View Full Version : Jalbum?

Ed Richards
20-May-2008, 18:14
Anyone using Jalbum for their WWW galleries?

Leonard Metcalf
21-May-2008, 02:48
Yes... though I haven't published them yet...

I was specifically looking for a way to publish my photos as a slide show. I love the auto start.... and the auto sizing... that makes the displayed image the right size for the viewers browser... but seems to be only available on some skins...

I must admit that I have to do some hand coding so I can just put links to each album directly into my websites.

So it isn't so good for me for making a whole website...

If you have any specific questions... please ask..



Greg Miller
21-May-2008, 06:51
I used to use Jalbum but recently switched to Simpleviewer. Neither is perfect but I think (personal preference) the Simpleviewer interface is cleaner, more professional, and more intuitive for the viewer.

Frank Petronio
21-May-2008, 07:13
If I was going to change the format of my site, I would just bite the bullet and buy into LiveBooks and stop mucking around. They do a good Flash site with easy to edit options and blogging capabilities that has everything you'd want. Their sites look good (it can be adapted to your branding and taste), and the price is very competitive compared to doing proper custom web work -- They are just "right" from a usability, quality of coding and logic point of view.

It is $1000 plus but compared to the vast majority of mediocre photographer sites I've seen I think it is a bargain, even if you not a full time professional photographer. Look at all the crappy bizarre sites you see... I'd take advantage of all that combined coding and design experience that they offer and just save yourself hours and hours of reinventing the wheel.

Just my two cents.

David E. Rose
21-May-2008, 08:02

27-May-2008, 08:26
I personally use Gallery 2 and like it, but don't have it setup the way I would if it were for a purely business purpose.

If you really intend to use the website as part of a business model, then good design work and a solid code line would be an excellent investment. Along the lines of Frank's recomendation, I'd recommend Jack Brauer's service. http://www.widerangegalleries.com/

Here are two sites I know were developed on this code.

27-May-2008, 08:51
My gallery was made with JAlbum.