View Full Version : Silvershotz

domenico Foschi
16-Jul-2008, 21:55
I would like to inform the esteemed members of this forum that a selection of my images is featured in Volume 5 Edition 1 of Silvershotz Magazine.

It was a particular honor since I have been asked to participate for the issue dedicated to Italian photographers.

One "minor" problem is that even Silvershotz Magazine has had trouble with my last name which has been misspelled on the 2 instances that has appeared on the printed pages.
SO, when you see the name "Fuschi" be sure that is me in "incognito".

The positive thing that counteracts this mistake is one of my images on the cover.

Again, I would like to thank many members in this forum who are very generous with encouraging words, which truly inspire me to work harder and push me to grow in... whatever I do.

jim kitchen
16-Jul-2008, 22:07


I hope it brings you great success. :)

jim k

Greg Lockrey
16-Jul-2008, 22:08
Wow! This inspired me to get a subscription. :)

(I'd sue them for the name misspelling though. ;) People misspell my name all the time.)

Eric Biggerstaff
16-Jul-2008, 22:41
Way to go D!

Much deserved.

17-Jul-2008, 00:31
Congrats, Domenico!

Can't wait to pick up this issue...

17-Jul-2008, 03:56
Bravo! Meritato. (Which means Domenico's works deserved this)

17-Jul-2008, 04:08
Congrats Domenico! I will be sure to look for it at my local Borders. Your work belongs in Silvershotz! :)


matthew blais
17-Jul-2008, 07:40
Cool beans...you're such the man on the move!

Ralph Barker
17-Jul-2008, 08:07
Congrats, "Domineco". ;)

Jan Pedersen
17-Jul-2008, 08:59
Well deserved Domenico. Will rush to the bookstore for a copy.

17-Jul-2008, 09:09
Hi Domenico,

Kudos to you - more to come! :)

I'll be purchasing a copy.


Charles Hohenstein
17-Jul-2008, 18:05
I hope that I can find this at Barnes and Noble.

domenico Foschi
17-Jul-2008, 20:53
I hope that I can find this at Barnes and Noble.

Thanks to all of you.

Charles, you will find it at Barnes and Noble.

Kirk Gittings
17-Jul-2008, 22:28
Domenico, congrats man.......you are the dude.

Jim Galli
17-Jul-2008, 23:14
Domenico, Their punishment for mis-spelling your name is 2 more covers and articles! It's the least they can do. Foschi. It ain't that tough.

Dave Aharonian
18-Jul-2008, 09:43
Way to go Domenico! What Jim said too!

Asher Kelman
18-Jul-2008, 17:49

This is so well deserved and unsurprising. You are one of the most careful and individually thoughtful photographers I know. Nothing has been presented to you, rather you have earned this position through your hard work and loyalty to your own way of seeing things.

So proud of you,


domenico Foschi
18-Jul-2008, 17:54

This is so well deserved and unsurprising. You are one of the most careful and individually thoughtful photographers I know. Nothing has been presented to you, rather you have earned this position through your hard work and loyalty to your own way of seeing things.

So proud of you,


Dave thank you.
what you just wrote was moving.

Merg Ross
18-Jul-2008, 19:25

A fitting tribute to your vision, and passion. I will have a look.


Michael Gordon
18-Jul-2008, 19:35
Congratulations, Domenico! I'll have to make a trip to the bookstore.

Greg Lockrey
4-Sep-2008, 16:34
I received my new subscriptions of Silvershotz today with the first issue with Domenico's work in it. Being from the "tundra" I never heard of this fine magazine. You are going to have to change the spelling of your name Domenico. :)

(Will you sign my copy? ) ;) ;)

domenico Foschi
4-Sep-2008, 17:14
when telemarketers call me and invariably mispronounce my last name (to be pronounced foskee), I tell them that until they keep doing it I won't talk to them.
Then I hang up.

If you really want the copy signed, send it to me and I will do it.

Jan Pedersen
4-Sep-2008, 17:40
Domenico, Beautiful work. That magazine keeps getting better and better.

John Voss
22-Sep-2008, 13:56
My wife picked up Volume 5, Edition 1 today, and I really enjoyed it. It's sad that it's been sitting in the rack at Barnes and Noble for so long, but, it was there for her when she saw it, so that's just fine. Domenico, your work is terrific. I even knew it was you because the email addy they published is "dfoschi" (It's somewhat ironic that the very first thing written on the editorial page is a "Correction and Apology" for getting a previously published photographer's name wrong.) Belated congratulations!

Michael Wynd
22-Sep-2008, 20:05
Congratulations Domenico,
I bought my copy on Monday and immediately showed it to the photography students at the tertiary institute I work at. They were very impressed by your work. Some of them asked if they could see more of your photos, so I directed them here and to your website.
Again congratulations. Very nice work. Someday I hope to be nearly as good.

C. D. Keth
24-Sep-2008, 16:44
Well done, Domenico. I think names are more often misspelled when they are easy. My last name is Keth, four letters. Everyone just has to add an "I" to it.

Anyway, the more I peruse your work the more I enjoy it. Artists who are dedicated to their own vision of the world are few and far between. I salute you for sticking to doing it your way.