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View Full Version : A new slow sharp film

Dan Fromm
16-Oct-2007, 04:32

Joseph O'Neil
16-Oct-2007, 05:52
I just heard about this film myself yesterday at the local camera store that still stocks darkroom supplies. Rolli has a couple of films in 4x5, including and infra-red, which i am told is bascially the same thing s the 820 Maco.

Anybody using any of them yet?

Kevin Crisp
16-Oct-2007, 07:43
"Thus, don't hesitate not longer and discover the for such a long time unsurpassed..."

Well, that has my interest.

Terence McDonagh
16-Oct-2007, 07:48
Please don't make fun of the "analogical" film . . .

All joking aside, it looks interesting, but will probably not be much cheaper than the crazy eBay prices for whatever Kodak Tech Pan is floating around.

16-Oct-2007, 07:52
Fascinating use of an automated translator!

Looks like an interesting film!!

David R Munson
16-Oct-2007, 08:21
Anyone know how much this will cost? I can't seem to actually dig up any prices. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place for it...

In any case, I'm most interested in this for use with my 50mm f/1.2 on my Nikon wide open in daylight. I've got a project in mind and this might fit the bill.

Michael Heald
17-Oct-2007, 03:57
Hello! Is this film similar to Kodak Tech Pan that has been discontinued, with its extended red sensitivity and expansion characteristics? Best regards.

Michael A. Heald

18-Oct-2007, 23:31
Yes, it apparently has extended red sensitivity (out to 720nm, according to the web page). One wonders if it will only be available in 35mm, or if it will be possible to get it in "reasonable" formats ;-)


Hello! Is this film similar to Kodak Tech Pan that has been discontinued, with its extended red sensitivity and expansion characteristics? Best regards.

Michael A. Heald

Asher Kelman
19-Oct-2007, 01:10
Yes, it apparently has extended red sensitivity (out to 720nm, according to the web page). One wonders if it will only be available in 35mm, or if it will be possible to get it in "reasonable" formats ;-)

This must be available in 35mm because this picture was taken with an Leica M7 + Elmarit 2,8/28mm
ROLLEI-FILM ATP V1 Technical Pan 35mm E.I. 32
Developer : SPUR Imagespeed 1+14 for 5:30 min. 20 C°

© Robert Vonk

I must say that the picture looks great with a less contrasty developement but the clouds need to be attended to and brought out more.

With this film, at 300 l/mm it looks like one needs the finest lenses and I have no idea how one can fully exploit this with most lenses I know about!


Michael Heald
19-Oct-2007, 04:24
Hmmmm . . . I wonder if it will have the same development characteristics in different developers as Kodak Tech Pan.

Michael A. Heald

Joseph O'Neil
19-Oct-2007, 05:36
Anyone know how much this will cost? I can't seem to actually dig up any prices. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place for it...

I forget which one it was now, but one of the Rolli films in 4x5, a 50 sheet box at my local camera store was going to be about $75 Cdn, whereas a 50 sheet box of Tri-x sells for about $55 Cdn. right now $1 Cdn ~ $1 US if that helps.


David Luttmann
19-Oct-2007, 08:59
Apparently it is available for 35mm and 120. I haven't been able to find anyone who sells it though. Anyone heard?

Joseph O'Neil
19-Oct-2007, 10:10
Apparently it is available for 35mm and 120. I haven't been able to find anyone who sells it though. Anyone heard?

Stan C. Reade photo here in London, On, I found out yesterday, is taking pre-orders for the 120 size and the 4x5 size. Never asked about 35mm, but assume so as well.

Anyhow, if they can carry here, I'm sure many other can as well

David Luttmann
19-Oct-2007, 13:54
Thanks Joseph. I'll have to give it a try in 4x5....although I'm not sure why considering it'll be grain free in 120 at even 40".....maybe just to say I have.