View Full Version : Where to Drum Scan/Print Color Negatives

Stephen Fritz
25-Jun-2008, 17:18
OK, I’ve selected my 4x5 color negatives for printing. Which U.S. labs have you had the best results for high quality drum scans and prints, specifically from color negatives?

From earlier posts here, I gather that a scanning service using an Aztec Premier with its supposedly more suitable software for color negatives and an experienced operator, would give me a head start.

Mostly to save shipping time, I’m looking for a lab which can offer both the scanning and printing on a Lightjet or similar under one roof.

Photocraft Imaging in Colorado is the only lab I’ve found so far. I will send in a couple negatives to be printed at about 3 feet wide to determine quality, then decide if I should be shooting 8x10 negatives instead!

I want to offer a sincere thank you to all of you who post here regularly. While I’ve had over 30 years of professional photography experience, my very recent exploration of large format photography has been made much easier because of the practical information you’ve shared.

Michael Gordon
25-Jun-2008, 17:39
In California, both Calypso and West Coast Imaging drum scan and print (Chromira at WCI, Lightjet at Calypso). I haven't had color neg scans from either, but can attest to WCI's drum scans and both labs printing and handling abilities.

Stephen Fritz
25-Jun-2008, 17:46
Unfortunately, neither of these labs appear to be particularly color negative-friendly, both using the less desirable Tango scanner (for color negatives) while WCI specifically stating that better results can be had with transparencies.

Michael Gordon
25-Jun-2008, 18:37
OK, then try this: Danny Burk (http://www.dannyburk.com/drum_scanning.htm) for your color neg scans, and Calypso or WCI for your prints.

25-Jun-2008, 20:03
Give WCI a call and talk with them. I have found them to be very helpful. They do have a Creo iQsmart3, if a Tango scan isn't workable for you.

Creo Scans at WCI (http://www.westcoastimaging.com/wci/page/services/scan/ccdscans.htm) .


ps: Danny Burke does great scans at a reasonable price! Signed: A happy customer.

7-Jul-2008, 09:28
I use Imagecraft in Phoenix. Top-notch work, good prices.

10-Jul-2008, 11:16
My name is Craig Carlson and have been working with high resolution scanning for black and white negatives for over 10 years and then print using carbon pigment inks. Over the years I have spent thousands of dollars having labs do my scanning. Most ”professional labs” do not have a clue, or the personnel to make great scans from black and white negatives. Some labs I have contacted have even refused to do them. The quality of a high resolution scan is based soley on the type of scanner and operator experience and knowledge about negative making and subsequent printing of a scanned image. Making negatives for high resolution scanning is an art in itself. Yes, everything you have learned about the darkroom is not the same when making negatives for scanning and subsequent printing to inkjet. Or maybe you found this out yourself?
I have always sought out the most passionate and knowledgeable people about photographic technique before making decisions about my workflow in black and white image making. I would suggest you speak with Lenny Eiger of Eiger photo in Petaluma, California. His companies web site is http://www.eigerphoto.com/.
Lenny has been doing my scanning for the last four years and has taught me much about the difference between the darkroom negative and the scanning negative. He has the finest scanner in the Universe and he knows how to use it. He is constantly testing emulsions and developer combination to fine tune digital black and white workflow.
I highly recommend him!

Tyler Boley
10-Jul-2008, 14:02
I'd use this as an opportunity to work with Lenny if I were down there as well. I would say his equipment and skills would be more suited to negs than other mentioned here so far.


Henry Ambrose
10-Jul-2008, 15:51
Try these folks:


10-Jul-2008, 23:03
I'd use this as an opportunity to work with Lenny if I were down there as well. I would say his equipment and skills would be more suited to negs than other mentioned here so far.


Based on pricing from others, Lenny has an easy case for providing the best value on the entire market today IMHO.

Rick Russell
11-Jul-2008, 09:41
I send my both slide and negative scanning to Joseph Luppino of Pixelnation (610) 223-0715 or www.pixelnation.us. He's a real artist with his scanner, and the personalized service from Joseph is simply second to none! I appreciate the personal interaction, wherein we discuss the image and what data exists in the image to be scanned. Give him a try, I'm sure you will be not only satisfied, but thrilled with his work.

Rick Russell

11-Jul-2008, 16:19
I have a Cezanne Elite. I get very workable results from it.

Lenny Eiger
11-Jul-2008, 19:10
Thanks for all the kind words...


Jim Graves
14-Jul-2008, 10:15
I can 2d (or 3d) Lenny's work. I met him at FOTO3 ... he had a trade booth and offered free drum scans.

He scanned a 4x5 B&W negative for me and spent at least 40 minutes going over the process, sampling sections of the negative and making adjustments and explained and demonstrated as he went. I also watched a portion of an 8x10 color scan and saw the results.

I was skeptical of the cost of drum scanning ... I am a believer now. It requires a committed, skilled photographer/scanner to get the best scan available ... and, it takes a lot of work and time. Lenny is obviously a perfectionist ... and I'm sure that helps.

If he'll spend that much time and effort to get a free scan right for someone he doesn't know, I would expect his paying customers to receive more than their money's worth.