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View Full Version : Which one?

Hugo Zhang
25-Apr-2008, 21:43
I took my son to a birthday party at the Huntington Beach last weekend and used Tri's tripod holes for a couple of shots. It was windy and I didn't expect them to be good. But they have turned out all right. I could not decide if I like verticle or horizontal better.

Any opinions?


Greg Lockrey
25-Apr-2008, 21:46
Vertical, the horizontal feels like it's crashing in on my head.

25-Apr-2008, 21:49
The hortizontal cropped to a square

domenico Foschi
25-Apr-2008, 21:51
Horizontal, so that it crashes on Greg's head.:D

Greg Lockrey
25-Apr-2008, 22:00
Horizontal, so that it crashes on Greg's head.:D

OH Domenico....;) ;) :D

David Karp
25-Apr-2008, 22:24
I like the horizontal, even if it doesn't crash anyone's head.

Donald Miller
25-Apr-2008, 22:46
This could be composed in any number of ways. I sort of like this rendition.

Baxter Bradford
26-Apr-2008, 02:24
That's the way I'd do it too Donald. The pillars at the edge make it far stronger.

No knowing Greg, so cannot assess desirability/suitability of cranial damage.

26-Apr-2008, 02:48
Landscape for me-
though, as we're being unusually critical,
I might have preferred to see it cropped at the column on the right-
just as Donald has done-

its a little too bright over there-


Colin Graham
26-Apr-2008, 06:38
Horizontal, but mainly because I like the waves and sand better in that shot. But I do like how the vertical shot looms over and emphasizes the vanishing point. So either, both and combinations of the two. :-)

26-Apr-2008, 07:50
You went to the beach at Huntington Beach and all you came back with were pics of the pier???? :)

Vertical, with cropping a'la Don Miller

Hugo Zhang
26-Apr-2008, 15:25
Thanks, everyone and a special one to Don! I will end with a 6 x 7 1/2" print, not a bad ratio at all!