View Full Version : 4. Would you be OK with your spouse posing nude?

Frank Petronio
1-Nov-2006, 13:25
Would you be OK with your spouse posing nude?

Jay DeFehr
1-Nov-2006, 14:24
She has, and I am.


George Losse
1-Nov-2006, 16:53
My wife has and past girlfriends did. What's the big deal. Just get past the Hollywood sterotypes of working with a nude.

Robert Brummitt
1-Nov-2006, 17:49
My wife has but I had former GF's that didn't want me to photograph women models or would sit as a subject. I guess thats why they are "Former GF's"

Andrew O'Neill
1-Nov-2006, 19:35
Why are you asking??

Michael Graves
1-Nov-2006, 19:57
I would be. But she wouldn't.

1-Nov-2006, 20:51
I'd definitely leave that decision up to her!

She's her own person. :)

As for my thoughts... it depends on whom, where, and why!


Donald Qualls
2-Nov-2006, 15:26
I would be. But she wouldn't.

Exactly. My wife almost makes two of me (and I'm nowhere near skinny); I'd have been happy to photograph her nude any time in the past fourteen years, but she won't have it (and most especially won't put up with tripods and film holders and light meters and such -- a Polaroid with a flash and auto exposure, I've managed, twice in fourteen years)...

Posing for someone else? As long as it's a professional arrangement, sure, not a problem. My first wife *did* pose nude (for a sculptor) before we were married.

Jeffrey Sipress
2-Nov-2006, 17:39
No, but I'd be OK with your spouse posing nude.