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Ramiro Elena
15-Dec-2012, 07:07
I'd vote him.

Inji, Oregon Zoo


Scott Schroeder
15-Dec-2012, 07:46
Waiting room

austin granger
15-Dec-2012, 10:59
I'd vote him.
Her actually. Inji is a fifty-two year old grandmother. Her giant grandson lives with her at the zoo. And when she look you in the eyes, there is absolutely no doubt that she is a sentient being who possesses deep intelligence.

austin granger
15-Dec-2012, 11:02
Jonathan, I'm with Corran, you could definitely make a career of wedding. I love this one of the flowers; it's original and perfectly done. And what great colors!

Ramiro Elena
15-Dec-2012, 11:36
I first thought it was a coffin until Corran talked about weddings!
Austin, orangutans are that way. They're pretty amazing. I'm still voting for her.

David R Munson
15-Dec-2012, 11:44
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8084/8275574780_89d3a74d5d_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/8275574780/)
Chicago, IL (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/8275574780/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

Testing Acros and Pyrocat MC, but this is also sort of homage to Michael Levin, whose work I really like and am trying to better understand at the moment.

Mamiya 645 Pro, 80mm f/1.9, red 29 and ND 4.0 filters, Acros, Pyrocat MC.

15-Dec-2012, 12:16
Testing Acros and Pyrocat MC, but this is also sort of homage to Michael Levin, whose work I really like and am trying to better understand at the moment.

Mamiya 645 Pro, 80mm f/1.9, red 29 and ND 4.0 filters, Acros, Pyrocat MC.

WOW! Nice composition david. Like the deep blacks aswell

15-Dec-2012, 12:38
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8084/8275574780_89d3a74d5d_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/8275574780/)
Chicago, IL (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/8275574780/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

Testing Acros and Pyrocat MC, but this is also sort of homage to Michael Levin, whose work I really like and am trying to better understand at the moment.

Mamiya 645 Pro, 80mm f/1.9, red 29 and ND 4.0 filters, Acros, Pyrocat MC.

Ooh, too cool; great work, David.

15-Dec-2012, 13:23
Testing Acros and Pyrocat MC, but this is also sort of homage to Michael Levin, whose work I really like and am trying to better understand at the moment.

Mamiya 645 Pro, 80mm f/1.9, red 29 and ND 4.0 filters, Acros, Pyrocat MC.

Yes, sweet shot!

David R Munson
15-Dec-2012, 13:32
Thanks guys! I'm pleased with how it turned out.

ian kraus
15-Dec-2012, 14:08
beautiful David

Scott Schroeder
15-Dec-2012, 15:28
yes David that's wonderful. Very gotham like ;-)

15-Dec-2012, 18:44
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8084/8275574780_89d3a74d5d_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/8275574780/)

David, I'll add to the chorus: fantastic shot and expertly executed.


15-Dec-2012, 18:53
Austin and Bryan,

I always loved that photo, but I had never scanned the negative before.

Back when I did it I enjoyed shooting weddings--to a point. If I were to start up again I would have to market myself as a "film only" wedding photographer, and without doing research I'm not really sure what the market is for that these days. Maybe I've waited out the digital surge long enough that film has come back around to be cool again. We'll see!


Ramiro Elena
16-Dec-2012, 06:02
Jonathan, you can mix the two. There are good enough tools to emulate analog photography.
This is a friend of mine who does weddings. I love his style and technique.


Shooting film would be too expensive and slow and this is the type of photography you want to make sure it comes out well. There's no going back to re-shoot :)

16-Dec-2012, 06:11

Your friend's photos are quite good: very clean and modern. The problem for me is I have no digital gear and don't have the money to buy any, at least not the kind of high end DSLR stuff I would need for weddings. Film would be very expensive and time consuming compared to digital, but I don't have any other way to shoot at the moment. Then again, I am in no danger of starting up my wedding photo career any time soon, so the point is moot!


16-Dec-2012, 06:51
One last wedding photo for a while. (I don't mean to spam the thread with them.) I got lucky with this one, panning as I walked along side the couple.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, HP5+ (cropped).



16-Dec-2012, 09:14
Jonathan, you can mix the two. There are good enough tools to emulate analog photography.
This is a friend of mine who does weddings. I love his style and technique.

It is interesting that we accept photos that imitate film but yet how many wives would be happy if they found out their husband bought them an imitation diamond ring, I wonder. I suspect many would be spending their honeymoon sleeping on the couch.

16-Dec-2012, 11:56
Chicago, IL by David R Munson
Superb shot, David. Too bad it's on flickr where it'll disappear in a couple of days.

- Leigh

16-Dec-2012, 11:57
Great shot Jonathan. The tones, black of the tuxedo and motion work well.

David R Munson
16-Dec-2012, 12:15
Superb shot, David. Too bad it's on flickr where it'll disappear in a couple of days.

- Leigh
Thanks Leigh. Not quite sure what you mean about flickr and the photo disappearing, however. I haven't pulled anything off my flickr account in years.

16-Dec-2012, 13:14
This gal looked pretty nervous to me getting ready to jump out of an airplane.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8082/8278534196_7f04063249_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8278534196/)

400TMY, Y2 Yellow Filter

Roger Cole
16-Dec-2012, 13:17
Thanks Leigh. Not quite sure what you mean about flickr and the photo disappearing, however. I haven't pulled anything off my flickr account in years.

I'm not sure what he means either. I only started on Flickr just short of two years ago (Jan 2011) but all the photos I posted then are still up. Nothing has disappeared.

I agree though, great photo!

16-Dec-2012, 23:19

Your friend's photos are quite good: very clean and modern. The problem for me is I have no digital gear and don't have the money to buy any, at least not the kind of high end DSLR stuff I would need for weddings. Film would be very expensive and time consuming compared to digital, but I don't have any other way to shoot at the moment. Then again, I am in no danger of starting up my wedding photo career any time soon, so the point is moot!

A Canon 5d I is good enough for weddings, especially when coupled with the 24-105/4L kit lens. I've shot several weddings with mine. I see the bodies used for well under a thousand. My wife has a Nikon D300, which is better, but not in any way visible to the clients.

I've done many weddings over the years, first with a Mamiya TLR, and then with a Pentax 645n and n2, and my costs were significantly higher. These days, the digital expectation is built into the market, and film drives the price too high for the sorts of work we do. The brides all want Blurb books these days, not traditional albums, and they expect to see a thousand photos. The Blurb book also drives down costs, but also provides a more saleable package down at our end of the market. The new expectations drive film costs up enormously, though.

Rick "whose latest client got a 164-page book with 500 photos--and had to be talked down to that" Denney

17-Dec-2012, 00:38

Your insights line up with what I suspected: the digital revolution has changed the wedding client's expectations. I have a good friend who wants me to shoot her wedding this summer, but I had to explain to her that scanning the resulting negatives so that she can post them online will take me weeks; therefore, there will be no next-day photos to post to Facebook, etc. If digital output is what people want, there is no reason to shoot film and scan it. I can't compete with that, not with the volume of images, not with the ease-of-use, not with the post-processing time-frame, and not with the cost. Not to mention the fact that I am not familiar with Web-based on-demand printing services such as Blurb. At this point the learning curve is a bit too steep for me, even if a whole DSLR set-up dropped into my lap for free. It's not just learning the ins and outs of the camera itself, but also the digital workflow and modern image delivery mechanisms.

Wow, I'm old!


Ramiro Elena
17-Dec-2012, 02:05
It's funny you mention this. My friend whose website I linked shoots with a 5DMk3 (started with a plain 5D) and always gives me shit about owning a D300. He despises the DX format. He exclusively uses a 35mm f1,4 wide open in all his shots.
I often tell him I see a trademark in 5D images, as if I can tell when an image has been shot with one. It has to do with certain quality (lower but cooler, less contrasty, more vintage...) it somehow reminds me of Polaroid. He says I am crazy. That it has to do with post-processing which I admit must be the case. I doubt there is such a big difference between the two brands.

Jonathan, the human being gets used to everything :)
I think we're at a point now where dust has settled and one can see where analog and digital can fit commercially. Weddings are obviously digital but there are many other nitches for analog which can, sometimes, be as fast in processing as digital. I sometimes process large format faster than digital. :P

A Canon 5d I is good enough for weddings, especially when coupled with the 24-105/4L kit lens. I've shot several weddings with mine. I see the bodies used for well under a thousand. My wife has a Nikon D300, which is better, but not in any way visible to the clients.

I've done many weddings over the years, first with a Mamiya TLR, and then with a Pentax 645n and n2, and my costs were significantly higher. These days, the digital expectation is built into the market, and film drives the price too high for the sorts of work we do. The brides all want Blurb books these days, not traditional albums, and they expect to see a thousand photos. The Blurb book also drives down costs, but also provides a more saleable package down at our end of the market. The new expectations drive film costs up enormously, though.

Rick "whose latest client got a 164-page book with 500 photos--and had to be talked down to that" Denney

17-Dec-2012, 03:51
Well this guy (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/23/fashion/weddings/banquet-photos-put-everyone-in-the-picture-field-notes.html?_r=0) is successfully shooting ULF at weddings, so it is possible, but only as an "add on" to the main digital coverage. Although, it's probably tough to make a living that way.


17-Dec-2012, 11:49
My neighbor talked me into doing his wedding photos next summer. I should have turned him down. Today's wedding are more photo journalism. I'm not going to do 500 shot thing that's for sure. But I did tell him I'd give him shots ready to print and he can get that done on his own.

17-Dec-2012, 12:24
Low tide along the Siuslaw River, Florence, Oregon

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8340/8279688221_f4213f13dc_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8279688221/)

M7II, 43mm, 100TMX

17-Dec-2012, 13:28

17-Dec-2012, 17:34
It has to do with certain quality (lower but cooler, less contrasty, more vintage...) it somehow reminds me of Polaroid. He says I am crazy. That it has to do with post-processing which I admit must be the case.

It's not just post-processing, but the standard setup of the two cameras. I prefer the less saturated in-camera jpeg images using the Canon's default settings, especially for Blurb destinations, which will darken the image a bit and add weight to the color. But for JPEG outputs from the Canon, it's possible to adjust the saturation and sharpness settings in the camera's process to more closely match Nikon's default settings.

I think it would be fairly hard to tell which pictures in our recent album were Canon versus which were Nikon, but it's probably also because her Nikon body's more saturated setup might have been offset but the Nikkor 24-120, which is a fairly low-contrast mid-priced lens. My 24-105 is a better optic for this application. And at f/4 I can get all the selective focus one needs short of being artsy-fartsy.

Rick "without much artsy-fartsy headroom and generally happy if the important events and people are faithfully recorded" Denney

17-Dec-2012, 18:31
Not quite sure what you mean about flickr and the photo disappearing, however.
I don't want to turn this into a discussion thread.
You've only to scan down any image thread here to see all the "unavailable" Flickr panels.

- Leigh

17-Dec-2012, 19:17
You've only to scan down any image thread here to see all the "unavailable" Flickr panels.

- Leigh

Leigh, that's because people remove the photos; maybe they've exceeded their storage capacity, or are not as enamoured of the photo as they first were, or some other reason.
Flickr does not remove the photos.

Peter De Smidt
17-Dec-2012, 19:18

Low tide along the Siuslaw River, Florence, Oregon

Very nice, Tuco!

17-Dec-2012, 21:36
Low tide along the Siuslaw River, Florence, Oregon

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8340/8279688221_f4213f13dc_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8279688221/)

M7II, 43mm, 100TMX

Beautiful Tuco!

17-Dec-2012, 22:31
Thanks so much, you guys.

18-Dec-2012, 00:13
That is really excellent, tuco!

David R Munson
18-Dec-2012, 08:38
Seriously nice shot. Great sense of atmosphere.

18-Dec-2012, 11:08
That is really excellent, tuco!

Seriously nice shot. Great sense of atmosphere.

Thanks. It pays to keep some rubber boots in the car. The ground was really slimy.

18-Dec-2012, 11:12
I crossed that bridge in my prior shot into the thick of the fog

Sand Dunes, Dunes City, Oregon

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8198/8282405435_668eacdbd8_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8282405435/)


18-Dec-2012, 11:18
Low tide along the Siuslaw River, Florence, Oregon

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8340/8279688221_f4213f13dc_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8279688221/)

M7II, 43mm, 100TMX


18-Dec-2012, 11:19
I crossed that bridge in my prior shot into the thick of the fog

Sand Dunes, Dunes City, Oregon

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8198/8282405435_668eacdbd8_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8282405435/)



Scott Schroeder
18-Dec-2012, 14:21

18-Dec-2012, 17:41
Hadn't shot my Nikon SP rangefinder in forever so I took it out for a spin before rehearsal with the Albany (GA) Symphony. Kinda meh weather but oh well. This is an old bridge being torn down in Albany, same as my last post on this thread. Nikon SP, Voigtlander 21mm f/4, cropped slightly, with PanF+ film shot at 25 and stand developed in Rodinal 1:100:


David R Munson
18-Dec-2012, 18:33
I crossed that bridge in my prior shot into the thick of the fog

Sand Dunes, Dunes City, Oregon


Dammit, man, knock it off. You're giving me too much to work on when I have a day off.

18-Dec-2012, 21:40
I crossed that bridge in my prior shot into the thick of the fog

Sand Dunes, Dunes City, Oregon


Tuco that one is again exceptional. Love it.

18-Dec-2012, 22:07
Thanks again

18-Dec-2012, 22:23
Untitled, 2012


6x7 Pentax camera, 120mm soft focus lens, Fuji Acros, Ilford MG Art.


18-Dec-2012, 22:53
Untitled, 2012

6x7 Pentax camera, 120mm soft focus lens, Fuji Acros, Ilford MG Art.


Nice. I really like the look on that paper.

18-Dec-2012, 22:58
Nikon F3, Kodachrome



MIke Sherck
19-Dec-2012, 09:00
Nikon F3, Kodachrome



This is an example of why I keep coming back here. Had I been standing there it would never ever have occurred to me to make this picture. And it's just lovely! Got to keep shoving my lazy brain cells in directions they aren't used to going. Thanks!


Scott Schroeder
19-Dec-2012, 15:57
Big Bend Morning


19-Dec-2012, 18:09
This is an example of why I keep coming back here. Had I been standing there it would never ever have occurred to me to make this picture. And it's just lovely! Got to keep shoving my lazy brain cells in directions they aren't used to going. Thanks!

That's a fine compliment, Mike. Thank you. And I agree. I keep seeing images on these forums that would never have occurred to me to take, and sometimes a particular image or approach triggers a new idea and sends me off a new path. Other times I am just humbled and amazed.


19-Dec-2012, 21:24
Nice. I really like the look on that paper.

Thanks tuco. I've added that paper to my arsenal of weapons for soft "pictorial" type images that I've become fond of lately. I printed that image on Bergger warm tone glossy and Ilford Art and liked the latter the better. But I also printed another soft focus image on both papers and liked the Bergger the best. Bergger, I understand, is now coating stock on Rives and I'm anxious to try it also. Once you get a good image, it pays to print it on several different papers Today I took both images on the two stocks to work and asked my colleagues which they liked the best. The majority picked the same combination as I did, another picked the direct opposite in both cases even though he professed to like the glossy (Bergger) better at the outset, and the rest in some combination.


20-Dec-2012, 01:06
Big Bend Morning

Nice shot. I really like doing fading gray scales too when I can find them.

20-Dec-2012, 08:12
Nikon F3, Kodachrome



Scott Schroeder
20-Dec-2012, 09:29
View from Saline Valley

Scott Schroeder
20-Dec-2012, 09:38
Early morning Full Moon setting, Big Bend


20-Dec-2012, 10:29
Scott, that is really a stunning view... I mean the first monochrome one - nothing against the pano, nice as well, but the Saline view image really stands out for me.

Peter Gomena
20-Dec-2012, 11:05
+1 on the Saline view. I love the way the hilltop swoops in from the left and the cloud from the right. There's a lot going on, and the tones are groovin'.

Peter Gomena

21-Dec-2012, 06:00
I've never been able to decide if I should crop this a bit from the right side to eliminate the dark reflection in the upper corner. The image becomes even more "zen" when cropped that way, but there is something about having a visual anchor (no pun intended) on the right side of the frame.

Nikon F3, Kodachrome



Scott Schroeder
21-Dec-2012, 10:48

21-Dec-2012, 11:03
A friend asked me to shoot her wedding. Not at all my thing, but she is happy with the photos. :)

After the wedding there was an epic Jenga battle. Good times were had by all. The girl with camera is always asking if she can take photos with my camera when I have one. So I have her one of my F4's and turned her loose. She did good.
Nikon F4, 85mm f1.4, Portra 160
The best ring box ever (made by one of the kids):
Nikon F4, 85mm f1.4, Portra 160

last one, the bride bribing the girls to sit still for the large format formal photos:
Nikon F4, 24-55mm, Portra 160

Jan Pedersen
21-Dec-2012, 11:03
A little more of the same subject matter. Central City Colorado.

21-Dec-2012, 12:02
I've never been able to decide if I should crop this a bit from the right side to eliminate the dark reflection in the upper corner. The image becomes even more "zen" when cropped that way, but there is something about having a visual anchor (no pun intended) on the right side of the frame.

Nikon F3, Kodachrome



What about cropping hard on the right to original aspect ratio, but vertical?


Scott Schroeder
21-Dec-2012, 14:10
Always liked this one. Kids sure do like to play with fire....


21-Dec-2012, 15:55
Always liked this one. Kids sure do like to play with fire....

Looks like he just ate a s'more

21-Dec-2012, 17:47
What about cropping hard on the right to original aspect ratio, but vertical?

That's an idea. I'd have to try a new scan because this one was already showing more grain/pixelation than I'd like at full frame. Flatbed scanners, even with transparency holders, are not very forgiving with 35mm.


austin granger
21-Dec-2012, 22:07
Jesus, Portland

Burial Vaults, Portland


21-Dec-2012, 23:04
Jesus, Austin, burial vaults? :rolleyes:


22-Dec-2012, 02:43
Picked up roll of film from my local Costco today. I feel fortunate that they still process film since I'm not doing C-41 at home yet.

Canon FTb, 50mm f/1.4, EKtachrome 100 (expired 1993), cross-processed.



Scott Davis
22-Dec-2012, 07:18

The North entrance to the West Wing of the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC.


Poinsettia in the Kogod Courtyard of the National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC.

Both taken with a Rolleiflex 2.8E, Portra 800. The poinsettia was done with a Rolleinar 2 attached.

22-Dec-2012, 09:15
As I remember them: #1 - Olympus OM1 w 50/1.8; #2 - Minoltina ALS; #3 - Braun Super Paxette II (?)


22-Dec-2012, 14:22
Dropping off the Marine version of Santa:
Nikon D7000
300mm f2.8

And three from the Hurricane Sandy aftermath in NYC:


This one pretty much sums it up:

22-Dec-2012, 20:33
This one pretty much sums it up:

With sympathy, LOL.

austin granger
22-Dec-2012, 21:40
Sermon on the Mount, Portland


22-Dec-2012, 22:03
I've been using Liquid Light on textured paper, then coloring with oils and pencils.

22-Dec-2012, 22:34
I've been using Liquid Light on textured paper, then coloring with oils and pencils.

Nice! How long are your exposures with LL?

23-Dec-2012, 08:50
For 8x10 prints, the exposures are running around 24 seconds at f.11. I've just started doing them at 16x20.

85903 85904 85905

23-Dec-2012, 12:37
Rolleiflex 2.8E, Kodak Tri-X 400

23-Dec-2012, 13:17
Rolleiflex 2.8E, Kodak Tri-X 400

Great shot!

Ron Stowell
23-Dec-2012, 16:51
Really eye catching work;maybe you could offer a brief description of the process that give these results.
This is why I come to this forum, is to learn how to do really good work.

23-Dec-2012, 18:07
With Melissa (http://www.modelmayhem.com/877535) at the beach last week. It was the coldest day of the year, and she was running around like a jaybird. Such a nice day in the sunshine. :)

Canon EOS D60, EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 400.


Scott Schroeder
24-Dec-2012, 07:59
Ari that's a great photo


24-Dec-2012, 08:58
~ Twas the day before Christmas and all through Henry County ~
not a creature was stirring 'cause upon Santa's head
there was a bounty.


~ In Southern Virginia we are very suspicious of those bearing gifts ~
VERY suspicious.

Happy Holidays to all the guys and gals here at LFPF

Bernice Loui
24-Dec-2012, 09:58

Old Oak.


Bernice Loui
24-Dec-2012, 10:00

Day's End..


Brian C. Miller
24-Dec-2012, 13:23
~ Twas the day before Christmas and all through Henry County ~
not a creature was stirring 'cause upon Santa's head
there was a bounty.

"If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!"

And so Buddha left behind him many dead Buddhists, for he was the Buddha, and his happiness was great, and his guns were warm.

Daniel Stone
24-Dec-2012, 14:47
Just west of Tehachapi on a recent overnighter.

3 shot stitch from my Nikon. Should make a nice 8x20" print on the wall!


24-Dec-2012, 16:12
Really eye catching work;maybe you could offer a brief description of the process that give these results.
This is why I come to this forum, is to learn how to do really good work.
If you ask the specific poster, I'm sure you'll get your answers. It's hard to tell who you're asking.

24-Dec-2012, 18:11
Tree trimmings

24-Dec-2012, 18:12
Wood and leaves

24-Dec-2012, 18:20
A couple more from a recent cross-processed roll of Ektachrome. I checked my notes and my earlier post was incorrect: this roll expired in 1988!

Canon FTb, Ektachrome 100HC (expired 1988), cross-processed.




24-Dec-2012, 20:09

Real pleased with the D600 in low light! This is with the 50/1.8-af-d. Christmas candle light service.

Scott Schroeder
26-Dec-2012, 15:09
Striped Butte, DV


26-Dec-2012, 19:02
Scott; that is very very nice!

From my yashica-C tlr, which has a triplet that is kinda unique wide open. tmy2 in pyrocat-hd


26-Dec-2012, 20:22
WIth cold slit over the Christmas break, I have been busy printing and revamping my web site.

I printed a few series away form my usual landscape,


If you want to see more: http://lbenac.zenfolio.com/p315766070


If you want to see more: http://lbenac.zenfolio.com/p100753809


If you want to see more: http://lbenac.zenfolio.com/p43671423



26-Dec-2012, 20:28
A couple of pretend product shots, just for play. All done with my Canon 5D, the 50mm f/2.5 Compact Macro (with life-size adapter when needed), a single strobe, and a big shoot-through umbrella.

Subject is my Christmas present. I always wanted a good-quality mechanical watch and it seems an appropriate indulgence for LF enthusiasts, when they are prepared to indulge themselves non-photographically. But this was Santa's choice in any case.




Rick "75% off at the Movado outlet store" Denney

Peter De Smidt
27-Dec-2012, 07:44

27-Dec-2012, 08:33
WIth cold slit over the Christmas break, I have been busy printing and revamping my web site.

I printed a few series away form my usual landscape,



I like the new direction, Luc; much stronger.

A couple of pretend product shots, just for play. All done with my Canon 5D, the 50mm f/2.5 Compact Macro (with life-size adapter when needed), a single strobe, and a big shoot-through umbrella.

Subject is my Christmas present. I always wanted a good-quality mechanical watch and it seems an appropriate indulgence for LF enthusiasts, when they are prepared to indulge themselves non-photographically. But this was Santa's choice in any case.

Rick "75% off at the Movado outlet store" Denney

Santa was right; nice gift!


Great shot, Peter, and a wonderful gift.
I made my wife a Christmas card full of recent photos; since we ought to give our best, it may as well be photos!

27-Dec-2012, 11:07
I like the new direction, Luc; much stronger.

Thanks Ari.
Are you talking about the web site look and feel or the subjects?



27-Dec-2012, 11:09
Thanks Ari.
Are you talking about the web site look and feel or the subjects?



Hi Luc,
I was referring to the recent images, "Fresh From the Darkroom".

Peter De Smidt
27-Dec-2012, 11:22
Thanks Ari! I'll be sending you a smaller version in the mail soon. :)

27-Dec-2012, 12:02
Hi Luc,
I was referring to the recent images, "Fresh From the Darkroom".

Some are recent, some are not. The recent one are of course at the top of the gallery.
I have to go through all of them and remove many. As always going through which makes the grade and which don't is traumatic :-)



27-Dec-2012, 13:12
Just got back from a week-long whirlwind vacation, hitting spots all across the southeast, including the Golden Isles of GA, Biloxi, MS, and state parks in Alabama and Florida. I've got 10 rolls of film and over a dozen sheets of film waiting to be developed...lots of late nights ahead! Anyway, here's a digi-snap from the USS Alabama park. Nikon D800E, 20mm f/2.8 AF lens, and a polarizer with some dodging/burning in LR and cropped to 1:2. Unfortunately the wonderful clouds dissipated just after I got here...oh well.


Scott Schroeder
27-Dec-2012, 15:41
Hiking Big Bend Ranch SP


27-Dec-2012, 17:00
Tri-X 400 at 1600, 35mm
http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/4327/img020aj.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/17/img020aj.jpg/)

Jay DeFehr
28-Dec-2012, 12:44
Fuji Acros developed in Portrait Pyro, 1:100, 8:00, 70F, 10 seconds/minute agitation.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8072/8317490720_c52c0f437b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/8317490720/)

richard brown
29-Dec-2012, 14:49
86237HO, HO AND HO.... almost forgot to wish happy holidays to all the gang on large format forum.... thank you all for inspiration and humour..... cheers from the cold white north .... Richard.

Daniel Stone
29-Dec-2012, 16:15

are those Santas "Ho Ho Ho's" ;)?

David R Munson
30-Dec-2012, 11:31

Beard came off today.

30-Dec-2012, 11:54
Driftwood Beach on Jekyll Island...a storm was rolling in and all I had was the Yashicamat. I took 3 shots and stitched them. It worked surprisingly well:


A bunch of images from the Golden Isles are on my blog, with more coming soon.

31-Dec-2012, 15:13


(Nikon D800E, 35mm f/1.4 AI)

31-Dec-2012, 16:30
Driftwood Beach on Jekyll Island...a storm was rolling in and all I had was the Yashicamat. I took 3 shots and stitched them. It worked surprisingly well:
A bunch of images from the Golden Isles are on my blog, with more coming soon.

I have been doing that with my Autocord many time. It works well as you are showing here.



31-Dec-2012, 16:33
My wife at Balboa Park, San Diego last weekend. Jupiter 8.


31-Dec-2012, 16:34
Kodak Medalist HP5 Pyrocat Jobo





31-Dec-2012, 17:08
Thanks Luc! Nice shots you've got as well!

31-Dec-2012, 17:18
Nice images, Luc. May I ask where were they taken? I'm guessing Greece or Italy?

31-Dec-2012, 17:25
Nice images, Luc. May I ask where were they taken? I'm guessing Greece or Italy?

Spain - Catalunya. Miravet Castle and the village of Tivissa.



31-Dec-2012, 18:00

Beard came off today.

Should have left the stache!

31-Dec-2012, 21:11
Spain - Catalunya. Miravet Castle and the village of Tivissa.




Did you modify the Medalist to accept 120 film, or are you rewinding 120 film onto 620 spools?

The Kodak ektar lens work quite well on those cameras :)

It would be nice to find the sheet film back for that camera.

31-Dec-2012, 21:20

Did you modify the Medalist to accept 120 film, or are you rewinding 120 film onto 620 spools?

The Kodak ektar lens work quite well on those cameras :)

It would be nice to find the sheet film back for that camera.

I had it modified for 120 along with CLA. I fell in love with the Ektar lens. Granted it can give too much distortion on certain angle for building but when you nail it...



31-Dec-2012, 21:24

(Nikon D800E, 35mm f/1.4 AI)

Very nice

Joe Forks
31-Dec-2012, 22:54
Happy New Year.

Here's a couple from September on the Marathon Basin.

A Mojave rattlesnake, and Housetop Mountain.

31-Dec-2012, 23:36
Unmarked grave on an old country road in the mountains of north GA, with some sort of relief/painting. Not crooked, it was just on a very steep hill. Cropped square from 135 - Nikon F2, 50/1.2:


1-Jan-2013, 22:08
Okay I'm going to stop posting photos one of these days. Here is a series of photos, with an excerpt from my blog (where you can see more photos from this roll, and hi-rez versions):

...For over two years, I've seen this junk shop a little less than halfway between [Valdosta and Waycross], filled with all kinds of rusted-up junk and cool-looking paraphernalia. But the light has always been terrible - it was always in shadow with how the sun was positioned or it was the afternoon and was flat and boring.

Driving past though on December 20th, the sun was setting and the winter position of the sun made the whole establishment light up aglow! I hurriedly stopped, grabbed my Yashica 124G, and loaded a roll of T-Max 100 film. But something wasn't right...my meter...it was acting funny. The battery had died! No worries - I used Sunny 16 for this whole roll. I developed it in Rodinal, semi-stand with 1:100 dilution, to help even out the exposures.

http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/junkshop01.jpg http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/junkshop02.jpg
http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/junkshop05.jpg http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/junkshop06.jpg

1-Jan-2013, 22:44

No need to stop posting. I love seeing all these shots, especially since they are from a part of the country that is pretty foreign to me. I'm sure there are plenty of junk shops here in the Pacific NW, but I haven't seen anything quite like that.


1-Jan-2013, 23:05
More with Liquid Light/oil/pencil on watercolor paper:

86383 86382 86384

1-Jan-2013, 23:30

No need to stop posting. I love seeing all these shots, especially since they are from a part of the country that is pretty foreign to me. I'm sure there are plenty of junk shops here in the Pacific NW, but I haven't seen anything quite like that.


Thanks Jonathan!
I sometimes shoot quite a lot in a short period of time, which causes me to have a lot of photos that I feel like sharing...every once in a while I feel like I'm spamming the thread!

1-Jan-2013, 23:55
More Sand Dunes. These are near Florence, Oregon. Winter dunes have more texture on the surface.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8218/8335086309_836996f528_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8335086309/)

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8491/8335086453_ca6f74c93e_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8335086453/)

Both 100ACR, Y2 Yellow Filter

What it looks like in color

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8074/8326889834_325e1723ec_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8326889834/)

2-Jan-2013, 06:54
Pretty spectacular stuff, tuco. I much prefer the B&W.


Scott Schroeder
2-Jan-2013, 08:18
Beveridge Canyon Death Valley


2-Jan-2013, 10:03
Love those dunes tuco, I dearly want to visit that place sometime.

2-Jan-2013, 12:53
Pretty spectacular stuff, tuco. I much prefer the B&W.



Love those dunes tuco, I dearly want to visit that place sometime.

Thanks. I find an overcast day better than a sunny day there. In the summer you only have a small window of time to take shots before the Sun beats down on the sand has no texture. An overcast day gives you much more time to walk around and look for pictures. Also some parts of the dunes are closed to dune buggies and in those areas you'll find scenes without tire tracks everywhere like this one.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8491/8325831257_aeccb935ae_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8325831257/)

2-Jan-2013, 13:44
Thanks for the tips...will remember that for the future! Even with the tracks it looks awesome...it echoes the movement in the clouds to me.

2-Jan-2013, 16:27
These shots I have been experimenting with 100ACR at EI 12. They were either at 1 or 1/2 sec exposures with the yellow filter (EI 6). The prior shots had some uneven development on that roll. I have a roll of 100TMX at EI 12 to develop tonight. We'll to see how that goes.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8071/8336045833_1f2405a100_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8336045833/)

100ACR, Y2 Yellow Filter

2-Jan-2013, 17:18
Wow, please post your TMX shots with development details...I'd love to know since I use TMX almost exclusively. I shoot it at 80 or 50 and develop in Rodinal. Still trying to refine the process for roll film.

The shadow detail and feeling of light in this last shot is stunning.

Scott Schroeder
2-Jan-2013, 20:37
Love that last one Tuco. Beautiful

Here's one from the Inyo Mine


Scott Schroeder
2-Jan-2013, 21:22
And one from Surprise Canyon, DV


2-Jan-2013, 21:35
It's rare I find a palmetto bush that is actually photogenic. Or at least to me I guess. I wish I would have done this in 4x5.
Nikon F4, 20mm AF-D, Fuji Superia 200 converted to b&w:


3-Jan-2013, 18:39
Love that last one Tuco. Beautiful

Thanks. Your abandon car shot is really nice and made me wonder. Why so many dead cars die with their hoods open. ;)

Wow, please post your TMX shots with development details...I'd love to know since I use TMX almost exclusively. I shoot it at 80 or 50 and develop in Rodinal. Still trying to refine the process for roll film.

The shadow detail and feeling of light in this last shot is stunning.

Thanks. Well, the executive summary is the jury is still out and another roll needs to be shot. The roll ended up being a poor test roll. It was the last roll shot that day and as the day progressed it went to a dull, overcast day with no sky texture where you should be doing expansion instead of compression, I'd think.

But I did have a few frames left over and stopped by this park at night to give it try. But a tragedy of errors makes this a poor evaluation shot too. First the excuses. Never take someone along who is going to nag you to hurry up because it's cold. The shot was under exposed. The metering was derived off the gravel under the street lamp which read EV2 and I called that the middle gray to end up with a metered 4 min exposure for f11, EI 12. That corrects to around 10 min for reciprocity failure. But no reciprocity chart was in my bag so I went with 8 min as a guess. But I had the lens on f16. For f16 the shot would meter 8 min and correct to about 20 min. The frame was thin but scannable with some scanner noise. I dunno but here it is. The atmospheric light is the moon light under a thin, hazy layer.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8499/8342674077_9d683df400_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8342674077/)

3-Jan-2013, 19:19
Beard came off today.
Shoulda left the growth and ditched the face.

Sorry... couldn't resist. :D

- Leigh

3-Jan-2013, 21:37
Why so many dead cars die with their hoods open. ;)

They don't, but it's much easier to scavenge parts if the hood is open first :)

Scott Schroeder
4-Jan-2013, 10:16
Yep, those hoods do seem to pop open ;-)
I probably have some photos of the engine (or lack thereof). Somewhere....

But here are some vines instead ;-)


5-Jan-2013, 14:33
The day turned dull with a nearly white, featureless sky. So I thought I'd try adding these boarders for better or worse.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8474/8346590743_422a5fd28f_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8346590743/)


Scott Schroeder
5-Jan-2013, 14:48
That's just incredibly gorgeous Tuco. Really like it.

Here's a "tree" near Eureka dunes death valley


Jim Galli
5-Jan-2013, 15:13
neighbors place, sunset (http://tonopahpictures.0catch.com/GundlachKollmorgenPetzvals/GundlachKollmorgenPetzvals.html)

Nikon D200, Kollmorgen petzval

5-Jan-2013, 16:09
That's just incredibly gorgeous Tuco. Really like it.

Here's a "tree" near Eureka dunes death valley

Thanks. I must say your surreal image is inspiring.

5-Jan-2013, 17:32
That's just incredibly gorgeous Tuco. Really like it.

Here's a "tree" near Eureka dunes death valley


Scott, looks almost like it was shot with one of those aerial ektars. Very nice.

Scott Schroeder
5-Jan-2013, 17:41
Out on a short walk today....

Under the bridge





Scott Schroeder
5-Jan-2013, 17:42

Gary Tarbert
5-Jan-2013, 18:02
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8351/8351971870_acd69d8425_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71920785@N02/8351971870/)
trigg web (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71920785@N02/8351971870/) by gary1746 (http://www.flickr.com/people/71920785@N02/), on Flickr Hi , Everytime i take the LF camera here the light doesn't play ball so 800E nikon 24mm lens . Cheers Gary

David R Munson
5-Jan-2013, 18:41

Scott - what lens did you use for these shots? The bokeh is quite "nervous" (not sure how else to put it), which normally would sound bad but here I kind of like the uneasy feeling it gives.

5-Jan-2013, 19:25
I've seen similar bokeh from a Bausch & Lomb Tessar 1c 75mm f/3.5 lens

Scott Schroeder
5-Jan-2013, 20:05
Hey David. I can see what you mean. It's a 50/1.8 on a 5D. I love the lens....

I've come to prefer shooting wide open after shooting a lot of brass with collodion. I like the look.

What happened here to make the bokeh different was the angle. I was above and leaning over. The razor sharp plane of focus is on the laces.

No idea who left them there...

5-Jan-2013, 21:42
Panasonic LX5
Playing with silver efex pro

6-Jan-2013, 11:00
Quite a nice morning for once, wish I had taken the proper camera instead of the digital one

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8191/8352648829_37d631a712_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/8352648829/)
St Mary's Lighthouse grass landscape version (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/8352648829/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

Peter Lewin
6-Jan-2013, 13:47
Gary, that's just a wonderful image, beautiful light and nice "slowing down" of the surf. While I just came back from a short outing with the 4x5, your image is one of those that makes me wonder why we use large format when the more recent digital slrs can record such beautiful images.

Gary Tarbert
6-Jan-2013, 16:12
Gary, that's just a wonderful image, beautiful light and nice "slowing down" of the surf. While I just came back from a short outing with the 4x5, your image is one of those that makes me wonder why we use large format when the more recent digital slrs can record such beautiful images.Thank you Peter i am going back to this location with my 5x8 hopefully the light does it thing , We are in our summer now so we mostly get cloudless skys and strong breezes ,So you have to be lucky this time of year. Cheers Gary

Scott Schroeder
6-Jan-2013, 17:34


David R Munson
6-Jan-2013, 18:48
Oh man that's nice!

David R Munson
6-Jan-2013, 19:38
A portrait of my grandmother from last March, finally developed the film and scanned the negative tonight.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8518/8356541292_e17b5614ca_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/8356541292/)
My Mother's Mother (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/8356541292/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

6-Jan-2013, 20:09
And one from Surprise Canyon, DV


The tones and details and composition are VERY NICE on this scott! Thanks for posting it.

6-Jan-2013, 20:11
200+ y.o. cottage on my property. It's decay is very nice to photograph. Such beautiful snow and light today! Yashica C tlr with tmy2 120 film developed in PMK.


Scott Schroeder
6-Jan-2013, 20:31
A portrait of my grandmother from last March, finally developed the film and scanned the negative tonight.
That makes me smile!

Scott Schroeder
6-Jan-2013, 20:34
I like the contrast with the replacement boards. Great cottage to photograph. Is it habitable?

7-Jan-2013, 04:51
I like the contrast with the replacement boards. Great cottage to photograph. Is it habitable?

Habitable for racoons or mice.

7-Jan-2013, 05:47
I shot some behind the scenes coverage for my wife's youngest brother's wedding a few years ago. They were married at the college where they work, and got dressed in music classrooms near the auditorium.

Mamiya 7, NPZ 800



Scott Schroeder
7-Jan-2013, 09:14
I just love that 'look' Jonathon.

I also love how afternoon light looks reflected into a parking garage... ;-)


7-Jan-2013, 10:02
Trying out Delta 3200 on the dunes

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8332/8355800944_bb7fd3dc97_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/8355800944/)

Delta 3200 @ EI 400

7-Jan-2013, 10:03
From last week's stroll in the woods, after the snow has melted rather rapidly. Scan of a darkroom print.

7-Jan-2013, 10:34
Man tuco you continue to amaze with these dunes shot. Was this developed with Pyro?

7-Jan-2013, 11:32
Man tuco you continue to amaze with these dunes shot. Was this developed with Pyro?

Thanks. Yes.

7-Jan-2013, 15:12
I just love that 'look' Jonathan.

Thanks. Sometimes shooting daylight film under fluorescent lighting, and lacking a 'white balance' control, is a good thing. :D


Here's one from (gulp) 25 years ago, but just scanned this week.

Nikon F3, Kodachrome



Scott Schroeder
7-Jan-2013, 18:43
Tuco another beauty.
I liked this fire hydrant at dusk.


7-Jan-2013, 21:43
tuco inspired me to load up some TMZ and try something. I went downtown since it was dark and shot some random stuff, metered at 400 (but added a bit due to some longer exposures sometimes), and developed in highly dilute T-Max RS (I think 1:20 is about what I did). Semi-stand for one hour. What I got is fairly impressive considering. The grain is tight, the shadows are nice and open, and the detail is very nice considering the small negative. I will have to try some Pyrocat but I need to buy some fresh stock. Anyway, here is a shot from the roll:


8-Jan-2013, 08:15
tuco inspired me to load up some TMZ and try something. I went downtown since it was dark and shot some random stuff, metered at 400 (but added a bit due to some longer exposures sometimes), and developed in highly dilute T-Max RS (I think 1:20 is about what I did). Semi-stand for one hour. What I got is fairly impressive considering. The grain is tight, the shadows are nice and open, and the detail is very nice considering the small negative. I will have to try some Pyrocat but I need to buy some fresh stock. Anyway, here is a shot from the roll:

Good to hear. The technique is to compress highlights on high contrast scenes. I'm not sure if stand development for an hour in T-Max is development to completion. If it is then I'd think that defeats the purpose.

8-Jan-2013, 08:26
Wow! That's cool. I love the black shrubs behind the truck.

And one from Surprise Canyon, DV


8-Jan-2013, 11:03
Good to hear. The technique is to compress highlights on high contrast scenes. I'm not sure if stand development for an hour in T-Max is development to completion. If it is then I'd think that defeats the purpose.

Yeah, and that photo was not a good example of the compression...it was just one I liked! It did compress the scene. I will post a better example: I have taken similar photos to this and the streetlamps always are blown out completely along with the area around it. Here they've been rendered clearly. The high dilution I believe is not developing to completion - these negatives were a little thin. From what I understand T-Max RS is technically a compensating developer, which is why I thought this would work. I think it would be fruitful to experiment more, though admittedly when I get some fresh pyro I might abandon it.


8-Jan-2013, 13:39
I think it would be fruitful to experiment more, though admittedly when I get some fresh pyro I might abandon it.

No, keep working with the T-max. I picked some up and was planning to try it. You can do the R&D for us all ;) I was looking at and scanned some much older negatives recently for a family thing. I had used T-Max film and T-Max developer on those. I liked the results and want to take another look at the combo.

David Hedley
8-Jan-2013, 14:19
This was the skyline about 30 minutes ago this evening in São Paulo, but the rain has veered away from us now;
Taken with my trusty Canon EOS5D

8-Jan-2013, 14:20
Will do tuco. I'm going to shoot some TMX at ASA 12 and try it.

David, cool shot.

David Hedley
8-Jan-2013, 14:43
Thanks Bryan. The rain has decided it´s going to come over us anyway, so we´re now in the middle of a torrential storm.

I´m following the TMX, film pulling and compensating development experiments with great interest. Tuco´s photograph of the dunes, using Delta 3200 at EI400, is tremendous.

Scott Schroeder
8-Jan-2013, 14:46
Wow David, that's an awesome photograph. I bet you make those buildings 'pop' if they were a bit brighter. I love how you can see where it's raining and how its clear on both sides.

Scott Schroeder
8-Jan-2013, 15:40


8-Jan-2013, 15:46
Will do tuco. I'm going to shoot some TMX at ASA 12 and try it.

The Acros and TMX I had some uneven development on these last rolls. I haven't had that issue with TMY as far as I can tell. By cutting the development time by ~ 1/2 in PMK, I wondering if the development time is too short. TMY has a longer time. So next test with Acros and TMX in PMK I'm going to add an additional minute to the developing and increase the agitation. We'll see how that goes.

8-Jan-2013, 16:15
Are you doing the standard 1:1:100 dilution? Maybe changing the dilution is the way to go, rather than the time? Just a thought.

8-Jan-2013, 17:59
Are you doing the standard 1:1:100 dilution? Maybe changing the dilution is the way to go, rather than the time? Just a thought.

I'm using the standard 1+2+100 ;) I'll try adding more time and more agitation first. The very first uses of PMK for me were uneven development too but then I tried more agitation and the problem went away. My current agitation profile is 3 inversions within 5 seconds every 15 seconds. And the machine I made to do this task follows those instructions down to the second. :)

8-Jan-2013, 18:45
Butterfly Beach in Santa Barbara, CA, near where I grew up. (Not a bad place to grow up, let me tell you.)

Mamiya 7, Ektachrome



8-Jan-2013, 18:54
I'm using the standard 1+2+100 ;) I'll try adding more time and more agitation first. The very first uses of PMK for me were uneven development too but then I tried more agitation and the problem went away. My current agitation profile is 3 inversions within 5 seconds every 15 seconds. And the machine I made to do this task follows those instructions down to the second. :)

Gotcha. Sorry, I was thinking Pyrocat. I don't really know anything about other types of pyro.

Yes I envy that machine you've built. Quite a cool system.

David R Munson
8-Jan-2013, 21:40
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8238/8362736285_d95fa03527_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/8362736285/)
Bosco in the Window (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/8362736285/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

Grab shot from a quiet day at home. RB67, 127mm, Tri-X.

Scott Schroeder
9-Jan-2013, 16:11
I should've added this one to the series of 5 from under the bridge. It's kind of a relevant 'exclamation' to the scene. It was on the sidewalk next to the shoes.....


Scott Schroeder
10-Jan-2013, 17:46
Big bend "garden"


austin granger
10-Jan-2013, 22:35
Slide, Portland


11-Jan-2013, 00:23
Scan of a recent darkroom print, selenium/sepia toned.

11-Jan-2013, 05:50
1930 Leica w/ Hektor 50/2.5 on Kodak CN400BW:


11-Jan-2013, 06:15
I wonder if we haven't all tried this shot at some point. This one goes all the way back to 1985. (Gulp!)

Nikon F3, Kodachrome



Joe Forks
11-Jan-2013, 08:52
I have a shot of that same Yucca and Opuntia,and a few of those rocks. To the left in my photo.

Scott Schroeder
11-Jan-2013, 09:08
Ha! That's very cool Joe! It's also pretty amazing that you picked out where that was. I wish I would have spent more time with the white grass and chollas toward the back of my photo. Always a beautiful place to photograph.

11-Jan-2013, 11:36


Rolleiflex 2.8F - Tri-X 400

11-Jan-2013, 11:39
1930 Leica w/ Hektor 50/2.5 on Kodak CN400BW:

Nice expression

Gary Tarbert
11-Jan-2013, 18:37
Nice expressionYeah looks like the same expression i got yesterday after spending most of yesterday afternoon in my back room scanning!!
Nice image if the story is look what your missing because i'm pissed with you ,Then you have nailed it!! If she is trying to look sultry then maybe not . Cheers Gary

Scott Schroeder
11-Jan-2013, 19:11
Death Valley


Nathan Potter
11-Jan-2013, 20:22
Scott, marvelous rendition of "Mother Nature". Negative or print scan? If a print, have you retained any detail in the shadow and highlight areas however diminutive they are.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

11-Jan-2013, 21:00

Rolleiflex 2.8F - Tri-X 400

With the empty distance and her expression, I get the feeling her shoulder is a lot colder than it is warm.

Scott Schroeder
11-Jan-2013, 21:10
Thanks Nathan. Lots of pixels in them there shadows and highlights ;-)

Scott Schroeder
11-Jan-2013, 21:12
Saline valley


11-Jan-2013, 23:56
Abandoned oil drum - Fuji Provia 100F, Mamiya 645, 80/1.9 I think:


12-Jan-2013, 06:53
With the empty distance and her expression, I get the feeling her shoulder is a lot colder than it is warm.

Well, she did have a pretty bad hangover that day :rolleyes:

Ray Heath
12-Jan-2013, 06:59

10mP DSLR capture then hand coloured inkjet print on watercolour paper.

Ken Lee
12-Jan-2013, 08:46
200+ y.o. cottage on my property. It's decay is very nice to photograph. Such beautiful snow and light today! Yashica C tlr with tmy2 120 film developed in PMK.


Bravo !!

Scott Schroeder
12-Jan-2013, 08:47
Tom, I like that photo of Babs. Been back a few times to see it. It's the pose as much as the expression.

12-Jan-2013, 10:27
Thanks Scott

12-Jan-2013, 15:35
Working on my setup and lighting with commercial shoots...here is a shot I did just a couple of hours ago of the chamber choir at the university I work at. Any suggestions/critique is welcome. My setup was a Nikon D800E, 17-35mm lens, and two SB-800 flashes to my left staggered between the group, shot at full power, through umbrellas:


Scott Schroeder
12-Jan-2013, 16:55
I got interested in conduit today. Then the f'n mirror fell out of my camera.....




12-Jan-2013, 19:48
Scott; I do like your conduit photos! Lots of nice tones and drama.

Corran; that is well lit and composed. If it's for anything official, they'd probably want a tighter grouping to show unity/teamwork rather than individuality as you have. It's still good to me.

D-tach, the composition is excellent. It's like "That big empty spot on the bed -- be there."

Ken; Appreciate the compliment. You inspire many to low contrast style.

Pelican Case. I broke a rule on purpose and left my camera case in the photo. It shows how bleak our Decembers are when it's gray. It's also a composition element in position and color coordination. 120 Kodak Porta 160 in Rolleiflex Automat-MX Tessar.


12-Jan-2013, 20:44
Thanks jp. I see your point on unity, I didn't think of that. We did do a tight "traditional" shot as well. The choir director and I discussed this shot and it was his idea to have an edgier, modern look, with individuality an important part of that. I was wrong, this was actually the vocal jazz group, not the chamber choir, and I think that style of music is very individualized, while being within a group, so maybe this works better than I had even thought! Anyway, I will think about the relationship between a photo and how the group interacts in the future, great point!

I love the pop of yellow you've got, echoed in the buoy hanging from the house. Neat.

12-Jan-2013, 20:57
Working on my setup and lighting with commercial shoots...here is a shot I did just a couple of hours ago of the chamber choir at the university I work at. Any suggestions/critique is welcome. My setup was a Nikon D800E, 17-35mm lens, and two SB-800 flashes to my left staggered between the group, shot at full power, through umbrellas:

It's an appealing photo. I hope it is going to be a large print so you can at least recognize who the people way in the back are. And I get the feeling the people in the foreground are more important than the ones in the back.

12-Jan-2013, 21:11
It's an appealing photo. I hope it is going to be a large print so you can at least recognize who the people way in the back are. And I get the feeling the people in the back are less significant than the ones in the foreground.

Good point. It's for promotional literature so I don't know.

12-Jan-2013, 21:54
Working on my setup and lighting with commercial shoots...
Hi Bryan,

You should take the young lady in the middle, leaning against the post, sign her
to a multi-year exclusive, and ditch the rest. :D

BTW... Nice shot.

- Leigh

12-Jan-2013, 22:06

Tree Shadow on Rock. Leica M6 with Voigtlander 50mm f/1.5, Foma 400 in Rodinal.

Scott Schroeder
13-Jan-2013, 07:21
Forest Floor


David Hedley
13-Jan-2013, 08:55
I like the forest floor image a lot, Scott. Perhaps in a few weeks there will be green shoots emerging, or rings of fungi.

Rio Juma, Amazonas, Brasil;
Hasselblad H2, Ilford Delta 100 / Tanol

Roger Cole
13-Jan-2013, 09:24
Beautiful Hedley. I really like the way the sky is high key and bright but still has separation in those high values bringing out the clouds.

13-Jan-2013, 10:09
D-tach, the composition is excellent. It's like "That big empty spot on the bed -- be there."

Thanks JP - I sure wish I could get as nice and clean TMY 120 negatives as yours and tuco's. Developed my first 120 Tri-X and TMAX100 rolls last week in Pyrocat HD (Tri-X 8 min @ 75 and TMX100 11 min @ 75 in a CPA2) and they came out very thin and grainy. Probably should have rated them half box speed. On top of that I get that pink stain on the TMAX negatives - did some research and it shouldn't do much harm but my V700 seems to 'see' those pink stains very well :-)
Guess I'll have to do some serious film testing after all - yikes! :rolleyes:

David Hedley
13-Jan-2013, 10:31
Thanks, Roger. That´s very much the effect I was aiming for - it would be possible to print this with a darker tonal emphasis, but I wanted to keep a sense of luminosity and ´fluffiness´ in the clouds and their reflections.


13-Jan-2013, 12:06
Nude Bromoil.


13-Jan-2013, 12:58
Thanks JP - I sure wish I could get as nice and clean TMY 120 negatives as yours and tuco's. Developed my first 120 Tri-X and TMAX100 rolls last week in Pyrocat HD (Tri-X 8 min @ 75 and TMX100 11 min @ 75 in a CPA2) and they came out very thin and grainy. Probably should have rated them half box speed. On top of that I get that pink stain on the TMAX negatives - did some research and it shouldn't do much harm but my V700 seems to 'see' those pink stains very well :-)
Guess I'll have to do some serious film testing after all - yikes! :rolleyes:

The only tmax I use presently is tmax400. Tmax100 is a completely different animal that is similarly named (in my opinion). The pink stain is from insufficient washing. Leave a roll soaking in still rinse water for 30-40 minutes sometime and it will look like a tank of watered down cranberrry juice. I wash by filling the tank, lettng it sit 5-10 minutes and emptying, repeating this several times when convenient.

13-Jan-2013, 13:54
Hanging out with Lexi on the rocks a week ago…

Canon Elan 7, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, Kodak Tri-X.


13-Jan-2013, 14:23
The only tmax I use presently is tmax400. Tmax100 is a completely different animal that is similarly named (in my opinion). The pink stain is from insufficient washing. Leave a roll soaking in still rinse water for 30-40 minutes sometime and it will look like a tank of watered down cranberrry juice. I wash by filling the tank, lettng it sit 5-10 minutes and emptying, repeating this several times when convenient.

Thanks for the info JP - I'll try that next time. Have some Tmax400 aswell to test

13-Jan-2013, 15:13
1945 Kodak Medalist that is. HP5 in Pyrocat



and Sacred

You got to love Europe fro shooting...



13-Jan-2013, 16:06
Finally getting to these scans. This is Fort Frederica on St. Simon's Island on Georgia's Golden Coast.
Taken with my Nikon SP rangefinder and 35mm f/1.8 lens, Fuji Sensia 100 film:


14-Jan-2013, 03:53


Rolleiflex 2.8F - Rolleinar 2 - Tri-X 400

Ramiro Elena
14-Jan-2013, 04:04
Luc, Montserrat! :D

My girl was born near by. She's been wanting to go for a visit for the past two years. Aren't those rocks fun?

14-Jan-2013, 06:45
Highway 46 near Paso Robles, CA.

Fuji GSW690II, Velvia 50



14-Jan-2013, 06:47

Great portrait, Tom. Excellent use of the Rolleinar. This is a good reminder to blow the dust off mine and put it into active duty!


14-Jan-2013, 07:33
In sedona this weekend, shot some Pen-F glass, 50-90 zoom on G1 (and some 8x10, undeveloped yet).


14-Jan-2013, 10:15
Storm building behind the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, part of a book and fine art project that is ongoing. Hasselblad, Rollei IR film...

14-Jan-2013, 11:33
Great portrait, Tom. Excellent use of the Rolleinar. This is a good reminder to blow the dust off mine and put it into active duty!


Thanks Jonathan - I think it will become my favourite 'quick' portrait camera so the D700 will gather even more dust. Although I would love to try a Pentax 67 with a longish lens for portraits :p:rolleyes:

austin granger
14-Jan-2013, 11:39


Scott Schroeder
14-Jan-2013, 17:35

15-Jan-2013, 10:32
Storm building behind the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, part of a book and fine art project that is ongoing. Hasselblad, Rollei IR film...

I absolutely love that picture. Wish i was able to ever make a photo so successfull. Do you have a link for that ongoing project?

austin granger
15-Jan-2013, 10:43
Yardsale, Oregon


David R Munson
15-Jan-2013, 10:53
I absolutely love that picture. Wish i was able to ever make a photo so successfull. Do you have a link for that ongoing project?
+1 on that - absolutely gorgeous shot!

15-Jan-2013, 11:18
This is stunning.


That's just incredibly gorgeous Tuco. Really like it.

Here's a "tree" near Eureka dunes death valley


15-Jan-2013, 11:20
So I thought that this might be appropriate here.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8231/8368919829_3ee0884019_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/8368919829/)
Hasselblad + Sonnar 150mm f4 - 60@f4 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/8368919829/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

Just picked up a Hasselblad and 150mm f4 an this was on my test roll. Small format photo of large format. :)

15-Jan-2013, 11:23
One more:

http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6211/6261881707_0c346cc80b_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/6261881707/)
Moody Sky (http://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/6261881707/) by ScottPhoto.co (http://www.flickr.com/people/themdidit/), on Flickr

Made on my Zeiss Ikoflex IIa. Colour conversion.

Scott Schroeder
15-Jan-2013, 11:24

Scott Schroeder
15-Jan-2013, 11:28
One more:

Made on my Zeiss Ikoflex IIa. Colour conversion.

Tim, that's great. A wonderful assortment of trees. I did the grainy sky too.

15-Jan-2013, 13:22
Tim, that's great. A wonderful assortment of trees. I did the grainy sky too.

Thanks Scott. I really do love old glass and grain. It just feels right. :)