View Full Version : How old is too old for a used Jobo CPP-2?

Mark Carstens
14-Oct-2006, 15:00
I'm in the market for a Jobo CPP-2 and am considering a couple of used units, one of which is about ten years old, but it good working condition--maybe 30 processing cycles with 3005/3010 drums over that period. I'm hesitating only because of the age of the unit.

Any help/perspective from the communtiy would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

~ Mark

Tom Westbrook
14-Oct-2006, 15:18
Search in th archives, but I think there was a specific serial number after which the motor was replaced with a beefier model. I don't think the lift was any different, but I could be wrong.

Tom Westbrook
14-Oct-2006, 15:24
Actually, it's on the Jobo site: http://www.jobousadarkroom.com/bulletins/b019.htm

Mark Carstens
14-Oct-2006, 15:37
Thanks, Tom. Great link!

Bruce Watson
18-Oct-2006, 08:18
If it still works, it's not too old.

Mark Carstens
18-Oct-2006, 16:26
Thanks, Bruce. My concern was buying a used unit only to have to turn around and replace the lift. Not that I'm going to beat the crap out of whatever unit I buy, just hedging my bets against future calamities ;)