View Full Version : New gallery in Merrickville Ontario

Allen in Montreal
17-Aug-2008, 08:15
For those in Ontario or passing through,

I went to a Gallery opening in Merrickville Friday. The photographer, Gordon Beck showed mostly new work, mostly digital this time around. he shoots 35 to 8x10 and has a full darkroom on site.

The gallery is From here to Infinity,
it is located on the north side of the canal, the last property before the draw bridge on the right side as you head south in an old (1832) inn (sorry, I don not recall the address). He has a terrace that looks out of the canal, I think if the wall broke, canal water would flood the terrace.

Allen in Montreal
17-Aug-2008, 09:20
I tried to add a picture and could not,
sorry for the second post for the art,
distortion on the building complements of a 17mm dit file. :mad:

Daniel Grenier
18-Aug-2008, 03:26
Thanks for the info, Allen.

I was in Merrickville just last week and I'm there quite often as my son lives nearby. Beautiful little town,,,, I'll be sure to check out this new gallery next time I'm in town.

I think I know the buliding you mean. It is on Mill street (# 106 ?) which turns into St Lawrence street after the bridge. It used to be a private residence prior to this new reincarnation (right ?). He's kind of on the wrong side of the canal, though, as all the shops and galleries are on the opposite side of the river. Few people actually actually make it across as there is little to see and next to no parking. In any case, I wish Mr Beck the best of luck and I'm sure he knows that selling Fine Art Photography is a hell of a hard task in this region. A few have tried and none have succeeded (yet). In any case, he's picked a really great venue to try.

Allen in Montreal
18-Aug-2008, 06:54
Good morning Daniel,

Yes, I believe that is right, 106 Mill.

Gordon lives on the property and has spent over a year renovating the building. This is his retirement project, so I guess it will go the distance, wether it is economically viable is another story perhaps, but Gordon has always been driven by the pictures, not the returns, so I guess it will last as long as he does.

When he was at the newspaper, at 65 years of age, he was up at the crack of dawn and out shooting for himself often. Far more than any young whipper snappers ever did! :)

Daniel Grenier
18-Aug-2008, 10:47
...This is his retirement project ....

Good for him. What a terrific and commendable retirement project. I'll make sure to pop in and say high next time I'm in town.

BTW, is he showing his own work only? It'd be interesting to see how some better-known photographers would fair in such a shop (i.e. Sexton, Loranc, Kenna....).