View Full Version : I'm in a group show!!!

Brad Rippe
11-Sep-2008, 20:57
I'm in a group show with two amazing photographers, Jeffery Martz and Marty Knapp.
Jeffery is showing pinhole photography, and Marty is showing landscapes of the Point Reyes National Seashore. I'm showing landscapes of Marin County Hills and Yosemite. The gallery is in San Ansemo, California (about 20 miles north of San Francisco) and will run from this Saturday until the middle of October.
The opening reception is Friday, Sept 19.
Come by if you can.

Kirk Gittings
11-Sep-2008, 21:10
Congratulations! Show us some images of the show when you get a chance.

11-Sep-2008, 22:04
Hi Brad,

Congratulations on your group show... participating in a group show is a great way to start ouy on thr journey. Upwards and onwards to a solo show!

As much as I love SF, unfortunately, we can't attend your opening since we're a wee ways away from you (in Vancouver, BC in Canada.)

Will you be posting any images here on the forum?

Good luck with the show Brad. :)


Brian K
12-Sep-2008, 06:47
Congrats Brad. I hope you get a great response and enjoy the experience.

Merg Ross
12-Sep-2008, 09:11
Congratulations, Brad! You are exhibiting in a really fine space. Hope the show is a grand success for you and your co-exhibitors.

Eric Biggerstaff
12-Sep-2008, 09:24
Excellent Brad! Hope is goes great for you.

12-Sep-2008, 09:39
Well thats a good thing Brad ... nice gallery too. Look forward to seeing some of your work.

12-Sep-2008, 09:41
Congratulations, Brad! You are exhibiting in a really fine space. Hope the show is a grand success for you and your co-exhibitors.

Merg how come I haven't seen your work there? Did you already have a show I missed?

Merg Ross
12-Sep-2008, 10:42
No Joe, I'm still waiting to be discovered.

However, I did have an opportunity to visit the gallery last week and was impressed with the space. I was unaware of its existence until my friend in the previous exhibit (Steve Dzerigian) alerted me. He co-exhibited with Linda Connor and Roman Loranc, perhaps you saw the show.

Drew Bedo
12-Sep-2008, 11:07
Congratulations! Can you post a few of your images?

domenico Foschi
12-Sep-2008, 12:18
Congratulations Brad,
and best to you for the show.

12-Sep-2008, 13:19
No Joe, I'm still waiting to be discovered.

However, I did have an opportunity to visit the gallery last week and was impressed with the space. I was unaware of its existence until my friend in the previous exhibit (Steve Dzerigian) alerted me. He co-exhibited with Linda Connor and Roman Loranc, perhaps you saw the show.


I've been in contact the curator and she is quite open to quality work in B/W. Most certainly I think you are qualified to show your work there. I've seen Roman's work and Edgar Angelone and a few others. I go about once every couple of months or so.


Brad Rippe
12-Sep-2008, 13:41
Your work would be perfect for that gallery Merg. I'll introduce you to the owner and curator if you'd like.
I'll post some images in the next few days.
And thank all of you for the kind words.