View Full Version : New to LF - Film holder question…

14-Nov-2008, 13:39
Hello to all from South Florida USA!

I exposed my first sheets of 4x5 film today and had a lot of fun. One exposure I made an obvious mistake (of course noticing it after the fact) so I decided to scrap it and removed it from the holder so I would not inadvertently send it to my local lab with the rest. Of course as I’m removing the bad sheet from the holder in normal room light, I start to wonder about the perfectly good sheet on the other side. Can anyone tell me if each side of a film holder is individually light tight or did I ruin the opposite sheet when I opened the one side?

Thank you for any replies and for this forum- it’s been a valuable source of information.


Bruce Watson
14-Nov-2008, 13:41
The two sides are completely separate. Both sides are light tight.