View Full Version : Saving some $$ while setting up a darkroom

John Kasaian
11-Nov-2007, 01:19
Another evening souping sheet film got me thinking about ways one could save a little $$ when setting up a dark room.

Many of the ideas I've had earlier are no longer true.

For example I'm still using GE Guide Lamps---nite lights that came two on a card for about a buck at the dime store---for oc safelights, but these are no longer manufactured.

Pharmacists apparently don't get bulk Robitussin in 1 gallon amber glass bottles anymore. Most of my chemicals are still stored in such recycled glassware freely given away (in typical pack rat fashion I have hoarded enough in one flu season to last a lifetime)

Also, the old recommendation to use kitty litter trays for developing trays isn't as attractive as it once was. I can get a set of developing trays from Freestyle for about the same price and with ribbed bottoms (in snazzy colors too!)

But one thing hasn't changed---I've got several "graduates" that are Betty Crocker plastic from Wal Mart for very cheap. They look to be the same plastic my 2000ml Patterson graduate is made from plus the Betty Crockers are marked in fractional cup sizes, which pleases my counter metric revolutionary dark side to no end (for example I just developed some FP-4+ in scant 3/4 cup of D-76!) I think they cost 49 cents each for the small ones, maybe 69 cents for the larger IIRC.

So what helpful ideas for the budget driven wet dark room can you share?

11-Nov-2007, 03:33
Craigslist for the big stuff...

A few weeks ago I bought a Versalab 16x20 print washer for $45 and just yesterday a Phototherm processor SSK-8R for $100...both mindblowing deals!

Not to mention the Omega D5-XL plus lenses for $150...

This is so much more fun than inkjet printing...a lot harder, steep learning curve that you just know won't ever end, but a lot more fun!

11-Nov-2007, 10:33
Holy mackrel, that's cheap for a D-5. I wonder what's wrong with it? :p

Randy H
11-Nov-2007, 11:56
Only in California. Here in Oklahoma, Craigslist camera and darkroom stuff still lists for about as much as they were new. They just haven't figured out that nobody wants the stuff except me, yet.

Jim Jones
11-Nov-2007, 17:16
A clock that ticks loudly once a second suits me better than a darkroom timer when dodging and burning prints. A clock with a sweep second hand is good enough for timing developing. Plastic soft drink bottles kept in the dark are as good as brown jugs for storing developers. Incandescent safelight output can be customized with a dimmer: cheaper than quality safelights. There are several ways to make large prints with enlargers that are too short. Often recommended is reversing the column and projecting on the floor. Also, one can make a spacer to raise the column on the base board, although some easels limit this.

11-Nov-2007, 21:04
i bought the perfect darkroom safelight for $25. it's an array of red LEDs set in a standard fixture-sized bulb. it's so bright that i can't look at it directly in the darkroom. yet because it's such a specific frequency of light, it won't fog even ortho-litho film. i've done a paper test with it for about 10 minutes...nothing. it's so bright i feel guilty! i got it at www.theledlight.com. for some reason i can't find the item right now, but it was part # JB4P.

i just stick it in any old light fixture.

John Powers
12-Nov-2007, 07:03
I store spent fixer in one gallon jugs prior to taking it to school to dump in their silver recovery machine. The strongest, free, leakproof jugs, I have found are the containers windshield washer antifreeze is sold in. The season to gather these jugs is rapidly approaching in Ohio.


13-Nov-2007, 08:51
If you have a trap and/or Skeet shooting club nearby - post a note on their bulletin board that you want some empty 8-pound powder jugs. These screw-top plastic jugs are super for bulk storage and frequently thrown away by the more dedicated shooters. They hold nearly a gallon and a half of liquid and have wide 3" mouths and plastic screw-on caps. I rinse them using very hot water to remove any trace of the shotgun propellent. Ideal for fixer and stop bath (I don't use them for developer).

16-Nov-2007, 00:10
Hey, just joined as I'm setting up my darkroom now. I'm the king of cheap! I wait and look for sales and even check the free section of Craig's List in my area. I got an Omega enlarger for free and while I was picking it up, they just threw in a couple boxes of darkroom stuff for free. I just took it from them and pretended to be not too excited about it. But I went around the corner and pulled over to see what was in there. Well, guess what was in there? Trays, tongs, chemical bottles, 3 safelights, easels, developing tanks, etc. etc. Almost everything I needed. There was some old chemicals in there that are obviously expired but I'm keeping the old Dektol cans for nostalgia's sake. Heck, she even included a can opener she used to open the film canisters.

And four months ago I bought a Philips PCS 150 enlarger for 10 bucks on ebay. That's right, ten bucks. Came complete with three extra lenses AND the guy threw in a darkroom timer for free. And it's in perfect condition. Came with the control unit too and manual. Everything I need. The guy put it on Craig's List for pickup only and no one bid on it. I was shocked to see it one hour from ending and no one bid the minimum of ten bucks on it so I did. He was even a little pissed when I came to pick it up for so little money. He kept shaking his head saying, "You got a hell of a deal". But I was very nice and friendly so he ended up giving me a great timer for free too.

I can honestly say that I'm equipping my darkroom for less than 20 bucks. All I need now is a ventilation fan and print dryer.

I find that darkroom stuff is either overpriced or people are just giving it away. I think people really don't know what it's worth so they don't know how to price it. If you wait long enough and keep your eyes open, you can pick this stuff up for next to nothing. They all try to sell it at a high price at first and then eventually just give it away for free because they get tired of having it around or trying to sell it.

Oh I almost forgot. My wife ran across some guys selling off their dead mother's things and she had a darkroom. They were trying to sell a Beseler 23C enlarger for $50 and a slide projector. She waited around till the end of the day and they just ended up giving it to her for free. And with the slide projector, they gave her three extra bulbs. I looked it up and the bulbs alone are selling for $20 each! The enlarger was dusty as hell but it's in perfect condition. But now I can do color slides too.

I live in Los Angeles so I guess that helps to be in a big city when looking for deals.

You've got to be patient and make it a daily habit of checking local auctions, garage sales, and ebay listings that are local. Check the free stuff section of Craig's List too.

16-Nov-2007, 00:17
i bought the perfect darkroom safelight for $25. it's an array of red LEDs set in a standard fixture-sized bulb. it's so bright that i can't look at it directly in the darkroom. yet because it's such a specific frequency of light, it won't fog even ortho-litho film. i've done a paper test with it for about 10 minutes...nothing. it's so bright i feel guilty! i got it at www.theledlight.com. for some reason i can't find the item right now, but it was part # JB4P.

i just stick it in any old light fixture.

to quote mself...

after checking with the online store, they don't sell the red spotlight anymore that i have, but they sell a more diffused LED bulb with similar characteristics here:
