View Full Version : 10 sheets in Jobo 3010 - How?

23-Sep-2008, 09:31
OK, my turn to aska dumb question. I'm sure it is obvious but I've never actually seen a Jobo 3010 drum....

So, how does one load ten sheets of 4x5 intothe 3010? I see five tubes...so, two sheets must go into each tube. Is it an "upstairs - downstairs" configuration? or are the two sheets in the tube side-by-side?

Does that make sense?

are there ridges or something inside the individual tubes?


Jim Galli
23-Sep-2008, 10:00
OK, my turn to aska dumb question. I'm sure it is obvious but I've never actually seen a Jobo 3010 drum....

So, how does one load ten sheets of 4x5 intothe 3010? I see five tubes...so, two sheets must go into each tube. Is it an "upstairs - downstairs" configuration? or are the two sheets in the tube side-by-side?

Does that make sense?

are there ridges or something inside the individual tubes?


Hi Brad. Yep there are ridges that hold 2 sheets side by side inserted long ways. So if you buy a Chamonix 5X8 you should be able to do 5 at a time. See how I knew that was your real underlying question.

23-Sep-2008, 10:07
More like facing each other in each tube. Emulsion facing emulsion. I suppose a 5x8 sheet would work ok with one rib holding the edges apart and the film passing over the opposite ridge. The chemicals would have ample room to flow over both sides of the film.


23-Sep-2008, 11:50
Hi Brad. Yep there are ridges that hold 2 sheets side by side inserted long ways. So if you buy a Chamonix 5X8 you should be able to do 5 at a time. See how I knew that was your real underlying question.

(smirk...chucle) me...buy a...Chamonix...naw...I don't think so. well....not unless....it were a very special 5X14 with a set of matching film holders and a years supply of ilm to boot. :D

yes, that explains it and the 5x8 example clearly illustrates the configuration. Thanks Jim and Wayne.

Jim Galli
23-Sep-2008, 11:53
(smirk...chucle) me...buy a...Chamonix...naw...I don't think so. well....not unless....it were a very special 5X14 with a set of matching film holders and a years supply of ilm to boot. :D

yes, that explains it and the 5x8 example clearly illustrates the configuration. Thanks Jim and Wayne.

Hey, I know where you can get a 5X14 like that! You can take a picture of Nancy Pelosi's head.

23-Sep-2008, 12:04
Hmmmm.....I guess a guy would need 300mm plasmat or so to go with it. Maybe a 14 inch commercial ektar?

23-Sep-2008, 12:07
I think you should rent it out by the month....seriously. You could charge so much per month and ship it with four or five loaded film holders...like renting a plane all fueled and ready to fly!

People would go for it...and we'd always know to whom the camera belonged. :)

23-Sep-2008, 12:38
More like facing each other in each tube. Emulsion facing emulsion. I suppose a 5x8 sheet would work ok with one rib holding the edges apart and the film passing over the opposite ridge. The chemicals would have ample room to flow over both sides of the film.


Exercise care if you are using TMX or TMY 5x8 (or 5x7) sideways in the 3010 with the film crossing one of the ribs. Do a little testing prior to consigning some valuable negative.

I tried this with TMX 5x7 a more than a decade ago . There was a little more development exactly where the negative crossed that rib, due I guess to additional agitation locally either through swirls or breaking the laminar flow at that point. It was evident in clear blue skies. Agitation was low. YMMV -- maybe your negative won't have any uniform tones at this location..... This was dilute TMAX RS (oneshot) developer.

I returned the 3010 and bought the 3006.

Jim Galli
23-Sep-2008, 14:10
Hmmmm.....I guess a guy would need 300mm plasmat or so to go with it. Maybe a 14 inch commercial ektar?

No for Nancy's head you'd need a wide angle. 150 Symmar XL would work :D:D