View Full Version : Lightzone on MacUpdate

Claude Sapp
1-Sep-2008, 16:36
I don't think it has been mentioned here, but Lightzone is part of the current Macupdate promo:


A certain number of promo bundles need to sell before Lightzone is unlocked. I downloaded the demo, and it was quite nice.

These forums have some historical postings on Lightzone, but I would like to hear what recent users of the 3.x version think. I reviewed the coverage of the software in the Jan/Feb 07 View Camera, but I think they were reviewing 2.0.

2-Sep-2008, 13:38
It can be slow for large files. It's great for DSLR files. I limit my scans to 2400ppi for 4 by 5 greyscale B&W...Or 1600ppi for 5 by 7 greyscale B&W. It's really fun to use, intuitive and not too steep a learning curve.....What would you be using it for, Claude?


Claude Sapp
8-Sep-2008, 08:04
Thanks for the reply Matt, I was interested in Lightzone for quick and easy touchup on files from my digital camera. I went ahead and bought it from MacUpdate for the $49, and am glad I did. This looks like a great program for what I want it for. From posts by others on this site, it sounds like it may bog down with LF scans, but I have no intent on using it for 4000spi scans of an 8x10 negative...

Lightzone does not come close to replacing the functionality of Photoshop, and it does not claim to. What it seems to do well is provide the PS functions a photographer needs the most. I have manipulated a few files, and Lightzone was a pleasure to use.