View Full Version : Cambo SCX

Alex B.
3-Apr-2000, 12:03
I recently bought the superb Cambo SCX. At $250 it was a real bargain. Now I wou ld like to hear comments from all users and ex-users of this really rigid and ve ry well built monorail. What year was it built? (Ser.# 85046). Any problems? How about interchangeability with the current Calumet/Cambo line (i.e. for adaptati on to 8x10)? All information welcome.

Scott Walton
1-Aug-2001, 14:03
Alex, I was going through the unanswered questions and saw yours. I used to have a SCX and LOVED it (except for the weight). In the studio it is great and the cambo boards are interchangeable... not sure about the 8x10 though. I bought mine new back in the early '80's. It was a great workhorse for me with absolutely no problems. Cheers