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View Full Version : monorail not fitting in case

Raven Garrow
26-Apr-2000, 23:00
I have a Calumet 45NX, this is on axis, so the standards are on two U - shaped f rames. It has been hard to find a case deep enough to hold this camera. The Tenb a 4x5 air view is the only case to accomidate my camera. I also needed something lightweight. Everything is fine with this case except the camera does not "hang " from the monorail, instead it rests on the U - shaped frames. I was wondering if this is o.k. Does it matter if the "back" of the camera and lens/board stays on the camera if resting on the frame? They are weighty. I recall someone on thi s site asking if its o.k. to remove the lens board a lot???

Ellis Vener
27-Apr-2000, 12:47
Try contacting Calumet at 1.800.CAL-UMET or Calumet website (http://www.calumetphoto.co m). They make a case for less than US$200 that is made for this camera. It is not a good case for traveling by commercial airlines but is good for around town and travelling by car. You can keep the lenses mounted on the camera. A Tenba Aircase or a Lightware view camera case wi ll offer much better protection, but for a greater course. My choice would be a Lightware case.

Raven Garrow
27-Apr-2000, 22:08
I believe the only case that Calumet makes that holds this camera is the hard shell case. It weighs 18 lbs.. I guess I failed to mention that I did purchase the Tenba case. I was back in the camera store where I purchased it, and they had a Sinar in the same case. Someone there told me this camera was actually sitting on the bottom of the case, too. So, from that I figured it was o.k., but I thought I would just put it out here for feedback. Thanks