View Full Version : Making a "Center Filter" for an Enlarger...

8-Sep-2008, 10:27
After some extensive modifications to even out the light of my Aristo 1212 coldlight, it still has falloff very close to the edges.

I thought I would try to make a center filter with inkjet transparency material I had laying around.

I first printed an 8x10 (thats all that will fit on my scanner) with no negative in the negative carrier. I used the highest contrast to emphasize any un-evenness.

Sure enough, the edges were lighter.

Next, I scanned the 8x10 print and imported it into Photoshop.

In Photoshop I enlarged the image slightly, to fit on 8 1/2 by 11 transparency material. Then I adjusted the contrast and level by trial and error to get a good printout. For maximum efficiency of the filter, the edges needed to be totally clear. I seemed to get a better result with a light image and running the transparency through the printer 4 times.

I placed the new center filter in the filter drawer (which in my case is above the diffuser plate) and made another test print and it was ever so slightly more dense on the edges. I'll do some prints and see how I like it . I can always fine tune it some more now that I have the system down.

The picture shows the baseline print on the right and the resultant center filter on the left.

BTW when you do it this way it is a POSITIVE-POSITIVE process. No need to make a negative of anything.

David A. Goldfarb
8-Sep-2008, 10:43
Why not just make it on 11x14" film and use the film directly? I'd imagine it would take a couple of attempts to get it right.

8-Sep-2008, 11:14
Why not just make it on 11x14" film and use the film directly? I'd imagine it would take a couple of attempts to get it right.

Time and $$

The inkjet 'film' was free and available now (came from the wife's office). :p

8-Sep-2008, 12:23
good idea.