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View Full Version : actual image circle for 210mm SSXL

james zhou
14-Mar-2007, 17:10
I know that Schneider lenses usually have larger image circle than stated. I have experience with 90 Xl, 72 XL and 150 HM and XL. Has anyone used the 210mm XL? Any comment is appreciated. I am thinking of moving into ULF so I am doing some research right now.

Jack Flesher
14-Mar-2007, 17:50
Stated IC for that sweetheart is a whopping 500mm!

james zhou
14-Mar-2007, 19:22
I think it is bigger than 500mm. There is recent Ebay listing (later canceled) claimed that it covers 14x17 with shift! I know that the 150mm SS XL gaves 7cm of shift (may be more) for 8x10. 90mm SS XL give about 280mm IC, 210mm SS HM have 5cm of shift for 8x10, while 72mm covers about 250mm. So you can use the 90mm lens for 4x10.

Jack Flesher
14-Mar-2007, 21:18
It may ILLUMINATE well beyond 500mm, but the manufacturer states COVERAGE at 500mm: http://www.schneideroptics.com/pdfs/photo/LensCharts.pdf

Eric Leppanen
14-Mar-2007, 21:48
The SS210XL circle of illumination covers 12x20 according to APUG postings by Fred Newman (http://www.apug.org/forums/forum187/25846-what-lenses-cover-ulf.html) and Sandy King (http://www.apug.org/forums/forum187/28969-600mm-24-11x14-4.html). Sandy King's operative comment was:

BTW, my Schneider 550mm f/11 XXL has arrived, and also the 210mm f/5.6 SSXL... I have tested both of them for performance on the 12X20 format and there is no question but that both lenses are *vastly superior* on the far edges of the circle of illumination to any lenses of comparable focal lengths I have tested in the past.

I own a SS210XL (and its associated center filter) which I use on 8x10 for "close to the car" landscape and architectural applications. The lens is a beast, but its resolution and contrast is superb, and it's great to not worry about running out of coverage (a constant problem with the small form factor 210mm lenses). I do prefer using the center filter with extreme front rise, particularly when shooting chromes.

james zhou
15-Mar-2007, 13:45
that helps! Thanks, Eric.