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View Full Version : Gundlach Korona help please?

6-Oct-2007, 15:50
Hey everyone.

I've decided that once my other 4x5 cameras turn up, I'm going to strip down the Korona again and restore it properly, sand it down refinish etc...

All the pieces are present, but the front is nackered. There's two fairly large holes (why I don't know) and the original printed plaque has fallen victim to a hard life.

My thoughts are to get a new metal plaque engraved for the front, possibly something simple as "Korona".

What I'd really like from you wonderful members is a photo or a scan of the Korona logo from the front of your camera, so I can decide what to go for when I get one made up.

As you can see, my front is no good for a template!


Any help on images of the Gunlach Korona (Rochester) logo/emblem/plaque/etc from your camera would be much appreciated!


Wayne R. Scott
6-Oct-2007, 16:33

I have a 5x7 Korona that has a simple brass plate screwed on with two screws. The Brass plate says simply KORONA.

I also have a 4x5 Korona View that has a decal that reads:

Korona View
Gundlach-Manhattan Optical Co.
Rochester, N.Y.

I would think that the simple brass plate with Korona screwed on would be appropriate for your camera.

Sorry, I don't have a digital camera. (Actually, I'm not really sorry, but you know what I mean.) If you really must have a photo I could get one.

Try this link for the decal:


This link for the brass plate:



matthew blais
6-Oct-2007, 19:04
I have a pic somewhere...on my other 'puter and will try to post tomorrow if someone else doesn't..

Jiri Vasina
6-Oct-2007, 23:53
Ash, I'm not at home at the moment (or around the camera), but when I get near my 5x7 Corona (tomorrow evening), I'll post a photo of the name plaque for you.

Doug Howk
7-Oct-2007, 03:44
I suspect the nameplate relates to when camera manufactured. My older 7X17 has the Name of camera type & Manufacturer on nameplate whereas the "newer" 8X10 just says Korona. The latter is probably after Invisible Camera Company bought Gundlach-Manhatten Optical Co..

7-Oct-2007, 04:11
Hi Doug,

I was thinking the same. I'd like to have one with all the name and details so that it fits with the period of the camera's manufacture.

Wayne, your Korona View may be the same as mine as far as front decal.

All pics would be greatly appreciated thanks.

Jiri Vasina
8-Oct-2007, 12:11
I just noticed, my Korona 5×7" does not have a name plaque - it only has the label printed/painted right on the wood itself. So that will probably not help you. But here is the picture anyway.


Wayne R. Scott
9-Oct-2007, 10:13

My 4x5 Korona View decal looks exactly like the one Jiri posted.


Dave Parker
9-Oct-2007, 11:36

Here is the one that is on the front of my 4x5, looks similar in size to the one you have



9-Oct-2007, 12:52
Hi Dave, the money has cleared and I'll be sorting payment to you as soon as I can. Sorry for my delay!!

I think my front says "Korona View" in the square style of Jiri's, with the address underneath in the circle style of Dave's.


15-Oct-2007, 14:47
Bump for any more pics?

Thanks :)

Jiri Vasina
18-Oct-2007, 08:35
That would mean more cameras around me, and that is not possible at the moment :D ;)

Darren Kruger
28-Oct-2007, 15:27
Here are the two labels I have, both from 8x10 cameras. The first is on a piece of metal with raised lettering. The second is like Jiri's and painted directly on the wood.


Rafael Garcia
28-Oct-2007, 18:00
My 4x5 has a simple black metal plate with rounded ends and the name 'Korona'.

My 5x7 has the decal that has been posted