View Full Version : Devere enlarger bulb

Joseph O'Neil
8-Jan-2007, 19:31
Hi everyone;
Just picked up one of those used Devere 504 enalrgers sold in Toronto. Everything is thre and works (so far), but I always like to pick up a spare bulb or three whenever a get a new enlarger.

Does anybody ahve the specs on the bulg in the Devere 504? It looks halogen, but no idea of volts or watts or base.


Fred L
8-Jan-2007, 19:36
So Joseph,

Which 504 did you pick out of the lot ? I looked them over some as one can in a cramped boardroom. They all looked like rental machines would look but were fine mechanically, just not prom date material.

While kicking the tires, I checked out the head and pulled tha lamp out for a look and saw, if I recall, 24v 250 watts. You can always call Kevin at KHBphotografix.

I'll be schelpping mine home tomorrow after work. If there's still a few left, I may grab one for parts lol.

Barry Wilkinson
9-Jan-2007, 02:39
Hello Joe,

The bulbs used in the 504 are 24V 250W as Fred said, type ELC (or A1/259). They can be found as Normal and Long Life types. The prices here in the UK vary considerably, so shop around. I can't help you in Canada.


Vick Ko
9-Jan-2007, 05:01
Buchanan Lighting in Ottawa probably has the bulbs. They don't have a web presence.

129 Loretta Ave N
Ottawa ON, K1Y 2J7

Phone: 613-728-3551

Joseph O'Neil
9-Jan-2007, 06:15
Hi guys;
Many thanks. I think I can get them locally, if not, mail order.
For Fred - "mine" was the one closest to the door when you go in. It has a few marks, but nothing major. biggest issue for me right now is dust and dirt. Tri-x in 4x5 draws dust like a magnet. :)

But overall, for a bit of elbow grease and soap and water, this enlarger was the deal of the century. A huge step up form my old Omega.

the only "downside" is lack of acessories. When i bought my Omega 4x5, and old D2, it belonged to a public darkroom at the local university. It was well beaten, so it took a bit of work too, but it came with just about every negative board and lens cone ever made. I think I still have a 110 carrier too, but it's tucked long into storage. With the De Vere, one lens (150mm, one carrier (4x5), but that's all I wanted. I still have another Omega colour head enlarger for the little bit of 35mm and 120 work I do.

Now i have to figure out how to fit three enlargers into the world's smallest darkroom once again. I think the Omega will have to come out to make way, but now I get to rebuild everything again around a new enlarger. I dunno to be happy or sad about that. :)


Fred L
9-Jan-2007, 14:44
Yours had dust too ??? ;) The light chamber in mine had a fair bit of it but nothing Hoover or Eureka can't handle.

Agree on the extra bits, I need to find 6x7 and 6x9 carrier inserts but then for the price we paid I can't complain.

Don Wallace
10-Jan-2007, 09:54
KHB is very helpful with DeVere info and parts. I bought a 504 a few years ago when Algonquin College in Ottawa decided to go digital in their photography program. I actually bought two, one for parts, although as it turns out, the second one has a different head (250W). I just started using the DeVere, FINALLY, after getting a darkroom built, which was finished just before Christmas. The DeVere is a DREAM to use. Man, you are gonna love it. I also bought a Durst 138s (5x7) at the same sale. I paid 50 bucks each for the enlargers.

Fred L
10-Jan-2007, 20:49
Right on about KHB.

I've been there the past two days picking Kevin's brain and picking up parts for the 504 (AN glass for the carrier, spare bulb, manuals etc etc.). He's a wealth of knowledge and a great guy to deal with.

I'll probably try to get him to machine some spare knobs for my 8x10 Wista as well.

Colin Myers
11-Jan-2007, 01:37
Several of you have mentioned visible dust. You may wish to check the fan side of the head for dust and fluff. It is is relatively easy to split the head casing, to expose this area of the head. I did one recently and it was absolutely incredible the amount of crud that was revealed. Good Luck
Colin Myers

Martin Courtenay-Blake
11-Jan-2007, 05:16
Keep an eye on ebay UK. Neg carriers and lens carriers pop up with great regularity and can usually be bought for reasonable amounts.

I've got a pile of inserts here...I'll check if I have any dupes I can send over.
