View Full Version : Epson 4490!

12-Jul-2008, 13:11
A while ago I brought an Epson 4490 Scanner, the product spec mentions that I should be able to scan in Large Format Negatives (Spec Attached) but when I discussed this with Epson, they got rather nasty with there replys. They claimed that I was using some strange site, untill I proved to them that it was the official UK site at which point they appolagised to me, and said that they would change the wording on the site!

But non the less, I am now in the situation that I am unable to scan in Large Format Negatives!

What are my options?

Would it be better for me to Contact Print the negative and scan the image in, or should I make a holder for the Negative and scan it in, in sections and use something like CS3 and somehow stitch the negative back together!

I do not have the funds to buy another scanner, and do not have access to the colleges facilities to scan the images in!

This was part posted on a thread I hi-jacked, but thought I should start the thread from new in case other people required similar information!

12-Jul-2008, 13:32
yea, the 4490 only takes up to 120 sized film. Sorry to hear that their website led you to believe it would scan larger sheets :-( At least they have changed their wording now!

I suppose the best option would be to contact print, then scan the print. Dealing with stitching and all that will probably be tiresome after a while.

Frank Petronio
12-Jul-2008, 15:32
If you have an apology from Epson then you need to go the extra step and make them take back the scanner and give you the 4990 which does scan up to 8x10 film. Or at least give you a credit towards purchasing a good refurbished model.

13-Jul-2008, 06:21
Never, NEVER trust the brochures and ads only. I allways read manual of gadget I plan to buy. I get it on internet, or when go to the shop, I ask to read manuals before buying. Of course, not read it every letter, but if it isn't written in manual, it can't do it.

And, by the way, when I checked specs from Epson some time ago when I thought about buying scanner, there is written 4990 can do only up to 120 film (http://www.epson-europe.com/content/EU/en_GB/products/scanners/product_spec/EU_product_specification_Perfection4490_EN.ilocal.htm) Maybe you thought about 4990?

14-Jul-2008, 07:26
I got the Epson 4490 when to be honest I spotted it greatly reduced in price, not sure if it was intentional or accidental put I paid my cash and ran!

Don't get me wrong, so far the scanner has been exceptional and I have scanned in the Negatives and printed off the results at A3+ and displayed them at an exhibition that I amd two friends recently held, no one could tell that it was a negative scanned in, but saying that it was off the Bronica SQA!

It's just that when I read the original spec seconds before buying the scanner, I thought It would do everything that I required it to do!

What is it that they say " Buy in Haste, repent at leisure "

Paul H
14-Jul-2008, 14:13
But non the less, I am now in the situation that I am unable to scan in Large Format Negatives!

What are my options?...

You could do what I did when I needed to scan 9x12cm and 4x5" negs on my 3170 - scan in two halves, and stitch them in PS. It takes a little time, but works well enough. You need to lock the exposure between the two scans for best results.

You will need to make yourself a holder. I used thick black card stock. Make sure the neg ends up the correct height off the platten. Follow the shape of the 120 holder - including the registration cut-out - and fix a guide (made from the same card stock) across the holder that will help keep the neg square. First scan one half, then slide the neg over, then scan the other half. You will get quite a decent overlap, which makes the stitching very simple.

17-Jul-2008, 09:19

Found a way of scanning in the 4x5 negatives using the Epson 4490 and a cardboard mask, it appears to work well!

So far we have not had any newton ring issues!

So thank you Paul H for your suggestion, and anyone else who mentioned doing this!

17-Jul-2008, 10:01
Here are the images of the negative that I scanned in, and the method that I have used!

I hope it helps!



