View Full Version : Killer Darkroom Deal

4-Jan-2007, 11:37
I have no affiliation with this.

GO HERE. (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190068901159&fromMakeTrack=true) In Chicago.

4-Jan-2007, 12:33
Nice set up. I would have loved to have his sink.

His photos of the ghoat town look almost like finely detailed pencil/charcaol drawings.

4-Jan-2007, 12:50
I just had a 9 foot stainless steel sink custom made and it alone was $1000.

Michael Graves
4-Jan-2007, 15:12
That looks a lot like my darkroom. Or at least like the one I dream about when I'm puttering around in my converted 5x7" bathroom.