View Full Version : 5x7 wooden film holders

18-Aug-2008, 21:54
Im back with another newbie question...I have a 5x7 Seneca, I have only one wooden holder for it so far. I purchased some Ilford FP4 5x7 from Badger and took everyones advise to waste one sheet to get the feel for how to insert the sheet film into the holder. I have already read about the black plastic holders and the flap procedure, however this wooden one has two brass hooks that prevent the dark slide from being removed. There isnt a way to slide the film through the darkslide slot so i lay it in the opening however I noticed the film has a little room to move around - its enough to hear the film clicking/tapping in side when wiggling the insert back and forth - is this normal? Does the file just lay at the bottom of the film holder no matter if i change the back of the camera to either landscape or portrait? The next part of my question is even dumber...is the FILM side of the sheet the glossy dark side or the tan gray side to face towards the darkslide and should I be concerned with finger prints...while practicing i see the tabs in the film sheet but since i dont slide the film in - I just lay it in the holder - i can see my finger prints on the black glossy side...

If anyone can stop laughing and help out that would be awesome - believe me I am laughing at myself but very eager to get this right.


18-Aug-2008, 22:00
Look at this...


John Kasaian
18-Aug-2008, 23:11
With the loading flap pointed towards you, the notches should be either in the lower left corner or upper right corner to orient the emulsion side towards the lens. That is why there are notches. Also, if you get in the habit of loading film with the notches on the lower left you'll be able to more easily identify which film is in situ should you forget.

No loading flap? Is there tape on the bottom edge of your holder? If there is it is likely the hinge for the flap. If not, you might have a glass plate holder there!

Good luck!