View Full Version : Cold head bulb replacement...

28-Apr-2008, 18:10
Ok, got a Zone VI cold light-head that came with a Beseler MXT enlarger (see pic), the bulb is broken. I will admit I have limited knowledge about these heads, so I have no idea what model number it is (not marked other than Zone VI), or who it is made by - was it aristo, or actually designed and manufactured by Zone VI? B&H has a lot of replacement coldlight bulbs, and there is one for the "standard" Aristo 45 head. Can I buy that bulb or another, or do I need to buy a new head all together? Thanks.

Jon Shiu
28-Apr-2008, 18:32
Hi, I would check with aristogrid.com
Probably would cost about the same to get a nice condenser head off of ebay than a new tube.


Carlos R Herrera
1-May-2008, 06:13
Your CLH is actually designed for the Omega D2. You also have the Beseler adapter collar. Knowing you need the D2 model tubes will eliminate confusion. Aristo sells the tube you need as the D2 HI (High Output, V54 lamp color). I had one of these years ago.

B&H won't have them in stock. You'll need to order from Aristo direct. But it is such a common tube, they should be able to ship it out quickly.


What timer do you have? I see several (later model) Zone VI Comp Enlarging Timers on eBay frequently. They are excellent with these heads.


1-May-2008, 06:42
You can also try Calumet Photo, they replaced a Zone VI bulb for me a few years ago.

Kevin Crisp
1-May-2008, 11:00
Aristo is the way to go, as others have suggested. I just wanted to warn you that these can leak quite a bit of mercury when they break. As in beads of mercury. There could still be some in the broken parts of the tubes. If this is an issue, go on line and see how to properly handle it, using a shop vac is about the worst thing you can do.

Peter K
3-May-2008, 04:28
Look at the yello pages for neon signs. This people can repair, refill or redesign a cold-light bulb.

5-May-2008, 14:44
I never even gave any thought to the Hg. Perhaps if I'm lucky, the bulb was broken relatively early in its shipment. I didn't notice any notorious little metal balls scurrying about when I opened the package, but there were plenty of escape routes out of the packaging for solids and or vapor. Thanks for the heads up.

6-May-2008, 16:07
I've got a spare replacement bulb for that head that I will never use. How does 85.00 plus shipping sound?