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David Brunell
21-Mar-2012, 17:52
Rolleiflex 2.8 D Planar, PanF, Perceptol

21-Mar-2012, 17:53
150mm SF-C, Adox CHS 50 ART, neg scan, Epson 4490.

I assume you did not use any of the disk? Also what aperture? We're you in the soft focus range....?
I have that lens too and haven't use it on people, hence the ????

Was the first shot also the 150? I thought it looked wider on account of rendering of her hand on her shoulder.

Thanks for answering!!

21-Mar-2012, 17:55
Rolleiflex 2.8 D Planar, PanF, Perceptol

WOW! WHat is PanF?

David Brunell
21-Mar-2012, 17:59
WOW! WHat is PanF?

Thanks...Ilford PANF 50 (120 roll film)

Jay DeFehr
21-Mar-2012, 18:22
I assume you did not use any of the disk? Also what aperture? We're you in the soft focus range....?
I have that lens too and haven't use it on people, hence the ????

Was the first shot also the 150? I thought it looked wider on account of rendering of her hand on her shoulder.

Thanks for answering!!

Yes, no disc, f/4, all shots. This is our first try with this lens, too. So far, I really like it.

21-Mar-2012, 18:51
Yes, no disc, f/4, all shots. This is our first try with this lens, too. So far, I really like it.

It's a beauty! So at f4 you were wide open, the soft focus is there, very subtly and creates that smooth creamy classic feel.



21-Mar-2012, 19:22
Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, T-Max 100



Jay DeFehr
21-Mar-2012, 20:50
It's a beauty! So at f4 you were wide open, the soft focus is there, very subtly and creates that smooth creamy classic feel.



Yes, that's maximum diffusion, but mitigated somewhat by the hard light, sharp film, and acutance developer. Taken together, I like the look, and I can shoot wide open (f/4 is not terribly fast) and don't need to worry about stopping down to focus. I was worried about that, as it sort of defeats the quickness of an SLR if one has to do a lot of fidgeting while focusing. I'm about to have another go, this time with Pan F+. Never again with that Adox!

21-Mar-2012, 21:21
A relative gave me this old negative from 1942 to scan for them (she is the near one in the picture). It's dimensions are 3¼ x 5½ inches which I think is 122 postcard film but I'm not sure. I asked what camera but she didn't know.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3395/3662927804_782a8ed9de_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3662927804/)

Jay DeFehr
21-Mar-2012, 22:45

It looks more square than postcard -- is it cropped? It's a much better scan than I've been able to get from old negatives.

Michael Cienfuegos
21-Mar-2012, 23:00
I have an old postcard camera, and yes, it is 3 1/4 x 5 1/2 inches. I still have some Verichrome Pan from the last run. It expired in 1972, I think. It is a PITA to develop, because I don't have a 122 reel. (Yes, Nikor made a 122 reel). It is a cool camera, only 6 shots/roll.

21-Mar-2012, 23:42

It looks more square than postcard -- is it cropped? It's a much better scan than I've been able to get from old negatives.

Yes, I cropped it. There was a bunch of excess sky.

21-Mar-2012, 23:51
I have an old postcard camera, and yes, it is 3 1/4 x 5 1/2 inches. I still have some Verichrome Pan from the last run. It expired in 1972, I think. It is a PITA to develop, because I don't have a 122 reel. (Yes, Nikor made a 122 reel). It is a cool camera, only 6 shots/roll.

Good info. Thanks.

22-Mar-2012, 02:08
Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Rolleinar 2, Ilford Delta 400 (slight crop)



Roger Cole
22-Mar-2012, 04:06
WOW! WHat is PanF?

Ilford Pan F, now really Pan F+.

I just shot a couple rolls last fall at the beach. I liked it in Diafine. It's slow (ISO 50) and fine grained, a traditional slow speed film, can be a bit contrasty in many developers thus my trying it out in Diafine which seemed to work really well. The one I posted earlier in this thread was shot on Pan F+ in Diafine. I won't re--post it embedded but here's the link:


Alberto Bregani
22-Mar-2012, 08:31
| 99 YEARS AGO... |
Brenta Dolomites - Italy
1913/1916 Vest Pocket Kodak - Efke 127 roll-film rated at 100 ISO.

The story behind the photo
While attempting the first ascent of Mount Everest on June 8th 1924, George Mallory and Andrew Irvine were observed to be not far from the summit. Cloud then concealed the climbers and they were never seen alive again. Mallory and Irvine each carried small Vest Pocket Kodak 127mm roll-film cameras and although Mallory’s body has been found, Irvine’s has not nor have their cameras.(cit.)
Since i'm a mountain photographer i liked so much this story. So I've searched on ebay for this camera and when i found one in a good shape (I have got a wonderful 1913/1916 "autograph" model (http://albertobregani.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/vpk_foto_01.jpg) - ) I photographed my Brenta Dolomites using the same type of Vest Pocket Kodak camera used by Mallory and Irvine. . As you can see this 99 year old camera with its British Cooke triplet uncoated lens produced wonderful “aged” images - And every time i take photographs with this camera it seems to me to go back in the very early years of 20Th century. It's a nice feeling ;)

Enjoy :-)


Jay DeFehr
22-Mar-2012, 09:18

Great shot, and great story. I was similarly inspired by Ernest Shackleton, and carried to the Arctic circle the same one he carried to Antarctica -- the Kodak 2A. Unfortunately, the film is still in Alaska, but I have some images from the same camera made in Idaho:

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5055/5505192693_74d4d85e7b_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/5505192693/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/5505192693/) by Jay DeFehr (http://www.flickr.com/people/jay_defehr/), on Flickr

This was TMY-2 developed in Hypercat.

Alberto Bregani
22-Mar-2012, 09:22

Great shot, and great story. I was similarly inspired by Ernest Shackleton, and carried to the Arctic circle the same one he carried to Antarctica -- the Kodak 2A. Unfortunately, the film is still in Alaska, but I have some images from the same camera made in Idah

This was TMY-2 developed in Hypercat.

hahah Just Great Jay || WOW!
Very beautiful
I love these stories... one of the best way to intendphotography

And I love Shackleton and His "Endurance" too!
Thanks for sharing Jay, again

22-Mar-2012, 09:45
| 99 YEARS AGO... |
Brenta Dolomites - Italy
1913/1916 Vest Pocket Kodak - Efke 127 roll-film rated at 100 ISO.

The story behind the photo
While attempting the first ascent of Mount Everest on June 8th 1924, George Mallory and Andrew Irvine were observed to be not far from the summit. Cloud then concealed the climbers and they were never seen alive again.

I just watched a documentary about Mallory and this story. Fascinating. After that long, his body didn't decompose that much in the environment. They didn't find the picture of his wife he was suppose to place on top of Everest (being 800 feet short of the top when last seen) and begs the question of did he make it to the top and place her picture there.

22-Mar-2012, 10:48
Very nice one Jay.




Great shot, and great story. I was similarly inspired by Ernest Shackleton, and carried to the Arctic circle the same one he carried to Antarctica -- the Kodak 2A. Unfortunately, the film is still in Alaska, but I have some images from the same camera made in Idaho:

This was TMY-2 developed in Hypercat.

Jay DeFehr
22-Mar-2012, 11:10
I just watched a documentary about Mallory and this story. Fascinating. After that long, his body didn't decompose that much in the environment. They didn't find the picture of his wife he was suppose to place on top of Everest (being 800 feet short of the top when last seen) and begs the question of did he make it to the top and place her picture there.

Only one way to know for sure, tuco........


Thanks for your kind words. Photographing in Alaska has been a real challenge for me, and this was the coldest winter I've spent there. It's very difficult to set up a shot and make an exposure before my fingers freeze. I can't imagine what Shackleton, Mallory, and others like them endured to make the images they did. Truly inspiring.

Thanks, Luc.

Here's another from the warmth and comfort of my micro-studio:

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7228/7006278581_2945e33352_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/7006278581/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/7006278581/) by Jay DeFehr (http://www.flickr.com/people/jay_defehr/), on Flickr

Alberto Bregani
22-Mar-2012, 11:42
very nice mysterious glow Jay
A softly, smooth "old Style" portrait

Jay DeFehr
22-Mar-2012, 11:52
very nice mysterious glow Jay
A softly, smooth "old Style" portrait

Thanks, Alberto.

22-Mar-2012, 12:40

For Mallory and Irvine, just a little lower (+-6000m) . And Ed Hillary who is on our $5 note.

Alberto Bregani
22-Mar-2012, 13:35
For Mallory and Irvine, just a little lower (+-6000m) . And Ed Hillary who is on our $5 note.

What a stunning shot David
I can almost feel that wind and cold...
Where were you?

And yes, Sir Edmund Percival Hillary ;-)

22-Mar-2012, 17:23
Near Uween a Sar, the summer grazing village of Shimshal, Pakistan. Its only a quick jaunt up from the friendly high valley below.

22-Mar-2012, 17:39
Digging in the archives and showing my age. Image circa 1985. Nikon F3HP, Ektachrome 100 (I believe).

http://www.kolstad.us/ebay/Cate Bench SMALL.jpg


Jan Pedersen
22-Mar-2012, 20:10
I enjoy this thread, lots of interesting images.
Also from the archives, 1984 Zandvort Holland
Niki Lauda and Ayrton Senna

23-Mar-2012, 00:43
Fuji GSW690II, Ilford HP5+ in HC-110 dil. B. Shots taken last summer. The exposures were upwards of five minutes. The light streaks are because it had been so long since I used the camera on its "T" setting that I failed to remember that the shutter only closes upon winding the film. Next time I'll remember to cover the lens before engaging the wind lever, or, better yet, bring a cable release and use the bulb setting. Duh.




23-Mar-2012, 08:22
| 99 YEARS AGO... |
Brenta Dolomites - Italy
1913/1916 Vest Pocket Kodak - Efke 127 roll-film rated at 100 ISO.

The story behind the photo
While attempting the first ascent of Mount Everest on June 8th 1924, George Mallory and Andrew Irvine were observed to be not far from the summit. Cloud then concealed the climbers and they were never seen alive again. Mallory and Irvine each carried small Vest Pocket Kodak 127mm roll-film cameras and although Mallory’s body has been found, Irvine’s has not nor have their cameras.(cit.)
Since i'm a mountain photographer i liked so much this story. So I've searched on ebay for this camera and when i found one in a good shape (I have got a wonderful 1913/1916 "autograph" model (http://albertobregani.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/vpk_foto_01.jpg) - ) I photographed my Brenta Dolomites using the same type of Vest Pocket Kodak camera used by Mallory and Irvine. . As you can see this 99 year old camera with its British Cooke triplet uncoated lens produced wonderful “aged” images - And every time i take photographs with this camera it seems to me to go back in the very early years of 20Th century. It's a nice feeling ;)

Enjoy :-)


A very majestic place indeed.

austin granger
23-Mar-2012, 20:37
Flying Feet Race Services, Beaverton

Alberto Bregani
24-Mar-2012, 11:20
(Rolleiflex 3.5T - Ilford fp4+ - Medium orange filter )


Jay DeFehr
24-Mar-2012, 13:11
Great work, guys! Very funny, Austin.

Here's on with Acros and Obsidian Aqua:

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7129/6865590310_e0501f0811_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/6865590310/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/6865590310/) by Jay DeFehr (http://www.flickr.com/people/jay_defehr/), on Flickr

24-Mar-2012, 14:11
My younger brother looking (and being) much cooler than I ever will.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, T-Max 100



Jay DeFehr
24-Mar-2012, 22:07

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7043/6865751788_10ab22cf44_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/6865751788/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/6865751788/) by Jay DeFehr (http://www.flickr.com/people/jay_defehr/), on Flickr

25-Mar-2012, 08:51
So a few pages ago there was some images made with TMZ. Leland mentioned he had an extra brick in the fridge and was kind enough to sell it to me. I am anxiously awaiting using it for some low-light band / event photography but I did shoot a roll for fun last Friday night. Here are three shots. I used a Nikon F4 and set the ISO to 1600, and then developed the roll in XTOL 1:1 for the recommended 3200 ISO time. Worked very well but I might cut down development a minute next time (just a tad dense). Anyway, here they are, just some fun snapshots:


I'm glad to see it still worked, Bryan. Really nice grain, too. :)

I'm also glad I found someone who could make use of it. Oddly enough, I found a single roll in my fridge just last night, and now I'm thinking I might have to make a go of playing with it. I think I can scrounge up a working 35mm camera. I'm going to sell off the F3s one day soon and just stick to the FM2 and a 1964 vintage F I got at a garage sale for whatever small amount of 35mm shooting I do. Sort of a shame, as there are probably 40-50 rolls of various films in the cooler, but I've become so much more comfortable with medium format over the years that I seldom feel a need for a 35.

Edited to add a PS:

Here's something else I shot on TMZ back in the latter days of the 20th Century. Model is my former girlfriend, Chrissie. (Lousy scan, and I must do something about that eventually.)


25-Mar-2012, 11:53
Cathedral Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe, Puerto Vallarta, JAL

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5281/5269240203_bedfc14747_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5269240203/)

Ektar 25PHR

Alberto Bregani
25-Mar-2012, 12:58
takin' a look at your photographs on flickr i always notice a great ..i don't know how to say...neatness? Brigtness?..cleanness?
in few words i like so much the way you scan your negatives . Always bright with great tones,

May i know your scan process and what scanner do you use?
thanks A

25-Mar-2012, 16:03
takin' a look at your photographs on flickr i always notice a great ..i don't know how to say...neatness? Brigtness?..cleanness?
in few words i like so much the way you scan your negatives . Always bright with great tones,

May i know your scan process and what scanner do you use?
thanks A

Why thanks. I sent you a PM.

25-Mar-2012, 17:51
I'm glad to see it still worked, Bryan. Really nice grain, too. :)

Thanks Leland. Nice photo, you do the wide-angle portrait thing well. I never work well with wide-angles on portraits. I stick with 50mm or higher.

Jay DeFehr
26-Mar-2012, 14:11
Very nice, Christopher! I love the color shots.

Here's one from last night. RB67, 150 SF-C, TMY-2, EI400, Obsidian Aqua 1:500

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7106/7018626645_1a64cb6937_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/7018626645/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/7018626645/) by Jay DeFehr (http://www.flickr.com/people/jay_defehr/), on Flickr

26-Mar-2012, 22:35
Messing around with me niece and nephew:


And giving 35mm a go with my new to me Nikon FE2. I shot some snapshots to check out the shutter speeds with some old Kodak Gold 400. My dad found 3 rolls in a old jacket pocket. One was exposed with what turned out to be wedding photos from 1998. The other two were not exposed, and my dad gave them to me to shoot. Walgreens was good enough to loose all but two shots from one of the rolls, so I have no idea how they roll turned out. :( That and some resent LF film processing issues have made me decide to just do it all myself. That said, I'm happy with the Nikon.

Seems to be good in good light:

And in low light as well:

Now I need to work on focusing better.

27-Mar-2012, 03:58
Bathroom mirror self-portrait.


The camera, a Minox B, belonged to my grandfather. I'm just carrying on what he started in the early 1960s:




Struan Gray
27-Mar-2012, 06:52
I had one of those days on Saturday. Photos jumping out at me everywhere.


Light fog and high overcast outdoors, plus seasonal sun low on the horizon, flooding the c. 100 year old music school with light. Everything looked gorgeous, even the scraggy feral pot plants.

Of course, I was too involved being a pillar of the community to have a 'real' camera with me. But if the conditions repeat, and I have the time, I'll be down there with Norma like a shot. For now though, the digiwonder will have to do.

27-Mar-2012, 09:09
Bathroom mirror self-portrait.

The camera, a Minox B, belonged to my grandfather. I'm just carrying on what he started in the early 1960s:


Pretty cool. Weren't those cameras referred to as a "spy camera"? What is that line hanging down from the camera?

27-Mar-2012, 09:13
http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3289/2914366656_f16d19a097_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/2914366656/)


27-Mar-2012, 12:51
Nighttime walk, lights on cacti. Jupiter 8.


27-Mar-2012, 13:15

The line hanging down is a chain attached to the camera with small brass "beads" spaced to correspond to the closest focal distances marked on the camera. Thus if you want to focus the camera at fifteen inches, you set the lens to the 15" mark, find the bump on the chain that is fifteen inches, hold the chain taught from the camera to the edge of your subject and take your picture. Perfect focus! (There is no through-the-lens focusing.) A very well thought out design.

This was indeed a "spy" camera and I think this beaded chain focusing aid would have been useful in photographing documents. Focused at its closest distances the field of view will just about cover a normal sized piece of paper. Hmmm....


27-Mar-2012, 14:19
hmmm I hope this won't be considered a spam because there are so many photos...but here we go:

All digital Canon 5D Mk II

Helios 40-2 85mm 1.5

Helios 40-2 85mm 1.5

Sigma 150mm 2.8 Macro

Helios 40-2 85mm 1.5

Looks great! I use a Helios 44 (58mm m39 13-blade aperture lens) on my DSLR. Once you get used to them, those old lenses are a fun choice and very capable in the right hands!

Jay DeFehr
27-Mar-2012, 15:14
Bathroom mirror self-portrait.
The camera, a Minox B, belonged to my grandfather. I'm just carrying on what he started in the early 1960s:


For every spy, there is a counterspy! I have the Soviet model киев.30. Juliet smuggled it out of Russia for me. I haven't exposed the first roll yet, I'm about 1/2 way through, so I don't know about image quality yet. Considering the ancient smena film, my expectations are low! Very cool!

Jay DeFehr
27-Mar-2012, 15:15
[QUOTE=goamules;866941]Nighttime walk, lights on cacti. Jupiter 8.

Beautiful, Garrett!

Jay DeFehr
27-Mar-2012, 15:17
Looks great, Tuco! TMX is a fantastic film, and your composition is flawless.

27-Mar-2012, 18:05
Looks great, Tuco! TMX is a fantastic film, and your composition is flawless.

Why thanks, Jay.

28-Mar-2012, 06:51
Small format in this case is a Sony DSC-S85 digisnapper. My workhorse camera for 10 years outliving other cell phones and compact digital cameras that have died or been destroyed. Nice, fairly fast, Zeiss lens on this one.

Briançon, France, in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region. Taken last week.

28-Mar-2012, 08:42
Red cliche satin…I frickin love it! St. Merrique stopped by for a bit yesterday. :D

Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 400.


28-Mar-2012, 17:09
Fujica GW690, Portra 160.

28-Mar-2012, 21:05
Critter tracks

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5168/5375378343_9ab9786697_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5375378343/)


30-Mar-2012, 09:19
In celebration of my boys birthday tomorrow, here are some SX-70's I made of them not quite 15 years ago.

Being a stay-at-home dad to these guys, I had to put the 8x10 up for awhile. Just not enough time and energy for it. But the SX-70 provided me with a creative outlet.

The boy in the middle is now 6 foot tall, the others not far behind.

And I added one taken by a friend showing how to feed three babies at one time. I offered to let my friend, a bachelor, feed one of the boys, but he said, "Sorry, but I am not checked-out on that."

30-Mar-2012, 10:21
Rolleiflex 2.8 D Planar, PanF, Perceptol

Where did you get the grain? I don't remember Pan F having any grain to speak of, and certainly not at this size. I've never used Perceptol. Is it some sort of grain magnifier?

Rick "who remembers super smooth tonality from Pan F" Denney

31-Mar-2012, 00:00
Fujica GW690, Portra 160

31-Mar-2012, 13:12
Nikon 8008s, circa 1994.



31-Mar-2012, 14:00
http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4033/4669814931_92d79130da_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/4669814931/)
An old one on the way to the lake district.

31-Mar-2012, 19:02
Spring is starting to happen in Maine. D300 and Helios-44 m39 58mm.



austin granger
1-Apr-2012, 18:25
Here's a mail truck passing a wrapped building. From a Holga.


1-Apr-2012, 19:21
Nikon 8008s, circa 1994.



Well, shoot, Jon, cut off half of the bottom grey roadway, photoshop the hill horizon to a flat line, remove the clouds, cut off half of the sky. Then blow the sucker up to 4x8 ft at least and sell it for $3,000,000. Piece of cake! Call it "Hills by Jonsky."

1-Apr-2012, 23:12
I decided to revisit the burnt palm. I don't know what I like so much about it, but I find it fascinating:

Nikon D7000
30 Sec exposure @ ISO 400
35mm @ F5.6
One LumoPro160 flash flashed from 6 different locations during the exposure.

Alberto Bregani
2-Apr-2012, 05:29
Well, shoot, Jon, cut off half of the bottom grey roadway, photoshop the hill horizon to a flat line, remove the clouds, cut off half of the sky. Then blow the sucker up to 4x8 ft at least and sell it for $3,000,000. Piece of cake! Call it "Hills by Jonsky."
+1 :-)

(Nice image, indeed... )

2-Apr-2012, 05:39
Well, shoot, Jon, cut off half of the bottom grey roadway, photoshop the hill horizon to a flat line, remove the clouds, cut off half of the sky. Then blow the sucker up to 4x8 ft at least and sell it for $3,000,000. Piece of cake! Call it "Hills by Jonsky."

"Jonksy"--ha ha! I did notice the slight "Gursky-ness" of this photo when I posted it. The one thing that holds it back (other than being an actual Gursky, of course) is the original is a 35mm slide. No chance of making six foot long prints of this one!


2-Apr-2012, 05:43
Here's a mail truck passing a wrapped building. From a Holga.

OK Austin, even your HOLGA shots have excellent tonality to them? You're really starting to piss me off!

(Kidding, of course. About the being pissed off, I mean.)


2-Apr-2012, 07:49
Some early-morning shenanigans, then noodling around with PS.
Canon 5DII, 85mm f1.8

2-Apr-2012, 09:37
Testing out that gizmo I made. I don't shoot this camera much (prefer my 500C/M and M7II). But for medium format film, Pentax has couple of spectacular M* lenses in telephoto (the 300 and 400mm ED IF lenses). I really wanted to shoot this in color but the dark, gloomy day called for more ISO to get a faster shutter.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7186/7037845679_308bcff392_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7037845679/)

Pentax 67, SMC M* 300mm f4 ED (IF), Delta3200 @ EI3200, f5.6, 1/1000, PMK Pyro

Chris Strobel
2-Apr-2012, 09:59
I'm sooo tired of seeing dog and cat images on the digital forums that are used to test peoples new dslr's, but this is a truly GREAT image! The composition, the selective focus with the joy of a young girl as she plays with her dog, the tonality and grain, well done.


2-Apr-2012, 10:22
Thanks. Yeah, it is a cliché shot but much more fun and challenging to shoot it with this camera.

austin granger
2-Apr-2012, 13:44
OK Austin, even your HOLGA shots have excellent tonality to them? You're really starting to piss me off!

(Kidding, of course. About the being pissed off, I mean.)

Jonathan, I find that the Holga lenses are greatly underrated. OK, now I'M kidding-they're total crap. Unless I'm feeling perverse, I very rarely use my Holga, as my 'success' rate with it is so dismally low.
I like your Gursky shot. I've been told on occasion that I have some Gurskyesque pictures too. I do wish though, that more people would appreciate that we were doing Gursky before Gursky was doing Gursky. Then maybe the money would start rolling in. :)

Jay DeFehr
2-Apr-2012, 13:58
Jonathan, I find that the Holga lenses are greatly underrated. OK, now I'M kidding-they're total crap. Unless I'm feeling perverse, I very rarely use my Holga, as my 'success' rate with it is so dismally low.
I like your Gursky shot. I've been told on occasion that I have some Gurskyesque pictures too. I do wish though, that more people would appreciate that we were doing Gursky before Gursky was doing Gursky. Then maybe the money would start rolling in. :)

You were "doing Gursky before Gursky was doing Gursky"? I don't get the joke. Maybe I need a cup of coffee, I'm a little groggy.

2-Apr-2012, 14:23

My percentage of successful shots per roll with my Holga is pretty low, too. Every now and then I bust it out and am usually disappointed. I have had better luck with my Diana cameras, although I can't say why since they're pretty much the same thing. Here is one that I like from the ice storm we had a number of years ago here in Portland, shot with a Diana clone wide open and underexposed:



Jay DeFehr
2-Apr-2012, 14:49
I don't have a Holga, but I do have a few old box cameras, and I think they're more similar than different. Here's one form an Anso Shur Shot, 6x9 on 120:

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5292/5505866704_6bc2f25946_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/5505866704/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/5505866704/) by Jay DeFehr (http://www.flickr.com/people/jay_defehr/), on Flickr

2-Apr-2012, 14:58
I cheat with my Holga. I use a spot meter :(

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2651/3708843318_38206d3a47_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3708843318/)

Hogla 120N, efke IR820, EI3, R72 IR filter

2-Apr-2012, 15:23
While shooting the dog in the prior picture, I decided to do a push test on 400TMY. Set to EI1600 plus only a one-stop push from my normal development time. In a larger size it is pretty rough in the shadows compared to box speed. Adding some amidol to this developer would help get a little more speed out of it.

400TMY Push Test

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7196/7039895355_9c1eca0aa7_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7039895355/)

500C/M, CF T* 150mm f4, 400TMY @ EI1600, PMK Pyro, f4 @ 1/500, Pentax Spot Meter, Split Tone in LR4

2-Apr-2012, 16:41

2-Apr-2012, 17:12

2-Apr-2012, 18:45
These were taken with a Mamiya 645AF, Fuji Neopan Acros 100.

Handrail and Pipes. Flagstaff, AZ

Gas Pipes and Bikes, Flagstaff alley. Flagstaff, AZ

Chair and light behind building in downtown Flagstaff, AZ

Counterweight for stair access, downtown Flagstaff, AZ.
I jokingly refer to it as Mike Tyson's punching bag.


2-Apr-2012, 18:52
hmmm I hope this won't be considered a spam because there are so many photos...but here we go:

All digital Canon 5D Mk II

These are excellent. Thanks for sharing.

2-Apr-2012, 19:08

I'm with you on the "non-Holga" crappy cameras. I have a whole stable of various box cameras and faux-TLRs. This was taken in Oregon City with a "Kinoflex Deluxe" 120. No focus, three aperture controls and one shutter speed. The focus is usually all over the place because the camera does not do a good job holding the film flat.

Shot on 30 year-old Plus-X.



2-Apr-2012, 19:21
Fujica GW690, Portra 160

2-Apr-2012, 19:37
Hi David,

I'm enjoying your take on the "ordinary" that we all see everyday. Here in Australia I see very similar yet different but never bother to take the images. Many of the really intriguing images from our past when taken were often just plain "ordinary". I hope you are enjoying your project.

2-Apr-2012, 19:41
They arent ordinary in the sense that the light is very good (are you listening Vaughn). Instead of making pictures of things I am trying to represent the texture of the spaces around me.

2-Apr-2012, 20:00
They arent ordinary in the sense that the light is very good (are you listening Vaughn). Instead of making pictures of things I am trying to represent the texture of the spaces around me.

Sounds good to me....

2-Apr-2012, 21:54
Is there something in particular that triggers a desire to photograph a scene you come upon? I find I can often set out with the intention of particular things in mind for a photograph but eventually miss the forest because I see far too many trees. And ordinary is not a derogatory expression as I'm firmly convinced few people actually see the very things around them. Most of the time I don't.

2-Apr-2012, 22:05
When I was travelling I made many pictures because you just go wow and you know it will fit in the frame with a standard lens. So I am trying to look around me like a traveller, with fresh eyes and just go with the flow. All the pictures you look at feeds your seeing, so if you are looking at Robert Adams' nasturtiums or Guido Guidi then that is in there somewhere too. Trying to photograph without rational thought, like a zen master. With the third eye. Without thought of anything beyond that precise moment. Without attatchment. I dont really care what anyone thinks, I dont have a project. Just making pictures and learning.

Brian Legge
3-Apr-2012, 00:49
Super Ikonta IV on Tri X:



3-Apr-2012, 00:57

3-Apr-2012, 07:58
Super Ikonta IV on Tri X:



Interesting juxtaposition with the old fella and the pot shop! He don't look too happy. :D

St. Merrique on my sexy couch. I sweated like a dog standing a few inches underneath a hotlight while doing this. Only a few couch shots and I was done fer.

Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 400.


3-Apr-2012, 17:02
At the Chinese gardens, downtown Portland.

Mamiya 7, Delta 100, 80mm



3-Apr-2012, 19:37
Two shots from the shore of Lake Erie, near Huntington Reservation, west of Cleveland, OH.

iphone 4



Jay DeFehr
3-Apr-2012, 21:03

I'm with you on the "non-Holga" crappy cameras. I have a whole stable of various box cameras and faux-TLRs. This was taken in Oregon City with a "Kinoflex Deluxe" 120. No focus, three aperture controls and one shutter speed. The focus is usually all over the place because the camera does not do a good job holding the film flat.

Shot on 30 year-old Plus-X.




I find these old, cheap cameras score very high in the charm category. There has to be a reason for the millions of Holgas sold! Every one of these old cameras seems to have a "personality", for lack of a better word to describe their idiosyncratic set of faults, limitations and virtues. I can't easily resist temptation when I run across one in a shop, and so I've inadvertently collected quite a few. Most recently I picked up a 6x9 on 120 folder, definitely German, with a Zeiss lens in a Compur shutter, and Ernet embossed in the leather covering. Oddly, it has two red windows in the back, both on the same line. I assume there's a way to use them for shooting different formats, but I haven't figured out how. In my rush to try out the old girl, I didn't blow out the interior of the camera, and there was a LOT of crap in there that ended up on the film. Also, shooting handheld was probably not the best idea.


Still, there's a certain charm.

3-Apr-2012, 21:22

I couldn't agree more. I have stopped buying these now since I have, oh, upwards of fifteen different cameras, mostly TLRs, in 120 and 620. Whether it is the different optics, construction, design, film flatness (or not), I agree that each of these cameras has its own characteristics. Sometimes I will find one that is not crappy enough and I shelve it.

The camera I used for the above image was rebranded many times, like the Diana and her clones. I have a Kinoflex, Kinoflex Deluxe, Votarflex and a Wales Reflex, all of which are identical except for the badge on the front. Even still, they differ in the way they each render images. Go figure.

I find it interesting that the qualities that many of us like about Holgas and their ilk is the same thing people like about using Petzvals well past their intended formats: light fall off, peripheral aberrations and vignetting. It isn't lost on me when using a 10" projection Petzval on my 8x10 that I am essentially turning a huge, expensive camera capable of multiple movements and refined image control into a giant Holga.


3-Apr-2012, 21:42
Mamiya 6
50mm f/4
Kodak Ektar 100

Taken in Kobe, Japan.

Brian C. Miller
3-Apr-2012, 23:21
Pentax 6x7, 90mm LS lens, Kodak E100S.


4-Apr-2012, 05:08
Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Delta 100



4-Apr-2012, 09:02
Pentax 6x7, 90mm LS lens, Kodak E100S.


Foamer! One of my favorite engines for sure.

austin granger
4-Apr-2012, 11:32
Some water slides and a Quizno's:





4-Apr-2012, 16:30
Some water slides and a Quizno's:

Nice shots, austin. Is that the water slide I see from I-5 about 30 miles south of Olympia?

austin granger
4-Apr-2012, 16:58
Nice shots, austin. Is that the water slide I see from I-5 about 30 miles south of Olympia?
Thanks Tuco. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that would be it. It's the Great Wolf Lodge, on your right as you're heading south. I was there with my kids but stole away for a few pictures. I was surprised that I was able to get right underneath the slides without anyone hassling me; it made me wish I had my view camera and a tripod. The lighter colored slides are semi-transparent so you can see people pass over in these round rafts. They look like amoebas! Anyway, the place has potential, if you're ever nearby.

4-Apr-2012, 18:42
Nice job particularly on the second and third photos Austin!

Here's one of a few fun photos I made tonight with my girls. (For all the deaf gun totin redneck pyros on here). We're looking forward to summer!


4-Apr-2012, 22:31
Nice job particularly on the second and third photos Austin!

Here's one of a few fun photos I made tonight with my girls. (For all the deaf gun totin redneck pyros on here). We're looking forward to summer!

Holly double-breaking smokes! Is that real? Doesn't that have enough gun powder to be a bomb?

Edward (Halifax,NS)
5-Apr-2012, 11:39
My K100D came today and I took my 100mm f/4 macro lens out for a walk in the garden.


Brian C. Miller
5-Apr-2012, 11:52
Holly double-breaking smokes! Is that real? Doesn't that have enough gun powder to be a bomb?

You should come up north and see what's available on the rez fireworks stands. The fireworks are not supposed to be removed from the rez, but people do it anyways.

5-Apr-2012, 13:52
Holly double-breaking smokes! Is that real? Doesn't that have enough gun powder to be a bomb?

It's got 7 500g "mortars" in it. It would be quite nasty in an enclose space. It's the biggest charge that's legal for non-pros. You can get bigger displays that have more 500g mortars in them for more money. Maine just legalized fireworks (a big change for a nanny-state), so it's going to be a much bigger 4th of July this year. Previously, fireworks were imported from NH or other states for illegal use.

5-Apr-2012, 14:26
A couple of fans and shadows. Top photo taken with a Rolleiflex 3.5F and the bottom with a Fuji GSW690II.




Jay DeFehr
5-Apr-2012, 14:34
Jonathan, these are wonderful! I can't decide which I like best.

5-Apr-2012, 15:02
Thanks, Jay. Me either. The second image was taken at the home of a woman who was like a second grandmother to my wife, and who was wonderfully kind to me as well, so my memories color the scene a bit. The top image was taken in our bedroom when we lived in CA. Wonderful light in that house. Below is another image taken in the same house around the same time, also with the Rolleiflex. (I didn't put the tennis ball there for effect; one of our dogs obliged!)


Jay DeFehr
5-Apr-2012, 15:16
I think you owe that dog a biscuit! Another gem! These are quietly beautiful, Jonathan. I don't usually look long at photos without people, but these are gorgeous. Now that you've posted the one above, I like it with it's counterpart, and they seem to outshine the middle one, or maybe they just outnumber it. Beautiful work.

Here's one I made with my little Chinon Bellami barn door compact:

http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6066/6080844048_4ce6b2bd70_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/6080844048/) Empty house, University (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/6080844048/) by Jay DeFehr (http://www.flickr.com/people/jay_defehr/), on Flickr

5-Apr-2012, 15:29

That's a great example of a photograph that leads your eye all over the pace and each place you look there is rewarding detail: the shopping cart, the large graffiti, the smaller graffiti on the window panes, the broken glass, the railing, the weeds, the stairs, the moss stained wall. Lovely detail for 35mm. Sharp, too. It looks better in the larger Flickr size. I hadn't thought to browse your Flickr stream before. I'll be checking it out.


Jay DeFehr
5-Apr-2012, 15:36
Thanks, Jonathan. That little camera really surprised me.

Tony Evans
5-Apr-2012, 17:41
Milo. Behaving.



David Brunell
5-Apr-2012, 21:31
Rolleiflex 2.8D Rolleinar 2, HP5 in Ilfosol 3
"The Flood"

Frank Petronio
5-Apr-2012, 21:54
Recent odds and ends


Michael E
6-Apr-2012, 01:33
Rolleiflex 2.8D Rolleinar 2, HP5 in Ilfosol 3
"The Flood"

Heartwarming. Why this passage? A sudden burst of misanthropy?

Happy easter,


David Brunell
6-Apr-2012, 06:48
Heartwarming. Why this passage? A sudden burst of misanthropy?

Happy easter,


Not Easter, good Friday...

Probably a bad idea due to subject matter but it is a passage that resonates with power (for me anyway) Also a proof from a series; my own bible study if you will. I will keep those to myself and post something peaceful now.

David Brunell
6-Apr-2012, 06:49
Rolleiflex 2.8D planar, green filter, panf+ in perceptol.

eddy pula
6-Apr-2012, 08:25
Frank Pauline, 50's street photograper.
Mamya c330, 55mm lens, garbage diy 'gary fong' light diffuser on a metz cl4 that I got off Ari forever beardless. PS what the hell is that streak? it runs through 3 negs and the space between them then stops? The shutter defintly wasn't open that whole time? Never happened before or since.

eddy pula
6-Apr-2012, 08:29
Rebel t3. I sit weird, plus funny enough which picture is sharper? 70's tech vs new millenium swiss army knife camera? Mamiya runs circles around that junk.

austin granger
6-Apr-2012, 08:36
A couple of fans and shadows. Jonathan

I really like these Jonathan, especially the top one. But they are all beautiful and interesting without any affectation if that makes sense. Warm, honest pictures. It's funny too, that they immediately made me think of my old house in California (Santa Rosa) before I even saw that that's where they were made! I'd like to think I can spot a distinctive 'California light,' but it was probably just the windows. Or maybe it was just sunlight in general-this endless rain is almost making me forget that Oregon even has such a thing. :)

Michael E
6-Apr-2012, 10:04
I will keep those to myself and post something peaceful now.

I didn't mean to discourage you. I was just wondering why you picked this passage out of all the choices. Keep up your bible study.


David Brunell
6-Apr-2012, 10:16
I didn't mean to discourage you. I was just wondering why you picked this passage out of all the choices. Keep up your bible study.


Will do, it's fun stuff! Thanks

6-Apr-2012, 11:06
Not Easter, good Friday...

Probably a bad idea due to subject matter but it is a passage that resonates with power (for me anyway) Also a proof from a series; my own bible study if you will. I will keep those to myself and post something peaceful now.

No need to apologize. You weren't posting anything you shouldn't.

6-Apr-2012, 13:35

Thanks for the kind words. I was really happy with this series of photos. I have a few more outtakes that I might post, but the images above are the strongest.

The house was in San Luis Obispo. It was my wife's grandmother's house that we lived in for a few years after she (the grandmother) passed away and before the family sold it. A rather unremarkable 40s ranch style house, but full of memories for my wife and full of great light for me. The light here in our Portland house is so different, even in summer when the sun shines. Not worse, I guess, but I haven't really made equivalent pictures in our current house.


6-Apr-2012, 19:10
Kodak Medalist TMY2 Tmax Developper






David Brunell
6-Apr-2012, 19:14
Wow, thery are all good but that first one is absolutely stunning!

Jay Decker
6-Apr-2012, 20:59
Ghetto conversions of my first X100 images...




Jay DeFehr
7-Apr-2012, 08:03

I don't know what's ghetto about your conversions, but they look pretty good to me. I didn't realize converting to B&W was anything more than selecting desaturate in PS until I tried it myself. I'd like to know how it's properly done. Where would you recommend I look for resources?

You must be very happy with your X100!

Michael E
7-Apr-2012, 08:33

I love that second shot! Talk about spelling out the obvious...


Photoshop has a very good tool (Image -> Adjustments -> Black and White. Or Alt + Shift + Ctrl + B on my PC) since CS3 or CS4. It lets you select the brightness for different colors. You can apply the equivalent of color filters while watching the result in black and white. You can tint your image and save your settings as presets. You can also choose from some standard filters.


Jay DeFehr
7-Apr-2012, 08:40
Thanks, Michael! I'll give it a try.

Jay Decker
7-Apr-2012, 08:43

I don't know what's ghetto about your conversions, but they look pretty good to me. I didn't realize converting to B&W was anything more than selecting desaturate in PS until I tried it myself. I'd like to know how it's properly done. Where would you recommend I look for resources?

You must be very happy with your X100!

Thanks Jay.

Black and White conversion is something that I spent a lot of time trying to learn - learning B&W conversion was more difficult to do well than I felt it should be. I learned about Photoshop channels, Photoshop calculations, purchased Silver Efex Pro, etc. The best thing for me was to learn Zack Arias' ghetto conversion technique at the link blow. The whole video was interesting, I had wondered how a digital pro photographer did post production, but the B&W conversion content is at 33:15 and 46:10 in the video.

BTW, the X100 is the first digital camera that has made me think about the future of my Leica M's. It is unsettling; I did not expect that to happen for sometime. Glad that someone has not created a suite of Petzval, RR, and Heliar Photoshop filters that replace the uniqueness of 8x10... yet.


7-Apr-2012, 09:09
500CM Sonnar 150/4 TMY-2 Tamx Developer 1+7 Orange Filter




Jay DeFehr
7-Apr-2012, 09:20
Thanks, Jay! I'm watching the video now. Just what I was hoping for!

Jay Decker
7-Apr-2012, 09:28
Thanks, Jay! I'm watching the video now. Just what I was hoping for!

You are welcome. And, if you want to see the rest what I shot with the X100 on its first outing, here are some more photos: http://jaydecker.com/X100/

Jay DeFehr
7-Apr-2012, 10:00
The whole set looks great, Jay. With the (possible) exception of the cat shots, there seems to be a theme of signs/signals, or more generally, communication. Lovely work!

David Brunell
7-Apr-2012, 10:21
All taken at Mt. Olivet Cemetery with a Rolleiflex 2.8 D planar (red or orange filter), Panf plus rated @25, developed in perceptol with recommended time reduced by 20%





7-Apr-2012, 14:42
Trying out the X-Pro 1 and 18mm

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5117/7052780465_70513444ec_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7052780465/)

Roger Cole
7-Apr-2012, 16:02
These were shot by my wife on my iPhone, and in the spirit of the previous images taken from the air I wanted to share them.

My wife and I were married last Saturday, March 31st. We decided a bigger trip overseas could wait for an anniversary since we spent a good deal on the wedding, so she chose a honeymoon destination of Kitty Hawk, NC, knowing I'm a private pilot that loves aviation, and booked us a cottage within sight of the Wright Brothers memorial.

Last Wednesday we drove from there over to Manteo, NC and rented a Cessna 172 and a local flight instructor (doing a rental "check out" at a place I've not rented before, to prove my skills to them, would have added an extra hour of rental time and instructor time and cost more than just taking him with me - it isn't like renting a car, and besides he knows the local airspace and landmarks and could point things out and handle the radio while I just flew the airplane.)

There's a general aviation airport right beside the Wright Memorial. We did a couple of patterns there but ended up doing aborted landing go-arounds because of somewhat gusty and very variable winds. No doubt a third time would have been the charm but much as I wanted to land at First Flight I didn't want to spend our sight seeing time doing pattern work. That can wait for flying back there ourselves.

This shot shows the Wright Brothers Memorial from the downwind leg of the pattern at First Flight:


And this is a self portrait by my wife Alicia using the iPhone's 640x480 reverse view:


She was also responsible for encouraging me to get back into photography and set my darkroom up in our house. I'm a very lucky and happy photographer and pilot. :D

Jay DeFehr
7-Apr-2012, 17:47
Congratulations, Roger. Life is short, make the most of it! Looks like a great honeymoon.

7-Apr-2012, 17:53
tuco, cool shot! Lots of DOF from that lens. I am seriously looking at that Fuji X-Pro1...almost tempted to sell my Nikon SP and 5 lenses and get that...but then I can't print in my darkroom! (No, I don't want to make digital negs right now.)

Roger Cole
7-Apr-2012, 19:45
Congratulations, Roger. Life is short, make the most of it! Looks like a great honeymoon.

Thanks Jay, it was great. I shot nearly four rolls of 35mm E6 (I figured I ought to shoot slides I could project later while I still could...) which will go to Dwayne's this week and exposed a few sheets of 4x5 at the Hatteras lighthouse. I went back to a spot beside the road to shoot the Wright Memorial at night but found my Technika III had apparently finished stripping its tripod socket at Hatteras. Well, I've been wanting to upgrade anyway, so a new 4x5 is on the agenda. I shot some 6x6 with the Yashica though there'll be pretty severe cropping needed with the fixed 80mm lens. Also found there was no way to read my analog spot meter in the dark like that so I resorted to wild guesswork and multiple shots - probably just as well I couldn't shoot 4x5 then.

Jay DeFehr
7-Apr-2012, 20:03
Boy, Roger, one little stripped tripod socket and the TIII is out to pasture! I confess I've been guilty of similar -- "I'm out of 4x5 film, I better get an 8x10 camera!" Those slides should be very nice. It's great to see ALL your images BIG! Maybe I'll follow your lead and shoot some slide film on my next trip. I have a very nice slide projector that goes virtually unused. Looks like you packed a full range of camera gear. It's just so hard to leave any camera behind, isn't it? Congratulations again, Roger, I hope you made lots of lasting memories, on film and otherwise.

Roger Cole
7-Apr-2012, 20:22
I may repair/get repaired the III but that's for another thread.

Yeah I asked her advice in how many cameras to take considering we were packing for over a week including the trip to TN for the wedding and she suggested "three" so I interpreted that as three systems and packed the 4x5, the little Yashica and the 35mm kit with three bodies. :D The only one that got left home was my new-to-me Mamiya 645 Pro. I like it, but since I currently only have the 80mm lens it seemed to make more sense to take the little Yashicamat 124 and forgo the 645's winder and interchangeable backs.

Jay DeFehr
7-Apr-2012, 20:30
That's a good woman! I have a couple of those 124s, and they are quite capable. The 80 f/1.9 for the M645 is fantastic. I still miss mine.

eddy pula
8-Apr-2012, 07:30
g11 with baby flash
Last night was a blast. Woke up with a hangover, two dudes sleeping on the couch and the mamiya c330 set to M. Please tell me you’ve all done something that dumb. Anyways the picture is of my darkroom wall/altar to the photo gods. I make regular sacrifices to it, and just let stuff rot………….. Its ok, I’ll do it all again tonight. Just 6 rolls down the drain…….

8-Apr-2012, 09:13
This is 5 shots stiched - I should get a 6x17 one day....




8-Apr-2012, 11:05
tuco, cool shot! Lots of DOF from that lens. I am seriously looking at that Fuji X-Pro1...almost tempted to sell my Nikon SP and 5 lenses and get that...but then I can't print in my darkroom! (No, I don't want to make digital negs right now.)

I'd wait until the next version of the camera to see what it is like. It is expensive with old, noisy stepper motor technology in these primes and basically the camera cannot focus. The manual focus is totally dysfunctional (even if you put a manual focus lens on) and the auto focus is like a $100 point and shoot. It produces superb images though and it makes you wonder why Fuji can't hire engineers that know how to make a focus system both manual or auto that is acceptable.

And right now there is no RAW support. That SilkPix RAW editor they give you is a POS and cannot process night scenes that have light sources that exceed the sensor range. It converts them into blotchy, solid yellow areas that are not present in the JPEGs. And I hear Fuji is so anal that they won't give out the algorithms for RAW editors like Lightroom to get the image off the file to protect their "secret sauce". If true, obviously their interests are before their customers and they must think you only want a JPEG camera.

8-Apr-2012, 11:11
Well okay then...will keep that in mind. Now if only the Leica M9 was decently priced...

8-Apr-2012, 14:07
I worked in an office about ten years ago where the photocopier was right behind my cubicle wall. I brought the Fuji GSW690II to work one day and caught this scene.



Michael Cienfuegos
8-Apr-2012, 16:16
I worked in an office about ten years ago where the photocopier was right behind my cubicle wall. I brought the Fuji GSW690II to work one day and caught this scene.



Looks like a furry little critter. :D

8-Apr-2012, 16:35

It was one of the sales guys--a very nice guy--who spiked his hair and dyed it green. A color photo would have done his hair better justice, but black and white was in the camera at the time.


8-Apr-2012, 19:46
Playing around with the Great Wall 120 camera and a 135mm no-name f/4.5 enlarging lens on the front. A lot of trouble to go to to end up with what might look to the untrained eye like a bunch of filtered cell phone shots. I'm OK with that, though. I have way more fun with the Great Wall as I hold the camera in one hand and the wobbly rubber sleeve with the lens attached to focus in the other. It's always hit-or-miss with this unwieldy contraption.

Ten year expired Velvia 100.



8-Apr-2012, 21:59
Taken with a Nikon FE2 with a 50mm lens and Kodak Gold Max 400 film at the Yuma Territorial Prison in Arizona:

An Old Door:

Detail of an inscription in one of the cells:

And one of my little cousin trying out the Nikonos. I let him run around with it the following day. I will get what ever he got photos of developed in the next few days:

Nikon D7000

eddy pula
9-Apr-2012, 14:05
Kav love that nikonos shot! more cameras need to be underwater orange.
So After developing some blank film, I switched the c330 to x and took this picture
worth all the trouble in the world

9-Apr-2012, 22:07
Kav love that nikonos shot! more cameras need to be underwater orange.

I agree, and when he drops it the orange makes it easy to find.

Here's one he took with it:

And one I took with the FE2 and finally got around to developing:

Both are Kodak E100 & cross processed.

10-Apr-2012, 18:47
Bridesmaid caught walking into the focus plane. Jupiter 3 Sonnar.


10-Apr-2012, 19:57
While we're on weddings, here's a flower girl trying to wait patiently while the bride gets touched up on site right before the ceremony.

Mamiya 7, Delta 400



Ramiro Elena
11-Apr-2012, 03:54
Looks more like the bride was going number 2 and the flower girl suffering the consequences :D:D:D

Wish I had that camera btw.

11-Apr-2012, 09:22

Shot last year in Yangshuo, China, with a Leica M4 + 35/2.8 Summaron and a roll of Shanghai GP-100.

11-Apr-2012, 09:31
Mitte, Berlin, a few weeks back with a Rolleicord V and Tri-X


11-Apr-2012, 09:31
And some digital colour from Grunewald last weekend with a Fuji X-10.


Greg Y
11-Apr-2012, 09:58
Digital snapshot Easter sunday, wishing i'd had my Deardorff

11-Apr-2012, 18:32
While we're on weddings, here's a flower girl trying to wait patiently while the bride gets touched up on site right before the ceremony.

Mamiya 7, Delta 400


Delicious high values

11-Apr-2012, 19:08

Thanks. It was taken in a small tiled bathroom with on camera bounced flash (SB-24). Exposure was a guess but luckily I nailed it. The scan is of a good print, too.


austin granger
11-Apr-2012, 19:41
Easter, Brentwood Street, Portland


Ramiro Elena
12-Apr-2012, 14:03
Trying out some film presets for Lightroom 4. These two are Fuji 160C I believe with some PS tweaking. Also wanted to make my Nikon D300 files look more like Canon 5D.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7072/7071840447_2a331d29e9_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/7071840447/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/7071840447/) por rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), en Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7206/6925759314_ee11e2bc94_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/6925759314/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/6925759314/) por rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), en Flickr

eddy pula
12-Apr-2012, 17:02
Visited my elma matta the other day, some things change some things stay the same
mamiya c330 with 55mm lens and a metz cl4-45 with trash light modifier

12-Apr-2012, 18:15
Taken in the rec room/conference room in my old place of work.

Zeiss Super Ikonta A (model 531), Ektachrome



eddy pula
13-Apr-2012, 09:28
dudes I'm sure this has been asked 1million times but does the software soften our pics? facebook does it too and it pisses me off. I understand there are logistics but come on were are all photonerds, how can we let this stand? Just asking...

13-Apr-2012, 22:58

Olympus OM-2SP w/ 35/2.8 Zuiko, roll of Kodak TMax 100 and shot through an old beauty salon window one day while walking through London.

eddy pula
14-Apr-2012, 07:09
pixel... man beauty salons have it going on coast to coast

Ken Lee
14-Apr-2012, 09:08
New York, 2012
Apple iPhone

14-Apr-2012, 10:40
Torre del Paines National Park Chile, 2004


Pentax 67II, 75mm Lens, RVP 50 (or RDPII 100)

One morning while hiking the "W" I felt something dripping on my wrist to discover that one of those big nasty flies had bit me. Apparently they have an anesthesia in their slava so you don't know it when they actually bite you only the aftermath. After patching up I grabbed this shot. I printed it this morning on my Epson 2200.


15-Apr-2012, 00:33
WWII Fighters at the MCAS Yuma Air show
Nikon FE2 50mm F1.4
Kodak E100 (cross processed)

15-Apr-2012, 08:47
WWII Fighters at the MCAS Yuma Air show
Nikon FE2 50mm F1.4
Kodak E100 (cross processed)

Nice. I hope one's a Corsair. :D

One more of Merrique's culo.

Canon EOS D60, EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 400, hotlights!


Jay Decker
15-Apr-2012, 09:19

Kennewick, WA


Kennewick, WA

15-Apr-2012, 09:20
That IPhone photo is pretty nice!

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5137/5540263855_38bce14fe9_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/5540263855/)
St Mary's Lighthouse (again) digital (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/5540263855/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

15-Apr-2012, 10:27
Nice. I hope one's a Corsair. :D

You're in luck! The second one from the right is a Corsair.

From left to right, Bearcat, Hellcat, Corsair, Mustang.

I did not get many photos of the Corsair. My back was killing me that day. So lugging the cameras around was slow going. I do have some chromes of them I took with my Speed Graphic that I need to develop. I just need to send them off to be developed. Although I may cross process them so I can do them myself. I also have an open invite to photograph any of their aircraft any time I want. They had load of questions as to why I was using the camera I was; does it shoot color, can I get film for it, does it make photos that look "old school". I was more then happy to answer them all. After all I had loads of questions about the warbirds.

Here's one of the Bearcat:

15-Apr-2012, 11:14
St Mary's Lighthouse (again) digital
That's a very nice shot! How long did you have to wait for the light to be right?

- Leigh

15-Apr-2012, 11:17
One more of Merrique's culo.
Hmmm... Don't know what a culo is, but it sure looks nice.

Nicer than your normal engines. I think this one is an 0-2-0, right? Classic design that's been around forever. ;-)

- Leigh

15-Apr-2012, 11:26
You're in luck! The second one from the right is a Corsair.

From left to right, Bearcat, Hellcat, Corsair, Mustang.

I did not get many photos of the Corsair. My back was killing me that day. So lugging the cameras around was slow going. I do have some chromes of them I took with my Speed Graphic that I need to develop. I just need to send them off to be developed. Although I may cross process them so I can do them myself. I also have an open invite to photograph any of their aircraft any time I want. They had load of questions as to why I was using the camera I was; does it shoot color, can I get film for it, does it make photos that look "old school". I was more then happy to answer them all. After all I had loads of questions about the warbirds.

Here's one of the Bearcat:

Ha ha! My eyes didn't fail me. Very nice closeup. Although I am a battleship guy, I do have an appreciation for what air power did in WWII. I just got done reading the book on the 20th Air Force. It's a fascinating story of how the B-29's went from bumbling bombers, to the aircraft that won the war thanks to Curtis LeMay.

Hmmm... Don't know what a culo is, but it sure looks nice.

Nicer than your normal engines. I think this one is an 0-2-0, right? Classic design that's been around forever. ;-)

- Leigh

LMAO, I never thought of butts in wheel arrangements. :D Culo is Spanish for butt.

15-Apr-2012, 11:35
Well, it appears the Spanish certainly know how to make nice culos. :D

- Leigh

15-Apr-2012, 12:24
That's a very nice shot! How long did you have to wait for the light to be right?

- Leigh

Thanks a lot Leigh. This was one of those times that I wished I had taken the big camera (by this I mean 4x5 which is big by my standards but not by the standrds of the forum). I was lucky as it was pretty much like this when I arrived. At sunset if the light is right the sun lights up the lighthouse, so you just need nice dark clouds behind to get something passable. The colour version lacked something though compared to the B/w.

15-Apr-2012, 12:28
Cool. Very well done.

I think color would detract from the impact, given that this is sort of a monochromatic scene to start with.

- Leigh

15-Apr-2012, 19:21
Kodak Duaflex II 620, Tri-X that expired in 1969. Scanner artifacts from dealing with the severely compressed tonal range and fog from the really old film, unfortunately.



15-Apr-2012, 19:23
Mamiya 7, Velvia 50.



15-Apr-2012, 23:27
Ha ha! My eyes didn't fail me. Very nice closeup. Although I am a battleship guy, I do have an appreciation for what air power did in WWII. I just got done reading the book on the 20th Air Force. It's a fascinating story of how the B-29's went from bumbling bombers, to the aircraft that won the war thanks to Curtis LeMay.

On the topic of battleships I have the Speed Graphic from the U.S.S. Alabama used during WWII. It came with the full combat camera kit, and the bill of sale from the US Navy listing everything by serial number. It's in fantastic shape, works like a dream. Here's one photo takin with it:
(A crewchief sits on the ramp of a CH-53E helicopter while flying over Djibouti Africa)

I was using it while I was deployed in Africa last year to document some of our deployment.

And a shot of the old girl:

Everyone has been very receptive to it, and lord only knows what it's seen.

Ramiro Elena
16-Apr-2012, 01:50
What's going on in Africa if I may ask?

16-Apr-2012, 06:52
Kav, congrats on being chosen for the KEH web gallery.

Here's Isle of Springs, a Maine island just across the river from Georgetown, where Clarence White, F Holland Day, et.al. used to hang out. I can see these same sorts of trees and rock being used for Day's work. I might go back with a soft focus LF sometime, (but I'm not into the nude male thing)



Tmy2, yellow filter, rolleiflex automat mx tessar. pyrocat-hd.

16-Apr-2012, 08:53
On the topic of battleships I have the Speed Graphic from the U.S.S. Alabama used during WWII. It came with the full combat camera kit, and the bill of sale from the US Navy listing everything by serial number. It's in fantastic shape, works like a dream. Here's one photo takin with it:
(A crewchief sits on the ramp of a CH-53E helicopter while flying over Djibouti Africa)

I was using it while I was deployed in Africa last year to document some of our deployment.

And a shot of the old girl:

Everyone has been very receptive to it, and lord only knows what it's seen.

Very cool! Thanks for sharing. :D

16-Apr-2012, 12:43
Very cool! Thanks for sharing. :D
I'm glad you like it. I am planning on taking a trip to the U.S.S. Alabama and using the camera to photograph her.

Kav, congrats on being chosen for the KEH web gallery.

Thanks, I was surprised they picked it. I didn't find out until I saw a hit from their blog on my stats page.

What's going on in Africa if I may ask?
The US military has had a base there since 2001. In short the idea is to have a presence there to prevent things from going to he'll in a hand basket vice trying to deal with an established terrorist entity.

Here's a link for more info:

16-Apr-2012, 15:45
From a series of photos I did around my grandmother's house after she died. Sadly it was just a lifeless shell without her in it.

Mamiya 7, 43mm, Provia 100 (I think)



16-Apr-2012, 23:02


Pentax 67II, Provia


Alberto Bregani
17-Apr-2012, 07:24
From a series of photos I did around my grandmother's house after she died. Sadly it was just a lifeless shell without her in it.

Mamiya 7, 43mm, Provia 100 (I think)



Nice and profound story JC
I can feel the silence permeating the scene
The typical silence you can hear when something stop
No more voices, no more people, no more life.
Only the thoughts remain. Only remebrances will talk

Thanks for sharing

Ramiro Elena
17-Apr-2012, 07:25
On the bright side... americans have the coolest kitchens. Nice tones too.

17-Apr-2012, 11:57
Alberto--Very touching comments, thank you. That is exactly how the house felt when she was gone. It has since been sold, but I have my memories and some photos to rely on now.

Ramiro--That's funny; I practically grew up in that kitchen. I never thought about it being "American," but you're right. I don't think the red countertops are typical, though.

Here is another shot from that same time period, a close-up of her cordless phone. I am number six on her handwritten speed dial list. My aunt is number nine. Ha!

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, HP5+



eddy pula
17-Apr-2012, 18:42

3 different ways to pear a peach, the peach being eddy pula

18-Apr-2012, 04:23

3 different ways to pear a peach, the peach being eddy pula

Hey, that first picture is GREAT

You are an absolute dead on ringer poster boy for LFF users!!

18-Apr-2012, 05:19
this guy was most cooperative perching on a trillium


eddy pula
18-Apr-2012, 07:02
thanks gth... I wonder if you guys have pictures swimming in your minds too. Like I try and load up on friedlanders big yellow retrospective and then go out and try and see like he would. Just look at his 'working' pictures from the 80's tell you how to make computer workers interesting. vivian maier has definitly been on my mind... don't want to end up like her...

eddy pula
18-Apr-2012, 08:03
for example http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1600&bih=777&tbm=isch&tbnid=1CbqrI1_StD4JM:&imgrefurl=http://www.photographsdonotbend.co.uk/2010/07/exposed-voyeurism-surveillance-and-the-camera.html&docid=bvX1ojIsSA_gdM&imgurl=http://www.photographsdonotbend.co.uk/New%252520York%252520%28Couple%252520Kissing,%252520Girl%252520Staring%252520at%252520Camera,%252520Tortilla%252520Factory%29,%2525201969%252520by%252520Garry%252520Winogrand.jpg&w=432&h=287&ei=TdeOT-faNoPu0gGxrKW4Dw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=387&sig=106408106092839890128&page=1&tbnh=135&tbnw=189&start=0&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:70&tx=101&ty=30 and then my take on the greatest third wheel pic ever
is it because as voyeurs we are always the third wheel?

Jay DeFehr
18-Apr-2012, 08:31
Alberto--Very touching comments, thank you. That is exactly how the house felt when she was gone. It has since been sold, but I have my memories and some photos to rely on now.

Ramiro--That's funny; I practically grew up in that kitchen. I never thought about it being "American," but you're right. I don't think the red countertops are typical, though.

Here is another shot from that same time period, a close-up of her cordless phone. I am number six on her handwritten speed dial list. My aunt is number nine. Ha!

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, HP5+



I'm really enjoying your interiors. Very personal and warm, not to mention beautiful.

austin granger
18-Apr-2012, 13:58
Donald, Oregon



18-Apr-2012, 19:41
Presque Isle State Park, Lake Erie.

Jay DeFehr
18-Apr-2012, 20:07
Donald, Oregon

Austin, you make it look so easy.

18-Apr-2012, 20:13
Tiny flowers of the desert:




All taken with a Nikon D7000 using a older 200mm f4 macro lens with a 27.5mm extension tube.

austin granger
18-Apr-2012, 20:44
Austin, you make it look so easy.

You're too kind Jay.

Here's one that could go with it:

Trucker's Chapel, Exit 278, Interstate 5, Oregon

Believe it or not, I wanted to be a trucker at one point when I was a boy. I used to study truck catalogues from companies like Kenworth and Mack. I'll bet there are some good photographer-truckers out there. That kind of life could make a great photo project.


Jay DeFehr
18-Apr-2012, 21:11

Those are really beautiful, and a nice departure form the usual floral fare. So delicate and fragile and fascinating!


Believe it or not, I am a current holder of a CDL, complete with Tanker, Hazmat, and Multi trailer endorsements. It's a vestigial requirement for working here in Prudhoe Bay. Fortunately, I don't get much seat time!

Great image, by the way. One of my many unrealized projects is a study of mobile homes as American architecture.

19-Apr-2012, 12:03

Those are really beautiful, and a nice departure form the usual floral fare. So delicate and fragile and fascinating!

Thanks Jay!

The desert is full of tiny plants. The main reason I bought a macro lens was to be able to photograph them. I've been very lucky to be able to wander the deserts all over the world, and every one has it's own distinct but tiny flowers. And these tiny things amaze me. The first photo is a good example of how little some of the plants are. Those are grains of sand in the background.

Jay DeFehr
19-Apr-2012, 13:16
The arctic is another kind of desert, and we have some beautiful and tiny flowers here, too. Maybe I'll get some photos when they bloom. Excellent work!

Ramiro Elena
19-Apr-2012, 14:48
First lunch in the terrace of the year.

Pentax 67 with ancient Plus-X.
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7095/6948492334_a47768435c_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/6948492334/)
Monte Ducay (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/6948492334/) por rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), en Flickr

19-Apr-2012, 14:49
SP 2472 steaming through Niles Canyon, California a few springs ago.

Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 100.


19-Apr-2012, 18:28
Shore jetty, Presque Isle State Park, Pennsylvania, USA


Beach, View to the West, Presque Isle State Park


19-Apr-2012, 19:03
Beech Hill, Rockport ME

D300, Helios-40 m39 mount 58mm lens, unrecorded aperture.


19-Apr-2012, 19:03
Forgot my Leica M3 since I started LF.

Alberto Bregani
20-Apr-2012, 01:10
| "Because it is there" |
In 1924, when asked why he wanted to climb Everest, Mallory is famously said to have replied: "Because it is there"
He was right. If you desire to climb a mountain you don't need specific reasons: go and climb it just "because it is there" ;-)

(Central Brenta Dolomites from Ferrata Vidi w/Canon A1, FD 20/2.8 S.S.C., TX400 Kodak )


austin granger
20-Apr-2012, 19:44
Shopping Carts, Beaverton



20-Apr-2012, 21:24
Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, T-Max 100




20-Apr-2012, 22:12
Trying out my new to me F4 with some E100 VS (cross processed)

The Inked Joker

I had a few good ones on that roll of film, but I need to get a better scan done. The Walgreens one was not up to the task. Case in point:

Jay DeFehr
20-Apr-2012, 22:56

Really nice work.

20-Apr-2012, 23:00
Thanks, Jay. Encouragement is always welcome and appreciated! I have mixed feelings about posting past work. (These were taken about twelve years ago.) Do you ever start to feel that your best photographs are behind you and not ahead? In my darker moods I am convinced of this, but each time I make a new image that satisfies me my faith in myself is restored. And so it goes.....


Jay DeFehr
21-Apr-2012, 09:56
Jonathan, I feel just the opposite about my photos -- I always feel my most recent work is best, and better is yet to come. A famous photographer (I forget which), when asked what he considered his best photo replied, "My next one". That's exactly how I feel.

austin granger
21-Apr-2012, 10:14
I feel ashamed of anything more than about a week old. OK, that's a slight exaggeration, but I can definitely relate to the idea that my best photo will be my next one. What keeps me going in this life is a strange faith that someday I'll do something good.

I've been inspired by a lot of both of your work by the way.

Jay DeFehr
21-Apr-2012, 10:27

It's not faith if it's supported by evidence. A mutual inspiration society -- I like it!

Ramiro Elena
21-Apr-2012, 11:40
What keeps me going in this life is a strange faith that someday I'll do something good.

Get out of here!

But yes, the fun of it all is to learn new things everyday and try them out.

21-Apr-2012, 12:00
Austin, Jay, Ramiro:

Mutual inspiration society indeed! Austin amazes me with his consistently sharp, richly toned shots of the everyday (especially around Portland); Jay's soft portraits with all kinds of thrift store cameras are a pleasant reminder that my photo gear schizophrenia is not unusual, and Ramiro's work is full of gentle, quiet light using some of the same gear that I do (this reminds me what is possible). There is a lot of great work by the people on these forums.

As I said, the thrill of making new images keeps me going, but if I haven't made an image I am proud of in a while my past work starts to look like a collection of lucky snaps. But when I do take some photos I am pleased with the feeling is one of the best there is.


21-Apr-2012, 13:13
...but if I haven't made an image I am proud of in a while my past work starts to look like a collection of lucky snaps.

Boy do I know that feeling!!

Ramiro Elena
21-Apr-2012, 14:51
Caught a Mod running in the back yard. It is hard to get these guys in focus when you're shooting wide open.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5276/7100034149_7f0f8c9b66_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/7100034149/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/7100034149/) por rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), en Flickr

22-Apr-2012, 16:31
Canon 5DMkII, Minolta Rokkor 58mm f1.2, cheap Chinese macro bellows, post processing - convert from RAW to jpg, to sRGB color space, and resized.
Pretty much straight from the camera.

austin granger
22-Apr-2012, 22:19
Locked Box with Heart, Portland



Tony Karnezis
23-Apr-2012, 00:07


A couple of fans and shadows. Top photo taken with a Rolleiflex 3.5F and the bottom with a Fuji GSW690II.


I like these square compositions. Nicely done.

23-Apr-2012, 05:22
I've been fighting with this stitched leicaroid for a couple of days. I can only get delicate tones on glossy paper. Cotton rag is nice for shows but the matte ink won't handle penumbra.

23-Apr-2012, 05:47
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7257/7087032053_2670dca441_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/assweepai/7087032053/)
SCAN-5671 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/assweepai/7087032053/) by gilhoy (http://www.flickr.com/people/assweepai/), on Flickr

Pentax 67ii w/105mm SMC lens on a #3 macro extension tube.
Film - Ilford Delta 100 - 1 hour stand development in Rodinal.
Paper - Ilford MGIV Pearl 5x7 in Dektol, then sepia toned.

23-Apr-2012, 05:57
Wedding blossoms falling, Jupiter 3.


23-Apr-2012, 11:11
I like these square compositions. Nicely done.

Thanks, Tony. I don't shoot 6x6 all that often anymore, but when I do it usually feels "right."


23-Apr-2012, 11:58
I've been fighting with this stitched leicaroid for a couple of days. I can only get delicate tones on glossy paper. Cotton rag is nice for shows but the matte ink won't handle penumbra.

Nice colour. It makes you think.

austin granger
23-Apr-2012, 14:42
The sun has returned to Portland. I'd almost forgotten about it.



23-Apr-2012, 20:30
I'll second that about the sun in Portland. Of course it means I have to mow the lawn every five days to keep on top of it. But I'm not complaining.

A shot of a friend just after getting married last week, walking from the courthouse to the reception.

Downtown Portland, Mamiya 7, HP5+



austin granger
23-Apr-2012, 20:37
Nice one Jonathan-a future family heirloom. I imagine we'll probably run into each other on the streets of Portland sometime.

Dollar Tree, Foster Road, Portland


Jay DeFehr
23-Apr-2012, 20:47

I have a kind of bad taste in my mouth for wedding photos, but I'm loving these. I wish you'd photographed my wedding.

23-Apr-2012, 21:37

I await your new Portland postings eagerly. Most often you're photographing parts of the city I do not frequent (I live in NE PDX), although I quite enjoy viewing the city through your lens. We may yet cross paths, indeed. That would be a welcome surprise someday.


Thanks, that's quite a compliment! I agree about wedding photos in general. It's tough to break new creative ground when you have a bride and groom standing before you ready to be photographed, not to mention a line-up of bridesmaids and groomsmen. Having shot my share of weddings a number of years ago I can say I have respect for the grueling nature of the profession, however. My most dog-tired days were after shooting weddings.

Below is one of my all-time favorite wedding shots (scanned long ago from a print--I could do better these days). When off in the vineyard to be photographed the bride was desperate for a smoke but didn't want her family to see so her bridesmaids formed a protective semi-circle and her new husband held her bouquet while she crouched down.

Taken with a Mamiya 7 and 65mm lens. (I just sold that lens. Sigh.)



Brian Legge
23-Apr-2012, 23:10
Pike Place, Seattle, WA
Super Speedex


I enjoy shooting here too much. I haven't found too many local places where people are so comfortable with cameras being pointed in random directions. Looking at this photo anew, I'm still blown away by this camera. Love the way it renders. The Super Ikonta IV looks great as well but often has a softer look by comparison. I need to shoot them side by side some time to see if its just my perception though.

24-Apr-2012, 01:06
Below is one of my all-time favorite wedding shots (scanned long ago from a print--I could do better these days). When off in the vineyard to be photographed the bride was desperate for a smoke but didn't want her family to see so her bridesmaids formed a protective semi-circle and her new husband held her bouquet while she crouched down.

Taken with a Mamiya 7 and 65mm lens. (I just sold that lens. Sigh.)



austin granger
24-Apr-2012, 18:47
Hope in the Sun, Portland


25-Apr-2012, 19:46
The sun has returned to Portland. I'd almost forgotten about it.

Nice bold shot, Austin.

26-Apr-2012, 00:41
Taken on a trip to Paris in 1999 with the Mamiya 7. Haven't been back since but would love to go again.

