View Full Version : Nordic heads up: 24x30 enlarger in Helsingborg

Struan Gray
24-Nov-2006, 08:13
I'm dreaming of getting something like this for our new home, but for now sofas and lamps take priority:


Might be of interest to others though.

Ole Tjugen
24-Nov-2006, 09:45
In a way, I'm glad I don't have room for that thing...

24-Nov-2006, 10:46
If the price is in "svenska kronor" (I can't believe it!) it's simply gratis!!

Per Madsen
24-Nov-2006, 13:54
Impresive, probably at least 200 Kg.

You would posibly be stopped in Helsingör (Elsinore)
because they think it is a swedish U-boat. >8->>

Struan Gray
24-Nov-2006, 14:17
I was tempted to go and get it, just for the bragging rights, but I'm holding out for a DeVere or Durst 30x40 cm model. If nothing else, I'd like a colour head.

I dread to think what a replacement bulb costs.

Don Wilkes
24-Nov-2006, 15:22
I'm betting the price is in Euros, which would make it about CDN $8698.60 (or US$7654.40). If the price were Kroner, it might just cover the cost of one of the three lenses, I would think.

It kind of makes my Durst 138S look toy-like...sheesh.


24-Nov-2006, 15:25
You must be surely right, it would be ridicule otherwise.

Don Wilkes
24-Nov-2006, 15:35
Struan: We happen to have someone here at the office who's part-Swedish (an an economist), and she says the price probably *is* in kroner, as Sweden hasn't adopted the euro. Holy cow! That's astoundingly cheap for three Rodagons! Maybe you should send them the money, but specify the lenes go to you, and the rest to someone you don't like -- cash on delivery <grin>.

24-Nov-2006, 15:39
If it's astoundingly cheap for the lenses it's even more for the machine itself - that costs much more than the lenses.

Struan Gray
24-Nov-2006, 15:41
Definitely Kronor. Hell, the lightboard alone would cost more than this at normal Swedish prices. That's why I ignored my usual injunction to myself not to flood the web with shopping tips. I hope it gets picked up by someone who can use it.

Were my ceilings high enough I would still be tempted, but the only place in the house I could fit in in (vertically) would be the entrance hall and I don't see even my usually indulgent spousal unit going for that. The kids would love the motorised platform though.....

24-Nov-2006, 15:45
Simply incredible! He would get more for it on Ebay!

Andrew O'Neill
24-Nov-2006, 17:10
I've got just the spot for that beast! Inkjet printing?? Still stinks as far as I'm concerned.