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View Full Version : Imacon 848 versus Flextight X5

Matus Kalisky
15-Jan-2008, 10:30
Hello, no I do not plane to buy any off these, but the lab that I used for scanning (www.digitalcopy24.de) my 4x5 have upgraded their hardware (and kept the prices :) ), so I would like to know wheter one should expect a large step in the scan quality. They offer only uncorrected raw scans (in TIFF format).

My point is - the quality with 848 was not bad (please keep in mind - those were "automatic" scans as well), but some BW scans were off in contrast (= too high) and both BW and color scans had quite some noise in them. So - can I expect better color and contrast matching from this new scanner?

thanks ..

Kirk Gittings
15-Jan-2008, 10:40
That is part of the claims for the new scanner. Why not have them scanned in the 3F raw format, download the scanner software to your own computer and do the raw file processing yourself?

Matus Kalisky
15-Jan-2008, 10:50
That's sounds interesting,

I have just checked the hasselblad homepage abd did not find any downloadable software. Where can one get it from ?

Kirk Gittings
15-Jan-2008, 11:11
Do a search on this forum. It was discussed here a little while back. I haven't done it myself as I now only have access to the new Imacons in the summers.

Aender Brepsom
15-Jan-2008, 11:54
A few days ago, I sent some 25 slides to that same lab and I am looking forward to see the scans, but I won't be able to compare them to their previous scans made with the Imacon 848 as I only have got one single 6x17 slide that was scanned with their 848.

Matus Kalisky
16-Jan-2008, 01:58
- Kirk -

I did some search and tried the imacon webpage - one can download the software only if he/she is a registered user of some Imacon/Hasselblad product. So I will try to ask at the scanning company whter they would send it to me.

Actually - do I need the latest (that's what I would guess they use with X5) version of the FlexColor, or some older would also do .. ?

- Aender -

please let me know how satisfied you were - maybe you could post a small 100% crop.

Matus Kalisky
16-Jan-2008, 08:30
Well - I just downloaded the FlexColor. One member of this forum had a great idea to find some Hasselblad product on the ebay together with ID and than simply register it :D . I used the 270202211810 auction (H1D I think). After downloading the software I just took the camera out of the list of the registrated items.

Kirk Gittings
16-Jan-2008, 09:07
Clever solution guys.