View Full Version : Is Porta available in Readyloads...

Steve Reczkowski
18-May-2000, 15:58
I can't find any info on Kodak's website about it. I thought I remebered seeing it in a B&H catalog but none of the stores (San Francisco area) have ever heard of it. Are there any Readyload color negative films available. TIA.


tim atherton
18-May-2000, 17:11
Calumet lists it at:

http://www.calumetphoto.com/default.taf? pageload=/calumet/prodindex.taf&_UserReference=EAB71F028B909E4B39244C9 8

(you will need to cut and paste it is so long).

Or go to Calumet and work your way to films

Tim A

Stpephen Willlard
18-May-2000, 18:59
Niether Calumet or B&H carry it even thouh they both advertize it. B&H has a limited stock of Pro 100 in Readyloads and Kodak is considering NOT replacing it with Portra. I ended up buy a two year supply of Pr0 100 from B&H just in case. This confusion has been going on for about a year thanks to Kodak. I have called Kodak and registered a formal protest about the need for color negative film in Readyloads. You may want to do the same.

IF you call Kodak they will tell that Portra will be distributed as soon as the Pro 100 stock is depleted. I did talk to one salesmen who told me off the record they may not be producing Portra or any other color negative film in Readyloads. He entered my complaint in a database. So, should you call Kodak, insist on having them create a formal reord of your need for a CN film in Readyloads, otherwise they will blow you off.