View Full Version : Input please. Epson v700 photo or Microtek ArtixScan M1

10-Mar-2008, 13:00
I am looking into getting a new scanner. I am on the fence between the Epson V700 and the Microtek ArtixScan M1.

I have been always a big avid Epson fan. I print work prints with Epson printers, and just have had great luck. My previous scanner is an epson but I want to upgrade.

I was gun ho to purchase the V700 but then someone started talking to me about the Microtek Scanner and now I am on the fence.

Any advice/input would be awesome. I will be scanning mostly color 4x5 film.


10-Mar-2008, 13:21
I got off to a rocky start with the M1 because of buggy Silverfast software, but now that a new version of the software is released, I'm very happy with the M1. I haven't seen any comprehensive comparison of the V700/750 vs the M1, but from other's V700/750 scans, I'd say the scanners are close in performance. I like the autofocus feature of the M1 and find it does a good job of optimizing sharpness. However, it does add some scanning time (although it can be turned off). I also like the glassless tray system although the Microtek film holders are a bit of a pain. I have yet to find any OEM holders that are well-designed. Microtek support works in two stages--useless email-only exchanges until you get bumped up to a real tech. The techs are fantastic, but you have to jump through a few hoops to get to them.

10-Mar-2008, 15:36
I've used a v750 for about a year now. It was my first ever film scanner and it took me a while to get used to scanning. I use it primarily to scan 5x4 trannies, but have also used it to scan Neopan Acros 100 and 35mm slides. I'd say I'm pretty satisfied with its performance now that I've got my scanning workflow sorted out. The last upgrade to Silverfast seemed to be a big step forward and the multi-scan function seems to work well with the v750. A couple of tweaks helped me get better performance from the scanner: First, I set the gamma (in Silverfast settings) to 2.4 not 2.2. Second, if I can I'll scan a slightly overexposed tranny (say if I've bracketed, or I might have asked for a backup to be pushed 1/3rd or 1/2 a stop in processing) as this gives more detail in the shadow, then I correct the exposure in Silverfast or PS. The v750 film holders work well and the unit has been reliable (famous last words?). My biggest problem now that I have my workflow and tweaks in place is keeping the thing free of dust - and I thought digital sensor dust was a pain!! Hope that's helpful. Paul. See my pbase website for a few 5x4 scans.