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View Full Version : Results Shanghai 4x5 in PMK

22-Nov-2008, 00:24
I received some Shanghai 100 ISO film in the mail the other day and tested it in PMK the other evening and finally did a quick test neg today. It wasn't anything in particular just a couple of items in fairly full sun. Tonality is quite smooth as it gives good shadow separation and nice highlight detail. The grain also was very fine and tight. The print I did of the subject I shot has a good grey scale from black to just below paper white. I was pleasantly surprised as it is not all that different to FP4 -- just maybe a bit "smoother".

I tested the film using WinPlotter for BTZS and the sheet I shot today was a 7 stop scene with an iso of 64 processed in 1-2-100 PMK @ 21c