View Full Version : March/April View Camera Magazine out?

Jan Pedersen
19-Mar-2008, 18:10
Did anybody receive the March/April issue of the View Camera Magazine in the mail yet?

Caroline Matthews
19-Mar-2008, 18:35
They do not appear until about the first of the second month of the issue period.

Quite frankly, this is a silly question to keep asking here. Why would you not call the magazine?

steve simmons
19-Mar-2008, 18:43
Actually, I am flattered that people do ask. They are on the way, I promise.

This issiue has 8 bonus pages as our way of apologizing for the printing problems with the last issue where the printer did not use the corrected pages. The issue includes a portfolio of Robert Polidori images, articles on paper for digital printing, a review of the Chamonix 4x5, more of the 7x17 project including a mistake I made in exposing and developing a neg and how it looks as a result of this mistake, plus more. Feedback is always appreciated.

steve simmons

Jan Pedersen
19-Mar-2008, 18:47
Quite frankly, this is a silly question to keep asking here. Why would you not call the magazine?

Because i am silly and because Steve has gone home for the day but spend his evening here.

Steve, Thanks.

David Spivak-Focus Magazine
20-Mar-2008, 20:09
Actually, I am flattered that people do ask. They are on the way, I promise.

This issiue has 8 bonus pages as our way of apologizing for the printing problems with the last issue where the printer did not use the corrected pages. The issue includes a portfolio of Robert Polidori images, articles on paper for digital printing, a review of the Chamonix 4x5, more of the 7x17 project including a mistake I made in exposing and developing a neg and how it looks as a result of this mistake, plus more. Feedback is always appreciated.

steve simmons

Steve -- did you contact my printer? He does AMAZING work and has a huge passion for fine art photography. You're not still with the same printer who does B&W Magazine, Publisher's Press, are you? I had such difficulty with them and their reproduction standards, or lack thereof. They could've cared less.

Don Hutton
20-Mar-2008, 20:15
Steve -- did you contact my printer? He does AMAZING work and has a huge passion for fine art photography. You're not still with the same printer who does B&W Magazine, Publisher's Press, are you? I had such difficulty with them and their reproduction standards, or lack thereof. They could've cared less.
Perhaps "They couldn't have cared less." would makes more sense?

Caroline Matthews
20-Mar-2008, 20:30
Actually, I am flattered that people do ask. They are on the way, I promise.

This issiue has 8 bonus pages as our way of apologizing for the printing problems with the last issue where the printer did not use the corrected pages. The issue includes a portfolio of Robert Polidori images, articles on paper for digital printing, a review of the Chamonix 4x5, more of the 7x17 project including a mistake I made in exposing and developing a neg and how it looks as a result of this mistake, plus more. Feedback is always appreciated.

steve simmons

Does anyone else notice that Steve is NEVER responsible for errors in his magazine: it's always someone else? Thanks for (nothing) the apology, but no thanks. How about trying to achieve the quality that Lenswork achieves. I cannot remember a spelling error in Lenswork, missing pages, etc., etc. . . .

Don Hutton
20-Mar-2008, 20:43
Does anyone else notice that Steve is NEVER responsible for errors in his magazine: it's always someone else? Thanks for (nothing) the apology, but no thanks.! I simply stopped subscribing two years ago.
This issiue has... more of the 7x17 project including a mistake I made in exposing and developing a neg and how it looks as a result of this mistake, plus more. steve simmons I really can't imagine how satisfying it must be for readers to pay good money to look at mistakes either...

20-Mar-2008, 20:53
Sorry to hear that Don.

I've just taken out a subscription to Viewcamera, having missed picking up a copy of Viewcamera from a store for the past year.

The Viewcamera ethos and principles are more interesting for me: perhaps that is why, the spelling errors are inconsequential. Unlike other publications which are grammatically precise yet aesthetically hollow.

Kind regards,


steve simmons
20-Mar-2008, 21:08
Here is what I said when I realized there were problems with the last issue

As the publisher the buck stops at my desk and I do apologize.

With regards to the mistake in exposing and developing the one neg from the 7x17 project in the March issue, I included it intentionally to show what happens when the exposure and developing are not done correctly and to show that PS is not a fixit for a badly done negative. It would be the same result if trying to print a neg on a paper that is not matched to the film's densities Sometimes looking at mistakes will show more than always looking at something done correctly. This is a teaching series and I don't mind showing my mistakes.

steve simmons

David Spivak-Focus Magazine
20-Mar-2008, 21:44
! I simply stopped subscribing two years ago. I really can't imagine how satisfying it must be for readers to pay good money to look at mistakes either...

It's amazing how some people are armchair magazine publishers. They think it's so simple to put out a magazine... *sigh*

20-Mar-2008, 21:57
! I simply stopped subscribing two years ago. I really can't imagine how satisfying it must be for readers to pay good money to look at mistakes either...

And I just subscribed. The last I heard Steve isn't perfect, but then again, neither am I. I appreciate what he does, and if the occasional error pops through, I have no problem with it. Steve has been honest, open and up front about the magazine.

Don Hutton
21-Mar-2008, 06:08
It's amazing how some people are armchair magazine publishers. They think it's so simple to put out a magazine... *sigh*I thought you were "done" on this forum?

BTW, I have no ambition to be a publisher, but I do spend a fair amount of money on photographic materials and publications - i.e. I'm a consumer. As a publisher, you should listen to what really p****s customers off instead of making lame comments. I can't fathom endless mistakes nor the endless excuses for them. My solution - I simply don't buy it anymore. Your magazine - I purchased it until the debacle which you had with Michael Gordon's portfolio and your subsequent pathetic behaviour on this forum. I can assure you that there is no chance of me ever spending a dime on any venture related to your endeavours again.

Don Hutton
21-Mar-2008, 06:12
And I just subscribed. The last I heard Steve isn't perfect, but then again, neither am I. I appreciate what he does, and if the occasional error pops through, I have no problem with it. Steve has been honest, open and up front about the magazine.

I'm glad you like it and believe it's worthwhile - thousands of people do. They can't all be wrong? I choose to buy/not to buy something based on my own criteria. I'd expect that everyone else has their own and that they differ to mine... Fortunately, there is a magazine which caters to a particular market in which we all have a very keen interest and we at least have a choice.

John Bowen
21-Mar-2008, 06:53
Now that Picker's newsletters are gone, I'd be willing to bet that more than a few folks got interested in LF photography due to View Camera. I can see it now, some soul that used to be hooked on photography as a student is in a Barnes & Noble and spots View Camera, decides to take a look and rekindles an old passion. Hell, I had put all of my LF gear up in the attic when the children were born and got it all back out (after 10 years) after having an issue of View Camera re-light the old LF photography fires. That was about 5 years ago and the amount of $$ I've dropped on LF equipment, film, chemicals and paper could have purchased a very nice automobile.

So if View Camera has a similar impact on perhaps 50 people a year, then there are 50 more folks that help support our hobby/passion/vocation. That, to me, seems like reason enough to support View Camera.

Yeah, there is always room for improvement and we all have such diverse interests that you will never keep us all happy, but keep up the good work.

Count me as a happy subscriber...

David Spivak-Focus Magazine
21-Mar-2008, 07:15
I thought you were "done" on this forum?

BTW, I have no ambition to be a publisher, but I do spend a fair amount of money on photographic materials and publications - i.e. I'm a consumer. As a publisher, you should listen to what really p****s customers off instead of making lame comments. I can't fathom endless mistakes nor the endless excuses for them. My solution - I simply don't buy it anymore. Your magazine - I purchased it until the debacle which you had with Michael Gordon's portfolio and your subsequent pathetic behaviour on this forum. I can assure you that there is no chance of me ever spending a dime on any venture related to your endeavours again.

Don, I have no need to explain myself to you. You have spent countless hours on this forum bashing me and a lot of other people. Your only posts in this thread have been negative and you seem be to in the vast minority of people. You seem to be a very negative person and seem to be on the lookout for any place you can insert your negative opinion into. I have no idea what goes on in your personal life, but using this forum as a place to insert your negativity is certainly telling. I would re-evaluate your use of this forum to be so negative all the time.

It's Springtime, Don. Go out and enjoy all of the beautiful things this world has to offer us. Life is too short to be focused on negativity.

Don Hutton
21-Mar-2008, 07:21
Don, I have no need to explain myself to you. You have spent countless hours on this forum bashing me and a lot of other people. Your only posts in this thread have been negative and you seem be to in the vast minority of people. You seem to be a very negative person and seem to be on the lookout for any place you can insert your negative opinion into. I have no idea what goes on in your personal life, but using this forum as a place to insert your negativity is certainly telling. I would re-evaluate your use of this forum to be so negative all the time.

It's Springtime, Don. Go out and enjoy all of the beautiful things this world has to offer us. Life is too short to be focused on negativity.Get a life... If you do a little reading, you'll notice that I usually make postings related to large format photography - something you clearly know nothing about. Bizarrely, this is a large format photography forum - not a magazine publisher's forum (Steve is, unlike yourself, a very knowledgable LF photographer/instructor) nor a right wing political diatribe forum. So jump back in your box.

21-Mar-2008, 11:18
I look forward to the next issue...


Ron Marshall
21-Mar-2008, 11:43
I enjoy every issue. I have learned much, and it has helped me improve my photography. I can tollerate the occasional typo.

Mark Sawyer
21-Mar-2008, 17:33
I have longstanding subscriptions to View Camera and Lenswork, and as of today, a new one to Focus. All three are excellent investments in keeping up with what's going on in photography and art today, and their arrival in my mailbox always makes that day seem a little brighter. My compliments and appreciation to all three publishers.

David Spivak-Focus Magazine
21-Mar-2008, 22:13
I have longstanding subscriptions to View Camera and Lenswork, and as of today, a new one to Focus. All three are excellent investments in keeping up with what's going on in photography and art today, and their arrival in my mailbox always makes that day seem a little brighter. My compliments and appreciation to all three publishers.

Ah, yes... I see that you bought a subscription! Wow, thank you! Please do let me know what you think of the first issue of your subscription. Supporting photography magazines like us and then posting it in public really makes my day...err evening. Especially after an evening like tonight.

steve simmons
27-Mar-2008, 07:27
OK, so the March/April issue is landing from what I hear through the grapevine.

We are puttng up an article in the Subscriber's Section by Sandy King comparing the new T-Max 400 with T-Max 100. He used the same methodology he used in the article comparing the old and new versions of T-Max 400 that is now in the March/April issue.


steve simmons

Ed Richards
27-Mar-2008, 09:25
> We are puttng up an article in the Subscriber's Section by Sandy King comparing the new T-Max 400 with T-Max 100.

That is terrific - I am in one of the areas where the mag takes a long while to show up. Did you change the password - the one for the last issue does not work today.

steve simmons
27-Mar-2008, 09:33
Yes, if you are a current subscriber and don't have your copy yet call us and get the current password.

steve simmons

27-Mar-2008, 14:09
i AM a noo fotographer and enjy the magazeen very much. cant say i have notised any speling erors myself.

Charles Hohenstein
27-Mar-2008, 16:28
Call me squeamish, but I can't say that I'm enthusiastic about the photos of decomposing corpses.

Eric Biggerstaff
27-Mar-2008, 17:12
Charles, I sort of liked those, in a strange sort of way. But, I would not of liked to have been the photographer - ISH! I think it would of been interesting to learn a little more of the why and how on that series.

steve simmons
27-Mar-2008, 17:54
The photos by themselves might be a little barren of meaning other than the macabre, but the essay accompanying the photos helped me understand the work.

steve simmons

28-Mar-2008, 08:02
Hi Steve,

Is there any way you could get the mailing out to us subscribers more expeditiously? I have been buying View Camera at the store religiously since 1999 or so and became a first time subscriber last December. It's really a drag to see it on the newstand and have to wait a month (or longer!) to receive it in the mail. I usually receive my other subscriptions before or NLT the same time they hit the stands.

Other than that, it's a great magazine. Keep up the good work but get the USPS pick-up out quicker.


steve simmons
28-Mar-2008, 10:09
We do special things for our subscribers. We have recently been giving them previews of up coming articles by placing them before publication in the Subscriber's Section.

Beginning with the May/June issue we will get the subscriber's copies out earlier and hold back the retail copies for a week or so.

steve simmons

28-Mar-2008, 10:29
Hold back the retail? The March/April issue is not in any local Los Angeles store...not Borders, not B&N...and it's March 28!

steve simmons
28-Mar-2008, 10:36
The issues were sent to the distributors weeks ago.

My goodness, do you really think I am the all powerful wizard of the post office and the retail distribution system.

here is what we are going to do.

Get the may/June issue done a little earlier and send it out to the subscribers before we release the copies into the retail distribution system, by at least a week. If this does not solve the problem we will hold back the retail copies a little longer until some parity is reached between the subscribers getting their copies and the stores getting theirs about the same time.

steve simmons

28-Mar-2008, 12:04
I have longstanding subscriptions to View Camera and Lenswork, and as of today, a new one to Focus. All three are excellent investments in keeping up with what's going on in photography and art today, and their arrival in my mailbox always makes that day seem a little brighter. My compliments and appreciation to all three publishers.

I also have a subscription. I do like the magazine and I think it often has interesting articles, like Sandy's article on new T-Max film in the recent issues. I do not have problems with errors that sometimes happen, but I have to disagree with Mark on the artistic level of the magazine. I do not think it keeps anyone up to what is going on in today's art. I really think there is no comparison with Aperture which I also subscribe.

best wishes,


28-Mar-2008, 15:41
Thanks Steve. It's really a test of will power to see it at the store and resist the temptation to read it before it arrives in the mail.

The current issue is on the stands here in the bay area for a couple or so weeks now. Until I subscribed, I usually purchased VC from Keeble & Shuchat Photography store in Palo Alto. I noticed that they usually had it on display a good week or more before Borders.

28-Mar-2008, 16:00
Great issue Steve! I even like the deceased people shots. Keep up the great work and you will always have us following you!

Mark Sawyer
29-Mar-2008, 00:01
I also have a subscription. I do like the magazine and I think it often has interesting articles, like Sandy's article on new T-Max film in the recent issues. I do not have problems with errors that sometimes happen, but I have to disagree with Mark on the artistic level of the magazine. I do not think it keeps anyone up to what is going on in today's art. I really think there is no comparison with Aperture which I also subscribe.

best wishes,


Hi, Jan! I guess it's just a different take on the very loaded concept of Art. For me, the work Aperture features is too shrill and demanding, clawing for a place in the art world. While View Camera has a big emphasis on the technical and on photography outside the art world, the fine art photography is does feature tends in my mind to be more considerate of the discipline and tradition. And I doubt that Jim Galli, Rob Kendricks, Kerik Kouklis, or even (ironically) Paul Caponigro could make it into today's Aperture.

But that's my own personal take and preference; I can see where someone else could make a strong case for the opposite. I suppose that's why there's pretty much just one version of each such art or photography magazine. Vive La Différence...

Scott Squires
29-Mar-2008, 11:53

Thanks for another month of interesting reading. As a LF Photographer I can never understand how someone can complain about the only real LF magazine available. The subsciption rate is reasonable and only pennies compared to what I spend for film etc for my LF work.

I thank you for the effort and look forward to meeting you at FOTO 3!

29-Mar-2008, 13:51
View Camera is a fine magazine but I do not like pictures of decaying bodies. In my opinion there are enough picture of dead people from the Middle East already.

Otherwise, it is a very good magazine.

Thank you Steve.


29-Mar-2008, 14:23
And I thought that that particular portfolio was the most interesting one by far. Just wished there had been some context included. Even the artist's web site did not mention the what, where, and why the photos were taken, only that a book is coming out. Personally I have taken photos at work that grossed me out more than the Kendrick portfolio.

Steve: I for one would greatly appreciate it if you could put the context or a little blurb about technique on the ViewCamera web site about the Kendrick portfolio. Not a complaint, just a request.

steve simmons
29-Mar-2008, 14:38
Like um, don't like um. At least they are provocative. They are tintypes which is a wet plate process. Kendrick is best known for his tintypes of Texas cowboys which have appeared in View Camera and National Geographic.

There was a lot more in the issue. Any comments?


29-Mar-2008, 22:13
Got my copy today and I havn't made it through the whole thing yet but I have enjoyed is so far. I especially enjoyed the Paul Gallagher images as well as the article on ziatype printing. I have an 8X10 I plan on fixing up over the summer and that process seems like it might be interesting to try out.

Scott --
30-Mar-2008, 05:59
There was a lot more in the issue. Any comments?

Yeah - Paul Gallagher is now one of my favorite photographers. Awesome.

Ted Stoddard
31-Mar-2008, 04:32
Steve We got ours like 3 days ago and I like it and the Ziatype is pretty cool... I think you asked earlier in this post what do we want to see... Well I thought about that and I think I want too see more about locations to photograph and some examples of what people have came up with... Like The Grand Canyon and etc... maybe an article on ghost towns or something similar... If you got any questions please PM me.... magazine is getting better on typos... also the 8 bonus pages didn't really do anything for me just my 2 cents... kepp it coming...

31-Mar-2008, 06:51
My goodness, do you really think I am the all powerful wizard of the post office and the retail distribution system.
steve simmons

One more bubble burst! :( ;)

2-Apr-2008, 05:45
I agree with one posting that Context to the images in the March April View Camera Issue regarding the Changelings Portfolio would have been a good addition to the piece that Steve graciously ran. If you are interested in knowing more about this project go to www.unblinkingeye.com. The home page to this site has an article consisting of a Q&A that gives interested persons the background on this project and culturally how death is a different experience all over the world.


Robb Kendrick

2-Apr-2008, 07:52

Welcome to the forum!

I've really enjoyed your images throughout the years...thanks for the inspiration.


steve simmons
2-Apr-2008, 08:21
Sometimes I like to run photos a little out of context so they stand on their own. That is not always the right decision for everyone.

I am a fan of Robb's work and appreciate his interest in View Camera.


2-Apr-2008, 08:34
Hi Robb, welcome from Hawaii. I haven't seen this issue yet, but with all the discussion about the article, I'm intrigued. I'll be looking for the issue to arrive in the mail so I can see what all the fuss is about.

2-Apr-2008, 09:10

Thank you very much for the link as my google search did not. As I stated earlier we (my wife and I) enjoyed you images very much and the context enhances rather than explains our experience of seeing them.


Thanks for running them. They do stand on their own but also left my wife and I wanting to know more. As far as I am concerned ViewCamera and any other art related publication succeeds when they do leave the view intrigued and wanting either to see more or to know more.

2-Apr-2008, 09:18
Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome to the forum.

For those who found something of interest in the images I'm grateful, for those who didn't care for them I completely respect your feelings.

Again, many thanks to Steve at VC for the exposure in the magazine.

Adios to all,


Greg Lockrey
2-Apr-2008, 22:00
I received my copy today and I too enjoyed Eric Biggerstaff's article on ziatype's and the photos of the aspens. It inspired me to try it sometime (when I can get some free time ;) ).

Kirk Gittings
2-Apr-2008, 23:58
Eric has matured into one of my favorite photo writers. His enthusiasm for the subject always shines through.

Eric Biggerstaff
3-Apr-2008, 07:30
Thanks for the compliments guys! This makes me want to keep writing.

Matus Kalisky
6-Apr-2008, 15:08
Maybe I missed (or messed up) something but I do not see the March/April issue in the PDF version on the ViewCamera website .. ?

6-Apr-2008, 16:29
Sometimes I feel like the last man on earth to receive VC. Every other month I read these threads about when people are starting to receive the new issue and how much people like/dislike particular articles but never get to see them until the discussion is long concluded. I live in Los Angeles, a modern metropolitain community in the United States... one that features daily mail delivery... to my door... yet I still wait. Boo-hoo... I am so distraught! :(

John Bowen
6-Apr-2008, 16:45
My personal favorite was Bruce Barlow's artlcie :-)

6-Apr-2008, 16:55
What article? :D

6-Apr-2008, 17:17
Sometimes I feel like the last man on earth to receive VC. Every other month I read these threads about when people are starting to receive the new issue and how much people like/dislike particular articles but never get to see them until the discussion is long concluded. I live in Los Angeles, a modern metropolitain community in the United States... one that features daily mail delivery... to my door... yet I still wait. Boo-hoo... I am so distraught! :(

Don't feel bad Brian, I probably won't see it for at least two more weeks. The bookstores still have the Jan/Feb issue as well.

8-Apr-2008, 00:30
Finally found the new issue at Border's in Hollywood...

...loved all the portfolios, and Eric's Ziatype article was fantastic! Can't wait for part deux...


8-Apr-2008, 20:20
Thanks, Steve, for another great issue. I found all the images to be inspirational, and the reprint of the camera movement artical as confusing as before (but that is my fault, not the author's nor the magazine's! LOL!)


Jim collum
8-Apr-2008, 20:33
Thanks for the compliments guys! This makes me want to keep writing.

very nice images Eric.. I do a lot of Ziatype, and love the tones i get from it

I did a doubletake on your apsens image... This was from 4x5 Fuji 50 back in 1985


8-Apr-2008, 21:19
very nice images Eric.. I do a lot of Ziatype, and love the tones i get from it

I did a doubletake on your apsens image... This was from 4x5 Fuji 50 back in 1985

Ya seen one aspen, ya seen em all...or at least technically one aspen is the same as the rest of the aspens in the group, LOL!


Jim collum
8-Apr-2008, 21:21
Ya seen one aspen, ya seen em all...or at least technically one aspen is the same as the rest of the aspens in the group, LOL!


same thing sort of goes with rocks too :)

Eric Biggerstaff
9-Apr-2008, 07:57
Thanks Jim, Ziatype is a fun way to print.

Vaughn - Good point. I think the aspen forest outside of, well, Aspen Colorado is considered one of the largest single living organisims in the world. Since every tree is directly related to the first tree in the forest. So, if you photograph one tree then you have photographed them all!

9-Apr-2008, 09:28
Hey Eric! Yes, aspens in one grove are not just related, nor are they clones...but are the same plant. The aspen trunks can be seen as merely stems arising from the same root system -- not individual trees.


PS...We have the unofficial Ronald Reagan Memorial Redwood Grove in Arcata -- one redwood by itself between the freeway and the off-ramp. It use to have a plaque, but someone ripped it off.

10-Apr-2008, 22:29
I stopped by the bookstore on the way home this evening and found this issue. I didn't buy it, I'm waiting on my copy to come in the mail (probably another couple of weeks). Great issue, I'm looking forward to spending more time with it in the future - especially the issue on the Chamonix 45 (I disagee with Ted, the Walnut one is better :) ).

steve simmons
11-Apr-2008, 05:28
As a maybe, would there be people who would pay extra, I will have to check how much, to have a first class sub and get their magazines sooner?

steve simmons

11-Apr-2008, 07:15
As a maybe, would there be people who would pay extra, I will have to check how much, to have a first class sub and get their magazines sooner?

steve simmons


11-Apr-2008, 07:18
I might just start buy at the newsstand again. I doubt very much (but have no evidence, of course) that it is the class of postal service that make the difference. I NEVER get my mag until the last week or so of the second month of the edition.

steve simmons
11-Apr-2008, 07:26
First class would be much quicker. As I have recently stated, we are going to get the subscriber copies out sooner and hold back the retail copies so the subs will get their either at the same time or sooner.

The other reality about magazine publishing is that we get very little of the money from the retail sales but the buyers pay more per issue than the subscriber's do. We would really like all of the retail buyers to become subscribers and we are going to begin providing more benefits to the subscribers. We have begun being more diligent in adding special articles and previews into the Subscriber's Section of the View Camera web site.

steve simmons

David Luttmann
11-Apr-2008, 07:55
First class would be much quicker. As I have recently stated, we are going to get the subscriber copies out sooner and hold back the retail copies so the subs will get their either at the same time or sooner.

The other reality about magazine publishing is that we get very little of the money from the retail sales but the buyers pay more per issue than the subscriber's do. We would really like all of the retail buyers to become subscribers and we are going to begin providing more benefits to the subscribers. We have begun being more diligent in adding special articles and previews into the Subscriber's Section of the View Camera web site.

steve simmons


I went to the subscribers section of View Camera to order a year (or at least see how much it was) and instead of having the information on line so I could subscribe, it only refers Canadians to an email address. Not exactly user friendly and quick. I can't recall any other magazine I subscribe to needing email exchange to purchase. Anythoughts on changing this?

steve simmons
11-Apr-2008, 08:00

You don't go to the Subscriber's Section to subscribe. There is a Subscribe button on the home page

that takes you to a shopping cart that allows you to pay via PayPal. You have to tell us if you live in the US, etc.

If you live in Canada we route you to a Canadien distributor as this is much more efficient for everyone.


Here is the link to the place you can subscribe



e-mail us or call us at 800-894-8439

you should have received your copy by now. We will send you another one today.

steve simmons

11-Apr-2008, 08:00
I'm sure this is all true, Steve. I'll see how things go for the remainder of my subscription and re-evaluate my opinion at that time. As for right now... meaning "today", I'm rather frustrated reading about all of the great articles and having nothing but my imagination to go by. I've seen you make some significant improvements in other areas where fine-tuning of your processes seemed worthy, and have hopes that you can do the similar with regard to improving distribution.

David Luttmann
11-Apr-2008, 08:14

You don't go to the Subscriber's Section to subscribe. There is a Subscribe button on the home page

that takes you to a shopping cart that allows you to pay via PayPal. Yu have to tell us if you live in the US, etc.

If you live in Canada we route you to a Canadien distributor as this is much more efficient for everyone.


Here is the link to the place you can subscribe



e-mail us or call us at 800-894-8439

you should have received your copy by now. We will send you another one today.

steve simmons

Hmmmmm. I clicked on "Subscribe", then on "US subscriptions/International Subscribers click HERE, and it takes me to this page:


Now I could be incorrect....but I don't see ANY PayPal link or order link.....just an email address for Canadians.

Am I missing something Steve?

steve simmons
11-Apr-2008, 08:16
As I said, if you live in Canada you are routed via e-mail to the Canadian distributor. We've found this to be much more efficient for delivery to Canada.


David Luttmann
11-Apr-2008, 08:25
As I said, if you live in Canada you are routed via e-mail to the Canadian distributor. We've found this to be much more efficient for delivery to Canada.


That may be the case Steve, but why is it that View Camera is the only magazine I've encountered to do it this way. Certainly it can't be that difficult to set up a link that accepts address and payment information and directs it to whomever deals with your shipping in Canada.

With this process, how could I even decide on whether or not to subscribe.....there is no price listed. Now I have to email to check on the price, and then email to proceed. This may be easier for you, although I don't see how, but if you really want people to subscribe, I'd suggest that you follow along with other magazines.

Lenswork didn't put me through the paces with this, and they list the price for Canadians and international for everyone to see.

11-Apr-2008, 08:28
I might just start buy at the newsstand again. I doubt very much (but have no evidence, of course) that it is the class of postal service that make the difference. I NEVER get my mag until the last week or so of the second month of the edition.

Be patient, Brian. Most of us are using several decades old cameras, what's a few more weeks? But I suspect you are right regarding the postal service, at least in less significant markets such as ours. ;)

Funny, though, how Photoshop User, NGEO, Science and others all arrive on time and even ahead of showing up at the newsstands... Might they have some sort of insider connection in the USPS?

steve simmons
11-Apr-2008, 08:36
That may be the case Steve, but why is it that View Camera is the only magazine I've encountered to do it this way.

Because we are letting you deal directly with the Canadian distributor. We've found that this really is more efficient in terms of delivery.

With regard to the newsstand situation, I have now said 3 or 4 times that we will hold back the newsstand distribution so the subscriber's can get theirs either at the same time or before they appear on the stand. I have also said that by being a subscriber, you have access to the special articles and previews that we have been putting in the Subscriber's Section.


11-Apr-2008, 08:49
The other reality about magazine publishing is that we get very little of the money from the retail sales but the buyers pay more per issue than the subscriber's do.

That is the primary reason I subscribe. I subscribed, even knowing how the postal system is to Hawaii, because I thought it important to support this valuable resource.

David Luttmann
11-Apr-2008, 09:24
Thanks for your replies, Steve.

I will be subscribing.....even if you make me email for it :D

11-Apr-2008, 09:27
Be patient, Brian. Most of us are using several decades old cameras, what's a few more weeks? But I suspect you are right regarding the postal service, at least in less significant markets such as ours. ;)

Funny, though, how Photoshop User, NGEO, Science and others all arrive on time and even ahead of showing up at the newsstands... Might they have some sort of insider connection in the USPS?

It's because the mail-man reads VC before delivering it. No one reads Photoshop User. :)

11-Apr-2008, 10:18
It's because the mail-man reads VC before delivering it. No one reads Photoshop User. :)

You're right! And all this time I was wondering what on Earth was he doing... :D

11-Apr-2008, 13:12
It's because the mail-man reads VC before delivering it. No one reads Photoshop User. :)

I believe this. There is a tree at the end of my street. Every day there is a mailtruck parked in the shade. The mailman, errr... letter carrier, is taking a break... and is ALWAYS seen reading something!

11-Apr-2008, 13:23
When I subscribed to a mountain biking magazine it always came like 3 weeks late and all beat up with pages dog-eared and everything. It got old. So I canceled it. I probably should have filed a complaint with the Post Office. But, eh.

steve simmons
11-Apr-2008, 14:44
View Camera comes sealed in a plastic bag.

steve simmons

Dave Wooten
11-Apr-2008, 23:23
Like um, don't like um. At least they are provocative. They are tintypes which is a wet plate process. Kendrick is best known for his tintypes of Texas cowboys which have appeared in View Camera and National Geographic.

There was a lot more in the issue. Any comments?


I recommend Robb's book, "Revealing Character" met Rob at the "Shooting the West" conference awhile back.

Welcome Robb!
Dave in Vegas