View Full Version : Star D Tripod

27-Sep-2006, 23:34
I have a Star D Conquest tripod. Since it was my fathers, I would imagine it was manufactured in the early 50's.
My question is, anybody know of any information on the company or a repair shop that I can purchase any parts for the tripod? There is a broken locking mechinisim for the head that cranks up and down. I would kind of like to get the thing repaired since it really is the only tripod that works well with my Rolleiflex 3.5 and 2.8 (same vintages as the tripod).

Thanks Bill.

Bob Gentile
28-Sep-2006, 09:26
IIRC, Star D re-badged equipment from other manufacturers -- for example, there was a Star D version of the Tiltall tripod. I don't know what Star D called it, butTiltall parts would fit that one.

So you'd have to identify the original design of your Star D Conquest tripod.

Michael Daily
28-Sep-2006, 17:22
IIRC, Star D re-badged equipment from other manufacturers -- for example, there was a Star D version of the Tiltall tripod. I don't know what Star D called it, butTiltall parts would fit that one.

So you'd have to identify the original design of your Star D Conquest tripod.

I have a Marchioni Tiltall and a Star D tripod and the handles from the Marchioni will fit the Star D, but the locking mechanisms, legs, and column do not.

28-Sep-2006, 18:57
I found this page a while ago. It might be of interest to you.



Bob Gentile
29-Sep-2006, 18:42
I have a Marchioni Tiltall and a Star D tripod and the handles from the Marchioni will fit the Star D, but the locking mechanisms, legs, and column do not.
MichaelWhoodathunk! I also have the Marchioni Bros. version, but I assumed that Star D and Leica/Tiltall parts would fit it. The sure look interchangeable.

Thanks for bringing that out, Michael.

Bob Gentile
29-Sep-2006, 19:17
I found this page a while ago. It might be of interest to you.


I have that site Bookmarked, too. But after reading Michael's post, I'm no longer sure which of these parts will fit my old pod.

Regardless, I don't think any of this will help Litleblu since he referred to a head which "cranks up and down" on hs Star D. That's not a re-badged Tiltall.

ronald moravec
4-Oct-2006, 13:03
Star D is a foreign knock off of the Quality Tiltall.

My Tiltall was purchased in the late `60`s. Star D came later.

Bob Salomon
4-Oct-2006, 13:16
Star D ended up being owned by Fred Albu who also owned Camera Barn a large camera store in NYC and the Uniphot distribution company who, among other products, was the distributor for Hoya.

Marchoni sold the Tiltall to Leica USA who manufactured it for a few years and then sold the Tiltall line to Star D who then sold two versions. the Titall and the Star D copy.

Uniphot has been out of business for about 25 to 30 years. The Tiltall went off the market when Uniphot was closed. The tools and trademark were for sale by the Uniphot trustees and after a few years was purchased by the Chinese company that makes and sells it today.

Under Uniphot several Star D tripods were sold and Star D also made tripods in the 50s as an independant company before Fred bought the company.

There is no sucessor company to Uniphot or Star D and neither has existed for 25+ years so parts would have to be made. A replacement tripod would be more cost effective then repairing.

7-Apr-2007, 13:53

I, also, have a Star D Conquest. From your description it is probably identical to yours. I purchased it in 1955, along with a Voightländer 35mm from a shop in Amarillo, Texas. The camera has long since disappeared, but the tripod is still as good as new.

If the tripod has sentimental value to you (your father's) I would be happy to see if I can make the necessary repair parts for you. (No Charge!)_ I have a rather complete machine shop and, at the age of 73, little else to do with my time!!!

I would need you to identify the broken part(s) and I can then disassemble mine to get a pattern.

Phil E
16-Aug-2007, 08:50
I am trying to repair a Star D for my son . The smallest ( lowest ) leg section won't tighten and I can't seem to get the top removed from the large section to get the smaller one out. Do you have any suggestions?


16-Aug-2007, 14:15
The best use for Star D tripods is to put them out in your recycle box.

Randy H
16-Aug-2007, 15:23
The best use for Star D tripods is to put them out in your recycle box.

Beg to differ.
I own an early Star-D with the tilting/crank-up center. I had to do some minor repair when I rec'd it, but I recently bought a 45 "Brand" View,(solid cast aluminum frame) with 20+ inches of bellows, revovling back, etc and about 10+ pounds of camera. Has the same finish as the tripod. Fits it like it was made for it, and is rock-steady, baby.

Jim Jones
16-Aug-2007, 19:33
The best use for Star D tripods is to put them out in your recycle box.

The Star D with geared column I used decades ago was adequate. The Star D version of the Tiltall I bought second-hand about 35 years ago gives fine service with up to 5x7 cameras with a 21" lens, and with 500mm lenses on 35mm cameras. I don't expext to need a better tripod for my remaining days.

9-Jan-2010, 15:52
I have a Star D Conquest tripod. Since it was my fathers, I would imagine it was manufactured in the early 50's.
My question is, anybody know of any information on the company or a repair shop that I can purchase any parts for the tripod? There is a broken locking mechinisim for the head that cranks up and down. I would kind of like to get the thing repaired since it really is the only tripod that works well with my Rolleiflex 3.5 and 2.8 (same vintages as the tripod).

Thanks Bill.
RE: Star D Tripod and missing crank. I need the same part so if either litleblu or haggar happen to read this post please reply. Thanks

11-Jan-2010, 13:43
Truly appreciate the posts here.
x-Star D user, looking for a Tiltall

13-Jun-2012, 16:11
I picked up a Star D by Conquest which says it was made by Davidson at a garage sale for $2 like 10 years ago. I love it even if it is heavy, now I see that was a good deal from what I have read. I wanted to see if I could identify what year it is. Can anyone help me with that?


Raymond Bleesz
13-Jun-2012, 19:58
Bill----the suggestion by Phil to view the web sit "www.plume......" is on the mark. Gary Regester, a shooter & "innovator" has the Titall/Star D components & represents the Chinese company who makes spare parts.

Gary is located in a small mountain town, Silver Plume, West of Denver. He's not easy to get as he is always on the go. He offers a multitude of interesting products he has created over the years. I have known Gary since 1970. His site is informative, entertaining & offers unique products.

I gave my Tiltall to my nephew in Steamboat Springs, and I wish I had kept it.

Raymond---formally from Georgetown, The Silver Queen of the West---Edwards, Colo., in the Vail Valley

14-Jun-2012, 02:18
My Star D Professional was made in New Jersey and interchanges with Tiltall parts. I damaged a leg, don't ask me about the truck/tripod incident, but I found a junker Tiltall, also made in New Jersey, and pirated a leg from it to repair my Tiltall.

E. von Hoegh
14-Jun-2012, 06:54
Get a real Tiltall.

14-Jun-2012, 07:28
My Star D Professional was made in New Jersey and interchanges with Tiltall parts. I damaged a leg, don't ask me about the truck/tripod incident, but I found a junker Tiltall, also made in New Jersey, and pirated a leg from it to repair my Tiltall.

I repaired my Star D.......with the Tiltall leg. Guess it was to early this morning....

E. von Hoegh
14-Jun-2012, 07:56
A good source of info and parts for Tiltall and Tiltall clones.http://tiltallsupport.blogspot.com/