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View Full Version : Sinar shutter attachment

Garry Edwards
22-Jul-2000, 15:09
This is going to a silly question for some knowlegable person, but I would appre ciate some help. I have a Sinar shutter plate, which obviously fits in place of the front standar d. You can set shutter speeds on it up to 8 secs and you can set lens aperture t oo. Presumably it is intended for use with lenses which do not have shutters, bu t it is potentially very useful to me because it would enable me to use the P2 c amera without fiddling about trying to set apertures and shutter speeds on the a ctual lens, which can be difficult with some of my still life shots because of c amera position etc. But how do I use it? There is also a wire, terminating in an electrical/electronic connection. Where does this go? Can anyone help?

Many thanks.

AMANS Jean Philippe
3-Oct-2000, 09:25

First: I have an old copal/sinar shutter and I use it.

There are 3 model of shutter:tow mecanic and one electronic.

the first mecanic model have to be used with Mikey mouse lens, such name because diaph system work with a part look like mikey. The diaph system is fixed to the lens and not to the shuttes.

The second mecanic model have on the right side (seen from the back) a knob you can turn and a diaph scale with a knob moved red ligne. This scale work only with DB lens and the scale can be changed (by the top) for diferents lenses. I think it is the model you have.

The third model is electronic and work for the diaph only with DB lens. The speed and the diaph is on the top of lens board.

The wire can be the flash conector if for mecanic shutter it come from the down left corner and if it is bipole. If not and for electronic shutter there are some diferent case.

This electronic shutter have to be powerred and it was possible to connect the SINARSIX DIGITAL on or out with a multi pin wire.

How to use (and why)

You can use the diaph syseme only with lens mounted for this use. Those lenses are shutter free but not diaph free. This shutter is very good for unshuttered lens as enlarge lens or copylens; but it is not good for short focal lens because such lens are too long on the back side and have to be mounted too outside of the lens board plan so tilt movment can't go by optical center.

Theres shutters are very slow (1/32) for my old one and give high light fall in the corner for short exposure.

A mecanic (or electric) wire can be locked in the spring back in order to close the shutter when you put film inside.

I think you have to buy (and read) the very good book from KOCH the SINAR foundator.

Have good time with LF
