View Full Version : Anyone have any Fotar lens cones?

8-Nov-2007, 15:34
I picked up a Fotar 10x10 enlarger with omega dichroic head this spring and it didn't come with any compatible lens cones. I'll probably be using a 300mm lens. Anyone have any cones or even photos of a cone so i know what to look for?


22-Apr-2012, 16:59
I'm finally about to set this mother up and would like to know what the shortest usable focal is with factory "cones"? Pics?
I could make my own w/pvc, etc.
I'll be using a 240mm for 8x10 work but would also like to make this enlarger my go to machine for 4x5 but the top standards don't compress far enough for a 135mm or shorter if lets say I wanted to make a large print from a 6x7 neg and my 90mm. I'd rather not use the 240mm for smaller formats.

Mark Sampson
22-Apr-2012, 19:23
I used a 10x10 Fotar for many years when I worked at Kodak. My co-worker designed a recessed lensboard that the machine shop made for us; that allowed us to use lenses 150mm and shorter as needed. IDK if Fotar offered anything similar. Although the company is long gone the founder, Robert Hall, used to have a legacy website; perhaps it's still out there. I also seem to remember that Mr. Hall went to work for Colex, the processor makers... but I have no data to back that up.

Erik Larsen
22-Apr-2012, 20:11
Vinny, if your lens stage is the same as mine - good luck finding any factory lens boards, I couldn't. I even contacted Robert Hall who had no leads on any either. For my 240 I just used a flat piece of aluminum and slipped it under the springs and it works like a charm. I use the same 240 for 4x5 also with no problems as my table drops to the floor if needed and the light (super Chromega Dichro II) is so powerful that exposure times are still short. I cannot use anything shorter than a 150 without customizing a recessed board which wouldn't be difficult to make, I just use my other enlarger instead for smaller formats. If your lens mounting system doesn't look like the pic below, you might get in touch with Jon Wilson (a member here) who has a different version lens mount than mine and he was kind enough to let me try out one of his lens boards to see if it would work but it was not compatible with my setup unless I was missing pieces I don't know about.
good luck

27-Apr-2012, 07:22
Thanks Erik,
My lens mount is different than that so I just cut some 5.5" plywood rounds and painted them black. Seems like it'll work fine on this monster of a light tight box.

Erik Larsen
27-Apr-2012, 13:41
Hey Vinny, see if you can can get in touch with Jon Wilson. He had some spare boards that he didn't have use for at the time and they were round discs that sound like your type. He might still have one but I can't speak for him obviously. They were fairly thick aluminum discs with a hole - very simple.

Tin Can
10-Jun-2012, 19:30
I am in the same boat. I have only a Fotar chassis with no lens boards, negative carrier or head. I guess I just make it all. I have been in touch with both Vinny and Jon. I do wonder how many of these remain. The is very little info anywhere. Even here and APUG, conversation on DIY 10X10 heads has not changed in 4 or 5 years. Right now I cannot afford a $2500 light source. I feel kinda stupid blindly re-inventing what I know has already been done. I just cannot find any good info. Or do I just copy Ansel Adams 12 bulb head from his book "The Print"?

Erik Larsen
10-Jun-2012, 20:14

He had a head for sale that is what I use as well. You might contact him to see if its still available. The lens boards are easy enough to make, the negative holder will be a bit more effort unless you just use two pieces of glass and figure out a way to seal any light leaks. I doubt you will be able to find a factory neg holder, but you never know.
Good luck!