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View Full Version : Soligor Spot Sensor II

13-Apr-2007, 12:55
I bought a used Soligor Spot Sensor II.
The question is: does it change the EV read, if I change the ISO to work properly?
In other words: I set ISO 100 and I read 9 EV on the 18% gray Kodak . If I change the ISO to 200 does the same gray have to change the EV to work fine?
Thanks in advance.

14-Apr-2007, 00:25
I don't know that particular meter, but the EV value is independant of the film speed.
I just gives a measure of the the amount of light getting to the film relative to EV1=1sec at f1 (speed/aperture). The other dials, nobs, widgets or whatever you have on your meter enable you to translate the EV number to the many combinations of speed/aperture appropriate for your film speed.

Patrik Roseen
14-Apr-2007, 01:27
I have a soligor spot sensor II. The EV reading in the meter is not affected by which ISO is set on the outside dial. As you can see on the same dial as ISO is the aperture...this in combination whith your chosen EV reading will give you the shutter-speeds that correspond to which apertures.
I think your confusion comes from some ordinary lightmeters where the 'EV-number' reading change with different ISO-settings.
Good luck, it's a fine meter!

14-Apr-2007, 03:09
Thakns a lot!!