View Full Version : Minolta 5 and 10 degree viewfinder. HELP!

george richardson
12-Oct-2006, 22:59
I wonder if anyone of you guys have a copy fo the Minolta literature that comes with the 5 and 10 degree viewfinder.? i just bought the 5 degree one but the seller did not has any copy.


Andrew O'Neill
12-Oct-2006, 23:21
I'll email you the sheet for the 5 degree attachment, if you'd like. What's your email address? Mine is andy8x10 at gmail dot com

Andrew O'Neill
15-Oct-2006, 08:05
Hi George, I emailed it to you. Let me know if you got it.

george richardson
15-Oct-2006, 10:31
Hello Andrew. Yes I got it. Wonderful! This inf. would be very helpful.

B. Regards