View Full Version : Durst 138s

Finn McCoull
26-Feb-2008, 14:33
Hi, I'm green as grass!!
I am looking at a 138s.
It comes with complete set of condensors and lens etc.It also has a cold light source head (Lacotre 136 or 8 or something!).
It has no color filters for VC work.
I assume this enlarger can take them, I think 4.75in x 4.75in. Are they available?
Apparently it never had filters with it - I assume because it was only ever used for astronomical purposes and no VC paper was employed.

Any help appreciated.


Clueless Winddancing
26-Feb-2008, 17:21
There is a covered slot on the R, and L side of the head. A handled frame allows sq filters to be inserted. Just buy the filters and cut them to size.
A manual helps as well as lessons in Esperanto.

Ole Tjugen
27-Feb-2008, 05:28
I use a set of 12cm square AGFA CC filters I came across on ebay. That works perfectly well in the filter drawer.

John Powers
27-Feb-2008, 06:31
You can buy a set of Ilford 6 inch filters and cut them to size. If someone doesn't have a link to an owner's manual I can send scans of one in English. It is about 22 pages and I have a dial up connection still, so it will take a while. PM me an email address if you want it.

I use a 138S converted to Aristo cold light head and love the enlarger.


John Powers
27-Feb-2008, 11:37
Scroll down this page. http://www.jensen-optical.us/library.html
You can download the 138 S manual and the brochure in English.


Finn McCoull
24-Mar-2008, 02:07
Thanks for your help. Have purchased the enlarger, transported 1200km home and re-assembled. I'm thrilled with it, it's immaculate, hardly used ex. University science dept..
All I have to do is finish my darkroom and learn to use it - mind you the engineering is so good its a pleasure just to look at it. Don't make 'em like that anymore...

Finn :)

Gregg Cook
7-Apr-2008, 14:06
one of these is on ebay now.

Someone who needs it nab it!