View Full Version : Book signing and slide show at Center for Photogrpahy at Woodstock (NY)

Greg Miller
29-Oct-2008, 12:09
FYI - I have a book signing and mutli-media slide show at the Center for Photography at Woodstock (http://www.cpw.org) on Saturday November 22 from 3 to 5 PM.

This is for my coffee table book "The Hudson River: A Great American Treasure" (Rizzoli International Publications (http://www.rizzoliusa.com), November 2008). I will also do a short talk about the process of the making of the book.


29-Oct-2008, 12:18
i will be there! be sure to bump this again in nov so i do not forget! :)


Greg Miller
30-Oct-2008, 16:39
Thanks Eddie. Has it been 2 years since we were shooting at Sam's Point with John Voss?

30-Oct-2008, 16:54
time flies......i can not wait to see your newest stuff. how big is the book?


Greg Miller
30-Oct-2008, 17:05
The book is hard cover, 224 pages, 12.5" x 9", 3.4 lbs. All photos; no text except for the introduction, foreword, and acknowledgments.

30-Oct-2008, 17:13
The book is hard cover, 224 pages, 12.5" x 9", 3.4 lbs. All photos; no text except for the introduction, foreword, and acknowledgments.

oh baby! 3.4lb....are you selling it by the pound...or the page? :)

see you sat!

Greg Miller
17-Nov-2008, 20:09
I'm bumping this as requested. It was good to meet eddie and Gilbert in Kingston on the 1st.

CPW is housed in what used to be the Tinker Street Cafe where Bob Dylan wrote songs for two of his albums in the 60s. So its a cool place to visit for both photography and music.

Peter Langham
18-Nov-2008, 10:33
As a point of interest, the Tinker Street Cafe was the Cafe Expresso when Dylan was writing there. A lot of other great music happened in that cafe as well as too many mispent nights of my youth.
Great luck with your book!

Kirk Gittings
18-Nov-2008, 10:36
The book looks wonderful, judging by the cover, congratulations.

Greg Miller
18-Nov-2008, 17:36
As a point of interest, the Tinker Street Cafe was the Cafe Expresso when Dylan was writing there. A lot of other great music happened in that cafe as well as too many mispent nights of my youth.
Great luck with your book!

There's a few people that still hang around outside in the square that appear to have never left from the '60's. So I guess they have mispent their youth and their adulthood to boot!

Greg Miller
18-Nov-2008, 17:39
The book looks wonderful, judging by the cover, congratulations.

Thanks. I personally think the cover is one of the less compelling photos in the book. But that's what the publisher wanted. I have since read that you should never show an editor anything that you really don't want to have in your book. I was under pretty serious time deadlines so I was submitting pretty everything I had. Next time I'll know better.

Kirk Gittings
18-Nov-2008, 17:49
I have since read that you should never show an editor anything that you really don't want to have in your book.

Boy, isn't that the truth. I've made that mistake more than once.