View Full Version : Satin Snow Update

Dave Parker
23-Oct-2007, 09:42
Hi All,

Just wanted to post some information to keep everybody as up to date as I possibly can.

I am still working through some situations but have and continue to produce screens, albeit at a bit slower pace right now.

Besides the loss of my sister in July, which created more delays, I was injured seriously at the first of September with a fall off a ladder, which decreased my output, but we are still plugging away, I have also discovered a bunch of orders that got misfiled while I was out of town so I am now working through these to get them out to the customers.

Again, just wanted to keep you up to date, if you have a screen on order with us, please don't worry, I will get it to you as soon as I possibly can, and I am sorry for the delays, this year has been a terrible year for events that have altered my production schedules..

But again, we are working on them and getting them out as fast as possible, I am trying very hard to get as much as possible cleaned up and delivered by the end of this year.

Thanks again, for all the understanding and kind words that have been offered, they have been a life saver..

Dave Parker
Satin Snow Ground Glass

Eric Biggerstaff
23-Oct-2007, 09:45
Thanks Dave, hope all is getting back to normal.

Are you taking any new orders at this time? I may need a couple of 5X7 screens.


23-Oct-2007, 09:53
Dave, I'm sorry to hear how bad your recent events have been! Good luck with everything, you're a good guy :)

23-Oct-2007, 09:57
and i just have to say that it's soooo nice to be able to use my 2x3 baby press camera the way it was intended to be used. (well, one of the ways...) the glass fits perfectly, and sure beats the cracked and dim piece i had in there before. i've shot with it a few times now, thanks to you!

(i also own a 4x5 piece of glass from dave, as a back up if - in mean when i break my toyo's gridded glass.)

Sheldon N
23-Oct-2007, 10:12
Just wanted to point out that Dave was able to fill my 4x5 screen order recently, despite all the difficulties that he's had.

It's worth the wait!

23-Oct-2007, 10:15

Hope you feel better soon. Please, no more problems. :(


23-Oct-2007, 10:24
Thanks for the update Dave! Hope you heal quickly!

Ben R
23-Oct-2007, 14:40
Sounds good, I may have a custom order for a peice of 6X12 glass soon.

David Karp
24-Oct-2007, 19:09
Sorry Dave. I did not know about the accident. Glad you are still around - Did you hear about the old Packer, Max McGee? He fell off his roof, and that was the end for him. Hope you heal up fast.

On the topic of Satin Snow, I just received a Satin Snow GG in 6.5 x 8.5 for my Improved Seneca. It is beautiful, with nicely clipped corners. The workmanship is great. Thanks.

24-Oct-2007, 20:09
Hi Dave,

Good to hear that you're recovering... slowly but surely.

One step at a time.

Best of luck. :)


Asher Kelman
24-Oct-2007, 21:55
Wish you full recovery and strength and warmth for your family! Gosh you have some avid fans here rooting for you!


25-Oct-2007, 01:37
All the best to you, Dave. I really hope that better times for you are coming up.


David Karp
26-Oct-2007, 12:36
I mounted my Satin Snow GG on the camera, popped on a lens, and took a look at the image on the GG. Dave, your products are as effective as they are beautiful.

Kirk Gittings
26-Oct-2007, 17:33
Your product is worth the wait.