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View Full Version : Readyloads and low temperature conditions

John Clifford
17-Aug-2007, 14:20
I was recently shooting in the early morning in the Tetons and found that I simply could not release my Readyload film from the holder. It was very cold (Late May) and I had noticed the car thermometer registering 27 degrees. I ruined two sheets of film this way and quit. An hour later and a warmer 35 degrees I had perfect performance with the Readyload system. I live in Michigan and self load my film holders for winter shots. This is the first-time I had used Readyloads in sub freezing temperatures. So my question is, "Has anyone else had this experience at low temperatures with Readyloads?"

Ted Harris
17-Aug-2007, 14:34
Never had the problem with either REady or Quickloads shooting them in temperatures asa low as -20+. Generally I keep the film stashed inside my parka so it si warm until I am just ready to take the picture.

John Clifford
17-Aug-2007, 16:11
When I pushed down the release button it seemed as if the metal was stuck at the bottom. I pulled and exposed the film, pushed it back, kept tugging and gripping until it freed itself. I then placed in another pocket, exposed my film and tried to release it with the same disasterous result. I kept the two ruined film packets and tested them out a week later at home and ...no problem. As I said an hour later as the day got warmer all was well. I only use Readyloads for air travel trips and this is the first problem. I guess I will try to keep them warm or make sure there is no condensation on the metal in sub freezing conditions.