View Full Version : Another Shamless Self-Promotion - New Website

Ben Chase
3-Oct-2006, 12:55
While this is by no means on par with some of the better websites that were custom-developed, I've used a templating system to try out my new website.


I know some of you are dead against templates, and I understand why, but I can't (yet) justify custom development. Comments are appreciated.

Thanks for looking.

Ben C

Mark Pope
3-Oct-2006, 12:59

I've had a quick look at the monochrome images and I really like them. There is some excellent work here. Looking forward to having a more detailed look later on.



3-Oct-2006, 14:46

Nice site and images.

Only two minor criticisms, firstly that pop up to stop right click is a real pain and achieves nothing except annoying users. It doesn't work in Firefox anyway (it does pop up but so does the context menu). Secondly, I don't favour pure black backgrounds but thats just personal taste.

The most importatnt thing is it works, its simple to navigate and title, description, keywords etc are meaningful for those search engines which use them. I think you could do with some more body text / narrative with each main image to help google index them better.

Good luck.

3-Oct-2006, 14:55
Ben , your site looks nice ... you need to get the Prints/Ordering page up and running!
Your August 2005 Denali Trip Report was a bit thrilling to read!

I am sure your site will be a success for you.

Kind Regards,

Walter Calahan
3-Oct-2006, 15:05
Good job!


Brian Ellis
3-Oct-2006, 19:12
Outstanding photography and nice site design. My only suggestion would be to leave off the film format and brand that you have listed under each picture (at least under each one I looked at). I think the only people who care about that kind of thing are other photographers and they probably won't be your major market. You could include information about your equipment and materials in the bio section, which also could be expanded a little, it's about the briefest I think I've ever seen. But these are minor points and probably mostly a matter of personal taste, the content is what matters most and it's very good.

Charles Carstensen
3-Oct-2006, 20:56
Well done. Nothing wrong with the templates. It matters not how you get there, just get there and you got there with very fine workmanship.

I would delete the film size, and max size of prints, buyers do not care IMHO.


3-Oct-2006, 21:24

Sweet! :)

I like the layout and it's pretty easy to navigate too.


Ben Chase
4-Oct-2006, 15:25
Guys - Thanks for the kind statements, and for the very helpful observations about the Bio, Image info, and others.

My prints and ordering page is up, I'm working on getting the Paypal stuff all taken care of, but most of the sales I've had is via a phone call from someone who looked at the stuff online, rather than through Paypal :)
