View Full Version : View Camera Conference

steve simmons
14-Oct-2006, 10:21
View Camera is having its 5th Large Format Photography Conference in Louisville, KY June 27-July 1, 2007. This is the opening weekend of a two month long regional photo festival.

There will be presentations and seminars on scanning, alternative processes, basic black and white technique, understanding camera movements, book publishing, understanding and using staining developers, using the ULF camera, landscape photography, digital output, showing your work to museums and galleries, etc. There will also be workshops on portraiture and the figure, alternative processes, scanning, basic view camera technique, and black and white printing. There will also be special 2 and 3 day workshops before and after the conference in scenic locations in and around Louisville. The trade show will again include all of the major camera manufacturers, film companies, and several of the leading new and used large format dealers. As far as we know this annual event is the largest collection of view cameras and lenses anywhere in the world.

Participants will be able to exhibit their work in special gallery spaces in the hotel and there will be exhibits all over the city to help celebrate photography.

For more information please go to


Or refer to your Sept/Oct or Nov/Dec 2006 issues of View Camera.

steve simmons

Andrew O'Neill
18-Oct-2006, 07:31
I wish I could go but it's just too far away...maybe someday you'll have one in Vancouver, BC...or at least, Seattle as it's just a little hop over the border...

Bruce Watson
18-Oct-2006, 08:17
That's as close as you've come to one near me. Still a couple of days drive. I'll see if I can make it.

Bill Kumpf
18-Oct-2006, 11:37
I have the dates highlighted on my calendar. When will a detailed schedule for the presentations and seminars be available?

I do enjoy your magazine.


steve simmons
18-Oct-2006, 12:21
More detailed info will be in the November issue and soon on our web site.


18-Oct-2006, 18:03
Sounds like a blast, and KY has some great places to shoot. If I have vacation days left, I'm in. As an aside, I've always been leary of "workshops" as they tend to cost a lot and are really kinda short. Where am I going with this......the ones you mentioned sound interesting and I hope they're priced well.


18-Oct-2006, 18:55
That's as close as you've come to one near me. Still a couple of days drive. I'll see if I can make it.

I mapped the route on Google Earth. It's about 40 miles closer than the drive from here, and I make it in 9-10 hours driving time. You'll do it in a day, easy.

18-Oct-2006, 18:55
Hi Steve,

I'd also love to attend but, as Andrew said, that's a long ways away from here (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.)

In a previous thread, there were questions/discussion about holding a View Camera Conference in Portland, Oregon.

Is there any real chance for that to happen in the near future?



steve simmons
18-Oct-2006, 18:56
2009, we are talking with the Photo Lucida people to see if we can do the events concurrently


Ted Harris
19-Oct-2006, 08:53
Some more details for Louisville:

1) The Brown Hotel (Conference Central) has graciuosly agreed to turn over all their public space to us for an exhibit of regional photography. All regional photographers and conference attendees are invited to participate. Details are being handled in Louisville but for the moment contact me and I will either answwer questions or send them on. Email me at tedharris@fourpointlanding.com

2) There will be 5 workshops during the Conference. Three 1/2 day workshops "off site" in Louisville -- LF portraits and figure studies; LF scanning and digital workflow; traditional darkroom processing concentrating on one (to be determined) alternate process. All of these are strictly limited to 12 participants each. Times to be determined; you can sign up now with Andrea at View Camera. Also, we are working on a workshop on night photography. Finally, thre will be two free workshops. Speed date your new camera and an exterior architectural photography workshop -- both of these are limited participation so call Andrea Miles at View Camera ASAP to sign up.

3) Finally, there will be two 3 day workshops running at Bernheim Forest in conjunction with and for the convenience of those attending the Conference. One will concentrate on LF landscape photography and an introduction to LF and the other on LF portraiture and figure photography. More details on these in the next few days.

Robert Brummitt
19-Oct-2006, 10:30
Hi Steve,

I'd also love to attend but, as Andrew said, that's a long ways away from here (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.)

In a previous thread, there were questions/discussion about holding a View Camera Conference in Portland, Oregon.

Is there any real chance for that to happen in the near future?



Check us out!
Portland Photographers Forum Presents:

“Photographers’ Fanfaire”
a celebration of fine art photography.
Lectures-Panel discussions-Book signings and Print sales

November 3, 4, & 5 2006 University of Portland
5000 N Williamette blvd* Portland, OR. $15 a day -Free on Sunday.
Anyone who is interested in Fine Art Photography is invited to come and particpate in these lectures, panel discussions book signings and print sales on November 3-5 at the University of Portland. This is a wonderful occasion to learn more about photography and to begin or expand your collection of books and prints. There will be book and print venders plus the artists will be selling work as well!
Speakers will be:
Steve Anchell, Bruce Barmbaum, Ray Bidegain, Martha Casanave, Stu Levy, Meg Partridge,Janis Miglavs, Gerald Robinson, John Wimberley and Jerry Wolfe.
Panel Dscussions:
Art and the law, led by intellectual property attorney Bert Krages
Pricing and alternatives for marketing your work with Ray Bidegain
Starting your photography collection and collecting photography books
with Jennifer Stoots, a photography appraiser.
The creative thought process.
Plus a workshop on framing your photography on Sunday.
Newspace Center of Photography
Portfolio reviews and workshops
Visit www.newspacephoto.org for details.

For more information about this event, PPF’s workshop and meetings? Contact Robert at 503-614-0161, robert8x10@hotmail.com or visit PPF’s website at www.portlandphotoforum.org

steve simmons
22-Oct-2006, 21:04
The keynote speaker for the View Camera conference is Shelby Lee Adams. His talk will be Saturday evening and he will sign books either Saturday or Sunday.

steve simmons

John Flavell
22-Oct-2006, 21:14
Well, I couldn't have asked for a better deal. Two hours away and Shelby Lee Adams. As I said when the idea was kicked around: I'm in.

By the way, there's many many hotels on the outer rim of the major interstate coming in to Louisville. The Kentucky Press Photographers Association has probably used them all. Also, look to hotels in Jeffersonville, In, right across the river.

steve simmons
23-Oct-2006, 08:39
The info about the conference is on our web site


and will be in the November issue as will a description of the hands-on workshops we are doing. There is a significant discount avalable for signing up before Jan. 1, 2007.


steve simmons

steve simmons
8-Nov-2006, 08:21
We have updated the info about the conference on our web site. We are now listing the panels for each day and the specal workshops.

steve simmons

steve simmons
9-Dec-2006, 13:52
We are finalizing the program for the View Camera Conference in Louisville in late June

Pre Conference Workshops
Landscape Photography/Intro to Large Format
Environmental Portraiture and Figure Study
These workshops begin Sunday evening June 24 and finish early afternoon Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Both workshops will be held at the Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest 30 miles from Louisville. Cost per workshop is $400.00 which can include dormitory style lodging. Limit of 12 students per workshop. Instructors will include Ted Harris, Bruce Barlow, Peter LeGrand. Kirk Gittings, Richard Ritter, and Steve Simmons

Special Sessions
Alt Processes - Friday Morning ($75.00)
The Wet Plate Photograph - Friday Morning ($75.00)
Figure/Portraiture - Friday Morning ($75.00)
Exterior Arch/Exp Techniques - Saturday Morning (NC)
Night Photography - Friday Eve. (NC)
Scanning - Sunday Morning (75.00)
These sessions will begin at 8:30am and finish about 12 noon except the Night Photo Session which will begin shortly before dusk and finish after dark.

Panels and Presentations
Friday Afternoon
Understanding and Using Staining Developers
Understanding Film Curves
Careers in Photography
Traveling with Large Format
Presenting Your Work to Museums and Galleries
Tech Talk/Ask the Experts - Equipment
Print Sharing & Portfolio Reviews
Trade Show Reception
Gallery Walks

Alt Processes
Lenses and Optics
Architectural Photography
The Portrait
The Panorama Formats
Ultra Large Format
Digital Output
Working in the Studio
The HABS/HAER Program
The Digitally Enlarged Negative
Print Masking
Tech Talk/Ask the Experts - Digital Capture and Output
Special Presentation - The Press Photographer
Key Note Speaker - Shelby Lee Adams

Using Filters in the Field and in the Studio
The Camera Obscura Throughout Art History
The Future of Sheet Film
Emergency Repairs in the Field
Tech Talk/Ask the Experts - Traditional Photography
Landscape Photography
Metering Techniques
Print Sharing & Portfolio Reviews

Panel Presenters and Speakers include Ted Harris, Gordon Hutchings, Alan Ross, Jet Lowe, Jack Boucher, Michael Mutmanski, Kevin Sullivan, Kerry Thalmann, Kirk Gittings, Mark Nelson, Peter LeGrand, J.B. Harlin, Paul Paletti, Richard Ritter, Michael Collete, David Burnett, Paul Taylor, Bill Zorn and more!

Conference Prices - 3 Day Ticket - $115.00 if reserved before Jan. 1, 2007 or $175.00 after Jan. 1, 2007; 2 Day Ticket $95.00 if reserved before Jan. 1, 2007 or $135.00 after Jan. 1, 2007; 1 day ticket - $75.00 if reserved before Jan. 1, 2007 or $95.00 after Jan. 1, 2007.

Louisville is having a two-month-long Photo Festival, and our conference will be a key part of the activities. There will be a special Gallery Walk while we are there, and there will be many
exhibits and talks in addition to the View Camera activtities. The hotel is also donating
space for the conference attendees to show their work. Work for exhibit should be delivered to
the Paul Paletti Gallery, 713 East Market St., Louisville, KY 40202-2593 no later than Thursday, June 14, 2008. Work on exhibit must be promptly removed at the end of the Conference. Contact exhibitinfo@fourpointlanding.com for more information.

I hope you will join us.

steve simmons

9-Dec-2006, 14:16
Check us out!
Portland Photographers Forum Presents:

“Photographers’ Fanfaire”
a celebration of fine art photography.
Lectures-Panel discussions-Book signings and Print sales

November 3, 4, & 5 2006 University of Portland
5000 N Williamette blvd* Portland, OR. $15 a day -Free on Sunday.
Anyone who is interested in Fine Art Photography is invited to come and particpate in these lectures, panel discussions book signings and print sales on November 3-5 at the University of Portland. This is a wonderful occasion to learn more about photography and to begin or expand your collection of books and prints. There will be book and print venders plus the artists will be selling work as well!
Speakers will be:
Steve Anchell, Bruce Barmbaum, Ray Bidegain, Martha Casanave, Stu Levy, Meg Partridge,Janis Miglavs, Gerald Robinson, John Wimberley and Jerry Wolfe.
Panel Dscussions:
Art and the law, led by intellectual property attorney Bert Krages
Pricing and alternatives for marketing your work with Ray Bidegain
Starting your photography collection and collecting photography books
with Jennifer Stoots, a photography appraiser.
The creative thought process.
Plus a workshop on framing your photography on Sunday.
Newspace Center of Photography
Portfolio reviews and workshops
Visit www.newspacephoto.org for details.

For more information about this event, PPF’s workshop and meetings? Contact Robert at 503-614-0161, robert8x10@hotmail.com or visit PPF’s website at www.portlandphotoforum.org

Hi Robert,

Gads, I'm sorry I didn't see this posting until just today... so much for attending this year. Hope you had great success with it.

Will you be hosting it next year again?

Thank you.


Robert Brummitt
9-Dec-2006, 17:29
We are planning a second Fanfaire for the same time next year. I'm working on getting some of the same photographers and some different names. We're having different panel discussions and more. We're including color photography. I'll be posting as I get things in a final form.
This last Fanfaire was a great success in that many of the folks who attended got to see lots of wonderful work. I had some tell me that this was the shot in the arm for their personal photography. I hope that you will come next time.

Kirk Gittings
9-Dec-2006, 17:37
I opened up this thread to see what was the latest happening with the VC conference and find a disscussion about the Portland Fanfair! You guys should move your discussion about the Portland event to another thread. It strikes me as inappropriate to hijack an "announcement" thread by discussing a completely separate and unrelated event. Am I wrong about this?

Kirk Gittings
9-Dec-2006, 18:04
Having said that......I can't wait for the Louisville VC Conference! It is by far one of my favorite events every year and this one is looking like a memorable one. Hope to see many of you there.

Robert Brummitt
10-Dec-2006, 12:17
I'm sorry that if I stepped on any toes. I was wrong to step in and I regret my actions.
Robert Brummitt

steve simmons
10-Dec-2006, 12:28
Robert and I have communicated about working together with his group and View Camera in 2009 to bring the VC conference to Portland


Robert Brummitt
10-Dec-2006, 18:50
I had attended the First Conference in Monterey and look forward to this one in 2009 as I'm sure many fellow Pacific Northwest photographers will be.
Robert Brummitt

11-Dec-2006, 14:44
I'll second the request for the Pacific Northwest. Or was it third....

Ted Harris
22-Dec-2006, 07:53
I just spoke with Andrea in the View Camera office. Registrations are coming in and I wanted to remind folks that there is a $60 discount through the end of the year. Also, folks are signing up for workshops ..... call Andrea at 1-800-894-8439 for info. There are more details up on the magazine website now, too: http://www.viewcamera.com/pdf/2006/vc_conference2007.pdf

steve simmons
28-Dec-2006, 09:53
Today and tomorrow are the last two days to get the early registration discount for the View Camera conference June 28-July 1, 2007. This year View Camera is part of a two month photo festival in Louisville, KY and there will be many exhibits around town in addition to the Conference activities. There is a complete two page pdf program on the View Camera web site


steve simmons

29-Dec-2006, 16:35
I just spoke with Andrea in the View Camera office. Registrations are coming in and I wanted to remind folks that there is a $60 discount through the end of the year. Also, folks are signing up for workshops ..... call Andrea at 1-800-894-8439 for info. There are more details up on the magazine website now, too: http://www.viewcamera.com/pdf/2006/vc_conference2007.pdf

When I signed up I was told that my credit card would not be charged until the Spring. So if coming up with the money now bothers you, this should help. I know I certainly appreciate it. I'm busted this time of year.

steve simmons
6-Feb-2007, 10:27
Many of the special sessions and hands-on workshops for this years View Camera conference are filling up. A copy of the program is in the Jan/Feb 07 issue or is on our web site. If you want to attend one of these sessions I would encourage you to check out the schedule and sign up as early as you can.

There is still plenty of room for people wanting to get a general conference ticket that lets you into any of the seminars and panel presentations.

steve simmons

steve simmons
7-Feb-2007, 13:28
You can make your hotel reservation at the View Camera Conference hotel directly on line. Go to


and then to Group Reservation

your attendee code is


and then you go reserve your rooms

This is a four star hotel.

steve simmons

Ted Harris
7-Feb-2007, 14:21
Hewre is the direct path to the link Steve is referring to above:


Steve Penland
15-Feb-2007, 13:55
Here's another vote from a newbie for Seattle/Portland. Lots to see and photograph in the Pacific Northwest.

steve simmons
16-Feb-2007, 07:54
We've been trying to work with the Photo Lucida group in Portland so we coud do the two acivities either concurrently or back to back in 2009. We would prefer a date in May rather than April becasue of the weather. They have declined to consider changing the date of their photo festival.


do we look for another city?
move to April?
do our Conference in May?

steve simmons

16-Feb-2007, 10:31
We've been trying to work with the Photo Lucida group in Portland so we coud do the two acivities either concurrently or back to back in 2009. We would prefer a date in May rather than April becasue of the weather. They have declined to consider changing the date of their photo festival.


do we look for another city?
move to April?
do our Conference in May?

steve simmons

Hawaii :D

16-Feb-2007, 13:14
Hawaii :D

Yeah, I think I could even get my accountant to approve of that one.

Kerry L. Thalmann
16-Feb-2007, 14:02
We've been trying to work with the Photo Lucida group in Portland so we coud do the two acivities either concurrently or back to back in 2009. We would prefer a date in May rather than April becasue of the weather. They have declined to consider changing the date of their photo festival.


do we look for another city?
move to April?
do our Conference in May?

steve simmons


The weather in Portland in April is more of a crap shoot. It can be beautiful for a week or two straight, or it can rain for a week at a time. Generally the April weather in Portland is a mixed bag and it varies from year to year. Same is kind of true for May, but the rainy periods are generally fewer and of shorter duration. May has always been one of my favorite months to photograph in Oregon, but there are certainly abundant photo opportunities in other months as well. And, the weather in April is certainly a far cry from the rain and solid overcast we get for weeks on end during December and January. My first choice would definitely be May, but April wouldn't be a bad second choice.

Concerning Photo Lucida... I'm sorry to hear they are being so inflexible on something that isn't scheduled to happen for over two years from now. I have no idea why they are being so adamant about having it in April. While I think it would be great to have both events run concurrently, or consecutively, I have to ask: any idea how many Photo Lucida attendees are large format shooters? I know their program is not format specific. So, I'm curious exactly how much overlap their would be among the two audiences. If there is little overlap, perhaps hitching your conference to their wagon isn't really necessary, or even very benefecial. There is usually strength in numbers, but if they are so inflexible that it forces you to live with their schedule, it may be better to just break free and pick the dates that make the most sense for you and the attendees of your conference.


Robert Brummitt
16-Feb-2007, 18:46
If I can offer my two cents regarding the Conference and Photo Lucida.
They are two different kind of events. Lucida is strickly about getting into galleries, selling prints and marketing. The conference is about techniques, workshops, print reviews, lectures by or of photographers. These are things that I know many photographers and photography fans are wanting.
I don't see a benefit of join forces here. Dove tailing of one to another may get some cross over but then you may also lose people as they paid hard money for the print reviews of Photo Lucida and not have extra for the conferance and then there is the problem of scheduling. I had heard at another photo event that attendees were upset because of conflicting times of lectures verses workshops.
Ok, now the question of when to hold the conference. April or May? Rain happens in Oregon! My vote would be the month of May. Our spring colors are at their peak. We're having warmer weather and who knows with global warming. We may have an early summer in 2009.
Hawaii would be fun but what would be the cost of air travel.
Steve, don't jump ship just yet. Talk to me.

Kerry L. Thalmann
16-Feb-2007, 19:30
I don't see a benefit of join forces here. Dove tailing of one to another may get some cross over but then you may also lose people as they paid hard money for the print reviews of Photo Lucida and not have extra for the conferance and then there is the problem of scheduling. I had heard at another photo event that attendees were upset because of conflicting times of lectures verses workshops.

For out of town attendees, airfare is one of the major expenses (possibly THE single biggest expense). If they can attend both events concurrently or consecutively and only pay for one round trip ticket, it might induce more people to attend.

Joining forces would likely allow those sponsoring the events to negotiate a lower group room rate for attendees - even if the majority of attendees don't attend both events. It might also permit negotiating better rates on hosting facilities, etc. When comes to negotiating discount travel rates, there is always strength in numbers.

You and I are both local, so things like airfares and hotel rates aren't obstacles for us. However, the majority of attendees will be coming from out of town.

Since the two events don't directly compete with each other, in fact they are quite complimentary with very little overlap in their goals or programs, I think hosting them with perhaps a day or two of overlap makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, the people running Photo Lucida don't seem to feel the same way.


Ted Harris
27-Mar-2007, 19:44
We have just firmed up a Thursday afternoon event for this year's conference in Louisville. For those who canget to town early and are interested we have arranged a photo tour of the Jim Beam Distillery. This will be an extended tour, more than their regular public tour, and they will allow us to bring in cameras and photograph in some areas ... something they do not allow on the pubic tour. We don't have a final exact number on how many can be accommodated but space will be limited (my guess is around 20 tops). Participation is free for conference attendees but you will need to reserve space. Call Andrea at the office 1-800-894-8439 if you are interested.

Richard Newman from Calumet will lead the tour.

27-Mar-2007, 22:27
I don't see a benefit of join forces here. Dove tailing of one to another may get some cross over but then you may also lose people as they paid hard money for the print reviews of Photo Lucida and not have extra for the conferance and then there is the problem of scheduling. I had heard at another photo event that attendees were upset because of conflicting times of lectures verses workshops.

Steve, don't jump ship just yet. Talk to me.

Robert, Kerry, Steve,

Having different workshops and events would most likely draw a lot more people to attend a joint conference.

As for the timing of the different events so that they don't conflict with one another...

... the logistics can always be worked out if both parties "chooses" to work together in order to make it happen!

I'll keep my fingers crossed that this happens because I know there would be a good size contingent coming up from British Columbia. :)


Ted Harris
28-Mar-2007, 05:23
We've been trying very hard to work cooperatively with Photo Lucica but they just don't seem very interested. If anyone has any ideas please send me an email.

steve simmons
9-Apr-2007, 13:39
We have updated the schedule of panels and seminars to include times and speakers. The link is


for the Louisville conference this year - June 28-July 1, 2007

If you have any questions just call us



steve simmons

steve simmons
24-Apr-2007, 09:00
The deadline to get the discounted room rate at the Brown Hotel for the View Camera Conference is May 28. The Brown is a 4 Star hotel and they have given the conference attendees a discounted rate of $109.00. The hotel's phone is 888-888-5252. Mention the View Camera conference when you call. After May 28 rooms will only be available on a space available basis only and may not be at that discounted rate.

steve simmons

steve simmons
8-May-2007, 11:24
Our Special Sessions are filling up and we just have a few spots left. The Conference schedule is in the May/June issue and on our web site


the link for the Conference is at the bottom of the page.

The special sessions include scanning workshop, wet plate, alt processes, portrait and figure, exposure techniques, night photography, etc.

Also, if you want to stay at the Brown Hotel, a four star hotel, please make your reservation by the 25th of this month to get the special rate.


steve simmons

Duane Polcou
14-May-2007, 00:45
Santa Monica. Playboy Photo Studio West. Bring back the Playboy guy. Have real models instead of slides. Beats smelly Kentucky horses.

Ted Harris
14-May-2007, 04:06
LOL Duane. Great idea except all you will find in Playboy Studios is digital cameras if you remember whe the guy from Playboy said at last year's conference. We do have two portrait and figure study workshops as part of th Conference this year.

steve simmons
14-May-2007, 07:37
You won't have to get near a smelly horse. Louisville is a very sophisticated city that is very dedicated to the arts. Outside the conference itself there will be several photo exhibits around town. The View Camera conference is the opening weeekend of a two month regional photo festival.

steve simmons

steve simmons
14-May-2007, 08:12
Here is the schedule of Events for the View Camera Conference

Pre Conference Workshops
Landscape Photography/Intro to Large Format
Environmental Portraiture and Figure Study
These workshops begin Sunday evening June 24 and finish early afternoon Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Both workshops will be held at the Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest 30 miles from Louisville.
Cost per workshop is $400.00 which can include dormitory style lodging. Limit of 12 students per workshop. Instructors will include Ted Harris, Bruce Barlow, Peter LeGrand, Richard Ritter, and Steve Simmons

Special Sessions
Alt Processes - Kevin Sullivan, Friday Morning ($75.00)
The Wet Plate Photograph - Friday Morning ($75.00)
Figure/Portraiture - Peter LeGrand, Friday Morning ($75.00)
Night Photography - Tom Paiva, Friday Eve. (NC)
Scanning - Ted Harris and Michael Mutmansky, Sunday Morning (75.00)
These sessions will begin at 8:30am and finish about 12 noon except the Night Photo Session which will begin shortly before dusk and finish after dark.
Exterior Arch/Exp Techniques - Gordon Hutchings and instructor TBA, , Saturday Morning (NC)

Seminars and Presentations
Friday Afternoon
Understanding and Using Staining Developers - 2-3:30, Gordon Hutchings and Kevin Sullivan
Careers in Photography - 2-3:30 - Ted Harris, Peter LeGrand, and speaker TBA
Traveling with Large Format - 2-3:30, Bill Zorn
The Digitally Enlarged Negative - 3:30-5, Mark Nelson
Scanning - 4-5:30pm - Ted Harris and Michael Mutmansky
Presenting Your Work to Museums and Galleries - 4-5:30, Paul Paletti and speaker TBA
The Portrait- 4-5:30, Peter LeGrand
Print Sharing & Portfolio Reviews
Trade Show Reception - 5:30-7
Gallery Walks - 7-10

Emergency Repairs in the Field - 8:30 - 10 - Richard Ritter
Digital Output Options - 8:30-10 - Speakers TBA
Alt Processes - 8:30 - 10 - Michael Mutmansky and Kevin Suillivan
Understanding Film Curves - 11-12:30, Gordon Hutchings
Architectural Photography - 11 - 12:30 - speakers TBA
Ultra Large Format -11 - 12:30 - Michael Mutmansky, Kerry Thalmann, J.B. Harlin
Tech Talk/Ask the Experts -1-2:30 Equipment - Gordon Hutchings, Ted Harris, Kerry Thalmann, Bill Zorn
Print Masking -1-2:30 - Alan Ross
Night Photography - 1-2:30 - Tom Paiva
The Panorama Formats - 3-4:30 - Kerry Thalmann
Working in the Studio - 3-4:30 - Speakers TBA
The HABS/HAER Program -3-4:30 - Jack Boucher and Jet Lowe
The Camera Obscura Throughout Art History - 5:30-7 - Speaker TBA
Shelby Lee Adams - Keynote speaker - 7:30

Using Filters in the Field and in the Studio - 8:30- 10 - John Lee
Color Management - 8:30-10 - Speakers TBA
Metering Techniques - 8-10:30 - Speaker TBA
Lenses and Optics - 11-12:30 - Kerry Thalmann and Gordon Hutchings
Landscape Photography - 11-12:30 - Bill Zorn, Alan Ross
Tech Talk/Ask the Experts - Traditional Photography - 11-12:30 - Gordon Hutchings, Alan Ross
The Future of Sheet Film - 2-3:30 - Representatives from Ilford, Fuji and Kodak

If you have questions about the conference please call us at 505-899-8054 m-f 7-4 Mountain time or e-mail


Duane Polcou
14-May-2007, 13:59
Ted: Yeah, I know, all digital. The Pompeo Posar 8x10 Deardorff days are a thing of the past. I've worked with a number of Playboy Playmates and they would tell me amazing stories how it would take a week to shoot a "gatefold". How they would have to wait for the 8x10 sheets to get back from the lab, only for Hef to reject them and they would have to hold that pose again for sheet after sheet after sheet. Now Arny Fretag shoots all the centerfolds on a Hasselblad/Digital combo and it takes about an afternoon. But if you watch "The Girls Next Door" they show a lot of photo shoots and there is always that Toyo 4x5 looming in the corner...

Steve: I was joking about the horses. I have friends and family who live in Western Kentucky and have passed through Louisville and it is a VERY nice city. I will try to make the drive. Your ambition in presenting this and previous conferences is to be admired.

Ted Harris
14-May-2007, 20:51
And for one more piece of Playboy history .... Peter Gowland once told me that some of the earliest shots were 5x7 not 8x10. There were a couple in the very first year that were duofolds not trifolds.

steve simmons
21-May-2007, 13:13
Not to nag but the 28th of May is the last day to get a room at the Brown Hotel at the discounted rate for the View Camera Conference.

The conference dates ar June 29-July 1. The hotel phone is 888-888-5252.


steve simmons

steve simmons
23-May-2007, 10:36
Below is a list of the exhibitors at the View Camera Conference. The trade show is free and will have the largest collection of used cameras, lenses, etc. anywhere. Also, with companies like Epson wth their printers and scanners it is a great opporunity to talk to them about inks, materials for prins and enlarged negatives, etc. Some of the dealers will also have printers by Canon and HP on hand.

Better Light, Quality Camera, Bromwell Marketing, Bostick & Sullivan, Midwest Photo,Calumet, Photobackpacker, Lee Filters, Ries Tripod, Ilford, Igor's Cameras, Fuji Film, Richard Ritter, HP Marketing, Hunt's Photo & Video, Chuck Rubin Photographics, Smartstuff/Kodak Graphics, HP(Possible),Epson, Schneider Optics, Shades of Paper.

I hope to see many familiar faces and to meet many new people there.


steve simmons

steve simmons
4-Jun-2007, 06:19
Richard Newman is leading a fieldtrip to a local distillery Friday morning as part of the View Camera cnference.

Canon will be an exhibitor for their printers.

We are sill trying to get HP and Kodak film there as well.

steve simmons

steve simmons
6-Jun-2007, 14:43
Kodak (Ilford nd Fuji signed up several months ago) and Epson have signed up so come prepared with questions We are still working on HP for their printers.

steve simmons

Robert Fisher
6-Jun-2007, 19:51
Steve, Jeff at Badger says that Ebony will not be there. I was hoping to examine some of their 8x10's. Any chance of a convincing them?

steve simmons
6-Jun-2007, 20:20
I will ask some of the dealers of used equipment to bring whever Ebony cameras they have


Monty McCutchen
6-Jun-2007, 20:28

I will be there at the conference and will be driving so I will have my Ebony with me. You are welcome to pm me and we can arrange for a way to cross paths and you are more than welcome to play around with mine.


Robert Fisher
6-Jun-2007, 21:26
Thanks Monty. I am hoping to see a "U" version 810.

Monty McCutchen
7-Jun-2007, 06:22

The U model is the version I have. It is a Mahongany camera though, not the Ebony wood. Just let me know what works best for you and we'll make sure we carve some time out for it.

Travel safe,


Kirk Gittings
7-Jun-2007, 06:57
Don't miss it!!!


The View Camera Conference is one of the highlights of my year, a great opportunity to hang out with like minded people, learn a few things, see old friends and make some new ones. This years conference in Louisville promises to be a great one with all of the wonderful events scheduled by Steve, Ted Harris and resident Louisville gallery owner Paul Paletti. Because of scheduling conflicts with the class I am teach at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and upcoming group show at The Schneider Gallery in Chicago (and to my great dismay), I will not be able to make it this year. You guys should not miss it.

evan clarke
7-Jun-2007, 11:27
Steve, Jeff at Badger says that Ebony will not be there. I was hoping to examine some of their 8x10's. Any chance of a convincing them?

Jim Andracki from Midwest Photo seems to always have a couple Ebony 8x10s with him. I'm sure if you are interested in one to any degree, he would make sure and bring one..email him...EC

Ted Harris
7-Jun-2007, 19:00
Ebony has never been a part of the Trade Show but Jim will have some Ebony cameras there as migt jeff from Quality Camera.

Thom Bennett
11-Jun-2007, 12:49
I see that Kirk Gittings is not going to be able to attend the VC conference. Is someone else conducting the Architecture seminar Saturday morning? Looking forward to the conference.


steve simmons
11-Jun-2007, 13:21
Yes, it will be well covered.


11-Jun-2007, 16:09
Flights to Louisville from NYC have gotten real high; are there airports near Louisville that can be used?

Michael Mutmansky
11-Jun-2007, 16:16
Cincinnati is about 1.5 hours away...


Ted Harris
11-Jun-2007, 19:41
To all who have not booked the hotel yet ... the Brown Hotel is now totally sold out for the Conference. The Hilton Seelbach, another 4 star hotel, less than a block away from teh Brown has agreed to honor the Conference rate so call there an mention the View Camera Conference to get the special rate.

Rider, I just checked and saw a number of flights at ~ 310 RT from LGA.

In addition to Cincy you can also check Lexington.

steve simmons
16-Jun-2007, 06:00
It looks like HP will be in attendance as an exhibitor. That gives us HP, Canon and Epson so if you have printer questions the trade show is the place to ask them directly to the companies. HP may also give away a printer as a raffle prize. Epson will also have a scanner there as well.

Kodak, Fuji and Ilford will be there as well so if you have questions for the film companies this will also be the place to ask them directly.

Additionally, wth companies such as Midwest, Quality, Igor's Cameras, etc. you will probably be able to see more used cameras than at any other location. If you are looking for a camera, or considering large format the Conference trade show will give you more opportunities to see what is available than any other situation I can think of.

The trade show is free, all you have to do is show up. The location is the Brown Hotel in downtown Louisville, KY, June 29-July 1. The trade show hours are Friday the 29th from 2-7pm, Sat the 30th from 10am to 6pm, and Sunday the 1st from 10am to 4pm

Join us.


steve simmons

Ted Harris
16-Jun-2007, 06:28
Some more on the Trade Show. The printer HP will be giving away is a B9180. HP will also have "show special" pricing on at least the B9180 (more details when we have them) and we expect some show specials from Canonand HP as well.

Kodak will be represented by the Graphics Division as well as the Film folks and will have an IQ Smart Scanner to demonstrate.

Cara O'Connell
16-Jun-2007, 17:12
I'm excited about the conference, buthave never been to one before. Do you think it will be a good idea to bring along my camera? Im considering lenses, and enlargers ...

Ted Harris
16-Jun-2007, 18:23
Cara, assuming it won't be a burden for packing bring your camera by all means. Both the architectural and night workshops are for making images. Additionally there wiwll be a tour .... probably to the Jim Beam or Brown Foreman Distillery on Thgursday afternoon for those who are in town early. Finally, we will have an open houe at a local studio on Thursday night to try out all manner of studio gear.

There will be a numbr of dealers at the trade show with both used and new lenses for sale. One dealer will have some enlargers I believe.

Mark Carney
17-Jun-2007, 04:57
Can you tell me a bit more about the tour to the distilleries on Thursday? Which Brown Foreman Distillery are you going to? I live on a farm next to the Labrot and Graham (Brown Foreman) Distillery in Woodford County, where they make Woodford Reserve.

I'll be out of town for the conference and am very dissapointed about missing it.

steve simmons
17-Jun-2007, 09:39

I'm excited about the conference, buthave never been to one before. Do you think it will be a good idea to bring along my camera? Im considering lenses, and enlargers ...

Yes, especially if you have any questions about its operation. I am sure there will be an opportunity to set it up in the lobby and get some help.

steve simmons

Ted Harris
19-Jun-2007, 06:06
Mark, more on the distillery tour later today ... I am waiting on final details from Paul Paletti in Louisville.

I should also add that the tour, like the Conference Workshops is space limited. The Workshops are all rapidly filling up, several with only a few places left. If you are interested sign up now.

Eric Biggerstaff
19-Jun-2007, 09:56
Mark - I have been to the Labrot & Graham distillery many times and it is a beautiful place. Highly recommended for the lovely setting, friendly people and EXCELLENT product they produce. The manager was an old friend. I worked with her husband at Valvoline in Lexington and she managed the distillery, we had a lot of company functions there.

Ted - If you can work it out, go there and take your camera!

Frank Doering
20-Jun-2007, 07:53
Shameless self-promotion: For those of you who have time to spare, there is an exhibition about the rapidly vanishing landscape of the Bluegrass at the KY Derby Museum featuring, among other things, LF photos by yours truly:
The Museum is located at 704 Central Ave. For opening hours, call (502) 637-1111 or visit http://www.derbymuseum.org. The museum is actually a very interesting place even for those who would not think of themselves as visitors to a museum devoted to equinalia.

More of my Kentucky work is at my website (http://www.doeringphoto.com).

Mark Carney
20-Jun-2007, 10:32

Who do you know at Labrot and Graham? I'm friends with Dave and Della Schreuick (sp???). He's one of if not the head manager over there. It is a great place, and alot of fun. I know its' very late but if the group was coming there it would be a shame not to visit one or two of the farms that you pass to get there. Some of these are very impressive and without a doubt produce some of the worlds finest thouroghbred horses! We are in a draught right now so things aren't quite as green, or humid, as normal.

I'll be sure to make it over to the Derby Museum to see that show. The theme is one that I have been dwelling on for quite some time. The Bluegrass is changing and once gone, it's gone.


Eric Biggerstaff
20-Jun-2007, 10:38

Peggy Stevens used to be there but she moved to Louisville several years ago, maybe close to 8 or 9 years now. Sorry to hear about the drought, that area of the country is beautiful in the summer when it is green. I agree, if people have never been to Kentucky they should see at least one horse farm if possible.

I moved away about 10 years ago now and miss going to Keenland early in the morning to watch the morning workouts of the ponies, a great place to sit, sip on coffe and read the paper while the horses trot past.

Wish I could be at the conference, I think it will be a great time had by all!

bob carnie
20-Jun-2007, 10:54
Elevator will be sending down some mural fibres done on the new Harmon fibre digital paper off our Lambda printer.
Probably around 5 or 6 30x40 inch prints that show different capture to different toning finish.
They will be at the Ilford Trade Booth.
Unfortunately we will not be present this year , but hopefully next year with enough planning we will be able to attend.
I hope the conference is a huge success and everyone has fun.

steve simmons
21-Jun-2007, 08:16
We have the View Camera conference program as a pdf if people are interested. Just e-mail


and she will send it to you.

Printed copies will be available at the conference beginning Friday morning at 8am on the 3rd Floor of the Brown Hotel.


steve simmons