View Full Version : Durst 138S Condenser differences

Jan Pedersen
13-Jul-2007, 09:17
Just aquired a good looking 138S and got it set-up last night. Wow, this is a great enlarger, can't wait to make some prints on this "little" baby.

I do have a question or two. looking at the manual for the 138S there are several types of condensors mentioned and i have seen others listed on the auction site.
What are the difference betwtween the plain Latico, the T, RT and P types?
P would make sense for the Point light source but that model is not in the manual whereas the T and RT is listed. Will they all work with an Opal light source?

Hope someone can break down the model differences.


Scott --
13-Jul-2007, 13:34
Can't help you, but congrats! Is that the 5x7?

Jan Pedersen
13-Jul-2007, 13:44
Hi Scott, thanks. Yes 5x7 and smaller with the right condensors. It's a bit intimidating next to my Beseler 45MXT but a joy to operate. You just can't live without one ;)

13-Jul-2007, 13:58
......What are the difference betwtween the plain Latico, the T, RT and P types?
P would make sense for the Point light source but that model is not in the manual whereas the T and RT is listed. Will they all work with an Opal light source? .......The "T" condensers are coated, and are used with the point source light. I'm not familiar with the "P" or the "RT".

Jan Pedersen
13-Jul-2007, 15:37
The "T" condensers are coated, and are used with the point source light. I'm not familiar with the "P" or the "RT".

Eric, Thanks. Do you know if the point light source condensers also can be used with the Opal light source?

Looks like there in addition to the types mentioned also exist an R version.

13-Jul-2007, 16:00
.....Do you know if the point light source condensers also can be used with the Opal light source?.....When I was buying condensers for my opal lamp head, I was told that the coated condensers could also be used, although I did not because the coated ones are more expensive. I have also heard that the regular condensers will work with a point light source, although they introduce more flare.

Cesar Barreto
13-Jul-2007, 17:12
My condensers seem to come from old days, since they have no letters at all.
But as you say you'll be working with opal lamps, I would first worry myself on getting the right lamps to fit your condensers. The larger the better, it seems, when dealing with big negatives and as far as I know it's getting pretty difficult to find big bulbs.

Anyway, it's a great enlarger and I guess the Beseler may feel some kind of shyness.

Jan Pedersen
13-Jul-2007, 18:08
Thanks both. Was hoping that they all would work. Perhaps not the other way around but as long as i can find bulbs i don't plan on changing.
I have a 240 P coming so time will tell if that works, the enalrger came with only 1 240, a 200 and a 130