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View Full Version : Is there a 5x7 changing bag ?

John Kasaian
4-Apr-2008, 21:35
Any brands out there that will accomodate 5x7 film holders? Most will permit the use of 4x5 but I've never tried to load a 5x7 in one because I've never needed to.

I need something durable, easy to use and inexpensive as this will be for student use.

4-Apr-2008, 21:45
There are three sizes of the Harrison Changing Tents, all of which will work with 5x7. The largest one is actually desinged for changing magazines for large motion picture cameras.

Photoflex also makes a Changing Room tent that will handle 5x7, but with a bit less space.

I've used both for 4x5 with lots of room to spare.

The really nice thng is that both are tents, not bags. That means you aren't fighting the cloth that wants to cling to your hands while you try to work.


4-Apr-2008, 22:47
I use the medium size Harrison tent for 8x10 holders, it's a little tight, but it works. It's plenty of space for 4x5, and I would imagine 5x7 as well.

Ole Tjugen
4-Apr-2008, 23:47
I do 4x5", 5x7" and if absolutely necessary 8x10" too in a regular-sized changing bag. I think it's Mamiya. 8x10" is really marginal, but not really difficult. 5x7" is no problem at all.

Brook Martin
5-Apr-2008, 09:09
The pup tent sized Harrison tent is fine for 5x7. I have changed up to 8 holders at once in one.

John Hoang
5-Apr-2008, 09:28
I have been using Photoflex changing room for 4x5 and 5x7. Could not be used for 4x10 though.

Jan Pedersen
5-Apr-2008, 10:43
I use the medium size Harrison tent for 8x10 holders, it's a little tight, but it works. It's plenty of space for 4x5, and I would imagine 5x7 as well.

Have been thinking about buying this mid size Harrison for 8x10 Would you recomend the Jumbo instead?

5-Apr-2008, 10:52

I currently use the medium for 4x5, 5x7 and 8x10. I would like to have the larger for the extra space for 8x10, but it isn't really necessary. Keep in mind that the tents have a pretty large footprint, so consider where you will need to use them for changing film. You don't have to have an absolutely flat surface, but you will need a certain amount of uninterrupted space.


Jan Pedersen
5-Apr-2008, 12:31
Thanks Tim, the mid size is a bit less expensive so i may have a go with that.


Rick Moore
5-Apr-2008, 18:12
I use the Harrison medium tent for 8x10 and find it quite large enough. As was noted, it has a pretty large footprint.

Robbie Shymanski
5-Apr-2008, 18:47
I have been using the generic changing bag I bought from Calumet and I load 6 5x7 holders at a time. I haven't had any problem regarding space within the bag.

Joe Smigiel
5-Apr-2008, 20:13
Probably overkill, but you might like a Fuji darkbox FDB12. They show up on ebay (like item # 160221252366) once in awhile or can be purchased new (I hear) from minilab equipment suppliers. You could probably do 11x14 in them.

Joel Brown
5-Apr-2008, 21:29
I have been using the Harrison Jumbo for 8x10 and 4x5 for a few years. It works best on top of a double or queen size bed. Just pull up the chair found in every motel room next to the bed and go to work.

5-Apr-2008, 23:04
Have been thinking about buying this mid size Harrison for 8x10 Would you recomend the Jumbo instead?

width and depth, it's fine. The height is a little bit tight. when you flip over the holder, or the dark slide, the lack of height in the tent becomes apparent, but it works. I only have 4 holders, so that's the largest amount of 8x10 holders I've changed in there, I don't feel the need to get something larger.

If the jumbo tent isn't any taller than the medium, I would say that it wouldn't be any better than the medium, unless you have stacks of holders you'll be changing all at once and need more place to stack them inside.

QT Luong
6-Apr-2008, 00:10
When I want to go light, I use a changing bag sized specifically for 5x7 that I bought years ago from Adorama for cheap.

Dave Moeller
6-Apr-2008, 09:01
I bought a large changing bag (I'm not sure from where, as it was a few years ago) that's about 36" x 44". I was able to use it for 8x10 in a pinch, but it was tight and careful planning was necessary. For anything smaller, it's great. The biggest downside was that the changing bag was bulky. It took up an inordinate amount of room in my pack.

I now use the standard Harrison changing tent, and it's working fine for me up to 8x10. There's not a huge amount of room in the standard tent for 8x10, but it works fine. It's very roomy with smaller sizes. As Daniel says, the height of the standard tent is the most restrictive dimension. The size of the Harrison tent when it's packed was a very pleasant surprise. Very convenient.

Best of luck.

EuGene Smith
6-Apr-2008, 17:20
Porter's (the photography "Wally World") has a $100 changing tent which should be big enough to handle a small number of 5x7 holders.