View Full Version : orientatin' blues.....

18-Mar-2008, 19:41
Now I can get the back off of my Cambo SC and make it horiz or vertical. But I cannot get the GG frame to attach in the horizontal orientation. Due to the frame having a "lip" on one of the short sides. Maybe I'm being obtuse...or maybe this frame doesn't fit in the horizontal mode? Enquiring mind wants to know. All replies graciously appreciated.

18-Mar-2008, 20:03
I'm confused. Did you take of the GG or the back?

David Karp
18-Mar-2008, 20:13
If the camera has the reversing instead of revolving back, then the back should have two sides that have two notches. The notches along the horizontal side should point to the top when you want to shoot horizontal. The notches on the vertical "side" should point to the top when you want to shoot vertical.

Tracy Storer
18-Mar-2008, 21:12
Your back may have the orientation change built in. Is there a little plastic "flip lever" at the top right as you look at the back while it's attached to the camera? If so, flip the lever up/left, or counter clockwise, and the rear portion of the back, behind where it attaches to the rear standard, should rotate.

19-Mar-2008, 09:53
Eric: I took both off: the GG frame comes of the back. The back comes off and can orient in either horiz or vert. Its the GG frame I'm trouble with in horiz.
David: it is the reversing back. Still can't get the GG frame to fit in horiz.
Tracy: I will check. But hadn't noticed a flip lever there.

Will try to post a jpg later to show my quandry.

19-Mar-2008, 11:14
is the rear standard inset from the two mounting polls? (the cambo SC standards are reversible I believe). If it is, you'll need to flip the entire standard around so that the back of the rear standard is sticking out farther than the upright polls. If I understand your problem correctly, having the rear standard reversed would not let the film holder be possitioned in the horizontal configuration, only the vertical. I think.

Can you take a digital photo of the problem? If not, I can probably take a digital photo of how mine is setup, and I can reverse the standard and take a photo of that, so that you can see if that is your problem or not.

19-Mar-2008, 13:30
Eric: I took both off: the GG frame comes of the back. The back comes off and can orient in either horiz or vert. Its the GG frame I'm trouble with in horiz.
Yikes, you are more curious than I am. I don't have any Graflock back to play around with so I never take off my GG.
Yah, take a pix, a few pix. I think that'll clear things up.