View Full Version : zone vi 5x7 negative carrier or alternative?

Ray Chi
4-Sep-2006, 10:42
Hello: I'm sorry if this question has been asked multiple times. I have a Zone VI 5x7 enlarger, but the previous owner did not have a 5x7 negative carrier.

I have been unsuccessful in finding one so would anyone know where I can find it or if a different enlarger brand carrier would fit?

Thank you in advance!


Ralph Barker
4-Sep-2006, 10:52
AFAIK, the "standard" Zone VI carriers are simple - flat on both sides. (At least the ones for the model 1 I have are.) So, any carrier that has a flat top and bottom (or one that can be easily modified to be so) should work OK.

Tony Lakin
4-Sep-2006, 11:01
Hi Ray
I have a Zone VI enlarger (mark 1) with vc head, I use two sheets of picture glass hinged with black gaffer tape at the front edge which also prevents stray light, I have also painted the visible side edges of the glass with matt black paint also to prevent stray light, the glass holds the large negs perfectly flat and I find it ideal, I have not had any problems with the glass breaking as the head is so lightweight, the only negative (excuse pun) is the extra cleaning of the glass.

I hope this helps.


Clueless Winddancing
4-Sep-2006, 22:49
I have a exotic 5/7 carrier (it is white) in excellent condition. (At one time I intended to do 5/7. Also have 30 EK SS film hangers.) With an e-mail address I could send an image of the carrier.

Ray Chi
7-Sep-2006, 20:31
Thank you, everyone for your replies!

20-Sep-2006, 15:19
Hi Ray,
which type of Zone VI enlarger do you have? The Type II can accommodate the Type I negative carrier, but there might be some vignetting since it is a bit smaller than an original Type II neg. carrier. A Type II neg. carrier cannot be inserted into a Type I head since it is too big. However, I got my type I neg. carrier through ebay at a fair price and it works just fine. Also, you might want to call Calumet in Chicago. Every now and then some used Zone VI equipment ends up there. Cheers, Duschan