open, of course:

26-Apr-2013, 14:08
I like the colors!

26-Apr-2013, 19:30
Nice shot, buggz. I dunno about you, but I love my X-E1.

Tin Can
26-Apr-2013, 19:38
lalalalalal, not listening

i do want one :(

Nice shot, buggz. I dunno about you, but I love my X-E1.

26-Apr-2013, 19:40
lalalalalal, not listening

i do want one :(

Heh. If I was buying right now, Randy, I'd probably go for the X100s.

Tin Can
26-Apr-2013, 20:07
It is becoming hard for even a old divorcee to justify another camera to himself.

I am going to use what I have, D7000, for a few more years. It does all I need.

I find great peace shooting film, and then darkroom time. Kinda like that Zen thread, but as anyone knows, Zen is not knowing.

Heh. If I was buying right now, Randy, I'd probably go for the X100s.

Roger Cole
26-Apr-2013, 22:05
Thank you Roger. That's very kind. I do spend a lot of time on my photography (I breathe and eat between shots), but if you could see my contact sheets you would know that I continue to make a great many bad pictures. I don't know what my 'batting average' is of decent pictures but let's just say if I were a baseball player, they'd be sending me back down to the minor leagues. I can also tell you that you're going to get sick of these desert pictures pretty soon. :-) Thanks again.

Nearing Winnemucca, Late

Brothels, Winnemucca

Iced Fence, Oregon


To your last statement, I very much doubt it.

I think I just have too many interests. If I canned everything else I do for fun and out of interest (IOW, not work for family obligation) I could probably spend twice as much time in the darkroom and shooting (in that order - I do enough shooting, it's darkroom time I don't have, what with set up and clean up until I can get some #$%^ running water down ther) where was I? Oh yes...then I could turn out 2-3 photos a year I really liked.

27-Apr-2013, 10:32
Nice shot, buggz. I dunno about you, but I love my X-E1.

Yes, nice.

I traded my XF 18mm and 60mm in for the new 18-55mm zoom. I'm liking it as an easy to carry, one lens kit on my XP1. I take it hiking frequently these days.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8520/8671262392_04b488e863_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8671262392/)
Fragrance Lake Hike (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8671262392/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

27-Apr-2013, 10:55
Yes, nice.

I traded my XF 18mm and 60mm in for the new 18-55mm zoom. I'm liking it as an easy to carry, one lens kit on my XP1. I take it hiking frequently these days.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8520/8671262392_04b488e863_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8671262392/)
Fragrance Lake Hike (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8671262392/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Beautiful shot, tuco. Is that the Velvia simulation?

I'm dying for them to come out with a pancake lens for it. I got the 18 just because it was the most compact lens in the lineup, but it's not really all that compact. I'd love to have a fast, 40-equivalent pancake lens. When they put a pancake out it will probably be the 35-equivalent that's on the X100s, I guess, which is fine, too.

27-Apr-2013, 11:02
Beautiful shot, tuco. Is that the Velvia simulation?

Thanks. No, it is processed from the RAW file. The pancake is on the lens roadmap sometime this year.

EDIT: And the pancake will be a 27mm/f2.8 which is 40mm equivalent

27-Apr-2013, 11:06
That is a lovely photo indeed. This is an old one of mine, obviously not up to the same standard.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8119/8686617876_094b163975_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/8686617876/)
St M's Velvia 50 - RB67 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/8686617876/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

27-Apr-2013, 11:11
Thanks. No, it is processed from the RAW file. The pancake is on the lens roadmap sometime this year.

EDIT: And the pancake will be a 27mm/f2.8 which is 40mm equivalent

Hot damn!

An X camera shooter shooting RAW? Who ever heard of such a thing? :)

27-Apr-2013, 11:13
Looks pretty darn good to me, Nguss.

27-Apr-2013, 11:21
Hot damn!

An X camera shooter shooting RAW? Who ever heard of such a thing? :)

Ha, yeah, first time for everything. Here are some first shots trying out the 18-55mm. One at 18mm and one at 55mm. At 18mm on the zoom, it is a sharper lens than the 18mm prime.

Looks darn good to me too, Nguss.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8539/8680406692_7d34ee7b31_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8680406692/)

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8530/8679297339_572998e2ed_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8679297339/)
Edmond, WA (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8679297339/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

27-Apr-2013, 11:24
Thanks Barnninny, I am loving your large format urban landscapes especially at the moment. Pretty superb.

Thanks too Tuco. Every time I see one of your shots however is always get jealous and say 'DAMN'. You have some great shots on display.

27-Apr-2013, 11:49
I've heard good things about the 18-55. It's just too bulky for the way I use the camera.

27-Apr-2013, 12:04
It's all relative. The XP1 is a small camera to me. Much smaller and lighter than my DSLR or medium format film cameras I'd otherwise use.

27-Apr-2013, 14:47
It's all relative. The XP1 is a small camera to me. Much smaller and lighter than my DSLR or medium format film cameras I'd otherwise use.

Definitely true for me, as well. Just not as small as I'm looking for in a have-on-you-at-all-times camera.

28-Apr-2013, 09:51
Great shots, tuco and Nguss.

28-Apr-2013, 10:58
Thanks too Tuco. Every time I see one of your shots however is always get jealous and say 'DAMN'. You have some great shots on display.

You're too kind.

Great shots, tuco and Nguss.


austin granger
28-Apr-2013, 15:52
A few more from my morning stroll around Winnemucca:





28-Apr-2013, 20:26
Some architecture. Admiralty Head Lighthouse, Fort Casey State Park, Whidbey Island, WA

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7043/8691486754_faeef87b4e_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8691486754/)

500C/M, Zeiss Distagon CF T* 50mm FLE, New Portra 400, Jobo C-41 Press Kit, Home Developed

Tin Can
28-Apr-2013, 20:32
Very nice tuco!

I may have to get into DIY C-41.

I also want a job in that lighthouse!

Rain Dance
28-Apr-2013, 20:45
Fuji xe1 + nikon 50/1.8



28-Apr-2013, 21:16
Very nice tuco!

I may have to get into DIY C-41.

I also want a job in that lighthouse!

Thanks. The lighthouse is inactive but people work there it looks like.

28-Apr-2013, 21:29
Love those shots Austin. Especially the little bungalow.

austin granger
29-Apr-2013, 08:10
Love those shots Austin. Especially the little bungalow.Thanks Bryan. I often think I'd like to live a simple life in a little house like that. It'd be pretty crowded with a wife, three kids, a cat and two frogs though...

29-Apr-2013, 10:21
Especially with one of the rooms converted to a darkroom.

Tin Can
29-Apr-2013, 10:23
That made me laugh!

Especially with one of the rooms converted to a darkroom.

29-Apr-2013, 16:21
This is from last summer. I don't shoot much color film and usually wait until I have enough rolls to justify mixing up a color kit. This roll didn't have much on it besides pictures of friends along on the hike. But here is one of the lookout on top of Mount Pilchuck, WA.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8257/8693874468_aa1d267715_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8693874468/)

M7II, 65mm, New Portra 400, Jobo C-41 Press Kit

29-Apr-2013, 17:49
I usually prefer to drive, but on those rare occasions that my wife drives it frees me up for other things.

Mamiya 7, Delta 400



30-Apr-2013, 08:40
An accidental double exposure. It has happens when you switch backs on a 500C/M and forget to advance the frame after your last shot.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8114/8695485132_1f8300dd7d_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8695485132/)
Pike Place Public Market, Seattle, WA (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8695485132/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Ektar 100

30-Apr-2013, 10:42
Heh. As accidental double-exposures go, that one turned out pretty darn well.

Tin Can
30-Apr-2013, 10:47
I couldn't do that if I wanted to...

Really good image!

Heh. As accidental double-exposures go, that one turned out pretty darn well.

30-Apr-2013, 10:50
Heh. As accidental double-exposures go, that one turned out pretty darn well.

Yes, fortunately the roll was all shot at the same location. I had switched backs to shoot a BW. And this gotcha at least gives you an image whereas leaving the lens cap on with my rangefinder gives me nothing.

30-Apr-2013, 11:21
Indeed, cool shot!

30-Apr-2013, 13:10
I couldn't do that if I wanted to...

Really good image!

Indeed, cool shot!


gerry schnaible
30-Apr-2013, 13:28
This was shot on a Nikon D5100 AFS 40mm Macro 2.8 on my kitchen counter w/sunlight and a reflector card. The second is an attempt at a little humor considering the forum.
94358 and


Rain Dance
30-Apr-2013, 14:05
Fuji Xe1 + 50/1.8



30-Apr-2013, 19:17

My D600 and 50/1.4d was what I had with me handy. Out and about working on Great Diamond Island off of Portland ME. Unused water tower. I'm often noticing interesting patterns on structures where trees have brushed against them in storms.

Trying new things for nature photography.


30-Apr-2013, 19:59
Heceta Head Bed & Breakfast, Florence, Oregon

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8540/8697740444_25a97dc3cf_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8697740444/)

Ektar 100, Jobo C-41 Press Kit

30-Apr-2013, 21:20
Flowers, tree buds, and porches. Must be spring!


Love this one. The color, the texture, the lines, the whole megillah.

austin granger
1-May-2013, 10:25
Steel Bridge, Portland


1-May-2013, 13:10
helped a buddy with some lighting for an engagement session he did. afterwards he let me have at his 5dMkII.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8126/8700117934_accf5ca64e.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/atimelyexposure/8700117934/)

1-May-2013, 21:47
Steel Bridge, Portland


Hey, I've seen that bridge somewhere before.

Still like the diorama look of the first version.

1-May-2013, 21:49
helped a buddy with some lighting for an engagement session he did. afterwards he let me have at his 5dMkII.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8126/8700117934_accf5ca64e.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/atimelyexposure/8700117934/)

Good lord. That's a keeper, Evin.

gerry schnaible
2-May-2013, 08:47
That shot with the lava hitting the sea is great. Thanks for posting your photos.

2-May-2013, 14:20
The wonders of modern tech. Handhold this Nikkor 70-200/2.8GII zoomed to 195mm at 1/50th pretty easy with its stabilization assistance. A new experience for me, anyway.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8127/8701828137_7077628bc6_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8701828137/)
Docking Ferry (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8701828137/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

B+W grad NDX4 filter

2-May-2013, 14:21
Took some friends cliff diving, fun was had by all:

Nikon 70-300mm Portra, 160

Nikon 15mm, Portra 160

al olson
2-May-2013, 15:43
The wonders of modern tech. Handhold this Nikkor 70-200/2.8GII zoomed to 195mm at 1/50th pretty easy with its stabilization assistance. A new experience for me, anyway.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8127/8701828137_5817b86ffd_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8701828137/)
Docking Ferry (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8701828137/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

B+W grad NDX4 filter

Stunning! If you can say it is not an HD then I am even more impressed. Great photo nonetheless.

2-May-2013, 16:17
Took some friends cliff diving, fun was had by all:

It looks fun and warm! I'd need nads of steel to jump in any water around my area for at least a couple more months.

Sunset in Edmonds, WA

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8268/8701617743_1f64beb21c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8701617743/)
Sunset, Edmonds, WA (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8701617743/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Grad NDX4 filter

2-May-2013, 16:23
Stunning! If you can say it is not an HD then I am even more impressed. Great photo nonetheless.

Thanks. You mean HDR? No, it is a single shot with intentionally crushed blacks.

2-May-2013, 17:47
Both are brilliant, tuco. Great use of the "power positions" in the composition of the second one.

Rick A
2-May-2013, 17:47
Non descript shot taken with a Mamiya c-330s on 33 year old Tri-x 320(dated 1/17/80)
Developed in Rodinal 1+100 semi stand one hour and printed on Forte Salon


2-May-2013, 18:16
Both are brilliant, tuco. Great use of the "power positions" in the composition of the second one.

Why thanks.

Tin Can
2-May-2013, 18:23
Good to know I can use some of my old film.

Love Mamiya TLR's, particularly the earliest ones. I cannot get a handle on the short lenses, framing.

Non descript shot taken with a Mamiya c-330s on 33 year old Tri-x 320(dated 1/17/80)
Developed in Rodinal 1+100 semi stand one hour and printed on Forte Salon


2-May-2013, 18:28
I hope to get my small-format kit out this weekend and do some street shooting at a music festival -- the C330 and X-E1. I was gonna take the Sinar out there, but it's going to be raining, and I'm not proficient enough with the mechanics of using the thing, yet, to comfortably take on using it in rain and crowds.

Ian Gordon Bilson
3-May-2013, 02:17
Good to know I can use some of my old film.

Love Mamiya TLR's, particularly the earliest ones. I cannot get a handle on the short lenses, framing.
If you obtained a Paramender,you could get a handle.
Or,a 2-inch rise on your tripod mark,
Or,wing it..

al olson
3-May-2013, 06:10
Thanks. You mean HDR? No, it is a single shot with intentionally crushed blacks.

Yes, I meant HDR. I thought I had proofed my comments before posting. Oh well.

Crushed blacks? Meaning that you shifted the histogram to the left and then expanded the contrast? I still like it!

3-May-2013, 06:47
Yes, I meant HDR. I thought I had proofed my comments before posting. Oh well.

Crushed blacks? Meaning that you shifted the histogram to the left and then expanded the contrast? I still like it!

Yes, pretty much. I compress the scale in blacks among other edits such as selective color desaturation.

Tin Can
3-May-2013, 08:11
I hand hold TLR's and have an aversion to a Paramender. I just don't shoot short lenses, saves buying expensive solutions. 135 and 180 is great. I like 180 with the square plastic lens hood, a real scary looking rig. Actually, I sit in a chair and shoot street with the thing in my lap. Zone focus.

If you obtained a Paramender,you could get a handle.
Or,a 2-inch rise on your tripod mark,
Or,wing it..

austin granger
3-May-2013, 10:13
Self with Giant Truck, Nevada

Winnemucca Suburbs

Dave's World, Oregon


gerry schnaible
3-May-2013, 10:27
Fantastic shot. When I first picked up the Nikons I have now and ran into VR it blew me away. I was always very old school and it knocked outta my seat. Gives you a lot more time to spend on the non mechanical operations of photography. Beautiful.

3-May-2013, 12:39
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8258/8702244103_b91d0f1a84_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/8702244103/)
Tyne at twilight digital (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/8702244103/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

In town the other night.

3-May-2013, 16:35
Very nice. Really like the repetitive pattern of arches.

3-May-2013, 20:57
I like all the different color temperatures of the lights, Nguss.

3-May-2013, 21:28

Mylestom Beach, NSW, Australia

Sony A850

4-May-2013, 00:35
Thanks guys, I am using an old Nikon 28mm Ai-s it's a nice lens, but I think I need a 24mm. I wonder what the Samyang tilt-shift will eventually be like.

I very much like that beach photo Greenspeed, the colour palette is lovely.

John Rodriguez
4-May-2013, 08:57
Lovely tonality and soft color Greenspeed. I especially like the bottom 3/4 of the frame.

John Rodriguez
4-May-2013, 09:06
I need input on two subtly different versions of an image.

Version A


Version B


Which do you prefer? Please only respond if you're viewing on a calibrated monitor.

Tin Can
4-May-2013, 09:20
Version A


Peter Mounier
4-May-2013, 09:42
I see a very minor difference. The 2nd one looks a little warmer and slightly lighter, but since it is mainly shadow, I think it needs to be cooler and darker. The first one is better (but still looks a little red and maybe a bit too light).


Nathan Potter
4-May-2013, 10:41
Tiny white arachnid waiting for a meal inside a wild geranium blossom. Black Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada. (In the back country inland from Wolfville NS.)

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8269/8708141822_eabcc123cd_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/argiolus/8708141822/)
35V1-82-27[f1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/argiolus/8708141822/) by hypolimnas (http://www.flickr.com/people/argiolus/), on Flickr

Nikon FE2, Kodachrome 25, 90 mm Series 1 Vivitar macro hand held with dual flash. At about 1:1

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

John Rodriguez
4-May-2013, 10:55
Version A


I see a very minor difference. The 2nd one looks a little warmer and slightly lighter, but since it is mainly shadow, I think it needs to be cooler and darker. The first one is better (but still looks a little red and maybe a bit too light).


Randy/Peter thanks. Here's a Version C with the mid-tones set slightly cooler.


Tin Can
4-May-2013, 11:14
OK, I'll go with 3, I love the tree, I do not like the grass, especially the very near foreground. It distracts.

Steve M Hostetter
4-May-2013, 11:48
This is the only land in Indiana that is held by the Miami Indians in Miami county... This is called, Seven Pillars of Peru. In years past the Miami Indians often held council meetings and other activities within these isolated rooms. At one time even a trading post was located here. Torture of enemies,celebrations,and education of Miami braves were also held here.94519 This is a stitch of 5 vertical shots made with a Nikon d5000 and a 50mm lens

Steve M Hostetter
4-May-2013, 11:50
94521 Seven Pillars of Peru Indiana ,,,a closer look with 4 stitched images made with a 180mm lens

Tin Can
4-May-2013, 11:51

A little more please!

Yes I clicked

This is the only land in Indiana that is held by the Miami Indians in Miami county... This is called, Seven Pillars of Peru. In years past the Miami Indians often held council meetings and other activities within these isolated rooms. At one time even a trading post. Torture of enemies,celebrations,and education of Miami braves were also held here.94519 This is a stitch of 5 vertical shots made with a Nikon d5000 and a 50mm lens

Colin Robertson
4-May-2013, 12:13
Randy, I just re-read the last couple of pages to be sure.
I've been using TLR's since '81, and Mamiya 330's have been my main cameras since '95. If you want to shoot street stuff go with the 55 and HP5 or TriX and just forget parallax. Get in close. The cameras are near enough silent, you can check the finder with a glance.
Parallax is MORE of a problem as soon as you go 135 or longer. Get a left grip for the camera (the ones for the RB cameras also fit, I believe).
The very biggest problem these days is people really notice these brick size cameras. All you can do is turn it to your advantage- the camera itself sometimes becomes the intro to a conversation and photo!

Tin Can
4-May-2013, 12:40

Good advice. I did not realize, parallax gets worse as the lens got longer.

I have two 65's, one shutter works. I will mount it on C33 with RB grip and today is perfect for this. I can't walk far, but I can sit on the sidewalk in a chair. I like RB's also, but people think it's a movie camera. They know a big TLR is a REAL camera.

I usually use a Yashica A, but the C33 is far cooler.

Soon ladies will be going out for Saturday night, and it's warm..

Loading Tri-X 400 now.

I need a break from X-Ray 8X10 failure.

Thanks for some inspiration!

Randy, I just re-read the last couple of pages to be sure.
I've been using TLR's since '81, and Mamiya 330's have been my main cameras since '95. If you want to shoot street stuff go with the 55 and HP5 or TriX and just forget parallax. Get in close. The cameras are near enough silent, you can check the finder with a glance.
Parallax is MORE of a problem as soon as you go 135 or longer. Get a left grip for the camera (the ones for the RB cameras also fit, I believe).
The very biggest problem these days is people really notice these brick size cameras. All you can do is turn it to your advantage- the camera itself sometimes becomes the intro to a conversation and photo!

4-May-2013, 14:18
Wandering through the woods looking for photos and fiddleheads. I don't get tired of the Nikon 105/2 DC lens.


Michael Cienfuegos
4-May-2013, 21:45
Randy, I just re-read the last couple of pages to be sure.
I've been using TLR's since '81, and Mamiya 330's have been my main cameras since '95. If you want to shoot street stuff go with the 55 and HP5 or TriX and just forget parallax. Get in close. The cameras are near enough silent, you can check the finder with a glance.
Parallax is MORE of a problem as soon as you go 135 or longer. Get a left grip for the camera (the ones for the RB cameras also fit, I believe).
The very biggest problem these days is people really notice these brick size cameras. All you can do is turn it to your advantage- the camera itself sometimes becomes the intro to a conversation and photo!

Good idea! I used an old Rolleiflex to shoot street during the San Diego Comicon festival last summer. People see those old cameras and WANT you to photograph them. I had a ball, there were a lot of wierdos out for the four days of that convention.


4-May-2013, 22:41
We had a visit down here in south GA from Mr. Al Sharpton...it was an absolute zoo. I won't get into politics or my thoughts on the matter though.
Anyway, I wanted to shoot some documentary photos but I was not allowed inside as I was not affiliated with any media. The small church, maybe built for 400 people, was packed with at least 1,000, spilling out onto the sidewalk, before I even arrived (early). So much for that.

Nikon F2, Tri-X, Rodinal:

5-May-2013, 01:05
I went on another hike in the Robe Canyon near Granit Falls, Wash. and caught this action with a D600

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8278/8709667524_ae2dc957e6_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8709667524/)
Kayaking The Robe Canyon (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8709667524/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

24-70/2.8G @ 38mm, CPL Filter

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8121/8708544493_890449d246_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8708544493/)
Kayaking The Robe Canyon (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8708544493/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

70-200/2.8G @ 200mm, CPL Filter

5-May-2013, 12:24
Okay, I'm not going to say anything about those two. I already sound too much like a fanboy.

Tin Can
5-May-2013, 12:31
Yes, but next time use ULF... joking!

Okay, I'm not going to say anything about those two. I already sound too much like a fanboy.

5-May-2013, 12:51
Me no get it.

5-May-2013, 13:28
A couple more from the 2013 Robe Race Of Champions. Not only was it a race for these guys but a race for me to get to another spot. I only managed two vantage points. All shot with a CPL filter.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8268/8711382774_d5bfbc0b7b_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8711382774/)
Kayaking The Robe Canyon (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8711382774/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr


http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8555/8710765201_1f082121fa_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8710765201/)
Kayaking The Robe Canyon (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8710765201/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr


5-May-2013, 13:33
Yes, but next time use ULF... joking!

Ha. But if you were determined enough, you cold get a shot. The close proximity shots I was out on some rocks and they went right by within 10 feet.

Tin Can
5-May-2013, 13:43
Nobody ever gets my jokes, I was commenting on the pics.

sorry I added to your comment.

clumsy me.

Me no get it.

austin granger
5-May-2013, 20:01
Wow, those are amazing Tuco.

I found this 'Zombie Lincoln' in my wallet the other day. The picture is actually from a large format neg but I ended up cropping it down to about 6x7cm size.

Abraham Lincoln, Portland


5-May-2013, 20:10
Taking a page out of Austin's book and carrying around a medium format camera for a while. I have trouble making the switch to roll film cameras after such an extended period shooting only LF. It's a whole other way of seeing and I'm out of practice.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Fomapan 400




Tin Can
5-May-2013, 22:44
Yashica A


5-May-2013, 22:53
Taking a page out of Austin's book and carrying around a medium format camera for a while. I have trouble making the switch to roll film cameras after such an extended period shooting only LF. It's a whole other way of seeing and I'm out of practice.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Fomapan 400

Well, when it's a medium format rangefinder, no kidding. Maybe try a TLR. It's got bellows and a ground glass and the image is at least backwards on it. :)

5-May-2013, 22:54
Yashica A


Is she smiling because she knows you, or because she knows she's about to sic the dog on you?

Tin Can
5-May-2013, 23:00
Is she smiling because she knows you, or because she knows she's about to sic the dog on you?

Both, but the dog is beyond harmless. This is my front yard.

6-May-2013, 19:32
Wow, those are amazing Tuco.

Thanks, Austin. I've been itching to do some BW film stuff again. I found one more of the same. This one I tried to make a little more dramatic since it had so much deep shade in the shot. I also found the website these guys chat on and discuss their events. I uploaded a few and they seem to really get a kick out of them.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7287/8715692748_f9c56b0be8_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8715692748/)
Kayaking The Robe Canyon (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8715692748/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Roger Cole
6-May-2013, 19:50
Well, when it's a medium format rangefinder, no kidding. Maybe try a TLR. It's got bellows and a ground glass and the image is at least backwards on it. :)

I certainly wouldn't mind having a MF rangefinder if someone wanted to donate one, but TLRs are great (my Yashica does not have bellows, though, at least not visible ones.) I'm not sure it's for these reasons though. The perspective from the lower level is different enough to be cool and different and engaging, you can photograph people without them noticing much of the time if you wish and, if not or if they do notice, there's something so disarming about a TLR that they don't much care.

I love roaming around with the Yashicamat.

6-May-2013, 20:33
Oh, I've got nothing against MF rangefinders, either. I'd love to have a Mamiya 6. I was just making the point that they are at the far opposite end of the MF spectrum from a LF camera. TLRs are at the extreme near end, and the Hasselblad design occupies the vast middle.

Using an obviously "old fashioned" camera seems to put people at ease that you're a harmless photography hobbyist (or even a pro), and not some creep trying to catch wardrobe malfunctions to post on the intertubez.

Roger Cole
6-May-2013, 22:47
I never thought of it that way. TLRs may be "the extreme near end to LF" in terms of the ground glass and reversed (but upright) image, but they are so simple and quick to use I'd have never thought of them that way. Even my Mamiya 645 with its darkslides for the film backs seems more like a LF camera in some ways (but not others, like the winder grip.) Compared to the Yashicamat it's like carrying an albatross around the neck, too.

6-May-2013, 23:35
The Mamiya 7 is definitely a quick and easy camera to use, and I think that's what throws me. (For this reason it was my camera of choice back in my wedding photography days.) Shooting my Rolleiflex is a slightly slower and more deliberate experience, and in that way it is closer to LF in the way I utilize it.

This week I shot a few frames with my Minox B. Now THAT is about as far from LF as you can get!


7-May-2013, 15:07
I'd love a mamiya 7, one of these days...

I must say I really enjoy the mamiya tlr's though, think its a system I'll continue to use for a while.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8126/8708311588_dc08335904_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bentotman/8708311588/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bentotman/8708311588/) by ben totman (http://www.flickr.com/people/bentotman/), on Flickr

7-May-2013, 15:38
Here's a few recent D600 shots, all handheld at 800 ISO

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8275/8713127052_c1e8efcc90_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8713127052/)
the old man (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8713127052/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8260/8709699214_bd0b04938d_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8709699214/)
encrochment (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8709699214/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8114/8705556225_d6bdf04cce_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8705556225/)
spring fork tree (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8705556225/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8544/8695155982_17156f87fb_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8695155982/)
oppositionBW (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8695155982/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

7-May-2013, 21:24
Mamiya RZ67, Provia 100F.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7386/8719796192_d282d45948_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/8719796192/)
Pacific City Beach (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/8719796192/) by Isaac Sachs (http://www.flickr.com/people/rhitmrb/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7411/8718676205_afd74f48f2_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/8718676205/)
Hang Gliders, Cape Lookout (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/8718676205/) by Isaac Sachs (http://www.flickr.com/people/rhitmrb/), on Flickr

7-May-2013, 22:29
I saw this and had to stop to take a picture. I think the owner of this Jeep watched the movie Mad Max one too many times

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8116/8711817493_a83b662dbe_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8711817493/)

Zeiss 21mm/2.8, Grad NDX4 filter

8-May-2013, 04:21
I saw this and had to stop to take a picture. I think the owner of this Jeep watched the movie Mad Max one too many times

Zeiss 21mm/2.8, Grad NDX4 filter

I would have stopped too; that's pretty creative. I like the Lincoln hood ornaments for gunsights.

8-May-2013, 08:20
I saw this and had to stop to take a picture. I think the owner of this Jeep watched the movie Mad Max one too many times
If you drove that around here, there'd be a large hole in the ground where the Jeep used to be. :eek:

- Leigh

Alan Gales
8-May-2013, 08:43
I saw this and had to stop to take a picture. I think the owner of this Jeep watched the movie Mad Max one too many times

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8116/8711817493_a83b662dbe_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8711817493/)

Zeiss 21mm/2.8, Grad NDX4 filter

This is what Eddie should drive!

Scott Walker
8-May-2013, 10:26
This is what Eddie should drive!


8-May-2013, 11:29
Went hiking yesterday for a few miles with my 2x3 Graphic. Finally got around to trying both a 101mm f/4.5 Ektar and a 15cm f/4.5 Zeiss Jena Tessar. Unfortunately discovered my GG was backwards so most everything was back-focused, but a couple came out. Lesson learned. TMX shot at 50, semi-stand developed in TMX Developer 1:25:



Tin Can
8-May-2013, 11:40
I like the first one, good composition and framing.

8-May-2013, 11:46
Thanks Randy. It's rare for me to take detail images of trees (most of them down here are just plain pines with no interesting features) but this one grabbed me. I will be taking my 4x5 out for a spin this weekend - I'll probably hike all the way back to this tree to re-take it as it's still pretty soft from poor focus at anything larger than this small scan.

8-May-2013, 17:57
Some of my recent small format work...

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7355/8718037924_c44b1ac48a_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petetsai/8718037924/)
Michelle (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petetsai/8718037924/) by PeteTsai (http://www.flickr.com/people/petetsai/), on Flickr

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8535/8704026895_b225b8afa8_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petetsai/8704026895/)
Michelle (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petetsai/8704026895/) by PeteTsai (http://www.flickr.com/people/petetsai/), on Flickr

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8108/8552856324_947d5845b3_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petetsai/8552856324/)
Lidia (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petetsai/8552856324/) by PeteTsai (http://www.flickr.com/people/petetsai/), on Flickr

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8103/8486590505_0db3a083e1_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petetsai/8486590505/)
Michael (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petetsai/8486590505/) by PeteTsai (http://www.flickr.com/people/petetsai/), on Flickr

Tin Can
8-May-2013, 20:07
I really like the 2 up first one. Just makes my eye dance back and forth.

It's an open and shut case!

[QUOTE=petetsai;1024245]Some of my recent small format work...

austin granger
8-May-2013, 22:58
Self, Black Rock Desert, Nevada


Nathan Potter
9-May-2013, 19:03
Austin (Sheik Austin that is). Great image, but your lower extremities are exposed and improperly dressed. :)

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

10-May-2013, 09:48
Lieven - meat delivery man


Pentax 67 - 105mm F2.4 - Extension Tube - TMAX 400

Ramiro Elena
10-May-2013, 11:27
Holly crap!!
I didn't know that canera could take such amazing photos...

10-May-2013, 15:04
Holly crap!!
I didn't know that canera could take such amazing photos...

The black beast! :-) Thanks Ramiro - and thanks again for the flawless transaction

10-May-2013, 16:26
Lieven - meat delivery man

Pentax 67 - 105mm F2.4 - Extension Tube - TMAX 400

Great shot.

10-May-2013, 16:33
Experimenting with shutter speeds for motion blur
Zeiss 21mm/f2.8, NDX8 filter. 1/30 sec

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7314/8725514856_4d0702dbc9_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8725514856/)

David R Munson
10-May-2013, 18:24
Awesome! How did you mount the camera? (I'm assuming it was mounted to the bike)

10-May-2013, 20:05
Awesome! How did you mount the camera? (I'm assuming it was mounted to the bike)

Thanks. Yes, I made a jig that attached to the rear bike rack.

gerry schnaible
11-May-2013, 06:57
Your portrait work is top notch. The one of guy with the cap on is wonderful. The use of DOF and the expression on his face combine into a combination that works rather well. I used to use a Pentax 6x7 for years and the Takumar lenses almost never let me down. But it is your eye for portraiture that really snags me. Well done.

11-May-2013, 08:01
Took a couple of shots while my son's track team practiced.
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8528/8586217427_f402bd9355_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/harrlequin/8586217427/)
Spikes (http://www.flickr.com/photos/harrlequin/8586217427/) by James Harr Photo (http://www.flickr.com/people/harrlequin/), on Flickr
Yashica Mat 124G
Overcast afternoon - f/8 @ 1/250
Ilford HP5+ @ 100
Adonal 1 +50 x 11min
Epson Perfection V600
The negs were very thin. Contrast added in PS.

austin granger
11-May-2013, 09:43
Puget Island, Columbia River

I'd like to title this "Half-a-House," but I'm not really sure just what this structure is/was.


austin granger
11-May-2013, 09:45
In an Abandoned Fortification, Oregon Coast


Tin Can
11-May-2013, 09:49

[QUOTE=austin granger;1025174]In an Abandoned Fortification, Oregon Coast

11-May-2013, 10:05
In an Abandoned Fortification, Oregon Coast


Nice. Did you get a hair cut?

11-May-2013, 10:23
Great shot.

Your portrait work is top notch. The one of guy with the cap on is wonderful. The use of DOF and the expression on his face combine into a combination that works rather well. I used to use a Pentax 6x7 for years and the Takumar lenses almost never let me down. But it is your eye for portraiture that really snags me. Well done.

Thanks gents

yes I'm allready liking my 'new' Pentax - it's built like a tank (and weighs like one :rolleyes:)

11-May-2013, 10:54
yes I'm allready liking my 'new' Pentax - it's built like a tank (and weighs like one :rolleyes:)

Get the folding hood. Reduces the weight significantly as well as the size. And the battery lasts forever. I shoot my P67 almost exclusively with it even though I have the metered prism option.

Tin Can
11-May-2013, 10:59
I like that advice. I have been looking for a MF Pentax and those prisms are the pricey part.

Plus I happen to love WLF, it is like magic.


Get the folding hood. Reduces the weight significantly as well as the size. And the battery lasts forever. I shoot my P67 almost exclusively with it even though I have the metered prism option.

11-May-2013, 11:14
I like that advice. I have been looking for a MF Pentax and those prisms are the pricey part.

Plus I happen to love WLF, it is like magic.


Here is what it looks like with the waist level finder. These are my P6x7 and P67 generations. I've had the P6x7 since new purchased around 1990.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7241/7134802351_d1d020ea61_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7134802351/)

Tin Can
11-May-2013, 11:18
Nice. It seems people prefer MLU models. Which model do you recommend?

Here is what it looks like with the waist level finder. These are my P6x7 and P67 generations. I've had the P6x7 since new purchased around 1992.

11-May-2013, 11:29
MLU without a doubt. Two reasons today. First, it is a much newer camera and chances of problems are much less. There are plenty of problem cameras out there for sale. When you start getting too old of a camera of this type issues begin to arise. Secondly, shooting at 1/60th and slower it really helps to lock it up first when you can.

Edit: I'll add if you are not familiar with the removing/installing the prisim and lens sequence, read up on it. You can break the the chain that controls the aperture for the metered prism. With the folding hood, this is not an issue.

11-May-2013, 11:36
Get the folding hood. Reduces the weight significantly as well as the size. And the battery lasts forever. I shoot my P67 almost exclusively with it even though I have the metered prism option.

Thanks for the advice, I'll check that option out. Although I've noticed for close portraiture with my Rolleiflex it's a lot more difficult to 'follow focus' (perhaps because I didn't practice it enough).
And that battery, does it serve another purpose besides those metered prisms? I just use a lightmeter.

Tin Can
11-May-2013, 11:41
Problem cameras, and I thought Pentax was perfection. At least my H3 and MX are.

Maybe I should just stick to Mamiya TLR and RB, but I may have a line on a good deal neighbor Pentax 67...

so many cameras, so little time

MLU without a doubt. Two reasons today. First, it is a much newer camera and chances of problems are much less. There are plenty of problem cameras out there for sale. When you start getting too old of a camera of this type issues begin to arise. Secondly, shooting at 1/60th and slower it really helps to lock it up first when you can.

11-May-2013, 12:04
Randy, if you're interested I have an extra Pentax 67 body that I would sell for ridiculous cheap.

I've had about 30-40 Pentax 67's go through my hands. I've done repairs on them. They are WONDERFUL cameras, though certainly not for everything, duh. When I first shot MF I shot dozens of rolls handheld all over GA with one, and it kept up perfectly.

Yes definitely get the MLU. I got really good at holding the camera just so that I could trip the MLU with my middle finger of my left hand, steady the camera, and release the shutter. Google "Pentax 67 lenses" and you'll find a comprehensive list of lenses and a rough guide to their performance (definitely try to get the newer generations basically).

I have a WLF and like it a lot, though having the meter prism sure is nice so as not to have to carry around a meter.

11-May-2013, 12:08
Thanks for the advice, I'll check that option out. Although I've noticed for close portraiture with my Rolleiflex it's a lot more difficult to 'follow focus' (perhaps because I didn't practice it enough).
And that battery, does it serve another purpose besides those metered prisms? I just use a lightmeter.

Yes, the backwardness at close distance and getting the camera up to subject's eye-level is harder like you did in your last shot. But you have the prism for those situations. The camera is not fully mechanical. It needs the battery for the shutter. So really long exposures place an additional drain on it the battery.

Tin Can
11-May-2013, 12:14
Thanks Bryan, not now.

At the moment I am beyond camera broke.

I may even get my neighbors for barter, which I always like with hobby items.

I would have extreme difficulty shooting such a heavy camera at eye level and tripping the MLU may be impossible for me. Bad hands.

40 6x7's, you must know them well by now!

Outside, I prefer to guess exposure.

Randy, if you're interested I have an extra Pentax 67 body that I would sell for ridiculous cheap.

I've had about 30-40 Pentax 67's go through my hands. I've done repairs on them. They are WONDERFUL cameras, though certainly not for everything, duh. When I first shot MF I shot dozens of rolls handheld all over GA with one, and it kept up perfectly.

Yes definitely get the MLU. I got really good at holding the camera just so that I could trip the MLU with my middle finger of my left hand, steady the camera, and release the shutter. Google "Pentax 67 lenses" and you'll find a comprehensive list of lenses and a rough guide to their performance (definitely try to get the newer generations basically).

I have a WLF and like it a lot, though having the meter prism sure is nice so as not to have to carry around a meter.

11-May-2013, 12:28
Yes, the backwardness at close distance and getting the camera up to subject's eye-level is harder like you did in your last shot. But you have the prism for those situations. The camera is not fully mechanical. It needs the battery for the shutter. So really long exposures place an additional drain on it the battery.

Ah good to know :rolleyes: I better buy a spare battery then. Thanks again!

11-May-2013, 14:52
Ah good to know :rolleyes: I better buy a spare battery then. Thanks again!

If you ever want to do a long exposure and forgot your locking cable release, there is an option besides bulb. There is a special, hidden mode the camera has. Set the shutter speed half way between X and 1/1000 and press the shutter button. The shutter stays open until you rotate the shutter dial off that setting. That mode is also good for using the 90mm leaf shutter lens in pure leaf shutter mode too. I've been on the same battery for years and have taken many 2 to 4 min exposures as well as a few 40 min exposures in that time frame. But having a spare battery is always a good idea.

11-May-2013, 19:49
A real productive and creative walk early one morning this week. rolleiflex automat tessar. tmy2 in PMK.




Tin Can
11-May-2013, 19:58
Whoa, #2 really grabbed me. Really outstanding comp, patterns and illusion of hugeness. Print that one big!

[QUOTE=jp498;1025389]A real productive and creative walk early one morning this week. rolleiflex automat tessar. tmy2 in PMK.

11-May-2013, 21:31
What Randy said. I thought I was looking down on some arid, windswept valley in California.

11-May-2013, 23:25
Whoa, #2 really grabbed me. Really outstanding comp, patterns and illusion of hugeness. Print that one big!
What Randy said. I thought I was looking down on some arid, windswept valley in California.
Agreed. That looks like an aerial view of a beach with foothills and mountains receding. Really neat shot.

- Leigh

11-May-2013, 23:33
Film version of my Pentax 67 mounted to a bicycle.

400TMY, 45mm f4, Pentax 056 (O2) Orange Filter

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7338/8731105832_ac1521d9d3_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8731105832/)

400TMY, 45mm f4, Pentax Y48 (Y2) Yellow Filter

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7332/8729985607_53ef8d1763_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8729985607/)

11-May-2013, 23:39
Those shots give me vertigo.

Film version of my Pentax 67 mounted to a bicycle.

There's a non-film version of the 67?

12-May-2013, 16:51
Film version of my Pentax 67 mounted to a bicycle.

400TMY, 45mm f4, Pentax 056 (O2) Orange Filter

Too cool!
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7338/8731105832_ac1521d9d3_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8731105832/)

400TMY, 45mm f4, Pentax Y48 (Y2) Yellow Filter

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7332/8729985607_53ef8d1763_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8729985607/)

12-May-2013, 18:07
A few with a pre-war Netter Ikon 6x9 (including a near miss on focus). HP5+

12-May-2013, 19:28
Today I went to St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge in FL. What a great place! It's a little over 1.5 hours away so it's not exactly just "down the road" but I gotta try to get out there more often!

Anyway, I just threw my D800 and 300mm f/2.8 in the trunk just in case (shooting 4x5 / 6x7 mostly), and I'm glad I did - lots of wildlife today. I actually tried to shoot the sunning bird with 4x5, we'll see if it comes out.




Tin Can
12-May-2013, 19:44
Good place to shoot for you!

I will not go anywhere within 100 miles of gators. Had a bad childhood experience. Maybe with a squad of expert RPG shooters...who don't sleep.

Nice bird.

[QUOTE=Corran;1025764]Today I went to St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge in FL. What a great place! It's a little over 1.5 hours away so it's not exactly just "down the road" but I gotta try to get out there more often!

Anyway, I just threw my D800 and 300mm f/2.8 in the trunk just in case (shooting 4x5 / 6x7 mostly), and I'm glad I did - lots of wildlife today. I actually tried to shoot the sunning bird with 4x5, we'll see if it comes out.

12-May-2013, 19:59
That's a tantalizing tidbit of information...care to share?? You've made me quite curious!
At the places I shoot usually, from what research I've done, I can't find a single record of a gator attack. I try to be smart, obviously - I certainly don't get closer than I should. That said, I was hiking a couple of weeks ago near a swamp area, and suddenly there was a huge splash and a gator was making a beeline in the water for me. He was about 30ft away (not sure how big). I just took off running, didn't look back until I was several hundred feet away. Never saw him out of the water...I'm not hiking in that area anymore during spring though, when they are more aggressive with babies around and such.

Tin Can
12-May-2013, 20:13
I have heard that they can run faster than a man for 30 feet, but they wear out.

I was 11, my idiot father was always famous for stupid boat stunts. He claimed he wanted to make sure we were not scared of water, as he was. My lack of fear of water has nearly killed me several times swimming in the ocean.

Back to the story, we were in Florida, 5 person family in a small aluminum boat surrounded by gators. I could not believe it. It was stupid to be in that situation. I insisted we get the f*** out of there ASAP. Minnesota morons!

That's a tantalizing tidbit of information...care to share?? You've made me quite curious!
At the places I shoot usually, from what research I've done, I can't find a single record of a gator attack. I try to be smart, obviously - I certainly don't get closer than I should. That said, I was hiking a couple of weeks ago near a swamp area, and suddenly there was a huge splash and a gator was making a beeline in the water for me. He was about 30ft away (not sure how big). I just took off running, didn't look back until I was several hundred feet away. Never saw him out of the water...I'm not hiking in that area anymore during spring though, when they are more aggressive with babies around and such.

12-May-2013, 20:22
Wow, crazy!!

Now remember, I grew up down here...I don't have much memory of the event, but when I was in Cub Scouts we took a camping expedition in the Okefenokee Swamp. I can remember us little scouts and the parents, and a couple guides, about 4 in each john-boat, floating down the swamp, with gators floating by too, just feet from the boat. They just didn't care. I assume that in situations with a great number of large people they are more wary. I mean we didn't get out and pet them, but they were right there. I have a healthy respect for them, especially having seen a 10-footer before, but I feel like alligator attacks are about as rare as shark attacks (despite being able to get on land!).

Of course then there's stories like the golfer who got his hand or arm bit off when he went to grab his ball (no, that wasn't just a Happy Gilmore moment, it actually happened in Florida).

12-May-2013, 20:59
from the "umbra - penumbra series"
around the house

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7317/8733246711_4d49a61fb6_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8733246711/)
chair penumbra (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8733246711/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7325/8733246459_94b112342d_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8733246459/)
nelson cigar penumbra (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8733246459/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7281/8734397338_a37291fda2_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8734397338/)
umbra madonna (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8734397338/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

inspired by Jonathan

Tin Can
12-May-2013, 21:01
all good, but #3 has a narrative. Interesting!

from the "umbra - penumbra series"
around the house

inspired by Jonathan

12-May-2013, 21:07
Love the lamp shot.

12-May-2013, 21:19
all good, but #3 has a narrative. Interesting!

Yes depending on your point of view you could say

a) she cast a more solid shadow than ordinary objects


b) she more thoroughly obscures the light

I'll let everyone decide for themselves which side of that line they are on, as this is no place for religious or political discussion.

12-May-2013, 21:23
Thank you barnninny.

Tin Can
12-May-2013, 21:27
Not even remotely close to what I was thinking.

Yes depending on your point of view you could say

a) she cast a more solid shadow than ordinary objects


b) she more thoroughly obscures the light

I'll let everyone decide for themselves which side of that line they are on, as this is no place for religious or political discussion.

12-May-2013, 21:42
Not even remotely close to what I was thinking.

Me either when I shot it I was just walking around the house looking at light. Really I'm neither political or religious.
I know you were only comparing the images to each other, I was just looking for a story.

12-May-2013, 23:39
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7308/8733305387_d6754a74e5_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/8733305387/)
Cape Meares Lighthouse (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/8733305387/) by Isaac Sachs (http://www.flickr.com/people/rhitmrb/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7322/8733304831_af47111b3d_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/8733304831/)
Bring Distant Points of Interest Within Close Range (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/8733304831/) by Isaac Sachs (http://www.flickr.com/people/rhitmrb/), on Flickr

13-May-2013, 15:47
Chicken Tikka Massala


Pentax 67 - 105mmF2.4 - extension tube - TMAX 400

Maris Rusis
13-May-2013, 22:09
Dove Lake, Cradle Mountain
Gelatin-silver photograph on Agfa Classic MCC111 VC FB, image area 16.4cm x 21.2cm, from a Tmax 100 negative exposed in a Mamiya RB67 camera fitted with a 50mm lens and #25 red filter. Titled and signed recto, stamped verso.

13-May-2013, 22:15
Chicken Tikka Massala


Pentax 67 - 105mmF2.4 - extension tube - TMAX 400

"Are you lookin' at me? Well there's nobody else here. Are you lookin' at me?"

13-May-2013, 22:37
Dove Lake, Cradle Mountain
Hi Maris,

Normally I like your work, but this one is a bit too unbalanced for my taste.
A right pan, moving the tree a bit farther left and the mountain closer to center, would be more to my liking.
Just a suggestion. Nice shot.

- Leigh

Ramiro Elena
14-May-2013, 04:08
My girl sitting for light test for a Mother's Day Special (http://babyboomsitges.com/?p=370).
Nikon D300 50mm f1,4

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7281/8737156695_4c5989aaa6_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8737156695/)
Sandy (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8737156695/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

Daniel Pinkham
14-May-2013, 04:41
Nice touch Maris. Well done. Look forward to more from you. Thanks.

14-May-2013, 07:58
Chicken Tikka Massala

Pentax 67 - 105mmF2.4 - extension tube - TMAX 400

I'm trying to figure out how that chicken remained still enough for you to get focus on just the eye. It's as perplexing dilemma as what came first the chicken or the egg.

14-May-2013, 09:57
I'm trying to figure out how that chicken remained still enough for you to get focus on just the eye. It's as perplexing dilemma as what came first the chicken or the egg.

I assume she looked too long into the dark eye of the Pentax...

Alan Gales
14-May-2013, 10:09
Hi Maris,

Normally I like your work, but this one is a bit too unbalanced for my taste.
A right pan, moving the tree a bit farther left and the mountain closer to center, would be more to my liking.
Just a suggestion. Nice shot.

- Leigh

It won't work, Leigh. There is a Foster's brewery just to the right of the frame. Maris did a great job of keeping it out of the photograph. ;)

Seriously, I thing Leigh's suggestion is worth considering.

Tin Can
14-May-2013, 10:09
You just want him to get wet!

Hi Maris,

Normally I like your work, but this one is a bit too unbalanced for my taste.
A right pan, moving the tree a bit farther left and the mountain closer to center, would be more to my liking.
Just a suggestion. Nice shot.

- Leigh

Daniel Pinkham
14-May-2013, 15:06
I think that's a fine portrait Ramiro. And your girl is lovely, my conquistador friend.

Maris Rusis
14-May-2013, 16:57
You just want him to get wet!

Leigh is right about the balance of the Dove Lake photograph but my excuse is that the scene itself has a lot of weight on the left and a lot of air on the right. I tried to connect the sides by having a strong diagonal, bottom left to top right, as a linking device.

Randy Moe is very perceptive. I'm standing in the lake with bare feet. The water is so cold that there is no feeling from the knees down. I just had to wait for the right cloud to occupy the wedge of sky on the right to help balance this very asymmetric composition.

14-May-2013, 17:17
Rider: Leandro Mercado
World Superbike at Miller Motorsports Park - May 28 2012
Canon T2i (550D) 300mm/4 L - 1/250 sec @ f/8

14-May-2013, 20:33
My girl sitting for light test for a Mother's Day Special (http://babyboomsitges.com/?p=370).
Nikon D300 50mm f1,4

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7281/8737156695_4c5989aaa6_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8737156695/)
Sandy (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8737156695/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

Well done. Well lit, in particular. Not sure about having the lower part of your seamless rolled up in the background, though. (I think that's what that is.)

14-May-2013, 21:46
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7286/8740642192_b28b148084_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/8740642192/)
Cape Horn Vista (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/8740642192/) by Isaac Sachs (http://www.flickr.com/people/rhitmrb/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7294/8739526277_3952765005_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/8739526277/)
Pet Area (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhitmrb/8739526277/) by Isaac Sachs (http://www.flickr.com/people/rhitmrb/), on Flickr

Maris Rusis
14-May-2013, 21:57
Another Dove Lake photograph:

Dove Lake, Pencil Pine Ghosts
Gelatin-silver photograph on Agfa Classic MCC111 VC FB photographic paper, image area 21.2cm x 16.3cm, from a Kodak Tmax 100 rollfilm negative exposed in a Mamiya RB67 medium format single lens reflex camera fitted with a 360mm f6.3 lens. Titled and signed recto, stamped verso.

Ramiro Elena
15-May-2013, 00:47
Thanks Daniel, it is hard to get her to pose sometimes.

Well done. Well lit, in particular. Not sure about having the lower part of your seamless rolled up in the background, though. (I think that's what that is.)
Yes, I know... I never know what to do with it :)

15-May-2013, 01:23
Why not just roll it on out under the chair?

15-May-2013, 02:11
There is a Foster's brewery just to the right of the frame. Maris did a great job of keeping it out of the photograph.
Aw, c'mon Alan... No real Aussie would try to eliminate Foster's. :D

But seriously, I thought there was probably some non-obvious issue.
I might have tried a longer lens, keeping the right side where it is.

Nice shot in any case.

- Leigh

Ramiro Elena
15-May-2013, 02:29
Well, I had 20 moms coming in with their kids and the idea was to frame them above the weist. I didn't want to mess up the background. This was just a test for lights and background tone.

15-May-2013, 12:57
Hohenzollern Brücke über Rhein

Love padlocks

Düsseldorf am Rhein

Tin Can
15-May-2013, 13:07
and ruin the paper...

the trouble is the paper roll should be up in the air,

I have used PVC pipe and closet rod holders...

I found a deal on Auto-Poles, now those are cool for the right price.

gotta watch craigslist

Why not just roll it on out under the chair?

15-May-2013, 13:40
The local-ish lighthouse whilst waiting for the film versions to come back.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7281/8741287501_a2f6a6cb1f_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/8741287501/)
St Mary's Lighthouse before sunset - digital (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/8741287501/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

15-May-2013, 16:06
Rider: Leandro Mercado
World Superbike at Miller Motorsports Park - May 28 2012
Canon T2i (550D) 300mm/4 L - 1/250 sec @ f/8

Nice photo scm. Brings back memories when I used to freelance photographing motorcycles :)

Attached is one of my favorites that I took at Laguna Seca Raceway, way back in 1988. Camera was my Canon T90 with Canon 300mm f4 L lens. Exposure was at 125 sec @ f11 on Kodachrome 64.

15-May-2013, 18:21
Both nice shots. They're giving those chicken strips a work out.

16-May-2013, 00:01
2x3 Century Graphic, 80mm Xenotar, TMX, semi-stand in T-Max dev:

16-May-2013, 00:23
and ruin the paper...

Not really. What I suggested is an extremely common practice. The normal practice, even.

Tin Can
16-May-2013, 09:59
I was kidding.

Of course talent stands sits or tears up the paper, ever see the movie, 'Blow Up'?

But it does add up, I hate ruining paper and buying new...

Not really. What I suggested is an extremely common practice. The normal practice, even.

16-May-2013, 13:00
I was kidding.

That's what I get for posting at 2:00 in the morning. :)

17-May-2013, 10:09
The tiny Fuji X10. JPEG straight out of the can without PP. I'm standing-in for a sitter who's late.

Pat Kearns
17-May-2013, 10:40
Mr. Broadbent, this is impeccable as with all of your work, right down to the expression on your face that denotes a late sitter. I always look for a thread with your name because your work is a joy to the eyes.

Alan Gales
17-May-2013, 10:47
The tiny Fuji X10. JPEG straight out of the can without PP. I'm standing-in for a sitter who's late.

This is a great example for all us magic bullet chasers. Even an inexpensive camera in the hands of a Master can produce a work of art.

I absolutely love your photographs no matter which format you choose to use.

17-May-2013, 13:23

Scott Schroeder
17-May-2013, 13:30
A-1 Delta 3200


Scott Schroeder
17-May-2013, 13:31
AV-1 Delta 100


17-May-2013, 13:34
The tiny Fuji X10. JPEG straight out of the can without PP. I'm standing-in for a sitter who's late.

The lens in your hand is an nice touch.

Tin Can
17-May-2013, 13:35
I really like it and all the grain, but how does the subject like it?

[QUOTE=Scott Schroeder;1027537]A-1 Delta 3200

17-May-2013, 13:38
First shots with a new Sigma AF 35/1.4 DG lens in a Nikon mount for my automagic camera.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7301/8747208691_433c1cd59b_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8747208691/)

Scott Schroeder
17-May-2013, 15:51
Maybe she'd like this one better...


Tin Can
17-May-2013, 15:58
Not that my vote is worth anything, but I do prefer the first.

[QUOTE=Scott Schroeder;1027582]Maybe she'd like this one better...

17-May-2013, 22:21
Ditto. I like the second one, but I like the first one a lot.

17-May-2013, 23:15
On my totally uncalibrated, cheap-ass monitor, at least, tuco's image back-to-back with Scott's makes for an interesting study.

18-May-2013, 03:19
AV-1 Delta 100


Excellent; I'll take these anytime.

Scott Schroeder
18-May-2013, 08:16
On my totally uncalibrated, cheap-ass monitor, at least, tuco's image back-to-back with Scott's makes for an interesting study.

Are you talking about the tone? I always play in the warm tones.

Scott Schroeder
18-May-2013, 08:17
I always like these soft grasses they use in landscaping around here.


Scott Schroeder
18-May-2013, 08:18
Who me? Classic look my son gives these days...


Scott Schroeder
18-May-2013, 08:19
Bartender having some fun ;-)


18-May-2013, 13:57
Are you talking about the tone? I always play in the warm tones.

Yup. Distinctly cool vs. distinctly warm. And both of them work.

Maris Rusis
18-May-2013, 16:38
A photograph from Mount Field National Park in Tasmania:

Driftwood, Lake Fenton

Gelatin-silver photograph on Agfa Classic MCC111 VC FB, image area 21.2cm x 16.4cm, from a Tmax 400 negative exposed in a Mamiya RB67 camera fitted with a 50mm lens. Titled and signed recto, stamped verso.

18-May-2013, 17:22
Bonneville Salt Flats 1999

18-May-2013, 18:40
That is excellent, scm. I like everything about it. The tones, the colors, the composition, the amount of fine detail (neither too much nor too little), and the fact that it's humorous and ominous at the same time.

18-May-2013, 18:45
That is excellent, scm. I like everything about it. The tones, the colors, the composition, the amount of fine detail (neither too much nor too little), and the fact that it's humorous and ominous at the same time.

Thank you!

18-May-2013, 18:52
Stop the Fed. Fuji X-E1, 35/1.4.


18-May-2013, 19:14
Here's three I did to amuse myself while working a lot of overtime the last few months.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7291/8743748546_372ba78d55_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8743748546/)
illuminated edges (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8743748546/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7292/8743748784_431b7d0870_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8743748784/)
edge curl in oblique light (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8743748784/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7290/8739491015_f7e90fcdbc_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8739491015/)
my time down the tubes (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/8739491015/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

18-May-2013, 19:20
I dig 'em, Clay. The last one, especially, which is a little surprising since abstract appeals to me. Something about the tones in this one, I think.

18-May-2013, 19:53
Chutes and Ladders. Fuji X-E1, 35/1.4.


I turned this on its side to "debauch" it, as William James would have said, to encourage the brain to register it as "abstract lines," rather than "building." Not sure if that strategy works, but it's how I saw it.

Tin Can
18-May-2013, 21:20
I like it, I keep turning images sideways, I got a model on a piano that is so much better sideways.

Kinda tunes up her body...

Chutes and Ladders. Fuji X-E1, 35/1.4.


I turned this on its side to "debauch" it, as William James would have said, to encourage the brain to register it as "abstract lines," rather than "building." Not sure if that strategy works, but it's how I saw it.

Daniel Stone
18-May-2013, 22:03
another one from a recent overnight road trip


Tin Can
18-May-2013, 22:11
Nice, but we want 5X7!

another one from a recent overnight road trip


Daniel Stone
18-May-2013, 23:09
Nice, but we want 5X7!

Ya ya :cool:
Thankfully this was just outside LA about 60mi, so not too hard to get back to!
this one was shot with a Nikon D3(no longer in the kit :(, stupid decision to sell that one!) + 180mm AIS lens


18-May-2013, 23:36
I like it, I keep turning images sideways, I got a model on a piano that is so much better sideways.

Kinda tunes up her body...

Thanks, Randy. If I had a long lens for that camera, I might have been able to flatten the perspective enough that I wouldn't need to rotate it. When Fuji's x-mount 55-200 finally comes out next month, I might have to lay hands on one. I'd be curious to see a photo of a model on a piano that works sideways. :)

You've probably seen it, but, if not, there's an at least semi-famous example of this kind of thing in a photograph that Salvador Dali took of an African hut with, iirc, some low mountains or something in the background. Turned on end, it's something else completely.

18-May-2013, 23:43
Boots. Fuji X-E1, 35/1.4.


There's nothing particularly interesting about this photo, but I like it for some reason. The smooth tones, I think.

Colin Robertson
19-May-2013, 01:15

Best post for a while. Great sky even on its own, but just what is the guy in the chair waiting for to come up over the horizon? I have noticed that I particularly like photographs which are unexplained, or even better, unexplainable.

Tin Can
19-May-2013, 02:56
I agree that Art should stand on it's own. I really don't like those little cards on galleries or museums walls telling us what is happening. Name, rank and serial number.


Best post for a while. Great sky even on its own, but just what is the guy in the chair waiting for to come up over the horizon? I have noticed that I particularly like photographs which are unexplained, or even better, unexplainable.

Scott Schroeder
19-May-2013, 07:43

Tin Can
19-May-2013, 09:17
This is one of my first 35mm prints made in 1998. The scan is today from a damaged print, that neg is somewhere. I just like this image better rotated. I believe this professional model is now covered in ink. I have another image hanging at my house and during a party a guest exclaimed, I know her! He updated me.


Thanks, Randy. If I had a long lens for that camera, I might have been able to flatten the perspective enough that I wouldn't need to rotate it. When Fuji's x-mount 55-200 finally comes out next month, I might have to lay hands on one. I'd be curious to see a photo of a model on a piano that works sideways. :)

You've probably seen it, but, if not, there's an at least semi-famous example of this kind of thing in a photograph that Salvador Dali took of an African hut with, iirc, some low mountains or something in the background. Turned on end, it's something else completely.

19-May-2013, 10:18

Best post for a while. Great sky even on its own, but just what is the guy in the chair waiting for to come up over the horizon? I have noticed that I particularly like photographs which are unexplained, or even better, unexplainable.

Thank you!

19-May-2013, 10:24
Aragonite UT - Rollei 3.5E

19-May-2013, 11:48
This is one of my first 35mm prints made in 1998. The scan is today from a damaged print, that neg is somewhere. I just like this image better rotated. I believe this professional model is now covered in ink. I have another image hanging at my house and during a party a guest exclaimed, I know her! He updated me.


You were right, Randy. That does work rotated. It even looks "normal" rotated.

19-May-2013, 11:56
Aragonite UT - Rollei 3.5E

Another winner. The colors, the lines, the textures . . . I dig it. Did you consider clearing the clutter from around the ladder? There's almost too much going on down there.

19-May-2013, 13:59
A few from a roll of RVP50 that I cross processed in Unicolor C-41. Taken with my Yashica Mat 124G.

Naked Coral Tree

Gerber Daisy

Butterfly on my bamboo

19-May-2013, 14:14
Bonneville Salt Flats 1999

Nice; what time of year are clouds like that found there?

19-May-2013, 14:16
A failure in craft, but I still like it. I double coated stonehenge paper with a rod, but failed to let it dry properly between coats, thus the inconsistent coating. I also accidently got a water drop on the paper in a couple of spots that worked well for the composition. It's possible I used the wrong side of the paper too.

This is a 10x10" cyanotype made from a x-ray dupe film of a 6x6cm negative.


19-May-2013, 15:15
Nice; what time of year are clouds like that found there?

Thanks! You will see thunderstorms pop up most any day from about now through August.

19-May-2013, 15:22
A few from a roll of RVP50 that I cross processed in Unicolor C-41. Taken with my Yashica Mat 124G.

Naked Coral Tree

This one has a very Japanese feel to it. I like it.

19-May-2013, 15:36