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Scott Schroeder
15-Jan-2013, 13:39
Have you ever played with lith then? Great grain!
I like to use old glass, on a glass plate and then print it with lith ;-)


15-Jan-2013, 14:11
Central Park, New York
Rolleiflex 2.8E, Kodak Tri-X 400

15-Jan-2013, 14:55
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8214/8377313721_4006a41cbd.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/8377313721/)
Today 2 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/8377313721/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

Another digital one, havent had much chance to get out with the 4x5 recently.

al olson
15-Jan-2013, 15:01
This is one from May, 2002, made on Kodak's HIE film. A friend and I had driven from our homes in Virginia to Baltimore's Inner Harbor to shoot sunrise photos. On the way back we decided to stop at the Mall.

I had gone over to shoot at the Korean War Memorial and stopped back at the Viet Nam Memorial to finish off the roll. My first exposure, taken from this same spot had only one person in it and I thought that was going to be my photo of the day. However two women walked past with a bouquet and I waited to see what they were going to do.

As the woman was bending down to place the bouquet, the near couple walked past. I think their presence is what makes this photo interesting. Within minutes the Mall was swarming with high school students who were on their senior trip.


15-Jan-2013, 16:59
Portrait using the venerable Pentax 67.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8194/8384291873_412e938b4f_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/8384291873/)
Tracy. July 2012. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/8384291873/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

15-Jan-2013, 18:34
Tim - beautiful high-key shot, and the focus is just right.


Bill Poole
15-Jan-2013, 18:57
Made with Mamiya C330 recently purchased from Austin Granger. TMY 400. D 76. The windows along Haight Street are about the most interesting thing I can find to photograph at the moment.




15-Jan-2013, 19:58
Tim - beautiful high-key shot, and the focus is just right.


Thanks Jonathan!

15-Jan-2013, 21:12
Luc, Montserrat! :D

My girl was born near by. She's been wanting to go for a visit for the past two years. Aren't those rocks fun?

Hello Ramiro,

You should go. We stayed at Món Sant Benets, Sant Fruitós de Bages.


Wonderful hotel and of course great food - Ferran Adrià's legacy obliged.
We did not have much time but we will be back and this time we plan to do some hiking :-) We love Spain and Catalunya - I spent a good part of my childhood there.

I have put some of my photo of Catalunya here:



15-Jan-2013, 23:25
Scanned from a print made a while ago.

Nikon F3, Plus-X



16-Jan-2013, 10:16
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8089/8386179952_df148e4421_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8386179952/)

100TMX, Y2 Yellow Filter

al olson
16-Jan-2013, 12:52

Bronica SQ-A with MACO 820 IR using Cokin 007 filter.

al olson
16-Jan-2013, 13:07

Anasazi Ruins in Colorado
Bronica SQ-A with Ilford SFX using Cokin 007 filter.

al olson
16-Jan-2013, 13:13
And finally . . .


Anasazi Tower in Colorado
Bronica SQ-A with Ilford SFX using Cokin 007 filter.

16-Jan-2013, 20:28
Trying out some studio strobes available at the university I work at. The photo professor is letting me use them whenever I like. I wanted to test them with some film but here was my "digital polaroid." I'm about to go develop the film.

Japanese Magnolias. Nikon D800E, 55mm Micro, f/16, ISO 50, and one strobe to the right with 48" softbox and a fill card to the left:


16-Jan-2013, 22:19
Trying out some studio strobes available at the university I work at. The photo professor is letting me use them whenever I like. I wanted to test them with some film but here was my "digital polaroid." I'm about to go develop the film.

Good deal. Practice with them while you can. Hey, it's digital. Who stops down to f16 when you can focus stack. ;) Are you using it for exposure too?

16-Jan-2013, 22:26
Yeah I was being lazy and using it for metering. I honestly have never fooled with focus stacking, I should try sometime, but it seems like a pain.

Even at f/16 though it's mind-boggling how much detail is in the 36mp file. I can't wait to scan the Provia, it's drying now.

Scott Schroeder
17-Jan-2013, 07:48

17-Jan-2013, 07:53

Very nice.

austin granger
17-Jan-2013, 09:40
Disused Hoop, Portland


austin granger
17-Jan-2013, 11:05
Violin, Oregon Holocaust Memorial

Bear, Oregon Holocaust Memorial


17-Jan-2013, 11:13
Yeah I was being lazy and using it for metering. I honestly have never fooled with focus stacking, I should try sometime, but it seems like a pain.

Even at f/16 though it's mind-boggling how much detail is in the 36mp file. I can't wait to scan the Provia, it's drying now.

I bet the school also has a flash meter. I think you should take the opportunity to use it as well. It will give you both another source to compare film's exposure based on the other camera and give you a quantitative value and feel for the contrast ratios between, say, the key and fill flash.

17-Jan-2013, 11:15
Very true tuco. I have said on this very forum that "metering" with a DSLR is not a great idea, due to whatever small discrepancies there might be. And the proof is in the pudding - the Provia shot was underexposed by about 2/3 of a stop. Nothing serious but still. And I did calculate bellows factors, that wasn't the cause.

Austin, I LOVE the violin shot. The texture and reflections are gorgeous!

17-Jan-2013, 12:46
Very true tuco. I have said on this very forum that "metering" with a DSLR is not a great idea, due to whatever small discrepancies there might be. And the proof is in the pudding - the Provia shot was underexposed by about 2/3 of a stop.

My D600 gives a much different exposures than my other digital cameras in a flash setup like you are doing. And the exposure it selects when I have a my old 20/2.8D lens on vs my Zeiss 21mm on is really significantly different for the same light/scene. So getting a feel using the flash meter as well you can then hopefully apply a constant fudge factor when using just the digital to meter the scene.

17-Jan-2013, 13:06
Violin, Oregon Holocaust Memorial

Bear, Oregon Holocaust Memorial


Beautiful, Austin; both of them.
Are the teddy bear and violin displayed the way you shot them? I mean, are these props part of the Memorial?

austin granger
17-Jan-2013, 15:03
Beautiful, Austin; both of them.
Are the teddy bear and violin displayed the way you shot them? I mean, are these props part of the Memorial?

Ari, Thanks. The items are part of the memorial. They are made of bronze and affixed to the ground. There are a number of other things (suitcase, glasses, a doll) scattered along a cobblestone path which leads up to large black stone wall inscribed with a detailed history of the holocaust. Buried below the wall is soil and ash from the concentration camps. It is a an uncompromisingly dark and emotional memorial, as it should be. I don't know who left the roses; I was there by myself in the rain.

Scott Schroeder
18-Jan-2013, 06:12
Somewhere in Death Valley....


austin granger
18-Jan-2013, 09:33
I wish I was in Death Valley right now-it's 22º in Portland! Nice picture Scott.

Speaking of cold, here're some icicles:


Scott Schroeder
18-Jan-2013, 09:58
I wish I was there too....More for solitude than weather. It's going to be 62 here today ;-)

Scott Schroeder
18-Jan-2013, 10:24
Yucca in big bend ranch state park


18-Jan-2013, 17:35
Since I have enjoyed making infrared images with my converted Nikon D70, and since I have always wanted more resolution and better camera ergonomics, I just had my Nikon D2x converted by Life Pixel. The D2x has not seen much use since I got the Nikon D700, so instead of it sitting in the closet, I had it converted.....

I just got the D2x back from Life Pixel last night.

I got out today for a few quick shots. I did not have too much time, so I just went to a local park...


18-Jan-2013, 17:37
Some more from today.....


19-Jan-2013, 05:03
More California sunshine. (Something I could use an infusion of about now.)

Nikon F3, Kodachrome



austin granger
19-Jan-2013, 09:03
Escarpment, Saddle Mountain, Late Afternoon


19-Jan-2013, 12:03
Powerful and awesome, Austin.

Peter Gomena
19-Jan-2013, 12:19
Fabulous. Great view, great shot.

Peter Gomena
19-Jan-2013, 12:20
Scott, your yucca shot is amazing. Looks like an alien life form.

19-Jan-2013, 19:26
Cleaned out my darkroom / studio, ironed the black backdrop, and did a test shot with my girlfriend. D800E / 85mm 1.4D, SB-800 to the left w/ umbrella and a fill card to the right:


20-Jan-2013, 00:56
Bucolic I know. Silver efex pro and Panasonic LX5, though I prefer the colour version, this looks over worked. 304.

austin granger
20-Jan-2013, 10:29
Thanks Chassis, Pete; I hiked up the mountain with my ten year old son. It was a great day for both of us.

I always enjoy cow portraits David, but yours is a good one. I like the stripe of hedge near the top.

Animals, Highway 26, Oregon


20-Jan-2013, 11:00
Animals, Highway 26, Oregon

So tell us, Austin, what flavor did you buy? ;)

A rescan from the archives of some older Tri-X Pan/TXP.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3063/2862214066_683e02da63_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/2862214066/)

Alan Gales
20-Jan-2013, 11:51
Thanks Chassis, Pete; I hiked up the mountain with my ten year old son. It was a great day for both of us.

I always enjoy cow portraits David, but yours is a good one. I like the stripe of hedge near the top.

Animals, Highway 26, Oregon


Let's see. I have had the Buffalo, Venison, and Ostrich listed on the sign. I have also eaten Cow, Pig, Chicken and Turkey jerky. That leaves 53 flavors left to try! :cool:

20-Jan-2013, 12:42
RB67 w/50mm
Ilford 100 asa film, developed in Arista


Scott Schroeder
20-Jan-2013, 15:32
Walk-in. Deserted Ranch, Death Valley



20-Jan-2013, 17:00
Walk-in. Deserted Ranch, Death Valley



Scott. What was this film, if I may ask?

Scott Schroeder
20-Jan-2013, 18:11
Pixels ;-) 5D
By the way I loved the last two of those portraits. A lot of character there.

20-Jan-2013, 20:24
From my younger, stupider days: leaning out to photograph a 300 foot drop!

Nikon 8008s, Kodachrome



Peter De Smidt
20-Jan-2013, 22:18
Evocative images, Scott.

Scott Schroeder
21-Jan-2013, 10:23
Thanks Peter. It's an interesting place.

Scott Schroeder
22-Jan-2013, 05:22
Big Bend NP


22-Jan-2013, 06:58
Orleans, MA

Nikon F3, 24mm, Kodachrome



22-Jan-2013, 07:06
That is an excellent composition, and good use of color!

22-Jan-2013, 07:27
Thanks, Bryan. That was what drew me to the photo in the first place: that orange bucket right there between the two handrails amid all that pre-dawn blue. The framing was practically pre-determined.


22-Jan-2013, 08:04
Hiroshima Bomb Dome Taken. Taken with a Yashicamat 124. Tri-X I believe developed in D-76.87817

22-Jan-2013, 08:09
A KC-130 landing on Bravo Runway on the North Field in Tinian. Abandoned since the end of WW2.
This was with a Sony Nex 5n with an old Nikkor 35mm Non AI lens.


22-Jan-2013, 08:29
Nice, love the dramatic clouds!

austin granger
22-Jan-2013, 10:14
Astoria, Oregon


22-Jan-2013, 12:12
Let's see. I have had the Buffalo, Venison, and Ostrich listed on the sign. I have also eaten Cow, Pig, Chicken and Turkey jerky. That leaves 53 flavors left to try! :cool:

Notive how the vegetarians are marginalized.

Rick "carnivorous" Denney

22-Jan-2013, 20:45
I'm still experimenting with TMX and TMaxRS dilutions. I'll be sure to post my ultimate findings but things are starting to get interesting. Super-fine, beautiful grain, extreme acuity, and easy-as-pie developing? Maybe, once I get a handle on this...


(Nikon F4, 55mm Micro, one hot-light and a fill card)

22-Jan-2013, 21:20
This looks great! What dilution did you use for this?


I'm still experimenting with TMX and TMaxRS dilutions. I'll be sure to post my ultimate findings but things are starting to get interesting. Super-fine, beautiful grain, extreme acuity, and easy-as-pie developing? Maybe, once I get a handle on this...


(Nikon F4, 55mm Micro, one hot-light and a fill card)

22-Jan-2013, 21:25
1:19 (!) for 1 hour semi-stand.
Still working on refining the dilution and EI. Thanks!

22-Jan-2013, 23:21
1:19 (!) for 1 hour semi-stand.
Still working on refining the dilution and EI. Thanks!

So sharp it almost looks *gasp* digital. And I mean that in the nicest possible way. :)

Would be interesting to shoot something with round edges so the light falloff would be more gradual to see how it affects tones.

1:19 is interesting! Tanks?


22-Jan-2013, 23:27
Yes, it sure is sharp! The grain is super tight and refined, enhancing acuity. I am planning on shooting some soon with landscapes or whatever to test this in "real life." Standard reel and tank, 8oz.

Here's another. Just screwing around in my studio area for test purposes, obviously:


22-Jan-2013, 23:55
Yes, it sure is sharp! The grain is super tight and refined, enhancing acuity. I am planning on shooting some soon with landscapes or whatever to test this in "real life." Standard reel and tank, 8oz.

Here's another. Just screwing around in my studio area for test purposes, obviously:

Looks good. And nice collection of Nikons.

Scott Schroeder
23-Jan-2013, 06:51
Racetrack, Death Valley



austin granger
23-Jan-2013, 15:10
Curved Window, Abandoned Corner Shop, Astoria, Oregon


Scott Schroeder
24-Jan-2013, 05:46
Hidden dunes, Death Valley


Ramiro Elena
24-Jan-2013, 06:11
Out for a walk with the Takumar 50mm wide open at ƒ1,4 + LightRoom.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8229/8408651639_cb08d63c3e_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8408651639/)
weeds #4 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8408651639/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8370/8409708890_1c062f8c45_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8409708890/)
weeds #1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8409708890/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

24-Jan-2013, 06:52

Love the simple elegance of this one.


Scott Schroeder
24-Jan-2013, 08:00
Those are beautiful Ramiro. I love the grain.

Peter De Smidt
24-Jan-2013, 08:04
Lyrical work, Ramiro!

Scott, that's some fine work as well!

Ramiro Elena
24-Jan-2013, 09:22
Thanks! I didn't think I would get anything out of that trashed empty lot. LightRoom is quite nice for adding grain and some analog feel.
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8514/8409726640_b82f7407fa_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8409726640/)
weeds #6 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8409726640/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
24-Jan-2013, 12:53
Big Bend with a Big Sky ;-)


25-Jan-2013, 01:29
From the archives: one dress, two views. The highlights on the dress show detail in the negatives, but my scanner doesn't seem to do so well with really dense areas. Either that or my skills are lacking, which is entirely possible.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Delta 400




Ramiro Elena
25-Jan-2013, 12:31
I had to photograph some stuff inside this house.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8509/8413483195_be4a91b359_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8413483195/)
Esplugues (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8413483195/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

The door first caught my attention.
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8052/8413446521_eed6ebd2d8_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8413446521/)
Esplugues (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8413446521/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
25-Jan-2013, 13:33
Those are great Ramiro. Really enjoy them.

25-Jan-2013, 23:52
Fuji GSW690II, Velvia 50



26-Jan-2013, 04:11
Took this while in Boulder, CO for a friend's wedding. How can you not pull out the camera with skies like these?

Fuji GSW690II, Velvia 50



Scott Schroeder
26-Jan-2013, 09:41
Dancing Trees


26-Jan-2013, 09:49
Scott -- I think it is the light that is dancing! Well done!

27-Jan-2013, 04:54
My LF gear is temporally crated. Here's an MM shot shot yesterday.

Scott Schroeder
27-Jan-2013, 07:34
Thanks Vaughn. Appreciate the comment.


27-Jan-2013, 09:49
Christopher, nice shot and welcome back. Somehow the towel got itself inside the pot, an interesting place for it to be.

John Rodriguez
27-Jan-2013, 10:01

Fallen Tree at Sunrise - Briones

John Rodriguez
27-Jan-2013, 10:16
Thanks Vaughn. Appreciate the comment.


Beautiful tonality.

27-Jan-2013, 11:32
Victoria BC Parliament Building

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8050/8415887200_76a6b4a363_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8415887200/)


Peter Lewin
27-Jan-2013, 14:29
Tuco: Spectacular! Can you give a short summary of how you metered and made that photo? It looks like a perfect exposure, completely black sky (no star trails or moon), I've done some night shots with lights, they don't come close to your image.

Maris Rusis
27-Jan-2013, 16:18
Snow grass and fallen tree, infrared.
Gelatin-silver photograph on Fomabrom Variant III FB VC, image size 16.5cm X 21.3cm, from a Efke IR820 negative exposed behind a IR680 filter fitted to a 50mmf4.5 lens on a Mamiya RB67 camera.
Titled and signed recto, stamped verso.

27-Jan-2013, 16:51
Tuco: Spectacular! Can you give a short summary of how you metered and made that photo? It looks like a perfect exposure, completely black sky (no star trails or moon), I've done some night shots with lights, they don't come close to your image.

Why thanks. I meter my scenes with a Pentax one-degree spot meter. I just pick tone value out of the scene and place it where I want it to fall relative to the middle grey exposure. That scene it was the darker part of the grass near the camera.

I don't know if I posted this before but here's a look inside the Parliament on the guided tour.

http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4117/4745087080_2dfa555294_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4745087080/)


27-Jan-2013, 20:15
Love the reflections!! I assume that's wax and not water!!!

27-Jan-2013, 21:42
Yes, wax. I wish I'd had some color film with me. That stained glass was pretty.

27-Jan-2013, 21:55
I'm sure, but the delicate tonality there is beautiful too.
Speaking of stained glass, here is some inside Christ Church on St. Simon's Island, GA - taken with a Yashicamat 124G, and just for kicks I did the perspective correction in Photoshop as I was tilted up about 20 degrees. Ektar 100 film I think.


28-Jan-2013, 16:26
That stained glass is a beauty too, Corran.

I'm putting together a scrap book of hikes and backpacking trips I've been on with these guys spanning a decade. These are some Tri-X Pan/TXP shots.

Shooting up the last of a roll before departing from an old fire lookout

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8196/8392480215_514861eb44_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8392480215/)

A sewing repair while staying at one of several shelters along the Washington coast in the Olympic National Park.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8085/8393565726_6e6b7b1f53_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8393565726/)

This was in the middle of the winter. And with few hikers around, the bold and skillful raccoons descended upon us from all around. Zippers and containers were no problem for these well trained black-eyed bandits. One night I woke up to some noise and the place was crawling with mice and a skunk was licking that guy in the 1st picture's beard. Yuck! I yelled at it and it paid me no mind and I wasn't about to press the matter further. If you had leather shoe laces on your boots, the mice would take them too as one guy found out.

Scott Schroeder
28-Jan-2013, 16:27

28-Jan-2013, 19:25
Winter storm coming yesterday. Jupiter 9.


28-Jan-2013, 20:50
tuco, that doesn't sound pleasant!

Here's some shots from today. TMX, T-Max RS at 1:32. You can read all about it if you wish HERE (http://valdostafilm.blogspot.com/2013/01/real-world-test-of-high-dilutions-of-t.html).




Peter York
28-Jan-2013, 21:06
Bryan, the middle one is really nice!

28-Jan-2013, 21:07

29-Jan-2013, 10:10
tuco, that doesn't sound pleasant!

It wasn't as bad as it sounds.

Here's some shots from today. TMX, T-Max RS at 1:32. You can read all about it if you wish HERE (http://valdostafilm.blogspot.com/2013/01/real-world-test-of-high-dilutions-of-t.html).

I read your article. Is your stand development just a few initial agitations, set it down and walk away for an hour or some agitation at the 1/2 hour mark? And it looks like you're not getting any uneven development like Rodinal does for me with stand development on 120 roll and sheet film.

29-Jan-2013, 10:27
Winter storm coming yesterday. Jupiter 9.


I really like this. The foreground lighting coupled with the foreboding sky clearly says, "something bad is about to happen." Nice shot!

29-Jan-2013, 12:01
I read your article. Is your stand development just a few initial agitations, set it down and walk away for an hour or some agitation at the 1/2 hour mark? And it looks like you're not getting any uneven development like Rodinal does for me with stand development on 120 roll and sheet film.

I'm doing initial agitation and then another dose of agitation at the 30-minute mark. No, I haven't had any uneven development problems luckily.

29-Jan-2013, 17:17
This is a lovely picture Jonathan. Like you say, one can't pass up a scene like this.


Took this while in Boulder, CO for a friend's wedding. How can you not pull out the camera with skies like these?

Fuji GSW690II, Velvia 50



29-Jan-2013, 17:42
Goofing off with a DX lens on a Nikon F4 35mm camera.


29-Jan-2013, 17:46
If it works...35mm f/1.8?

I used a Tokina 11-16mm on my D700 for a few months, only at 16mm since it covered at that setting, until getting a 17-35mm and selling the Tokina.

29-Jan-2013, 18:03
If it works...35mm f/1.8?

Yep, the f1.8G. You need to shoot it pretty well wide open. The swirl was a nice surprise. Too bad I sold that lens, I should have experimented some more to see what f-stop maximizes the effect.

29-Jan-2013, 20:52
This is a lovely picture Jonathan. Like you say, one can't pass up a scene like this.

Thanks. We were tired and leaving town to head home (which was CA at the time) and I remember almost not stopping the car because we just wanted to be on our way, but I'm glad I did.


29-Jan-2013, 23:31
Shot from the hip, the last frame from a roll of new Portra 160, in my Nikkormat EL w/ 35mm f/1.4
I was just messing around but I really like this. I just can't decide if I would have rather have focused correctly on the guy walking towards me or as-is:


Scott Schroeder
30-Jan-2013, 13:50
Racetrack and Grandstand


Maris Rusis
30-Jan-2013, 17:34
Fig Tree, Granite Gorge

Gelatin-silver photograph on Fomabrom Variant III FB VC, image area 16.5cm X 21.3cm, from a Tmax100 negative exposed behind a #25 red filter fitted to a 50mmf4.5 lens mounted on a Mamiya RB67 camera.
Titled and signed recto, stamped verso.

30-Jan-2013, 21:14
A couple from-the-hip shots in downtown Portland.

Tru-View plastic 120 camera, Delta 400




Scott Schroeder
31-Jan-2013, 06:58


Renato Tonelli
31-Jan-2013, 07:57
Beautiful - I like your composition very much.

Fig Tree, Granite Gorge

Gelatin-silver photograph on Fomabrom Variant III FB VC, image area 16.5cm X 21.3cm, from a Tmax100 negative exposed behind a #25 red filter fitted to a 50mmf4.5 lens mounted on a Mamiya RB67 camera.
Titled and signed recto, stamped verso.

31-Jan-2013, 10:01
Astoria, Oregon


Love the tones and balance in this.


Maris Rusis
31-Jan-2013, 23:09
Beautiful - I like your composition very much.

Thank you ! Waiting for the right cloud was worth it; no waiting needed for the rocks.

1-Feb-2013, 11:08
Interesting experiment I did the other day.
I have this really clean art deco Kodak six-20 camera that I loaded with Kodak Plus-X 120 from 1963 that I modified the spools to fit the 620 camera. Went outside and drove around for an hour or two and shot some frames. The old vintage film really took on a wild personality on its own and these are the straight scans from the negatives. Interesting results.





1-Feb-2013, 11:09
The camera:


1-Feb-2013, 11:15

This one looks great. Old camera + old film = old looking image!


David R Munson
1-Feb-2013, 11:15
Very cool stuff. Kind of reminds me a bit of James Fee's work.

1-Feb-2013, 11:23
Thanks guys... Luckily I still have two more rolls of the plus-x left from the same lot, just have to wait for the right subject!

Scott Schroeder
1-Feb-2013, 19:33
Night on the beach



1-Feb-2013, 20:32
Today in the mail I received a box of Defender Arrow Pan 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" film that expired in 1945:


The box had been previously opened so my hopes weren't very high, but, having nothing to lose, I taped a sheet into a 4x5 film holder, pointed the camera at the neighbor's garage, exposed it at EI 6 (a guess), and developed it in HC-110. This is the result:


The fog isn't all that bad, although there is surface mottling and what looks like mildew stains on the left hand side. The auction also included two sealed boxes of equally old Defender 8x10 films. I can only hope those will produce similarly usable results. We will see.

Film is dead. Long live film!


1-Feb-2013, 20:34

(Hey, you used a 4x5 holder, so that automatically makes it large format, right? ;))

1-Feb-2013, 20:36
I was going to put it in the 'Old Things' thread, but I wasn't sure if it qualified as LF. Although, any sheet film counts as LF in my book.


Maris Rusis
1-Feb-2013, 20:44
Diagonal Forms, Granite Gorge

Gelatin-silver photograph on Fomabrom Variant III FB VC, image size 16.5cmX21.3cm, from a Tmax100 negative exposed in a Mamiya RB67 camera with a 127mm lens. The nearer rock is the size of a small car.
Titled and signed recto, stamped verso.

1-Feb-2013, 22:48
Testing out some wireless flash triggers I just got recently. Dirt-cheap Chinese things - cost me $35 shipped for a transceiver and 4 receivers. Setup some lights for a shoot tomorrow - just a basic 3-light setup, though feel free to critique since I'm still a novice with studio lighting. My girlfriend posed for me :)

D800E, 85mm f/1.4D, main light left 45 degrees, fill 90 degrees right at a lower power, and a hair light overhead. Bit of Photoshop for blemishes.


2-Feb-2013, 11:48
Sea Stacks, Cannon Beach, Oregon

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8230/8434983974_74f1769833_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8434983974/)

100ACR, NDX400 + O2 Orange Filters

3-Feb-2013, 17:12


Rolleiflex 2.8F - Tmax 100

3-Feb-2013, 21:40
Junk cell phone pic, but I just hung up to dry my first 20x24 print!! Very excited...
For those of you interested - it appears I'll be doing a big show in 2014 of prints from the Strickland Mill project I've been posting and blogging about along with the other photographer who's been going in with me. Very exciting!! Hoping to have the show populated by many LF wet prints like this, which is my favorite image to date from inside the mill.

3-Feb-2013, 22:34
Best wishes on that show, Corran. How many tries to get the print just the way you wanted it?

3-Feb-2013, 22:41
I did a test strip to gauge my rough print time. The first print was too dark, and this is the second print. I'll have to critically judge it tomorrow when it's completely dry to make my final decision but I think it looks good (it's a little lighter in person). If I need to I'll make one more final print tomorrow night. All my chemicals are out in the trays and I'm making this a "printing week" and getting as many silver prints done as I can.

3-Feb-2013, 23:48
Looks great, Bryan! Congrats on the show. I'm jealous since I've never had the facilities to print that big. 11x14 is my biggest to date.


4-Feb-2013, 00:34
It's been a long time coming...been picking up the necessities slowly but surely (20x24 plastic trays, $45 each! Ugh). It's quite a different experience than a small print. And thanks!
(Now I have to look ahead and budget as framing materials are going to be a pretty penny...)

4-Feb-2013, 00:38
...been picking up the necessities slowly but surely (20x24 plastic trays, $45 each! Ugh). ...

You can do it with one tray, good-size funnels and containers. Just pour out each step into the container.

4-Feb-2013, 07:44
In Eden, NC is an area on the Smith River where I love to waste film. I stop by there several times a year. It has an old abandoned Railroad trestle that is about 50' above the river and a low stone dam that runs the width of the river, about 150-200 yards. And in this particular part of the river can be found quite the rock formations that cover the river bed, which makes them barely visible when the river is flowing hard, but make it so in many places you can cross the river without getting your feet wet when the river is low.
Anyway, if you ever find yourself passing by Eden, in north central North Carolina (I live about 20 miles from the location, in Virginia), and you want to spend a couple hours photographing this area, drop me a PM.

All shot with Bessa-L, 25mm Scopar Snapshot, Delta 100 in HC-110 "H"



4-Feb-2013, 16:49
A shot from the same roll as a similar scene posted here before. I came across a scene at a cross walk I'd like to give this slow shutter a try. But of course once the camera is with me I'll never find that scene again.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8223/8443346242_ce51f21de3_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8443346242/)

100ACR, NDX8 + O2 Orange Filters

4-Feb-2013, 17:53
In Eden, NC is an area on the Smith River where I love to waste film. I stop by there several times a year. It has an old abandoned Railroad trestle that is about 50' above the river and a low stone dam that runs the width of the river, about 150-200 yards. And in this particular part of the river can be found quite the rock formations that cover the river bed, which makes them barely visible when the river is flowing hard, but make it so in many places you can cross the river without getting your feet wet when the river is low.
Anyway, if you ever find yourself passing by Eden, in north central North Carolina (I live about 20 miles from the location, in Virginia), and you want to spend a couple hours photographing this area, drop me a PM.

All shot with Bessa-L, 25mm Scopar Snapshot, Delta 100 in HC-110 "H"

Nice shots Randy. I grew up in and near Winston-Salem, NC, and as teens one of the hangouts was "the trestle", though a different one. We'd sit on the footpath beside the tracks, 100 feet above the Yadkin River, drinking beer and shooting bottle rockets into the black muddy river below. Nice to remember....

Rain Dance
4-Feb-2013, 17:55
With a Zeiss Nettar + Arista 200 I think.


Ramiro Elena
5-Feb-2013, 01:35
I set up to photograph my girl and our son with the 8x10 but it was so hard keeping him still I shot some digis of her.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8471/8446334614_c8ed23d643_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8446334614/)
Making of (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/8446334614/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

With a Manual Nikkor 28mm f2,8

7-Feb-2013, 22:44
Pentax 67 Acros 100 Pyrocat






8-Feb-2013, 04:29
I don't have kids, but many of our friends do...

Mamiya 7, Delta 400



9-Feb-2013, 19:54

9-Feb-2013, 22:24
From my new-to-me $85 50mm macro setup for my Fuji X-E1 at about f/5.6:

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8515/8459324395_7366e20b41_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/drew_saunders/8459324395/)

I was at a camera fair this morning, and there was a fellow selling $35 Chinese adaptors for the XF mount ($25 for micro 4/3rds). He had Canon FD, Nikon, Olympus Pen and M42 in stock (and lots more for NEX or m4/3). I then went looking for a 50-60mm macro lens, and found a Canon FD 50/3.5 SSC breech-mount for $50 that had clean glass and was in good mechanical shape, thus the $85 macro setup. I was thinking about getting the 60/2.4 macro from Fuji, but I'd rather save my money for the 56/1.4 when it comes out, and use this cheap little Canon setup when I know I want to do some hand-held macro work. If I'm in the mood to bring a tripod, then I'll bring my Visoflex bellows and bits that let me get beyond 1:1 if I want.

10-Feb-2013, 00:18
Had a portrait session today with a violinist friend of mine. She wanted an urban shoot. Had great light and a good assistant, I'm very happy with the results.
D800E, 85mm f/1.4D, one SB-800 w/ umbrella to the right and a reflector/sun shade to the left:


10-Feb-2013, 18:03
Dallmeyer F1.9 cine petzval and Pen-F 25/4 on G1. Can you tell which lens took which?



Jan Pedersen
10-Feb-2013, 18:31
I'm guessing Dallmeyer on the first as it has a very narrow dof but you could of course have done this to mislead us :)

Maris Rusis
10-Feb-2013, 18:53
Snowy River, Summer Clouds

Gelatin-silver photograph on Agfa MCC III FB VC photographic paper , image size 16.5cmX21.3cm, from a 67 format Tmax 400 negative exposed in a Mamiya RB67 camera with a 50mm f4.5 lens and a #25 red filter.
Titled and signed recto, stamped verso

10-Feb-2013, 22:03

Nikon F3, Tri-X



Scott Schroeder
11-Feb-2013, 07:30
love the henge!

11-Feb-2013, 08:53
love the henge!

Thanks, Scott. As a bonus can you find the hidden religious symbol in the image? Here's a hint: it's not druidic. ;)


11-Feb-2013, 09:31

11-Feb-2013, 09:56
I'm guessing Dallmeyer on the first as it has a very narrow dof but you could of course have done this to mislead us :)

Right you are! The swirling Pen-F didn't fool you!

11-Feb-2013, 10:24
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8379/8457463300_da3c796f78_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8457463300/)


11-Feb-2013, 15:53
Sometimes I miss California. Not often, but sometimes.

Nikon F3, Tri-X



11-Feb-2013, 18:16
Really nice shot, Jon.

11-Feb-2013, 19:18
Really nice shot, Jon.

Thank you!

11-Feb-2013, 19:34
I just got an F5 and was given a F2A, so I did a family portrait:


And one shot with the F4 and Kodak's Ektar film:

11-Feb-2013, 19:56
Nice one Kav! Love the family ;)

Here's a shot from my one and only roll of Tech Pan film! Jonathan K. and I compared notes to come up with a development scheme using highly dilute T-Max RS. The roll came out really well!! Here's my favorite shot - definitely wet printing this one. Mamiya 645 PRO, 45mm f/2.8:


11-Feb-2013, 20:57
KAV I never realized how big hte f4 was. Also the f2 is the best looking of the bunch.

nice pics by the way.

11-Feb-2013, 21:20
KAV I never realized how big hte f4 was. Also the f2 is the best looking of the bunch.

nice pics by the way.

The F4E is a beast for sure. There are three different grips you can install on the F4. The one in this photo is the largest. I prefer square bodied cameras so I tend to use that configuration of the F4 the most. I will set up a photo of the three F4's to show what I'm talking about.

Speaking of square bodies, I need to find a motor drive for the F2. It just feels so tiny. But for looks I think the F3 is the one to beat.

11-Feb-2013, 22:45
Cheap 70-year-old folding 6x9 camera, check.
Way outdated reversal film, check.
Tungsten-balanced shot in daylight and cross-processed, check and check.
Enjoying a short hike during my lunch break and shot this roll just for fun.

11-Feb-2013, 23:17
Nikon F3, Tri-X



12-Feb-2013, 07:51
RB67 w/645 back, Ilford 100, V700 scanner


12-Feb-2013, 16:03
I dug up some old negatives I'd forgotten about. This was the view out my apartment window when I lived in Boston many years ago.

Nikon F3, Tri-X



12-Feb-2013, 16:26
Fun image, Johnathon!

But did Lowenbrau ever call back?

12-Feb-2013, 17:25

Thanks. No call backs, but that Citgo sign was as bright as all get out at night. It's a good thing I was a heavy sleeper then, because it lit up my one room apartment like Christmas every night.


12-Feb-2013, 19:03
Tower 5L, Elmar 50/3.5 on BW400CW film.


Roger Cole
12-Feb-2013, 21:20

Nikon F3, Tri-X



love the henge!


David Schaller
13-Feb-2013, 07:58
I dug up some old negatives I'd forgotten about. This was the view out my apartment window when I lived in Boston many years ago.

Nikon F3, Tri-



I spent many happy hours at NESOP. It would have been convenient to live across the street.

13-Feb-2013, 08:49
I spent many happy hours at NESOP. It would have been convenient to live across the street.

It always cracked me up that I lived across the street from New England School of Photography but was attending the School of the Museum of Fine Arts (for photography studies) at the time. Here's another shot from that era, taken inside the SMFA.



13-Feb-2013, 12:34
Padilla Bay, WA

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8251/8467001904_00276bee36_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8467001904/)


http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8367/8463387865_49787ff764_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8463387865/)


13-Feb-2013, 14:11
tuco, I like the first shot quite a bit. Looks like we're trading small format images back and forth. Here's my next contribution:

Nikon F3, Tri-X



13-Feb-2013, 14:35
tuco, I like the first shot quite a bit. Looks like we're trading small format images back and forth. Here's my next contribution:

Nikon F3, Tri-X


Thanks. It is medium format cropped to a 5:7 aspect on the first one. I can't even remember the last time I shot my 35mm film camera.

Maris Rusis
13-Feb-2013, 15:11

Cove, Lake Weyba
Gelatin-silver photograph on Fomabrom Variant III FB VC, image size 16.5cmX21.3cm, from a 67 format Efke IR820 negative exposed in a Mamiya RB67 single lens reflex camera fitted with a 50mm f4.5 lens and a IR680 filter.
Titled and signed recto, stamped verso.

Scott Schroeder
13-Feb-2013, 15:16
Love that one Garrett. Great scene and great sky.

13-Feb-2013, 15:22
Love that one Garrett. Great scene and great sky.

Thanks Scott. Good to get some feedback. People post fast and furious on this thread and things get pushed down quickly.

13-Feb-2013, 16:11
People post fast and furious on this thread and things get pushed down quickly.

Hey now.... ;)


David Schaller
13-Feb-2013, 16:13
It always cracked me up that I lived across the street from New England School of Photography but was attending the School of the Museum of Fine Arts (for photography studies) at the time. Here's another shot from that era, taken inside the SMFA.


This is nice too. I was at NESOP in the evening workshop program, working with Nick Johnson. Great classes. Even though I love having my own darkroom out here in the boondocks, I miss the camaraderie of NESOP.

13-Feb-2013, 16:18
Even though I love having my own darkroom out here in the boondocks, I miss the camaraderie of NESOP.

I agree. There was both camaraderie and friendly competition in the SMFA darkrooms. You'd go to the drying racks to put your print on a screen and see all the other stuff that was drying there. Some of it was really good, and it made you want to try harder. There was something about being around all that striving that was inspirational. Finding motivation all on your own can be tough sometimes.


John Rodriguez
13-Feb-2013, 20:58
Tuco - I dig the first one, good atmosphere.

Jcoldslabs - nice contrasting trees

John Rodriguez
13-Feb-2013, 21:01
A couple of shots from my walk home tonight.



David R Munson
13-Feb-2013, 22:17
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8091/8472940750_4f1cbcf0a4_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/8472940750/)
Lith (Mono) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/8472940750/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

14-Feb-2013, 06:04
A monochromaroid. Working up towards un-crating my Gandolfi.

Peter Lewin
14-Feb-2013, 06:21
CJ: Beautiful lighting.
David: Regardless of the thread, your work is consistently attention-worthy, from the traditional sharp-focus portrait of your grand-mother in the image sharing thread, to the more mysterious image in this thread.

14-Feb-2013, 07:45
Nikon F3, Tri-X



Peter De Smidt
14-Feb-2013, 07:58
David, that's terrific!

14-Feb-2013, 08:07
A Valentines day warning to all...


14-Feb-2013, 09:11
Tuco - I dig the first one, good atmosphere.

Thanks so much.

And yet another one...

Along The Padilla Bay Shoreline Trail, WA

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8100/8472030833_1d6dbb64be_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8472030833/)


Peter De Smidt
14-Feb-2013, 10:12
Along The Padilla Bay Shoreline Trail, WA

Outstanding, Tuco!

austin granger
14-Feb-2013, 10:56
Dissident, Tree Farm, Oregon


14-Feb-2013, 12:32
Along The Padilla Bay Shoreline Trail, WA

Outstanding, Tuco!


Dissident, Tree Farm, Oregon

Nice, Austin. The contrast in shape and age is appealing.

15-Feb-2013, 17:59
Medium format portrait. Pentax 67 cropped square.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8096/8476638435_204f7cdfa1_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/8476638435/)
Tracy 2012 revisited (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/8476638435/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr


15-Feb-2013, 19:34
Medium format portrait. Pentax 67 cropped square.

Nice background separation! (And the model's no slouch, either.) Very effective portrait.


16-Feb-2013, 00:17
Medium format portrait. Pentax 67 cropped square.


Fine shot. Almost a classic.

16-Feb-2013, 01:22
I took my 500C/M out for a spin and worked on some highlight compression with 100ACR. More agitation and a little longer development time looks more promising.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8106/8478291844_bf9f81f551_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8478291844/)

Distagon CB T* 60mm, 400TMY, O2 Orange Filter

A different version of these pillars

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8515/8477324097_1c49b27b4f_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8477324097/)

Distagon CF T* FLE 50mm, 100ACR, CPL Filter

16-Feb-2013, 04:21
I think I have a bad link in my last post. Here is a repost

[http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8515/8477324097_efbf8b1028_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8477324097/)

Distagon CF T* FLE 50mm, 100ACR, CPL Filter

austin granger
16-Feb-2013, 08:58
I like that one above Tuco-the Guardians of the beach. It's tough to shoot into the sun like that, but I've noticed you have a firm control over even extreme lighting situations. I wish I could say the same.

Tim, I'd like to say again here what a fine portrait that is. I can't stop looking at it, and it's not just because she's beautiful. Well, it's partly because she's beautiful, but aside from that, it's just a really good picture!

I was ill recently and spent a lot of time staring at these drapes:



16-Feb-2013, 09:32
I was ill recently and spent a lot of time staring at these drapes.

Great feeling of constrained light creeping around the edges. It's almost claustrophobic, as though the curtains are just begging to be thrown open.


Greg Y
16-Feb-2013, 09:56
Great photo Tim, The tonality, the OF background & the model's look. A real winner!

16-Feb-2013, 11:10
You can be a couch potato and still take pictures.

Fuji GSW690II, Delta 100



16-Feb-2013, 12:00
I like that one above Tuco-the Guardians of the beach. It's tough to shoot into the sun like that, but I've noticed you have a firm control over even extreme lighting situations. I wish I could say the same.
I was ill recently and spent a lot of time staring at these drapes:

Thanks. High contrast... bring it on!

Nice straight photography. I don't know why but that curtain shot makes me stare at it too.

16-Feb-2013, 12:12
You can be a couch potato and still take pictures.

Fuji GSW690II, Delta 100


Nice, Jonathan.

16-Feb-2013, 13:33
Nice, Jonathan.

Thanks, although it does take photographic laziness to new heights. I keep wondering what kind of photographic success I might have if I left the house now and again. Those shots taken in the parking lot of the shopping carts and such? That supermarket is half a block from the house, so they don't really count!

And I agree with Austin about your recent posts: nice balance of contrast without blow-outs. Very crisp imagery. Are you testing out a whole new development scheme or just refining your technique to suit the SBR?


Maris Rusis
16-Feb-2013, 15:37
Snow Gums, Charlotte Pass

Gelatin-silver photograph on Fomabrom Variant III FB VC, image area 21.3cmX16.5cm, from a 67 format Ilford SFX negative exposed in a Mamiya RB67 single lens reflex camera fitted with a 50mmf4.5 lens and an IR680 filter.
Titled and signed recto, stamped verso.

16-Feb-2013, 15:52

You frequently mention that your prints are "stamped verso." May I ask what you stamp on the backs of your prints? A logo? Personal info? Just curious.


16-Feb-2013, 17:50
That's a great shot, Maris. Great example of effective mid-tone usage.

- Leigh

Nathan Potter
16-Feb-2013, 18:46
Maris, you've posted a lot of really fine work here that keeps me inspired - all much appreciated. The image here of the "Snow Gums" gives a hint of some extraordinary tonal values that must be present in the actual print. Do you have any recollection of the film developer that was used? I assume the image here is a scanned print.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

16-Feb-2013, 19:05
Abandoned boat:
Nikon F5 85mm f1.4

Training flight:
Nikon F4 24-50mm f3.5-4.5

Both shot with Kodak Ektar

Maris Rusis
16-Feb-2013, 20:21

You frequently mention that your prints are "stamped verso." May I ask what you stamp on the backs of your prints? A logo? Personal info? Just curious.


I have a unique custom made rubber stamp that uses grey archival ink to deposit an information panel on the back of the photograph. It asserts that I'm the maker of the photograph and hold copyright. There are spaces for me to write in with fine pigment ink details like negative ID, which photographic paper, camera, lens, and film. This information correlates with my cataloging system. The front of the photograph bears a title under the left edge of the image and a signature under the right edge. Anything extra would be rather gauche, I think.

16-Feb-2013, 20:21
A foggy, wintery day in Yosemite.


Maris Rusis
16-Feb-2013, 20:34
Maris, you've posted a lot of really fine work here that keeps me inspired - all much appreciated. The image here of the "Snow Gums" gives a hint of some extraordinary tonal values that must be present in the actual print. Do you have any recollection of the film developer that was used? I assume the image here is a scanned print.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

My records indicate the development was 7 minutes at 20 Celcius using NEW Xtol run as a replenished system. I say new Xtol because the batch was a new mix that had not fully "seasoned". I ran a control strip to discover the extra activity and to allow for it. All the pictures I post are scans, on my $49 MEDION flat bed scanner, of the actual gelatin-silver photographs. Scanner calibration is confirmed by my holding the photograph next to the monitor screen. If they look similar I'm happy...not very scientific.

Maris Rusis
16-Feb-2013, 20:38
That's a great shot, Maris. Great example of effective mid-tone usage.

- Leigh

Thanks for the kudo. Infrared mid-tones here are surprisingly well supported because of all the bounce fill off the grass. Grass is a lot "brighter" in the infrared than it is in visible light.

17-Feb-2013, 00:08
Thanks for all of the kind words gents! Much appreciated. Not exactly sure what is "almost a classic", but I like it. :)

Nice background separation! (And the model's no slouch, either.) Very effective portrait.


Fine shot. Almost a classic.

Tim, I'd like to say again here what a fine portrait that is. I can't stop looking at it, and it's not just because she's beautiful. Well, it's partly because she's beautiful, but aside from that, it's just a really good picture!

Great photo Tim, The tonality, the OF background & the model's look. A real winner!

17-Feb-2013, 14:54
Not exactly sure what is "almost a classic", but I like it. :)

I'm not sure of the date of your shot but in the 90's I recall seeing the very same composition in color.

17-Feb-2013, 15:12
Love the shot of yours on the previous page tuco. Truly some beautiful shadows there - almost looks like you used a gentle fill flash.

Here's a shot I took yesterday at a local performance of a friend who "reads minds" and does other what you might call "tricks." This was a time where an experiment payed off in the end - I stashed two Speedlights in the front row of the theater set to fire by optical trigger from my on-camera flash. This was the final act (he got someone to mix up a pile of envelopes and then hand them out randomly to volunteers - and they somehow correctly spelled out the word). The stage was flooded with incandescent light and the floor where they were was pitch black without any light. The flashes had tungsten gels. Anyway, it worked perfectly - they fired and filled out the lighting wonderfully. Setup was a Nikon 50mm f/1.2 AIS and D800E:


17-Feb-2013, 16:35
Love the shot of yours on the previous page tuco. Truly some beautiful shadows there - almost looks like you used a gentle fill flash.

Thanks. I placed the shadow side of the wood one stop below the middle gray for the exposure.

I'm really digging your shot. That balanced out well.

17-Feb-2013, 16:41
Thanks! I think I like event shooting because I like problem-solving. It's always a challenge - be it lighting, or timing, or whatever.
One more photo for today...this is a wedding photo I shot on Valentine's Day for one of my best friends. Talk about problem solving - this was a VERY small venue with atrocious fluorescent lights and hardly any room to move. But so far things are looking good! This is what I call a "money shot" for I hope obvious reasons...
D800E, 85mm f/1.4D:

17-Feb-2013, 19:13
I'm not sure of the date of your shot but in the 90's I recall seeing the very same composition in color.

It was shot in July of 2012 but I had just seen the exhibition for Herb Ritts and it reminds me a lot of something I saw there. Not intentional, but once I cropped it I immediately saw the similarity.

austin granger
18-Feb-2013, 20:02
In a Supermarket, Portland

Signs and Symbols, Long Beach Peninsula, Washington


18-Feb-2013, 20:20
Medium format portrait. Pentax 67 cropped square.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8096/8476638435_204f7cdfa1_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/8476638435/)
Tracy 2012 revisited (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/8476638435/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr


I'm lovin' it.
Tones, expression, composition: everything comes together beautifully.

John Rodriguez
19-Feb-2013, 21:19
Looking for feedback on two different crop options -

Crop A


Crop B


austin granger
19-Feb-2013, 23:05
Looking for feedback on two different crop options

For what it's worth, I prefer crop B; the tree in the stream looks too far to the left in crop A. In crop B it feels more balanced, and I like the way that tree, the grouping of trees at the top, and the lighter barked tree (birch?) are all working together. It's a musical note! Anyway, B for me. Either way, it's a beautiful picture, with wonderful light. I especially like the colors in the water.

Peter Gomena
19-Feb-2013, 23:32
The foreground and tree have more presence in B.

20-Feb-2013, 00:41
I just got an F5 and was given a F2A, so I did a family portrait:


And one shot with the F4 and Kodak's Ektar film:

Oh that's Ektar? I wasn't sure when I saw it.

I'm actually a but surprised you are able to photograph that kind of stuff. It's not "proprietary" or anything. Do you have to get permission to post any of that?

20-Feb-2013, 05:57
In a Supermarket, Portland

There was a time when I found Austin's choice of subject and composition, inspiring. But it's getting to the point now that when he posts images, it kind of makes me think about just giving up. "For sale - 30+ cameras ranging from 35mm SLR's and range finders and lots of lenses, 120 TLR's, several Baby Crown Graphics, 5X7 Eastman & lenses, 8X10 Fulmer & Schwing & lenses...because obviously I don't know how to use any of them!"

Peter Gomena
20-Feb-2013, 08:53
You're not the first person to have these thoughts, but you've expressed them very well. Be glad you're 3,000 miles away - he lives here. If he wasn't such a thoroughly nice guy I might resent him for gobbling up all the visual real estate for miles around. Voracious and talented, shooting all the time.

Keep up the amazing work, Austin!

20-Feb-2013, 11:24
Of course all of this is subjective, but personally I prefer A. Why? I feel like it adds a nice left to right motion to the water which I like. But you know what they say about opinions...


Looking for feedback on two different crop options -

Crop A


Crop B


20-Feb-2013, 11:29
Austin, you have a growing fan club! Understandable. As I mentioned previously on a Facebook comment I enjoy perspectives and LOVE the tones you get in your images. Although, I have to say the supermarket image brought back some bad memories. I used to have to design that crap point-of-sale display materials for Pepsi as well as Miller Brewing Company. I know it serves a purpose but between the client always dumbing everything down and how cheaply everything ended up getting produced, those are images that remind me of just how lucky I was to escape... :)


20-Feb-2013, 11:32
Just to keep this thread image based, here is another image made with the Pentax 67. I love photographing people... :)

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7258/7734983998_43a2d8af79_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/7734983998/)
Tracy. July 2012. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/7734983998/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr


20-Feb-2013, 14:08
A couple of new prints from me, all shot with medium format film.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8108/8488755915_f7df35ee2b_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/andreios/8488755915/)
Snow is not always white (http://www.flickr.com/photos/andreios/8488755915/) by andreios (http://www.flickr.com/people/andreios/), on Flickr

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8252/8488755779_18ac926a82_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/andreios/8488755779/)
Hochmoor (http://www.flickr.com/photos/andreios/8488755779/) by andreios (http://www.flickr.com/people/andreios/), on Flickr

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8087/8491985613_1d85df82f3_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/andreios/8491985613/)
When you can almost touch the light (http://www.flickr.com/photos/andreios/8491985613/) by andreios (http://www.flickr.com/people/andreios/), on Flickr

Richard Wasserman
20-Feb-2013, 16:16
Chicago EL

Mamiya 7II, 65mm

Maris Rusis
20-Feb-2013, 16:24
Snow Gum, Mount Guthrie.

Gelatin-silver photograph on Fomabrom Variant III FB VC, image area 16.5cmX21.3cm, from a 67 format Tmax100 negative exposed in a Mamiya RB67 rollfilm single lens reflex camera fitted with a 360mm f6.3 lens and #25 red filter.
Titled and signed recto, stamped verso.

Joe O'Hara
20-Feb-2013, 18:52
Wow. Super photograph there, Maris.

20-Feb-2013, 19:21
Great images, andreios.

John Rodriguez
20-Feb-2013, 20:33
For what it's worth, I prefer crop B; the tree in the stream looks too far to the left in crop A. In crop B it feels more balanced, and I like the way that tree, the grouping of trees at the top, and the lighter barked tree (birch?) are all working together. It's a musical note! Anyway, B for me. Either way, it's a beautiful picture, with wonderful light. I especially like the colors in the water.

Thanks for the feedback and the kind words Austin.

The foreground and tree have more presence in B.

Thanks Peter.

Of course all of this is subjective, but personally I prefer A. Why? I feel like it adds a nice left to right motion to the water which I like. But you know what they say about opinions...


Thanks Scott.

John Rodriguez
20-Feb-2013, 20:35
Just to keep this thread image based, here is another image made with the Pentax 67. I love photographing people... :)

And it shows. That's a lovely graphic portrait.

John Rodriguez
20-Feb-2013, 20:37
I really enjoy that last image andreios, it makes me think of the coming spring.

21-Feb-2013, 00:23
Thanks, Chassis!

I really enjoy that last image andreios, it makes me think of the coming spring.
Thank you, John! The negative was made on a lovely autumn morning last September, but it is interesting how we make mental connection between light and spring - it happens to me often as well, particularly in these dark winter days... Which might be the reason why I returned to this negative last Sunday.. :)

21-Feb-2013, 00:42
A couple of new prints from me, all shot with medium format film.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8108/8488755915_f7df35ee2b_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/andreios/8488755915/)


21-Feb-2013, 08:47
Southern Arizona snow used to be uncommon, but we've had three snowstorms in 11 days. Got 5 inches last night, the most I've seen in 12 years. Pen-F 25mm/4.0.


Larger here (http://www.flickr.com/photos/garrettsphotos/8494437061/sizes/h/in/photostream/).

21-Feb-2013, 10:50
And it shows. That's a lovely graphic portrait.

Thank you John. :)


austin granger
21-Feb-2013, 11:15
Randy, Pete, Tim, You guys are way to kind to me. But thank you. It makes me happy to be able to share my stuff like this.

There have been a lot of good pictures on this thread lately!

22-Feb-2013, 08:15

austin granger
22-Feb-2013, 09:51
Birds and Shells, Nahcotta, Washington

Truck, Astoria


Peter De Smidt
22-Feb-2013, 09:59
Birds and Shells, Nahcotta, Washington

Damn you, Austin! How're we supposed to keep up?

Jim Galli
22-Feb-2013, 10:48
Chicago EL

Mamiya 7II, 65mm

Richard, this is very well seen. I enjoyed looking at this for quite a while.

22-Feb-2013, 10:59
Wow the birds is a really nice image.

Richard Wasserman
22-Feb-2013, 13:19
Thank you Jim!

Richard, this is very well seen. I enjoyed looking at this for quite a while.

22-Feb-2013, 14:50
A scouting picture of new sand dune turf from last summer but with a twist. I put a CPL filter on a really wide lens using a rangefinder knowing to expect the worse. I looked through the CPL filter with my eyes while rotating it, noted the orientation and put it back on the lens. This one managed to have a reasonable sky. But I think it really helped tame some harshness I'd get in the Sun, sand and colored filters.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8384/8451684179_ca3c86d5c9_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8451684179/)

M7II, 43mm, CPL Filter, 400TMY

Shooting these dunes takes some strategy sometimes. You have to try and keep your footprints out of the pictures. I usually walk around the perimeter looking for those shots and then work my way in. Once in the middle you sometimes see a good shot but, oops, too late. Footprints.

austin granger
22-Feb-2013, 15:30
Nice one Tuco. I think that's 'my' tree in the background. :)


22-Feb-2013, 15:45
Nice one Tuco. I think that's 'my' tree in the background. :)

Yes, it's the same place.