View Full Version : De Vere 504 users

Dave Saunders
6-Mar-2008, 11:13
Hi all, When raising the head on a 504, to get it in position, should it stay there on its own without having to lock it off? Mine always drops down a few inches, Is there some adjustment somewhere?

6-Mar-2008, 12:46
The one at college is very stiff when raising and lowering both the head and the lens, have you checked whether yours is set up right?

Phil Hudson
6-Mar-2008, 12:52
The 504 head should be roughly counterbalanced by the main spring. Possibly the spring needs replacing because it was stored for a long time in a certain position which has straightened the sprung steel? Also, I have seen these main springs develop cracks and tears which weakens them.

I understand that replacement springs are available from Odyssey Sales (or at least were available) but actually fitting it might be a bit tricky given how strong the spring is.......

Peter Lewin
6-Mar-2008, 18:03
There are two smaller knobs at the base of the column which control the tension on the two main baseboard controls (the large knobs at the front for total extension and fine focus) so if the spring tension is not totally out of range, you should be able to find a point where the main knobs can be turned smoothly, but also keep things in place when you let go of the main knobs.

Pete H
7-Mar-2008, 07:26
Mine stays fairly well where you put it. I agree with Phil Hudson - check your spring.

evan clarke
7-Mar-2008, 08:41
A terrific source for anything DeVere is http://www.khbphotografix.com/ I got all the stuff to fix up my 5108 from them....EC

Joe Hall
16-May-2008, 00:37
Hi All, I have a De Vere 57 inch enlarger, which after several decades have decided to sell it - I've run out of room. It started life with an international newspaper group in the 70's - I bought it from them. I used it for a short time then stored it. It's a vertical enlarger with every possible combination of lens and plate holder - large and small. Would like to see it go to a nice home.

16-May-2008, 07:05
Joe, you'll need to place this advert in the correct forum once you have been a member here for at least 30 days.