View Full Version : Durst 184 8x10 enlarger

David Michael Bigeleisen
5-Mar-2007, 15:29
I am beginnig to shoot 8x10 film, and I am considering purchasing a Durst 184 enlarger. I currently use a Beseler 45MXT for everything from 35mm through 4x5. Ideally, I would like to print 35mm, medium format, 4x5 and 8x10 on the Durst. Has anyone had experience printing this wide range of formats on a Durst 184? Do you have problems with long exposure times with the smaller formats? The unit currently as a condenser head with a 1000 watt light source. The person who is selling it suggests putting an Omega D lamphead inside the Durst head for 35mm through 4x5. Any thoughts on this. I am thinking of using an Aristo variable contrast 8x10 cold head. Has anyone tried this?

I will be grateful for any advice.

Thank you

David Michael Bigeleisen

5-Mar-2007, 20:15
Durst made accessories to permit enlarging 35mm or medium format on the L184, so it is possible to make it work. You need a Latub 2-inch recessed lensboard to focus a 50mm or 80mm lens, and the proper condensers to get enough light. A 10x10 glass neg carrier will work, but the proper glass-less inserts would probably be better. What neg carrier does the L184 have? The newer Laraneg is a much nicer carrier.

Aristo makes light sources that fit inside a Durst condenser head, so I don’t see why your idea for the Omega lamphead would not work, if there is enough room in the Durst condenser head.

If you have the room for 2 enlargers, I suggest you keep the Beseler 45, as it is much easier to use for the smaller formats. The Durst L184 works best for the larger negatives.

26-Jul-2007, 15:22
Hi -

I have a L184 sctually it is no longer a true L184. I used it for years then sold the "camera" off of it. I printed everything from 35 to 8X10. The printing of smaller formats is just like printing on a smaller enlarger, only much better. I had inserts for the casset holder which covered all my film formats. I also had lenses appropriate for all the formats as well (depending on the size of print I wanted to make). A note - if you want to use a short lens, like a 50mm, you have to get a deep recessed lensboard. Otherwise you'll never get the enlarger to focus. I loved how stable my L184 is.
I am in the process of building my own custom DurstZilla 8X10 enlarger out of the chassis of my L184 and the "camera" off a Beseler CB7. If you want to read about it, my website has a big section dedicated to the project. www.bluegrassharvest.com - just click on the photo of me pointing at DurstZilla.
By the way, shoot me a note anytime you like, I have alot of time working with the L184 and am happy to help.


26-Jul-2007, 15:50
It might make things cramped, but why not keep the Beseler alongside the Durst?? That's what I plan to do when I get a 35mm/MF enlarger to sit next to my CB-7 (for dedicated 4x5).

On that note, however, I may follow after Jeromie and modify my CB-7 to take 8x10 if I ever find the need :)

27-Jul-2007, 06:29
If you end up wanting to fit your CB7 with a Beseler 810 head adapter, let me know. It requires a machine shop to mak it mount right. Good luck ! Jeromie